Yiquan, also known as Dacheng boxing. It is one of the traditional boxing, belonging to Neijia boxing.

This boxing is from the heart boxing. It includes standing stake, strength test, footwork, force release, sound test, push hand, single hand, broken hand and Jianwu. It was founded by Mr. Wang Xiangzhai of weijialin village in Shenxian County of Hebei Province at the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. There is no fixed moves and boxing, emphasizing the idea to guide the action, so it is called the idea boxing.

It is very similar to Zhuang Zhong's proficient form and meaning, but different in details.

Yiquan is the first-hand materials collected by Wang Xiangzhai from his travels for many years. It is aimed at the disadvantages of advocating HuaQuan and embroidering legs and the one-sided tendency of sticking to one move and one type at that time. In order to find out the right and wrong, clarify the true meaning, absorb the advantages of many schools on the basis of Xingyiquan, abandon the routine and fixed moves that have been followed for hundreds of years, refer to the theory, prove and recognize, and create a brand-new "Yiquan". Yiquan has no routine and fixed moves. It is called Yiquan to emphasize the important role of "Yi" in boxing training.

Therefore, compared with Xingyi boxing, Yiquan is more unrestrained and more free. There are only a few general methods, but no specific moves.

There are no fixed moves and boxing sets. It emphasizes that the mind guides the movements, and the mind commands the body. The mind is concentrated, breathing naturally, and the whole body is relaxed. All parts of the body are connected as a whole, and then the spirit is used to build up the whole body's competitive power everywhere and with the outside world. It is called Hunyuan power. Struggle for the body of each part of the elastic alternating with each other, so that the spirit and limbs, limbs and the outside world to achieve a high degree of coordination and unity, so as to give full play to the spirit and body energy.

Just like what the land King Kong showed just now, his moves are nothing more than all kinds of traditional boxing, long and short boxing, but with oppressive force.

To tell you the truth, his realm is only dark strength, but the strength of each move is a little palpitating. If he is hit by his fists and feet, he will be seriously injured, and even the dark strength is hard to resist.

This is the so-called natural appearance. Just like Li Yuanba in historical legend, he is gifted and has great strength with a hammer, but he can't compare with hard practice. Many great generals with excellent martial arts were defeated by him, ranking second in the ranking of generals.

Solemn as if to see a Li Yuanba in the world, if let this land King Kong grow up, I'm afraid it will become a real King Kong.

"Come again!" But the land King Kong didn't know the idea flashed in his solemn heart. He roared, raised his fist and rushed up again.

This time, his fists were even more powerful, and his fists were alternately put out, as if the waves were higher than each other, and finally converged into a huge wave, crushing the mountains and seas.

I'm afraid it's not as dignified as the power of momentum.

Solemnly, he had to fight his attack. But in his heart, there was a flash of light. He understood why the land King Kong was wearing a diving suit.

"So it is! You're practicing at the bottom of the water The way of solemn surprise.

"Why?" Land King Kong gave a strange cry, as if he was surprised by his solemn guess of his training method.

Yes, he was wearing a diving suit because he was doing a special training. Stand at the bottom of the water more than 20 meters to practice boxing.

In Yiquan, standing stake is the mother of Yiquan, and standing stake pays more attention to idea. The traditional idea of standing pile is to hold the ball in the arms and hold the ball in the thighs. Based on the comfortable and powerful inner collar and outer straight, the spirit should look at the beautiful river and hold the ball and hold the ball leisurely. With the deepening of understanding, the idea of standing pile should be gradually improved from simple to complex, and then to the end like hanging thread, like sitting on a stool, holding seven support three, holding seven support three.

If the arm or a part of the body is tired, you have to stop to adjust your body and mind and start again. It doesn't require the length of time to focus on the spirit. This is the interpretation of loose form and tight meaning. On the contrary, it's no different from insisting on mistakes and leaving the way of boxing. The so-called internal movement of standing post is not subjective movement, but the release of the realistic divine will. This process is not expected. Naturally, it can reach the goal of self-cultivation without training, and self-cultivation without training. The core lies in the sense that the body is round behind the front. On the contrary, the body is just a piece, and the divine will is "false" no matter how true it is.

It's always been the way of the Yiquan masters. But did not expect that this land King Kong unexpectedly opened up a strange, out of a unique and effective training method.

The pressure in deep water is great. The pressure comes from all directions. While standing in such an environment, he can feel the so-called "hunyuanli" most. Finally, it can make the whole body muscles have the ability to burst out strength, and it is the essence of Hunyuan force that one punch out and whole strength out.

"Genius, I didn't expect that you could come up with such a way to practice boxing. What a genius!" Solemnity cannot be ruled by the Tao.

"Yes? Hey, hey. " Who knows, the land King Kong listened to the solemn praise, suddenly embarrassed, touched the back of his head, issued a laugh“ You used to say I was stupid... "

In the middle of what he said, he suddenly realized that he had let slip and shut up immediately.

"What did you say?" Asked gravely and doubtfully.

"Ah, nothing. Give me another punch The land King Kong shouts, sees him fall the step six struggles, the hand falls the strength to send, the arms seem to hold a big iron ball to bump to the solemn.

Before he was serious, he made a loud noise in the air, and the air was blown up in all directions. It can be seen that his fist was powerful.

When the two fists hit the solemn chest, the palm suddenly turned up, becoming a move "jade cat wash face". With the force of the sky, he struck the solemn face.

"Well come!" With a solemn shout, he bent his knees and stepped on it slightly, then straightened up. With the help of this strength, he kicked his calf to the lifeblood of the land King Kong.

