Barcelona, Spain.

In an old castle, Qin Fusu holds a glass of red wine in his left hand, and in the palm of his right hand, a bead about the size of a ping-pong ball, which looks like a glass bead, is emitting a faint soft white light.

Qin Fu Su shook the red wine and took a sip. His eyes fell on the transparent bead in his right palm, and his face couldn't help smiling.

"I finally got the inheritance of the Great Dipper!"

After a few seconds, Qin Fusu's heart moved. The light on the beads in his hands gradually dissipated, and the internal situation of the transparent beads clearly appeared in front of his eyes.

Inside the bead, countless small white light spots keep turning. It looks like stars. It seems to be full of endless mystery.

"The way the stars work is really wonderful..."

Qin Fusu looked at this one in his hand. It was like a small universe. He named it "the Pearl of the universe". There was a bright light in his eyes: "with this pearl of the universe inherited by the Great Dipper, the mystery of the operation of the stars in the universe will also be under my control!"

Qin Fu Su grasped the whole bead in his right palm.

In the palace of the Great Dipper, even two great masters died there, but Qin Fusu was lucky to survive.

At that time, under the great pressure, his consciousness became more and more blurred, but he relied on a belief, not to let himself faint, because he knew that once he closed his eyes, he might never wake up.

Fortunately, in his despair, even when he felt that he was going to die, the pressure in the hall suddenly disappeared, and the ball of light also stopped spinning.

At that time, he was already very weak, and he knew that if there was no miracle, he would die in the hall like others.

Instead of lying on the ground and waiting to die, it's better to gamble once, because he guessed that the white light ball is probably the inheritance of the Great Dipper.

If he wants to have a miracle and survive, he must get the white light ball and the inheritance of Beidou emperor.

Then it took a long time for him to recover his strength. At last, he used up almost all his strength and climbed under the light ball. He just lay on the ground like that, staring at the light ball above, trying to study the light ball thoroughly.

It was only after his strength had recovered a lot that he got up with great difficulty. His body kept shaking and his shaking hand reached out to the white light ball.

When he reached into the light ball, the miracle he was looking forward to did not appear, but he was also relieved, because the danger did not appear again.

Then, his hand touched a round object the size of a ping-pong ball. He was like a drowning man who suddenly saw the straw to save his life. He grabbed the round object and got this cosmic pearl containing the way of stars.

After that, he studied for a long time, and finally realized the way to open the Pearl of the universe, which was inherited by the Big Dipper.

Then, a white light enveloped his body and made him feel comfortable. Then he felt that his injury was slowly recovering.

After his injury recovered, what surprised him even more was that he found that his body was much stronger than before. Although it was far from reaching the level of the top of the table, he was also a very powerful master among ordinary people.

After the surprise, he thought of Ye Cuo, Yunni, ye CuO's marriage to Suya, and ye CuO might marry Suya and Yunni at the same time.

So, he no longer cares about the cultivation, with the comatose windstorm girl, left the Beidou palace, left Antarctica and rushed back to Europe.

Back in Europe, knowing that ye CuO had not married Suya or taken away his Yunni, he immediately launched a new round of action against Ye Cuo, the Golden Dragon Ball project that he had planned for a long time.

Not only that, he also issued a reward order in the underground world, offering a reward for ye CuO's head with the Pearl of the universe he got from the palace of the Great Dipper as bait.

Qin Fusu opened his hand, and the Pearl of the universe flashed soft white light again: "since you suspect that the treasure I said in the reward order is false, I will uncover the mystery of the treasure and let you see its true face!"


On the shadow forum.

People who have been paying close attention to the motion of the reward order suddenly find a new post related to the reward order on the forum, so they don't hesitate to open the post.

Then, they saw the content of the post - who can kill Ye CuO can get the mysterious jewel I got in the Antarctic ice underground palace in the following video, which can help Shenbang break through the realm!

At the bottom of this sentence, there is a video. After clicking on the video, they see a white bead.

"What is this?"

"This bead looks no different from ordinary glass bead. Do you want to make a glass bead to fool people?"

"Upstairs, you really have no eyes. The value of this bead is equivalent to the head of the strongest one in the list of gods. How can you say it's a fake to fool people?"

"Even if this bead is really a powerful treasure, which can help the God list to break through the realm, but ye CuO's strength is so powerful, who can kill him, the first strong man in the God list? If you can pay after using it, I believe that not only Shenbang, but everyone will be crazy about it.... "

"Before, I didn't see the real face of the treasure, and no one dared to accept the reward order. Now the treasure has been exposed, who dares to kill Ye CuO? Although the treasure is attractive, a wise man will not know that he will die and his head will be hot, so he will run to Ye CuO and give his head away... "

No matter what people on the shadow forum say, almost all the world's experts in God list have watched the bead video over and over again, trying to find out the origin of the bead.

However, few people can recognize the origin of the bead. Naturally, they can't judge whether the bead can really help Shenbang break through the realm.

However, that night, when they thought that no one would take the reward order, they suddenly found that the reward order had been taken by a mysterious organization.

"Who took the reward order?"

"Who are they? Why haven't you seen this organization before? Does it mean that this organization knows the origin of this bead? Is it really a powerful treasure? "

"There are people who are not afraid of death! I don't want to weigh my own strength, but I want to kill Ye Cuo. I don't know what to do

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