Originally, Liu Haofeng also wanted to hug and hug with several beautiful women in the big tent tonight, but the final result was that he lived in the tent alone, and the four women slept in the car.

When I came to camp, the four women were very excited. But when I really came to the wilderness, I was too dark and afraid of dirt. I wanted to stay in a clean car all the time. Liu Haofeng had no choice but to keep the empty account alone.

"Liu Haofeng..."

Just as he was about to turn off the lights to sleep, Qin Qingwu's cry came from outside. Liu Haofeng is so excited that he finally doesn't have to keep an empty bed alone tonight!

Sure enough, Qin Qingwu came in wearing a thin Pajama with his hair down. He was a little lazy and really charming.

Liu Haofeng thinks that the most beautiful time for a woman is not after bed, but before bed. To have a face, to be coquettish

"Liu Haofeng, what did you say to the poison king just now?" Qin Qingwu sat down at the head of the bed and stared at him with big eyes.

Liu Haofeng reacted. Her eyes fell on her hands that had taken off her gloves. At first glance, her eyes narrowed into a line.

At this time, the abscess on the back of her hand had expanded, although it had not broken, but the dark green skin was more and more dazzling. Obviously, the toxin has increased again!

Qin Qingwu also looked at his disgusting hand and looked a little miserable: "Liu Haofeng, do you think he can't be cured... If not, will I die?"

In response, Liu Haofeng smiled: "silly girl, what do you think? Master poison king is the first poison king in China. There is no poison he can't solve and no poison he can't control."

"But..." Qin Qingwu's eyes burst into tears, filled with endless worries. "He didn't promise just now, but said to discuss it tomorrow. Is there any condition?"

Although she has a small family, she is not stupid. After thinking about the poison King's words carefully just now, I think it's wrong. It must be some condition exchange before the poison king is willing to take action.

Liu Haofeng didn't expect that she was so sensitive. She was a little confused and nodded without concealment: "yes, the poison king has a rule. If you want his help, you have to help him first."

"Then he... What does he want you to do?" Qin Qingwu was a little nervous. "Will he let you do something bad?"

"That's not true," Liu Haofeng took a deep breath with a bitter smile, "but the poison King's request is always strange. Last time I came because I was poisoned, he asked me to find a strange cow."

Think of the last time, Liu Haofeng really couldn't cry or laugh. At that time, he was on a mission abroad and had to come to the poison king. Unexpectedly, I had to help the poison king find a cow without horns before detoxification. After looking for it for several days, I almost missed the detoxification period.

How can buffalo not have horns except calves? However, the poison king wants an old cow. He must be over five years old!

Fortunately, the old cat and others helped at that time, otherwise Liu Haofeng couldn't find the calf that the strange buffalo wouldn't grow up!

Qin Qingwu was surprised: "ah? Well, did you find it? Can a cow without horns be a newborn cow?"

Liu Haofeng shook his head with a bitter smile: "no, he must be over five years old. Finally, he found a dwarf cow..."

"Pooh... Giggle..." Qin Qingwu couldn't help laughing. Even cattle have dwarfism. It's the first time she's heard of it.

Seeing her smiling, Liu Haofeng also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "don't worry, the poison King's conditions are very strange, but it's not difficult to realize. I don't think he will ask too much this time..."

In fact, he didn't know what the poison king asked. The old guy never played cards according to common sense. I heard that once he wanted someone else's virgin blood, damn old man!

Hearing what he said, Qin Qingwu was relieved. Since he was looking for such strange things, it shouldn't be too troublesome. It's a big deal to ask his family to help find them. "Liu Haofeng, I'll go back to bed first. You can sleep well."

Seeing her out of the tent, Liu Haofeng really wanted to say, stay and let's sleep together!

After Qin Qingwu left, Liu Haofeng sighed again. In fact, he didn't tell Qin Qingwu about one thing. The more serious the situation is, the more things need to be done. It's an equivalent exchange.

If it's just Qin Qingwu, maybe one or two things can be solved. But with Gu Lianxuan, I'm afraid there's trouble

"Hey, forget it, I don't want to. I'll know what's going on tomorrow." turned over and Liu Haofeng shook his head and forced himself to sleep. Tomorrow, we have to start doing big things and save our energy.

Seeing that he was about to fall asleep, there was a rustling sound outside the tent. Liu Haofeng was startled and jumped up quickly. He opened the tent slowly and cautiously. At first glance, he almost didn't call out.

Outside, a centipede with a thigh is crawling slowly. Seeing Liu Haofeng, he looks up and sweeps. His slender tentacles are particularly frightening.

Liu Haofeng is really frightened. It's the first time to see such a big centipede!

Worried about what to do, the poison King's door creaked open and the poison king came out. "Oh, little darling, why did you run out in the middle of the night?"

