Before long, the shadow flew down from the sixth floor window, like a boulder falling, with an unusually fast speed. When he reached the ground, he suddenly tossed and landed steadily, and then disappeared into the darkness with a lightning speed.

This Kung Fu makes Liu Haofeng frown. He is definitely a first-class expert!

Really don't understand, Liu Haofeng came out with his eyebrows locked, squinted at the direction of their disappearance, and muttered to himself: "University of Finance and economics, it's really not simple."

Walking to the gate of the teaching building, he looked up at the layout and found that the sixth floor was actually the archives, which made Liu Haofeng even more confused. "What are they looking for? Is it something about this school when they go to the archives?"

Liu Haofeng always felt that things were not so simple, but he couldn't think of why for a moment. Of course, if they really come for Gu Lianmeng, don't blame him


In the early morning of the next day, Liu Haofeng was still sleeping. The door rang. Outside the door came Zhong Yawei's cry: "Liu Haofeng, I'll kick the door if I don't open the door again!"

Listen to really irritable, Liu Haofeng simply covered his head with a quilt, turned over and continued to snore. I was waking up after kissing a beautiful woman. It was like killing him.

Outside the door, she didn't hear a response for a long time. Zhong Yawei was very angry with her hands on her hips and stared angrily: "what's the matter with this bastard? The mobile phone is turned off and the phone doesn't answer. I'm looking for death! I wouldn't bother to care about you if there weren't an order from the top!"

Thinking of Liu Haofeng's strength, Zhong Yawei shook her head again and muttered, "shouldn't it be going out to fool around..."

Said fooling around, suddenly thought of something, and his face turned blue with anger. I did hear footsteps outside when I was going to bed last night. So this bastard really went out and didn't come back all night?

At the thought of his engagement with him and just warned him yesterday, the bastard went out to fool around.

"Damn Liu Haofeng!" gnashing his teeth, he scolded secretly. He always felt abandoned, and he was even more unhappy in his heart. Once gritting his teeth, he turned back to 503.

After a while, he came out angrily with the key. While opening the door, he gnashed his teeth and scolded in a low voice: "Liu Haofeng, you big bastard, if you really fool around outside all night, I'll turn your room into the sea!"

In the hazy, Liu Haofeng seemed to hear the sound of opening the door, but the dream continued, and he didn't care too much. He continued to lick his lips, put the quilt between his legs and aftertaste his great beauty.

After entering the door, Zhong Yawei tiptoed around and found that nothing had moved in the hall. She was even more annoyed. The bastard never came back last night. The doors of the room are still open!

However, when she got to the door of the room, Zhong Yawei was really scared.

What comes into view is Liu Haofeng's buttocks tilted towards the door. In addition to his black underwear covering important parts, he has a panoramic view of everything else!

What's more shameless is that Liu Haofeng just felt that his ass was a little itchy. He scratched his underwear and said to himself, "beauty, is it cool..."

With a brush, Zhong Yawei's cheeks turned crimson and her eyes almost didn't burst into flames. This bastard is clearly flirting!

Suddenly he felt chilly after leaving. Liu Haofeng suddenly turned over and looked at the door with a frightened face. Unexpectedly, there was someone!

Zhong Yawei's two eyes stared at the boss. She looked at his dark and gloomy tent and the strong muscles up the tent. For a moment, she didn't know how to react.

Noticing her eyes, Liu Haofeng lowered his head and took a look at his cheek. He hurriedly pulled over the quilt to cover his vital point and wanted to slap himself.

No wonder I always had spring dreams just now. It turned out that the air was good in the morning and the big bird looked up for food

Looking at the dull Zhong Yawei at the door, Liu Haofeng was not sleepy at all. He was full of embarrassing dry Laughter: "this, ha ha, morning!"

This greeting finally awakened Zhong Yawei, with crimson cheeks and red ears. Her chest suddenly rose, and Liu Haofeng hurriedly plugged her ears.


The shrill cry broke through the clouds, tore up the space, jumped around and crossed thousands of miles in an instant!

"Hooligan, coyote!" blushing, he smashed the key mercilessly, and immediately turned and ran away.

Liu Haofeng was startled and quickly turned over to avoid the attack. Also at this time, the door slammed shut, shaking the hanging lights in the room almost fell off.

"It's obviously you who broke in!" depressed, he opened the quilt and looked at his high spirited Dick. Liu Haofeng wondered who lost his life and changed his name to himself

Then again, it's already 22 years old. You can find a woman to break the immortal body of King Kong. You can't keep your body like a jade all your life.

The question is, who?

Five minutes later, Liu Haofeng changed his clothes and opened the door. Sure enough, he saw Zhong Yawei standing in the corridor with crimson cheeks. How can you come to yourself early in the morning if you have nothing to do? It's definitely not to see your unique scenery

Seeing Liu Haofeng, Zhong Yawei's ears were still a little hot, but she stared at him fiercely and said in a hate voice: "the boss called to make you less trouble. The task is heavy."

Liu Haofeng was stunned for a moment and shouted to her: "what do you mean? The task is so easy now, even the basic carefree..."

"I dare not, if I send it to you, you want to theory and find an old cat!" Zhong Yawei didn't return her head, angrily entered 503 and closed the door.

Liu Haofeng still doesn't quite understand what this means. Now the task is so easy that he can make less trouble? Isn't he low-key enough these days?

Depressed touched his nose and muttered: "I've been very low-key. They're asking me for trouble. What can I do..."

At 11 a.m., Liu Haofeng was so busy that he was really dizzy. He still couldn't help holding Zhou Pingli and said with a bitter smile, "director, should we invite more doctors? If this goes on, both doctors and nurses will be tired to death."

Zhou Pingli also couldn't laugh or cry: "I want to, but it came a little suddenly. I just told the school yesterday that it might take several days. The nurse can be transferred from other hospitals, but the doctor... Let's get through this week first."

Liu Haofeng's mouth is slightly drawn. He is really tired after working more than ten hours a day! It's not that the physical strength can't keep up, but it's a little uncomfortable mentally.

But he also knew that what Zhou Pingli said was true. These patients came too suddenly and the school hospital was a little unprepared. But for the sake of interests, they are reluctant to shut these patients out.

Thinking of these, Liu Haofeng sighed and said, "OK, I've been working more recently. I'm young and can stand it. In addition, in terms of medication, try to use good drugs to let them leave the hospital quickly."

"Hey, you can rest assured." when it comes to medication, Zhou Pingli admires Liu Haofeng. Every patient who comes in has been personally diagnosed by Liu Haofeng's hand, and basically will prescribe a pair of traditional Chinese medicine. Although many people are still skeptical, many people who have taken drugs have improved. You know, I only started using traditional Chinese medicine yesterday!

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