The golden winged leiying, the peak of Yuan Dynasty, said to Ye Cuo, "you used to be able to control the array of lingkongzi mansion so quickly. Can you see the weakness of this array now?"

Ye CuO certainly knows the plan of the golden winged thunder eagle, but he can't see the flaw of the array so quickly now. He can only shake his head: "it's impossible to find the flaw of the array in such a short time! If you want to survive, you'd better not reserve anything and attack the array with all your strength! "

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Hong Chengju flew to the black prison to trap the immortal array, laughing: "all of you, as well as some monsters, you must not have thought that I had arranged this move, did you? But now you know it's too late!

Although it doesn't pose much threat to you, do you want to taste the power of the broken finger just now? I know you may not believe it, think I'm lying to you

But if you are not afraid of death, you can go in and have a try to see if I'm lying to you! "

When Hong Chengju laughs, the black prison is trapped in the immortal array, and the ice fire purple Python has launched an attack on the golden winged thunder eagle.

Although it has more advantages than the golden winged thunder eagle in the black prison trapped immortal array because of its cooperation with the people of Yilin magic hall, it has just known that its own fire does not pose any threat to Ye CuO who has an empty xenon bottle, so this time it does not use the fire head, but only uses the power of the ice head to attack the golden winged thunder eagle.

When the ice fire purple Python attacks, the people in the strange demon Hall who control the black prison trapped immortal array also mobilize the power of the array to cooperate with the ice fire purple Python to attack the golden winged thunder eagle.

The ice ball of ice fire purple Python and the power of trapped immortal in black prison form three huge black Qi swords, which attack the golden winged thunder Eagle at the same time.

Seeing the ice hockey and three huge black gas swords attacking at the same time, the golden winged thunder eagle's look in his eyes changed slightly. In the array space, its speed advantage could not be exerted at all.

If it is not trapped in the black prison, it can not be afraid of the attack of ice fire purple Python and array with its speed.

Of course, even now, it doesn't have much fear in its eyes. No matter what, it's useless to worry now. It can only deal with it carefully.



Although in the array, the speed advantage of the golden winged thunder eagle is greatly reduced, but its reaction is very fast. Its wings are flapping, and the three arc blades of the electric snake are facing the three huge black gas knives.

Moreover, it also shot a flash of lightning in its beak, which turned into a thunder ball and shot at the ice ball of ice fire purple python.

The next moment, the three electric snake arc blades meet and collide with the three black Qi knives. The black Qi sword is invincible and is cut off by the electric snake arc blade. However, the power of the electric snake arc blade is greatly weakened.

Similarly, when the thunder ball and ice hockey meet, the thunder ball and ice hockey explode at the same time, and the roar reverberates in the black prison.


Ye CuO sighed in his heart. He knew that he had lost the advantage he had just made after being trapped in the black prison.

Although the situation is extremely unfavorable, ye CuO is a top killer in his previous life. His mental quality is far more than that of other people. He is still calm in his heart, just like Gujing wubo, thinking about how to resolve the next crisis.

Outside the black prison trapped immortal array, the Flaming Winged tiger did not stop for a while, and the figure of Du Lin of wanlingzong also stopped. He was staring at the black prison trapped immortal array, but he could not see the situation inside the array. On the other hand, he was wary of Hong Chengju or the sneak attack of monsters.

In his rear of Hong Chengju's words, of course, Du Lin also heard, for that broken finger, he has guessed at the moment, it is not the real devil broken finger, the power of broken finger should only be used once.

Although he thinks that Hong Chengju is probably lying, the powerful severed fingers, even if they are the gods of Yilin magic hall, will pay a great price if they want to take one out. Otherwise, if Yilin magic hall has a lot of severed fingers, Yilin magic hall would have destroyed their all souls sect and dominated Linglan kingdom.

Even so, like the silver dragon and the Flaming Winged tiger, he stopped outside the black prison and did not dare to rush into the array to take risks.

Du Lin prayed in his heart: "your array level has surprised me again and again, and you are from the upper world, and all kinds of mysterious means emerge in endlessly. I hope you can save yourself this time too..."

The black prison is trapped in the immortal array.

The golden winged thunder eagle is dealing with the attack of the ice fire purple Python and the array, while ye CuO is also thinking about how to break the situation.

Suddenly, ye CuO's eyes lit up and asked the ghost of snow-white tail: "it's said that in those years, Yilin magic hall also used the black prison immortal array to deal with lingkongzi, and lingkongzi soon cracked the array.

And you have been carried by the spirit loophole before. When the spirit loophole broke the array, did you find out how he broke the array, and where is the weakness of the array? "

"I thought you wouldn't ask me. I didn't expect you to think of your sister so soon..."

Snow white tail ghost laughs. Of course, she also knows that ye CuO's situation is not good now, and she also depends on Ye Cuo. So she doesn't talk nonsense any more. She tells Ye CuO the weakness of the array that she found when lingkongzi was trapped in the black prison.

Ye CuO got the advice from the ghost of snow-white tail. Although he couldn't judge whether it was true, he didn't have time to think about it. He immediately secretly ordered the golden winged thunder eagle.

At this time, three middle-aged men gathered together in the Yilin magic hall in the black prison are communicating with each other secretly while mobilizing the array power to attack the golden winged thunder eagle.

"The golden winged thunder eagle is powerful, but it can't break the array at all!"

"Yes! It's a flat haired animal. It's threatened by this hateful bastard... "

"Well! Since it's against our temple, it's going to die! "

"The boy of wanlingzong, when he was in Xilan city last time, killed the people in the early Yuanying period. His body is full of mystery. Otherwise, those old bastards of wanlingzong would not defend him like that!"

"No matter what his identity is, he got the treasure of the spirit, and refused to give it to our temple. Of course, we will not let him go!"

"There's a big secret about him. We'll catch him and bring him back to the temple. The Lord demon will give us a good reward!"

However, at this time, their faces suddenly changed.

"Golden winged thunder hawk, it won't be the weak point to find the array, will it?"


"How can it find the weak point of the array? Is that the damned boy? "

Three people all know that ye CuO's array level is very high. If the weak point of the array is found, ye CuO must have found it.

However, they don't have time to think about it. They can't let the attack of the golden winged thunder Eagle succeed. They immediately mobilize the power of the array to stop the attack of the golden winged thunder eagle.

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