Wu Nianxi accompanied her eldest sister all afternoon, coaxed her to take medicine, and coaxed her to sleep. When she obediently lay on the bed and closed her eyes, she would hold Wu Nianxi's hand tightly.

Just like many, many years ago, she held Wu Nianxi so tightly, afraid that the dark night would engulf this little girl.

Wu Nianxi didn't dare to think deeply, and didn't dare to recall. She just saw her old friend again. She couldn't help but jump out of the past that was sealed in the deepest part of her heart. A man's lewdness [laughs, it's an unspoken cry for help...

It seems that countless hands are coming from the air, and they want to grab Wu Nianxi and go back to the past! Just go back to that ugly man!

Do not!

Wu Nianxi stood up suddenly, panting while leaning on the bedside table, the chair was knocked to the ground by her and made a sound.

A doctor came in through the door, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Wu Nianxi smiled reluctantly and gathered his temples wet with sweat, "Accidentally... knocked over the chair. By the way, I was just looking for you, and I wanted to arrange for my sister to be transferred to another hospital."

"Transfer? This requires her guardian..."

"I am. Her expenses have always been paid from my side." Wu Nianxi interrupted the doctor. "I'm not going to stay in this city. I'm going to take my sister. I found a nursing home years ago."

Wu Nianxi deliberately wore a white skirt in order to see her eldest sister today. She was also wrapped in a white cotton padded jacket. She still looked small. The doctor saw her as a girl who could not be the master. Who would want to answer this question? When the response was mature, the doctor nodded and called a nurse to deal with the follow-up.

Just where Wu Nianxi didn't pay attention, the doctor couldn't help but confessed to the nurse, "Confirm it clearly, there are no adults in their family? Is it really that girl who is in charge?"

Of course, Wu Nianxi has elders, but she doesn't want to see any of them. She would rather have a New Year's Eve dinner alone, and abandon the city where she grew up, and she will never say a nice word to those relatives. a good face.

While going through the formalities, Aunt Wang's phone came in with an anxious tone. "Nianxi, your grandma is making trouble at the door of her house. You must let me open the door for her. The scolding is fierce!"

In fact, there is no need for Aunt Wang to say that the old woman's sharp voice had penetrated the door blocking her and reached Wu Nianxi's ears through her mobile phone.

"It's really promising! It's still high in Beijing University.

Tsaisheng, he is a money loser with a wolf-hearted heart! "

These words went back and forth, and Wu Nianxi couldn't help but sneer, "Aunt Wang, lock the doors and windows, don't worry about her, I'll take care of it."

Aunt Wang felt distressed for Wu Nianxi and sighed, "What kind of elder are these! Hey..."

It is these elders, who are so ignorant and ignorant that they can do anything. Since they dared to abandon her once, how could they be willing to give up the money that was distributed to her now.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, she is ready to be a good person, can't she hide if she can't be provoked! All the fixed assets her parents left her that can be resold have been resold. She wants to leave the city and leave these physically uncomfortable people and things.

After signing the last word and confirming the transfer time, Wu Nianxi called the community property. She was young and her voice was crisp, but the other party did not dare to despise her.

"I pay the property fee in full every year. I don't like these people appearing at the door of my house one after another. This is the second time. I declare to you again that I don't have any relatives. My relatives are all dead." Wu Nianxi's tone was serious and indifferent, and her always kind face was gloomy as water. She stood among the flowers and trees, but the winter sun couldn't warm her at all. She emphasized: "Now please send a few people and drive them away immediately. go out!"

After hanging up the phone, she let out a long sigh, looked up at the shaky yellow leaves on the branches, and unconsciously thought of Zhuang Lu, as if only with her could she truly feel at ease and experience life peacefully. Subtle beauty.

Thinking of this, Wu Nianxi sneered, how could she feel like a female ghost, only by relying on people full of positive energy can she receive a little bit of warmth.

Forget it, why are you thinking so much, and I don't know what Zhuangzhuang is doing now.

Why does time pass so slowly, and why is the winter vacation not over yet!

When the big sister is arranged, either go to Jinzhou to pick up Zhuangzhuang back to school, it's not very far anyway... Anyway, I haven't been to the south.

After finding the reasons and excuses, Wu Nianxi's idea was opposed by Zhuang Lu.

"Why are you doing so much trouble? How tired are you? Going from north to south and back to north again. Contribute to the transportation cause of the motherland."

Zhuang Lu was amused by her own words, and laughed like a fool, "And my cheap cousin said he wants to go back to school with me."

"Kick," Wu Nianxi's heart was inexplicably beating. "cheap cousin so hot


Speaking of this cheap cousin, it caused a lot of topics. The main reason is that the cousin has frequently appeared in Zhuang Lu's life recently, "He even asked me to go skiing the day after tomorrow. You have never seen the snow in our south. It wasn't some goose feather snow at all, it was dandruff snow, and that ski resort was artificially made."

