"Tibet bird, a thousand opportunities

Dongping Xinyi was the first to launch the attack. His hands were quick to make a seal, and a phantom like a Nine Tailed Fox rose up on his body. His legs were like stepping on a lotus wheel, and the brush flashed to the solemn back.

It seems that after the signing of the contract, Dongping Xinyi's strength has greatly improved, which has far exceeded the solemn expectation.

After flashing behind the solemn, Dongping Xinyi's figure hidden in the air suddenly emerges, and a knife as thin as paper cuts to the solemn spine.

"Nirvana and silence!" Solemn left hand suddenly burst up three red light, but left hand seal all lift, draw a mysterious half circle to cut behind.

This palm has the agility of eight trigrams and the sharpness of eight poles. The sound of slapping is endless, just like lightning in the air.

But it is the absolute strength after the solemn understanding of the unity of law and martial arts.

Even the notary, who was hiding in the distance between heaven and earth, could not help nodding his head, obviously highly appreciating the solemn hand.

With a clang sound, the solemn palm of his hand crossed the back of Dongping Xinyi's knife. The palm of his hand breathed and breathed with force. Suddenly, a force was sprayed on the knife and the blade was tilted.

After that, he turned around solemnly and flew to the chest of Dongping Xinyi.

Dongping Shinyi's fierce eyes twinkled, suddenly and strangely disappeared in the same place, but with a solemn hand, he hit a blank.

But solemn and not impatient, change step to pile, eight trigrams line pile one by one, just like a dragon swimming in general, the huge body will be the whole space, no one can break through.

And with the solemn walk, the outbreak of a hunting palm wind, a palm shot down, the moment a space into a storm circle.

Seeing this earth shaking scene, even Ma Rulong's face changed. It's clear that a few months ago I fought with solemnity. Solemnity has not yet reached this level. I didn't expect to be so terrible now.

What's strange is that Takahashi's face doesn't change at all. He looks like he's ready to fix up. He doesn't seem to worry about the defeat of the new Dongping Association.

It seems that his calmness is reasonable.

Facing the most serious and overbearing attack, Shinichi tohei, though constantly swaying and dodging in it, is like a stubborn boat, which refuses to overturn and stands stubbornly in the storm.

"Thousand kill!"

Suddenly, Dongping Xinyi cheered. And he seized the opportunity is very clever, just a solemn hit the storm circle a little slow node, once he was keen to catch.

Then he saw a touch of brilliance in his hand, and the thin knife cut out countless Dao lights in the air, forming a complex and gorgeous pattern to attack solemnity.

Meanwhile, Dongping Xinyi's figure disappeared under the cover of a cloud of black smoke.

"Good Dao technique!" With a solemn exclamation, his body curled up and suddenly stepped out, just like a big unicorn. The meaning of this move has been divided into several levels. After all, Qilin is a legendary thing, but it's solemn but forceful. With the understanding of the national art, this move is almost perfect. But it is already close to the Tao.

Dongping Xinyi's Dao Hua was so solemn that he was avoided. However, when his solemn figure was just stabilized, he suddenly felt that his back neck was slightly cool, his sweat hair was suddenly raised, and his pores were instantly closed, forming a layer of goose bumps.

This is a warning of danger.

Solemnly do not want to, whistling, arms suddenly flew out of a streamer chopped to the back.

It's Rocha.

See Luo Cha burning on the blood flame, burning the air to the solemn behind. For a time, the air seemed to be ignited, and all the flames from the Luocha were jumping.

Impartial, a thin knife just arrived at the solemn carotid artery and was blocked by luochakan.

Dongping Xinyi's figure slowly appeared in the air. His hand with the knife trembled slightly, but he was shocked by the powerful blow of Luocha.

A circle of water wave like dark lines slowly rippled open, burned by the flame of Luocha, making a sound of Chi La Chi La, and emitting bursts of stench.

But I don't know what kind of tactics Dongping Xinyi used just now. Obviously, it's not as simple as chopping.

The Ninja profession was once notorious in the history of Japan because they were extremely insidious and mean when they were assassinated.

It's like the new move of Dongping just now. I'm afraid there's something sinister.

"It's really strong, but I don't want to put it off too long." Dongping a new cold voice.

The next second, I saw his body flash, but it disappeared again. The violent atmosphere in the air is suddenly increased several times.

Solemn face suddenly dignified, no longer detour, but standing in place to put a defensive posture.

Obviously, Dongping Xinyi has already started the power of Shishen, and the next is a fierce battle.

Sure enough, solemn only feel behind a very powerful force hit, twist waist to turn a gun hammer hit, want to resolve Dongping Xinyi's attack. Unexpectedly, Dongping Xinyi only uses one finger to point it out. It is filled with black air and bumps into a solemn fist.

Finger to fist, should have been the end of the egg against the stone, but there has been a surprising change. Solemnity was shocked, then flew backwards and fell to the ground with a plop.

And the solemn right hand, suddenly became gray black, color is still with the solemn breath continues to spread upward.

As soon as his solemn face changed, he quickly pinched out a few tricks with his left hand and quickly pointed them over his fist. Then he saw that the gray and black slowly retreated, and the solemn fist turned to the normal color.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth is the root of all energy. Within and outside the three realms, only Tao is respected. All gods salute, slaving thunder. The golden light shows quickly, protects the real person! I offer you my orders, and you are as urgent as a law Say a mantra in a solemn, cold voice.

