After listening to the solemn question, Hopkins pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "there is more than one difficulty. For meningiomas, the surgery is relatively easy for meningiomas on the convex, parasagittal and falx sides of the brain. However, some of the patients shown in the film are meningiomas located in the functional area. In this case, great attention should be paid to the protection of the arachnoid interface and the return vein, Otherwise, it is easy to damage normal brain function. In addition, one of the common causes of postoperative hemorrhage of meningioma is blood vessel hemorrhage hidden in cerebral sulcus, which should be paid special attention to. Meningiomas in sellar region, especially those in sellar septum, often surround the arteries of cerebral basilar artery ring, such as anterior cerebral artery, anterior choroidal artery, etc. special attention should be paid to protect these arteries, otherwise cerebral infarction will occur after operation, leading to hemiplegia and other dysfunction. If the dural meningioma of sellar septum is hard, it will be more difficult to remove if it surrounds the artery. "

"There's also a very tricky point, there are gliomas in the patient's functional area. Theoretically, the larger the resection range of malignant gliomas, the better. But for gliomas in the functional area, how to combine the maximum resection with the maximum protection of function is a key point. I've seen many patients whose gliomas in the functional area have been cut and become hemiplegic or aphasic. To be honest, what's the point of surviving for a few months or a year or two? "

"Professor, what you said is too professional. Can you tell it in a more popular way?" Solemnity and integrity.

In the past, Hopkins did not seem to understand the seriousness of the persistence. In the west, in general, this kind of situation, family members will try their best to let patients have a comfortable time, rather than die in pain. Chinese people like to save at all costs. Maybe different cultures treat this issue differently.

But Hopkins was patient enough to give a solemn explanation: "so, the operation is too complicated. It may cause massive bleeding due to resection, or it may cause damage to normal tissue due to resection. More importantly, the patient's age is very high, and his physical condition is not ideal. From the medical records you sent, the patient's cardiopulmonary function is not good, the vitality of the myocardium is low, the lung capacity is low, and the heart has some signs of swelling. All these factors hinder the implementation of the operation. Only one will increase the difficulty of the operation, let alone so many at the same time. If you force the operation, the patient will die on the operating table. I won't accept this kind of operation. "

Hopkins's attitude is very clear, he will not accept this kind of uncertain surgery, no matter how much money.

Hearing Hopkins' remarks, Chu Yu suddenly became extremely disappointed. The last hope is also disillusioned, it seems that the only way to wait for the old man is death.

"If, I mean if, someone can make the old man's physical fitness recover quickly, and also have the means to ensure that there will be no major bleeding and other accidents in the operation?" At this time, solemn but stubborn asked.

After listening to the solemn words, Hopkins had already taken off his glasses and was about to leave, but he was stunned immediately, and then said in an indisputable tone: "impossible! This is against the principles of medicine, and there is absolutely no such method. If so, the success rate of intracranial surgery will be doubled! But obviously, it's impossible. "

"Professor Hopkins, what you have not seen may not exist. You know, there are many magical things in China, such as traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture and moxibustion. I know such a person, to tell the truth, after his conditioning, the patient's physical condition has recovered a lot. This is the patient's physical examination report today. Please have a look. " With a solemn smile, he sent a physical examination report.

Hopkins seriously click accept, when he read the report, immediately stunned, for a long time with almost roaring voice cried: "God, how can this be! Tell me, it's not true! How can a patient with advanced cancer have such a physical condition? "

"I'm sorry, professor. It's true, and that's what I'm talking about when the patient is treated

"Where is that man? I want to see him! Now Professor Hopkins was all of a sudden excited. He only thought that once the mystery was solved, it would lead to the great evolution of the whole medical history.

"Don't worry, professor. It's not convenient for him to see you now. However, he said that what he is good at is the overall conditioning of traditional Chinese medicine, and he knows nothing about surgery, so I hope you can come to Huaxia to host this operation for patients. He would like to learn something useful from you Solemnly, he said with a smile.

"Huaxia? chinese medicine? Oh, my God. It's really a remote and magical country. Maybe it's time for me to take this empirical medicine seriously. " Hopkins muttered.

In modern times, most people regard TCM as an empirical science. It is a subject formed by the accumulation of previous experience, and it is not advocated to use modern science to verify it. This is a more cautious and objective point of view, which is much better than those who advocate the idea of one stroke down. Obviously Hopkins thinks the same.

"How are you, professor? Have you thought about it? If you agree, the deposit and ticket will be sent to your office tomorrow morning. " Seeing this, Chu Yu could not help but hope again, though he did not know who the genius of traditional Chinese medicine was.

"Let me see." Hopkins took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes and said.

Then he found a pile of information from the drawer, looked at it for a long time, and finally nodded in the solemn and expectant eyes of Chu Yu: "the schedule can be adjusted, but after that, I have to observe the patient's condition. I can't guarantee that I will carry out the operation for the patient."