"Does he still invite you out to play?"

"Yeah, he asked me to go to a movie the other day."

"I also asked you to go to the movies!" Wu Nianxi blurted out with a slightly unkind tone. "He's so weird!"

But Zhuang Lu said, "It's nothing to be surprised about. He's here for his mother, my future aunt. He endured his temper and wanted to have a good relationship. Hey... Nian Nian, I won't tell you first. My mother is looking for me."

Wu Nianxi was stunned for a while. When he put down the phone, he looked at the distant mountains outside the window. He didn't know what he was thinking. There was a trace of sourness in his chest, and he didn't know how long he had been hovering.

Winter is coming to spring, and the precipitous early spring may not be so warm.

The plane went up to the blue sky and passed the white clouds.

Because of Li Yu's relationship, Zhuang Lu sat in first class!

Seeing that Li Yu was in a bad mood, Li Yu sat beside Zhuang Lu in a fit of rage, folded his arms around his chest, and said nothing. Even the thoughtful stewardess smiled so hard that Zhuang Lu couldn't see the beauty being embarrassed, so she raised her body to help reply. the flight attendant.

Turning back and looking at Li Yu, he looked like a bulging little puffer fish, "What's wrong? Why are you angry?"

Li Yu turned his head sideways and ignored Zhuang Lu.

Zhuang Lu shrugged indifferently, and stared at the sky by himself.

The sky is so bright that it makes people dizzy, and it is so wide that it seems to be boundless. Humans are really very small things in this world. In front of the universe, they seem to be empty and empty.

When he was about to get off the plane, Li Yu suddenly spoke to his breath, "Do you think Uncle Zhuang will be good to my mother?"

Zhuang Lu was reading a novel without raising his head, "To live is to know oneself warmly and warmly, if you ask me, I think my uncle will definitely treat your mother well, because he was taught by my mother, and he knows how to understand women. Appreciation also knows how to respect, but also know how to love.”

"But men are lower body animals."

"Are you talking about yourself?"

"No!" Li Yu jumped up like he had been stepped on his tail.

Zhuang Lu hurriedly pulled him back and smiled apologetically at the flight attendant who was about to come over. Then Rou Bu smiled and grinned at Li Yu, "Sit down! Playing monkeys!"

When Li Yu was seated, Zhuang Lu said, "Forgive me, do you have no friends?"

Li Yu raised his eyebrows, "

Can I, Li Yu, have no friends? ! Are you kidding me! "

"Then why did you fall into telling me what's on your mind?" Zhuang Lu was actually not stupid, her intuition was very sharp, and she immediately felt the reason why Li Yu had been awkward before.

"Who's talking to you! I'm just discussing with you, and you offer things I didn't notice from a female perspective!"

"Okay, then tell me." Zhuang Lu didn't want to entangle with him more, and followed a kindness. "What happened to you? You start to doubt love."

Li Yu snorted disdain from his nose, "Have you ever been in love?"


"Then do you know men?"

"I don't know." While replying, Zhuang Lu's mind was thinking of Wen Zhuo. He was so good-looking and excellent in every aspect. He was a famous person in the school, but there were always some differences between him and her. , gradually drifting away to now, is a senseless stranger.

Whoever said that women have needles in the bottom of the sea, so do men, and they also know how to cover up and disguise.

Li Yu sighed and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I recently fell in love with two girls..."

Zhuang Lu frowned, with no interest at all, turned his head to take a nap, "You better talk to your other friends, good afternoon."

As soon as they got off the plane, Zhuang Lu saw Wu Nianxi from afar. In the crowd, she wore a cute bow hairpin and her long black hair was gathered behind her shoulders, which was extraordinarily pure and moving.

Long time no see, Zhuang Lu was a little excited and ran to her with the box, "Niannian!"

Wu Nianxi also saw her, with a happy smile on her specially painted face, she raised her hand and waved, "Zhuangzhuang!"

Then when Zhuang Lu stopped in front of her and smiled brightly, she looked at her in surprise, but she couldn't help the excitement in her heart. She reached out and hugged Zhuang Lu, "Zhuang Zhuang! You've lost too much weight!"

During a winter vacation, Zhuang Lu made a qualitative leap. The original fat face disappeared, and a good-looking face appeared. The facial features were Zhou Zheng. The most charming thing was the nose, which was straight and straight, making Wu Nianxi want to touch it.

When she was holding her, she could still feel some flesh on her body, but it was still very comfortable, with moderate hardness and softness.

In just one holiday, her Zhuang Lu's face became beautiful and charming. Wu Nianxi was a little panicked for no reason. Zhuang Lu's facial features became bright and beautiful, and the charming nose was a little more heroic, with a slight smile, curved eyes, and approachable. He tapped his heart again, coupled with a magnanimous and bright temperament, it seemed that people wanted to get close!

Wu Nianxi held Zhuang Lu's hand tightly, she regretted it, she didn't want Zhuang Lu to lose weight!

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