But the golden light curse.

The difference is that the golden light on the solemn body changes slightly. From time to time, thunder flashes in the golden body protecting light. With the solemn walking, the thunder crackles out of the body and lives and dies in the void.

After the blessing of the golden light mantra, she is solemn, like a big ape hopping around Dongping Xinyi. It seems to be a casual grasp, but it is with a cold dark strength. As long as you catch the face of Dongping Xinyi, it will be the end of skin and flesh. Half of Dongping Xinyi's face will be caught.

And Dongping Xinyi also constantly urged Ninjutsu to deal with solemnity.

For a time, two people fight together, and the audience is dazzled.

At this time, the darkness has faded, and the sun is about to rise in the distance, already illuminating a cloud.

The light mist is like a gauze garment, which is blown by the wind and twines around people, making them look very hazy and illusory.

When the fog gradually dispersed, the spectators were surprised to find that there was one more person around them.

A woman in white, spotless.

"Miss Song, I'm a little surprised that you can come as promised." After Takahashi saw the woman, he said.

That woman is Song Ling.

Song Ling did not look at Takahashi Junyi, but just stared at the solemn fighting and Dongping Xinyi, and said, "I know your origin very well. I don't care what tricks you want to play. But you'd better not lie to me, or your Takahashi family will fall a few months ahead of schedule. "

Takahashi's eyes flashed, and then he laughed: "I'll cheat you, of course I won't. But whether you can get what you want depends on whether you have the ability

Song Ling raised his eyelids and looked at Takahashi: "you have a big voice. You don't need a second shot to kill you. "

With that, Song Ling burst out with a sense of killing, instantly freezes Gao Qiaojun.

Takahashi Jun face big change, want to dodge, but found that he simply can't move, like being frozen in general. At this time, Takahashi realized that he underestimated Song Ling. The strength of this woman is so unfathomable!

"What about me?"

At this time, I saw a man walking slowly into Song Ling's murderous spirit, just like a small sun. Where he went, Song Ling's murderous spirit would disappear. By the time he completely stood around Song Ling, song Lingying's murderous atmosphere had been completely broken.

Takahashi took a breath and ran away in a hurry. Fortunately, he had been prepared, or he would have died here.

"Full of Qi? Few people in the world practice Kung Fu to this level. Wang, do you really want to fight me? " Song Ling's eyes shot a touch of killing, asked.

That man is the leader of the killer gate, Wang! I don't know what conditions Gao Qiaojun moved him with. He invited him here.

In the face of Song Ling's threat, Wang light replied: "exactly. There is no way ahead. I really want to know where the road is. You are a wizard of the unity of law and martial arts. I hope you can give me a hint. Take it. "

But Wang wanted to Fight Song Ling for life and death, from which he realized the true meaning of martial arts and made a breakthrough. His attainments in martial arts have reached the top, and there are almost no rivals. He couldn't see the way ahead. So to find a rival, in the moment of life and death between understanding.

Song Ling, who combines law with martial arts, is undoubtedly his best opponent.

"Well, I don't mind killing one more person before I leave the world." Song Ling looks cold. Voice just fell on the body movement, white clothes into a rainbow, cut to the king.

Wang smile, a random step, a small step is like stepping on the beat of heaven and earth, flat ground burst out a sound, with Song Ling hit together.

In the distance, there is a mortal battle between solemn and Dongping Xinyi.

Here, it's a fight between two top players.

From time to time, both sides of the mountain burst out a huge sound, like a sword, the mountain was shaken to rock, and in the blink of an eye, there were many gullies on the ground.

At this time, the battle has gone beyond imagination. Both Ma Rulong and Takahashi are forced to stay away from the battle area and withdraw from the long distance.

Ma Rulong is staring at the battle between the two sides without blinking. He obviously wants to learn something from it.

But Takahashi's eyes flickered, and he seemed not interested in fighting at all. He just looked anxiously at the distance, as if he was waiting for someone.

"Poof", at this time, the battle between the solemn and Dongping Xinyi suddenly changed. Dongping Xinyi was enveloped in a layer of demonic blood light. His body was as straight as a knife, and he cut it in the solemn chest. Solemnly, he flew backward and spewed out a mouthful of blood in the air.

"The devil's sword, Mr. Murakami! What you have concluded is the type God of cunzheng, the demon sword! " With a solemn look of surprise, he fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood again.

Cunzheng, the most evil sword in Toyo. All the masters of the past died under this knife. So it's called the goblin.

Solemn how also didn't expect, Dongping new a conclusion of unexpectedly is this Dao inside of type God!

No wonder it's so violent and evil.

Dongping new a strange smile, did not answer the solemn question, but a flash of red light, once again appeared in front of the solemn body. The body is arched like a curved blade, cutting to the solemnity of the ground.

I'm going to be cut in half with a knife.

At this time, I heard a light whistling in the distance. Then I saw a green light flying in the air and hit Dongping Xinyi.

The green light exploded, and the violent power lingered on Dongping Xinyi, who was repulsed.

A figure with Guqin broke through the air and pulled up the solemnity on the ground.

"Liu Duo?" Solemnly looking at the inexplicable Liu duo, I don't understand how Liu duo appeared here.

On the other hand, after seeing Liu duo, Gao Qiaojun's anxious face suddenly disappeared and began to laugh.

"Now that they're all here, it's time to put on a good play."

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