The people of the ten month clan, especially the young man in white clothes and trousers, thought that after ye CuO and the two monsters were caught by the black armored figure, their chance would come.

Just now, they are still secretly discussing how to make the black armored figure transfer all their anger to Ye Cuo, and then they can get out of danger.

However, they didn't expect that ye CuO just said that the black armored figure didn't hesitate to attack them and wanted to tie them up.

Of course, they are not willing to be caught like this. They have tried to resist, but it turns out that all their resistance is in vain.

While some people of the ten month clan were still worried about whether the black armored figure would kill them immediately, ye CuO had already analyzed the plan in his heart many times.

At the same time, ye CuO also found something strange for him. It seems that the black figure is not a real creature, but is refined. In other words, he thinks that the black armored figure should be a puppet.

He has a lot of knowledge about refining tools in his mind. Naturally, there are some methods of refining puppets. At this time, the black armored figure gives him the feeling that some people are refining puppets.

"I haven't heard that Lord Dan can refine puppets... Is this black armor figure refined by Lord Dan, or where did he get it from?"

Ye CuO was puzzled, but it was a pity that he didn't find the answer he wanted in the information about Dan Zun.

Since he couldn't understand it, ye CuO didn't want to think about it at all. Just for a moment, he put the doubt down. After all, it's not the time to think about it.

Then, ye CuO didn't hesitate any more, and immediately said to the black armored figure: "master, I don't know why you are here? Is it that venerable Dan trapped you here? "

At this time, ye CuO was not completely sure whether the black armored figure was a puppet, so he didn't say it directly, but wanted to test it again.

"Lord Dan?"

The black armored figure's tone was a little puzzled, and whispered to himself: "who is Dan Zun? By the way, why am I here? Why am I sleeping? How long have I been sleeping... "

"This black armored figure, don't you really know who the Dan master is? You don't know who you are, either? "

"How long has the black armored figure been staying in Dan Zun's medicine garden? How can he not know who Dan Zun is? Does it exist before the establishment of Dan Zun's medicine garden, but how is it possible? "

"Perhaps, the black armored figure just didn't think of it for the time being..."

The people of the ten month clan heard the words of the black armored figure, and at the same time, they saw that the black armored figure seemed to be lost in thought, and their worried heart also gave birth to some doubts.

At the same time, several people with good psychological quality, including the young man in white clothes and trousers, are worried and puzzled. At the same time, they also start to think about whether they can use this to help themselves out.

"It seems that the situation of the black armored man can be used by us. If we make good use of it, we can defuse the danger this time..."

"Yes, it's a real opportunity to take advantage of!"

"Moreover, if we can persuade the black armor man to use it for us, then we can almost walk sideways in Dan Zun's medicine garden..."

In recent months, the people of the clan thought that if the black armor figure helped them, then they could get all the elixirs in the danzun medicine garden. Their hearts were a little excited.

"It would be better for us to let him kill the two men and the two monsters when we are able to get out of trouble."

"Yes! However, if we do this, we may be in danger again. So I think that once the man in black armor does not embarrass us, we'd better not take any more risks... "

"I think so, too! The two people of the MI nationality and the two monsters are hateful and damned, but how can their lives be compared with ours?

Moreover, as long as they are still held by the black armored men, they are unlikely to live, so we don't have to take any risks at all... "

In recent months, the people of the clan secretly discussed here. In fact, it was just a matter of an instant. However, they had not finally discussed it. They heard Ye CuO speak first.

"Master, I know!"

Ye CuO suddenly said to the black armored figure, "the reason why you can't remember, master, is that it's not time to wake up!

But now my master has come to life. It's all because of the external force. It's his attack that hit the rock you were sleeping on

If he hadn't attacked Jushi, your sleep would not have been disturbed. What's more, you would have forgotten many things! "

When ye CuO was talking, the black armored man who had been meditating, with Ye CuO's words, he gradually turned his head to the people of the ten month clan.

The people of the ten month clan all changed their faces at the moment, because they could clearly feel that the breath from the black armored figure made them feel chilly.

"Damn bastard!"

"Damn it

After a cry of fear, the young man in white clothes and trousers immediately apologized to the figure in black armor: "elder, things are not what he said, we are..."

"Do you still want to defend?"

Ye interrupted as like as two peas in the white dress and white pants, and turned to the black armor. "You can feel the breath of the power of the broken stone," he said. "Is it just the same as his breath?"

If it's the same, it can prove that I'm right. It's him who disturbs his dream and makes his memory abnormal. Of course, there are also his friends! "

However, for the words of the young man in white clothes and white pants and ye Cuo, the figure in black armor didn't seem to hear the same, but said to himself: "master Dan? Refining... I am... Master? "


The light in Ye CuO's eyes was slightly bright, and he said in his heart: "the black armored figure just mentioned refining. Is my guess true? Is this black armored figure really a puppet?"

Ye CuO also expected that the black armored figure would say more information for him to judge. Unfortunately, the words of the black armored figure were all these words.

Although the black armored figure did not say more information, ye CuO felt that his guess should not be wrong.

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