This move is very insidious, immediately let the crowd around a burst of boos. As a generation of master, solemn even use this kind of move, but let them very despise.

However, solemn without the slightest embarrassment, flying to the land, there is no hesitation on the key toe of King Kong.

Fighting is fighting. There is no distinction between being aboveboard and being insidious. If you can use the moves, you don't mind using them solemnly. Of course, if others are serious about Zhuang, though they don't know what to say, they have to scold him for being insidious.

That's the mentality of bitches.

In the face of solemn and insidious attack, land King Kong had no choice but to withdraw. Because of his solemn legs, if he insists on smashing his solemn face, his key will be kicked by him first. It's a deadly part. He can only dodge.

The posture of the land King Kong's retrogression is also very strange, just like walking in the space step, but there is no drift of the space step, more like friction.

This is a unique step of Yiquan, which is called friction step. It is a very important subject in the training system of Yiquan. The so-called friction step refers to that when the foot moves, the sole of the foot seems to be in contact with the ground and does not seem to be in contact. In addition, in the mental activity, the foot keeps rubbing forward or backward with the ground. In fact, the friction step is the trial force of the leg and foot. The basic principle of exercise is "move up and down, move down and lead up", and keep the balance and overall coordination of the body's center of gravity in the step change of front and back, left and right, advance and retreat. The specific exercise is often combined with the test, that is, the preliminary live step test.

Under the friction step, you can be like a plant rooted in the earth, drawing strength at any time to burst out the mixed force.

Land King Kong is also very proud of his pace, because he dodges very beautiful, solemn toes just stay in front of his crotch.

Just as he wanted to say something, he suddenly gave a strange cry and jumped up in horror.

Because he suddenly realized that a force burst out from his solemn toes and hit him in the crotch.

Dark strength of sharp, even straight through his pants, hit in his right leg root, pain he bared his teeth called.

"One inch in the air? Dark strength triple! Brother Chong, you've got the dark strength triple Land King Kong rubbed his thighs and cried out in disbelief.

After shouting this sentence, he realized that he had made a mistake in his anxiety and even exposed his identity.

Look solemn again, slowly took back the foot, just smile at him.

"Well, I admit I did it on purpose." Chi pull a, the oxygen mask on the land King Kong's head was torn off, showing a simple and honest face.

It's Lei Zi, Han Lei!

"Brother Chong, did you guess it was me long ago?" Leizi looks at solemnity, don't understand of ask a way.

Solemn cold hum, deliberately face, said: "your boy has become slippery! I almost didn't recognize it

"Haha, our team leader said that we can't be too simple, so I learned some art of war from Sun Tzu. The enemy can't see clearly Leizi said with a shy smile.

"Well, then I'm the enemy, too? If I hadn't recognized you, you would have been killed by my three yin killing saber! " Solemn way.

"Three Yin killing demon sword? What is that? Brother Chong, have you learned new Kung Fu again? " Asked Leizi.

"It's a kind of Kungfu between Taoism and martial arts. It's the strength of volleying an inch just now. It's not that I'm in the dark strength triple." Solemnly explaining.

And the onlookers have already looked silly.

What's going on? Why did the two men who had been beaten and killed just now stop and call themselves brothers?

Do they know each other? What's more, the most powerful land King Kong in his team actually called that man "brother Chong"! Why can't you accept it psychologically?

Chu Jing's expression is also some wonderful, Leng for a long time just a pat head, think of what. Interrupted: "I know, the original Leizi has been talking about the Super Master is you! Ever since he entered thunder, he kept saying that there was a man who was very powerful and was his idol since he was a child. I thought it was his master, but it was you

With these words, Chu Jing's mood became complicated. My cousin, how come he's been oppressed in any way? Originally, he was the most outstanding junior of Chu family, but now he can only give way to solemnity.

Fortunately, this kind of mood did not affect him for long. After all, he was also a special team leader, so he was not so stingy.

With a little smile, he went to solemnity and extended his hand to solemnity.

"Chu Jing, the leader of thunder special battle team."

"Solemn, folk. Your cousin. " Solemnity is also a way of holding out one's hand.

Two people look at each other a smile, but it is in the heart of that mustard also will eliminate.

"Cousin? Brother Chong, do you still know our captain? Why is the relationship so complicated that I am confused. Who can explain it to me? " Leizi looks at Chujing and asks.

"Think for yourself!" Solemnity and Chu Jing are exported at the same time.


A moment later, solemnity and Leizi are sitting in a corner of the training room, talking about the experience of these days.

Leizi's experience, needless to say, can be guessed solemnly. After leaving the Pearl, Leizi was sent to the army by Xu Jing. Originally, I wanted to further my study. Unexpectedly, because of my good physique and high Kung Fu, I was picked up by the superior leader and was promoted to the thunder special combat team.

Leizi, who just came to the special combat brigade, was bullied repeatedly because of his good temper and honesty. Until once a comrade in arms angered Leizi because he made fun of her sister. At that time, they knew that Leizi was really a Leizi. Once it exploded, its power was amazing.

After beating several people hard, Leizi's name began to ring. Later, Leizi learned Yiquan from an old chief in his seventies. He began to combine his mind to exercise.

Xinyiba is similar to Yiquan in that it has no moves and pays attention to mind and momentum. Lei Zi has made rapid progress. These days, he has just come up with a way to practice boxing in deep water. He is practicing. Unexpectedly, Chu Jing calls him to fight with solemnity.

Leizi recognized solemnity at the beginning. He just wanted to see if his kung fu had improved, so he didn't take off his oxygen mask and fight solemnity with his fist. To his surprise, he is still not a serious opponent. How long did it take to fight? I was recognized seriously and almost lost my life.

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