Hopkins, however, made room for himself.

"Well, we respect your opinions and decisions. Someone will contact you later for details. I'll see you in Huaxia, professor Chu Yu said with a smile, then turned off the connection.

After that, Chu Yu picked up the phone and told the assistant something.

After dealing with the relevant issues, Chu Yu looked at the solemnity around him. At this time, he remembered the strange person of traditional Chinese medicine that solemnity said: "solemnity, who is that person you said? Why haven't I seen it? "

With a solemn and crafty smile, he said, "don't worry, mom, you'll see it then."

"I'm playing tricks with my mother!" Chu Yu glared solemnly, but his mood was much better. He stood up to share the news with her.

Solemnity is a little palpitating. Did you blow too much just now? I can't guarantee the effect of Reiki. What if Hopkins comes in time, finds his solemnity bragging and turns around and goes? Solemn, but I heard that this kind of old guy has a bad temper.

"Come on, cheat first." Solemnly shaking his head, he decided to wait for Hopkins to come. Anyway, Aura will work.

In the evening, the courtyard is very quiet. Only the cicada chirps. His voice is short and urgent. He calls twice and takes a rest. It seems that he is predicting the coming of autumn.

This cicada sound, but let solemn some inexplicable upset, always feel something is going to happen.

Yanjing, somewhere in a private club.

Zhong Zhengguo is chatting with some friends over tea. On the table are some new things that his friends have bought. After identification, half of them are fakes. This also became the spice of the party, making fun of each other, and several people laughed.

Dong Dong Dong, suddenly the door of the private room was knocked.

"Who? Come in, please Zhong Zhengguo said in a high voice.

Then listen to the door was pushed open, in the dim light of the door, showing a face of surprise.

This is a young man, handsome face, with shares of iron and blood gas, behind him also followed by two similar men.

"Three of you?" Zhong Zhengguo asked suspiciously.

He didn't recognize any of the three.

"Come to you. Please avoid irrelevant personnel. " Young man bossy said.

"Who are you? Why should we avoid it? Even when the police come, they dare not talk to us like this! " A friend stood up angrily and pointed at the young man.

The young man just a faint smile, and then waved to the people behind him: "help this gentleman avoid."

"Yes." The two people behind him agreed and went to the friend. They grabbed the friend's arm, just like a chicken, and put forward the private room. The voice of Zhong Zhengguo's friend's cry gradually faded away in the corridor, and gradually disappeared.

A moment later, the two came back, but there was no Zhong Zhengguo's friend.

"What do you want? Where did you get my friend? I'm going to call the police Zhong Zhengguo is also very angry. These people are so domineering that they take people away when they don't agree with each other.

"Whatever. The result is the same anyway." Young men seem to be indifferent, leisurely way.

So arrogant tone, instantly ignited the anger of all of you, immediately someone took out a mobile phone, to contact the familiar police.

Just let him strange is, that police friend's mobile phone unexpectedly all the time nobody answers.

"What? Didn't get through? Maybe the signal is not very good. It should be much better outside. It has always been our military tradition to invite the remaining two gentlemen out and be willing to help others. " Said the young man.

Two people behind him mechanically carried out the order. One of them raised one and put the remaining two friends of Zhong Zhengguo out of the box.

At the moment, only Zhong Zhengguo was left in the box.

"Are you from the military?" Zhong Zhengguo heard some clues from the young man's words.

"That's right, or why do you think we came to you? I hate wasting time on people like you. " The arrogance and arrogance of young men have almost reached the point of defiance.

"..." Zhong Zhengguo was so angry that he trembled all over, but then he calmed down“ What's the matter with you coming to me? I've never been in touch with the military. I'm just a serious businessman, and I don't want to be involved in anything. "

"Ha ha, is there anything you has the final say? You don't want to get involved, and we don't want to get involved with you. But the truth is, you're involved! Let's go. Am I going to handcuff you, or are you going with me? " The young man raised his head and said.

"Can I make a call?" Zhong Zhengguo suddenly realized that things might not be as simple as he thought. He seemed to fall into an elaborate network.

"No one can save you if you fight."

Zhong Zhengguo takes a deep look at the young man and dials a solemn phone.

"What?" After receiving Zhong Zhengguo's call, he almost jumped up from the couch.

"Brother Zhong, don't worry. I'll be right there!" Said solemnly and anxiously.

However, I got a blind tone, and the phone seemed to be cut off by force.

Solemn holding a mobile phone, Leng in the yard. I didn't expect that the incident happened so suddenly. In the afternoon, I reminded Zhong Zhengguo, and in the evening, something happened. What's more, Zhong Zhengguo said that it was related to the military. What's the law? Solemnity doesn't know at all. Solemnity is a mess up to now.

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