Liu Haofeng took a swipe at the corner of his mouth. Well, it's really something of the poison King's family!

It was such a stunned God that the big centipede puffed and flew directly into Liu Haofeng's arms. Liu Haofeng screamed and rolled back.

"Hey, hey, don't move my little darling, it won't bite you!" the poison king was shocked and rushed up with an arrow step. It was ten meters away, but he crossed it in one step!

He grabbed the centipede in Liu Haofeng's arms, and the poison King painfully touched its head and scolded: "you little darling, why did you run out in the middle of the night? Fortunately, I didn't sleep to death... Oh, I see. You smell the fragrance!"

Lying on the ground, Liu Haofeng smoked his body and smelled his meat? My father, the centipede is so big. How strong the toxin is!

Ignoring Liu Haofeng, the poison King continued to smile at the centipede and said, "you can't mess around. She is human and born with poison. If you eat it, you will be poisoned."

"Hmm?" Liu Haofeng finally understood and hurriedly staggered up, "senior poison king, you mean..."

The poison King shook his head. "Things are much more complicated than you think. She is born with poison. Now it is also the time when the toxin is the weakest. If you want to control it, you must do it within seven days, otherwise the toxicity will break out and get out of control in the future."

"Well... What should I do?" Liu Haofeng also knew that the natural poison body has a low tide. Once it has passed this low tide, it is even more impossible to control it in the future. However, the low tide period of Qin Qingwu is too short. Others' is a year or a few years.

The poison King patted the head of the big centipede and sighed: "although I am the poison king, I can only detoxify but not control poison. I think you should know that. You still need to find another person."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Liu Haofeng was even more disappointed. The situation was much more serious than he expected. "King Miao, isn't it?"

The poison king was stunned, glanced at Liu Haofeng and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you knew him. Yes, you must find the Miao king if you want to control the poison. However, this old man never likes to meet people, let alone you are not from the Miao stronghold..."

Liu Haofeng's scalp felt numb. In fact, he had thought of the Miao king for a long time, but in his opinion, the chance to find the Miao king was too slim. The old man didn't know where to hide all year round, and the rules of the Miao King were more harsh.

"I can control it temporarily, but it's also ten days at most. If you can't find the Miao King within ten days, her toxin will explode, so it's not far from death."

The poison King sighed again, quite disappointed, "life and death, wealth and honor are in heaven. As a condition, you should help me find someone this time."

The conditions did come!

Liu Haofeng sighed slightly and answered awkwardly: "well, master poison king, it's not just her, another girl..."

Frowning slightly, the poison king said, "the girl with blocked vein? Her condition is not much better than this. I guess the left half is almost blocked."

"It's not blockage, it's solidification." Liu Haofeng smiled bitterly. "When she was young, she should have accidentally eaten Tianling beans, so..."

"Tianlingdou?" the poison king suddenly said, "you mean tianlingdou, one of the most precious treasures in Wulin? The little girl is lucky. My old man hasn't found tianlingdou all his life. She actually... In this way, you give her to me and I'll see if there's any way. The condition is to find someone."

Liu Haofeng couldn't help but be confused. Who is it that makes the poison king so obsessed.

"I think you've met people from other forces on the road. During this time, the K city is not calm. They are looking for someone," said the poison king with a smile

Hearing this, Liu Haofeng was worried. Was the thing the ghost was looking for actually a person?

"There's nothing wrong. It's just a person and a woman." the poison King continued. "According to the news, she is an extremely Yin body that can't be seen for thousands of years. Oh, I want to see what the difference is. However, I don't know much. It seems that someone deliberately leaked the news."

His heart trembled again. I don't know why. Liu Haofeng couldn't help thinking of Gu Lianmeng. Although I don't think it's possible, if she's not in a special situation, how can I explain that she wants him to be a bodyguard?

Now the news is too general. I only know that there is a very Yin body, but I don't know where it is or how big it is. Therefore, it is also more troublesome to find.

The requirement given by the poison king is that it must be found within three years, and no one can find it first.

This condition seems easy, but in fact it is particularly harsh and basically impossible to achieve.

Seeing Liu Haofeng's hesitation, the poison King smiled, "don't worry. If others find it now, it's nothing. But then you'll help me do another thing. As for what, we'll talk about it later. As a condition, I'll help you control this natural poison for ten days and tell you the whereabouts of the Miao king. Then, I'll help you see if you can dredge the girl with blocked vein."

After thinking about it, Liu Haofeng still clenched his teeth and promised, "well, master poison king, I promise you."

He knows the strength of the poison king. He is not only strong with poison, but also terrible in cultivation. Liu Haofeng couldn't do three moves in front of him.

You know, Liu Haofeng himself is a congenital expert. Isn't the poison king a master level... All the masters in China are not enough to have one hand these days

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