In the office, Shang Xiaohong rushed to the door of the office which was carried by Xiao Yishun. She snorted arrogantly and said with disdain: "it's not a small white face. It's comfortable to serve Miss Zhong with his pig lips. There's nothing to be proud of. He's a country bumpkin when he looks poor. "

Shang Xiaohong is in Yuanda driving school as the Secretary of the principal. Above one person and under ten thousand people, they are used to arrogance. At the moment, it's hard to avoid being a little bitter.

But the bald headmaster gave a smile and took off his trousers. He looked at Shangxiao in the office and said, "whatever, that stinky boy won't come tomorrow. It's good for you to suck the river just now. Give me another move to swallow the sun and the moon! "

"You look worried. Is it a dog? Not enough? "

Shang Xiaohong threw a wink at the bald headmaster, and then walked over. Giggle a burst of evil laughter, squatting down to the office, a beautiful spring.

Xiao Yi, who is walking outside the office, pauses and then steps forward. Just now, Shang Xiaohong's bitter slander was clear to him.

Bitter smile, mouth murmured: "yes, yes, I am a poor boy."

Then, Xiao Yi clenched his fist. In the heart, sprouted a strong desire to make money. There is no money and no human rights. A female secretary who is riding on her crotch every day dares to point fingers at him behind her back.

However, as a man, Xiao Yi is not so narrow-minded. There is nothing to argue with a female secretary who is played by a man on her crotch every day.

As usual, I drove out of the villa by taxi.

Just walked to the door of his villa, saw Xia Wei holding a thermos box waiting at the door. Wearing that white nurse's clothes, in the afterglow of the sunset, the exquisite and graceful figure is even more at a glance, beautiful and suffocating.

"Well, I'll watch you drink." Xia Wei opens the heat preservation box in her hand and looks forward to Xiao Yi.

Since obeying my mother's command, this beautiful and arrogant female nurse. Finally began her career of chasing Xiaoyi, but her pursuit is more subtle. However, every night after work to bring warm chicken soup to Xiao Yi. Although I'm going to call Xiao Yi, I haven't contacted him.

Xiao Yi was moved, took the chicken soup, raised his head and drank it. I have to say that Xia Wei's craftsmanship is really good. The taste of chicken soup is comparable to that of the chef in the hotel.

"Is the hospital busy today?" Xiao Yi also went to the incubator and asked with concern.

"Not busy." Xia Wei lightly a smile, open mouth answers a way: "still like that."

I don't know why, there seems to be a gap between them. Although Xia Wei took the initiative to take a step forward, but that's all. In addition to the transaction of a box of chicken soup, there are only a few daily greetings. No cold, no light, no energy.

"In the future, you'd better not bring me chicken soup." Xiao Yi hesitated for a moment and said suddenly.

Xia Wei's heart clattered, and her pretty face turned white slightly. Then she whispered, "is the chicken soup I made bad?"

"No, it's good."

"That's the opposite Miss Zhong, don't you agree?" Xia Wei asked in a low voice, and then dropped her head. Clenching his lower lip, he rubbed his hands uneasily.

Xiao Yi was stunned. Then he remembered that he had a fiancee living opposite him.

After a long pause, Xiao Yi smiles and says, "no, you have to run back and forth to cook chicken soup every day. What a trouble. I'm afraid you have to work hard. "

"It's not hard." Summer Wei heart a warm, mouth firm way.

Looking at Xia Weilai, who makes her small, Xiao Yi smiles in embarrassment. It seems that being loved by a woman is not a good thing.

"Then..." Xiao Yi stares at Xia Wei, who is charming in front of her. She laughs wickedly and says, "why don't you come and live with me. My family is big, and I live alone. In this way, you can cook chicken soup for me every day and help me clean up the house. "

Xia Wei thinks of Xiao Yi's request for cohabitation, and immediately hums coldly: "hum, you want to be beautiful."

"You'll live on the first floor and I'll live on the second floor. Don't worry, I will remember the rule that men and women are not compatible. You are living in the dormitory of the hospital. It's noisy. "

"No. "

Xia Wei is pretty face blush, hold on to it. Leng after half a sound, but think of the mother's dundundun teachings, to hook Xiaoyi's heart, when necessary, you can cook mature rice with raw rice.

Now, this is a chance. Summer Wei a burst of hold uncertain, began to hesitate.

"If it doesn't work, forget it." Xiao Yi looks at the opposite Xia Wei and says something disappointed.

"I'll think about it and tell you the answer in two days."

Xia Wei summoned up her courage and finally said this bold word. Then, he grabbed the heat preservation box in Xiaoyi's hand and ran out of Xiaoyi villa.Xiao Yi looks at Xia Wei that gallop appearance, slightly Leng Leng God. Wearing nurse's clothes, running, hips swinging from side to side. In the white uniform, there is an irresistible temptation.

"Oh, my little lovers are coming."

Don't know when, Zhong Xiaoyu has come to Xiao Yi's side, opening cold way. Full of jealousy.

Xiao Yi slightly a Leng, turn head to look at Gao Gao pouting small mouth Zhong Xiaoyu, in the heart a void. I don't know why, Xiao Yi always feels a little bit like catching a traitor in bed.

"Er..." Xiao Yi squeezed out a sour smile and said, "I helped her last time. This time I cooked some chicken soup and sent it to me."

"Yo, and chicken soup?" Zhong Xiaoyu's heart is even more dissatisfied, pouting up the small mouth higher up some: "others give you chicken soup, is not thinking about your crotch that chicken?"


On the sofa in Zhong Xiaoyu's villa, Zhong Xiaoyu looks at Xiao Yi with a black face and brings up the sumptuous dinner.

"Tonight, you are only allowed to eat fried black fungus with banana." After Zhong Xiaoyu sat at the table, he began to give orders with a straight face.

Xiao Yi has a long face and eats the rice in the bowl without speaking.

"Xiao Yi, I'll tell you." Zhong Xiaoyu looks at Xiao Yi not to speak, oneself a slap clap not to ring, opening solemn way.

"You said Xiao Yi stopped his chopsticks and looked very attentive.

"You can have an affair, you can have a little three, you can even have a little four, you can have a little five But you must not take it home. And, don't let my mother know, or you'll be finished. " Zhong Xiaoyu began to talk about his long speech in an orderly way: "I am a young man, I want to keep up with the fashion. I know that all of you men with ability like to have three wives and four concubines. But in the future, I will be your main room and your wife. "

Xiao Yi listens to Zhong Xiaoyu's long speech, and is slightly stunned at first. After that, he finally took a long breath and made a positive decision: "I promise, no matter what, you are the biggest."

Hearing Xiao Yi's promise, Zhong Xiaoyu finally smiles. Then he knocked on the rice bowl in front of him with his chopsticks and said, "tomorrow night, at yejianghai Hotel, my mother will hold a birthday dinner for me. What are you going to give me for my birthday? Remember, the South African diamond ring is too vulgar, and I don't want the villa key. "

Listening to Zhong Xiaoyu's request for a birthday present again, Xiao Yi was slightly stunned and thought, "how about I rub a set of clay figurines for you? I often play in the mountains. The mud people rub it vividly, but it's good-looking. "

Come on.

Zhong Xiaoyu's mouth a mouthful of rice, immediately splashed out. Looking at the serious Xiao Yi on the other side, he asked again, "are you going to send me a pile of mud people tomorrow night?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Xiao Yi surprised looking at the opposite Zhong Xiaoyu, puzzled asked.

"Ah, Xiao Yi, go to hell..."

In the villa, there was a scream of Zhong Xiaoyu.

At night, the lights are bright in a villa somewhere in the river and sea. Song shaolun sat on the sofa with a worried look all over his face.

"Feng'er, tomorrow is Zhong Xiaoyu's birthday. You ask dad to prepare that for you, and dad grinds it to Secretary Niu. At that time, at the birthday dinner, you can definitely shine with a gift. " Song shaolun opens the sofa on his father's face.

"Really?" Song shaolun couldn't help trembling in his voice, expecting his father.

"When did dad cheat you?" Song Chongming laughed and said with pride: "this is the first rubbings of the authentic God's post. If it wasn't for your marriage, Dad would not like to take them out. Ask Secretary Niu for this rubbings, but I'm not proud of it. "

After that, song Chongming took out the rubbings of God's note from his hand and carefully placed them on the table.

"Look, this pair of wild grass is like a dragon flying. The artistic conception, tut tut..." Song Chongming with a pair of presbyopic glasses, staring at the rubbings, while gently stroking, while gently opening praise.

Song shaolun stared at the rubbing of God's note on the table, his eyes shining. Clench your fists in front of your chest. If you want to say what's the hottest recently, it's not the God's post circulating in politics. I couldn't get it, but the first rubbings are also precious.

It's too vulgar to send gold, silver and jewelry. The Zhong family doesn't lack it. The precious rubbings are more elegant and precious.

Song shaolun seems to have seen that when he presents this gift with his hands, he will surely win the applause and applause of the whole audience.

Old secretary Zhang Weimin received an invitation from Zhong qianmei, chairman of Jianghua group, in his old house. Of course, Zhang Weimin, the old secretary, politely refused.

Zhong qianmei is not unhappy. It is polite and polite to invite the old secretary. With the style of the old secretary over the years, he seldom attended such occasions.Zhang Weimin, the old secretary, gently knocked on the table. He was used to taking out the God's post again and began to appreciate it. The more you look at this copy of calligraphy, the better and the more exquisite it is. As for the so-called prescription, the old secretary Zhang Weimin did not try it. Recently, he has been immersed in this piece of God's note, and he has long forgotten the old problem of high blood pressure.

The more he looked at it, the more he wanted to find out the original work and the young man. Thinking of an unprecedentedly grand Zhong's birthday party tomorrow night, Zhang Weimin had a glimmer of hope: "so many people, maybe you can see that young man."

With that, Zhang Weimin made a phone call to Zhong qianmei, chairman of Zhongjia group: "tomorrow evening, I will attend the birthday dinner of Zhongjia Qianjin on time."

Zhong qianmei received a phone call, a burst of wonder, opening secretly way: "how, this river sea breeze blowing a bit strange."

Zhang Weimin of the old house made a phone call to Zhong qianmei. After thinking about it, he made a phone call to the current Secretary Niu: "calf, let's go to the girl of the Zhong family tomorrow night to congratulate her birthday. There are so many people there that they may meet the young man who wrote the letter of God? "

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