"Come on, come on, the last dish, fish head soup!"

With the cry of Zhong Yawei, a sumptuous dinner was put on the table. Braised carp, sweet and sour spareribs, even barbecue.

So many dishes make Liu Haofeng even more inexplicable. What day is it today? How can these beautiful women have leisure to cook in person?

"Liu Haofeng, do you want to drink? There's wine in the fridge." while sitting down, Zhong Yawei said, "I'm hungry. Feel free."

This made Liu Haofeng even more ashamed. The time to know Zhong Yawei was not very short. It was the first time to see her speak so kindly.

"Wait a minute." Gu Lianmeng pulled Zhong Yawei with a rare smile, and his eyes fell on Liu Haofeng. Seeing that he was still unnatural, he couldn't help laughing, "Liu Haofeng, are you still worried that the food we cooked is poisonous?"

"No... No." Liu Haofeng smiled awkwardly, even if it was poisonous, he was not afraid. The key is, what are their purposes and why are they so abnormal today?

"Giggle, OK, don't frighten him." Qin Qingwu really loves Liu Haofeng and brings vegetables to Liu Haofeng. "Liu Haofeng, you forget, today is your birthday. Happy birthday!"

"My birthday?" Liu Haofeng was stunned. He really didn't remember that today was his birthday. To be exact, he doesn't know when his birthday is, but the date on his ID card is today.

"I don't remember my birthday." Zhong Yawei gave a white look and turned to take out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator. "Happy Birthday! Anyway, we are also comrades in arms. We didn't hurry to give you a gift. This meal is your birthday gift."

Qin Qingwu echoed: "yes, I only remembered it when I bought vegetables, so we didn't have time to buy gifts. I'll make it up for you next time."

Gu Lianmeng smiled on his cold face: "I won't make longevity noodles, just make do with it."

"Yo, yo, you see, we are good to you." Gu Lianxuan said and raised her glass. "Cheers! Happy birthday to you!"

Looking at the happy blessings of several women, Liu Haofeng was a little sour. This is his first birthday. In fact, he has always avoided birthday, because he always thinks of those unbearable childhood on this day.

But now, there are so many friends to surprise themselves. They don't need too many gifts. This warmth is enough.

Seeing Liu Haofeng staring at the crowd, Qin Qingwu was nervous: "Liu Haofeng, what's the matter?"

Liu Haofeng smiled, raised his glass and said with a smile, "thank you, cheers!"

The girls immediately agreed excitedly, "cheers!"

He poured down a glass of drink. Liu Haofeng sincerely breathed out and swept the five girls around him. Each of them was very beautiful and had different personalities.

"Thank you for remembering my birthday. I don't remember myself, ha ha..."

Zhong Yawei wiped the corners of her mouth and said carelessly, "you've always been like this. I heard Pang Feng say that you wanted to celebrate your birthday last year, but you went out to perform the task. If you don't say so much, I'll starve to death."

In fact, she didn't know that on her birthday last year, Liu Haofeng deliberately took over the task and tried to forget this day.

Although there are several friends of Pang Feng, some words can't be told to them after all. They are suffocated in their hearts, so performing tasks is the best way to vent.

This year, there are several women accompanying her birthday. Liu Haofeng doesn't feel disgusted, but happy. For the first time, it was good to have so many friends.

The women had a tacit understanding and didn't ask Liu Haofeng any questions about his life experience. Obviously, they had already got some information from Zhong Yawei and knew that his life experience was the last scar Liu Haofeng wanted to uncover.

This was the warmest meal Liu Haofeng had ever had. Several women talked and laughed, and occasionally joked with each other. The atmosphere was very peaceful.

After dinner, Zhong Yawei, Gu Lianxuan and Chu Shiqing go to wash the dishes. Qin Qingwu's hands are inconvenient and can only sweep the table. Gu Lianmeng should have something to do, sitting on the sofa.

When several women were busy, Gu Lianmeng said, "how are you going to treat it?"

Knowing that she was talking about Gu Lianxuan's illness, Liu Haofeng smiled and said, "it's actually very easy. You need to take medicine once a day, and then dredge her meridians. You should be able to dredge it slowly. I'll dredge her in the early stage, and you can do it in the later stage."

"It's so simple?" Gu Lianmeng couldn't believe it. If it's so simple, why did he say no earlier?

Knowing her mind, Liu Haofeng said with a bitter smile, "this medicine is not as simple as you think. I can't study such a medicine with my ability."

I'm kidding. The poison king and the Miao King studied it all night before they summed it up. There is no need to test the medicine. Liu Haofeng thinks he doesn't have such ability. This kind of medicine usually needs to be tested for a period of time before you dare to take it, otherwise you will die.

"Oh, all right." Gu Lianmeng shrugged slightly and changed the topic, "what are you going to do about Yang Li?"

"Do you still need to deal with it?" Liu Haofeng leaned on the sofa. "He'll come as soon as he comes. I'm not afraid of him."

Gu Lianmeng frowned slightly and wanted to remind Liu Haofeng that Liu Hua was not so easy to provoke. However, she also knew that Liu Haofeng was not that kind of reckless person. If he was not sure, he would not be like this.

Thinking of this, Gu Lianmeng sighed slightly: "it's better to have less contact with them. They have deteriorated."

Liu Haofeng didn't quite understand what metamorphism meant and didn't want to understand it. As long as he didn't provoke him, he wouldn't do it. But it's really annoying. Let alone a small first-class martial artist, he's not afraid even if he comes from a congenital master!

"I'll handle it well, but you should be careful," said Liu Haofeng. He thought of something and suddenly sat up straight. "I really want to know why I need to protect you."

"This..." Gu Lianmeng hesitated to bite his lower lip and shook his head for a while. "I don't know. Maybe you will know better than me in the future. I thought I didn't need protection, but now... The situation is a little complicated."

"Hmm?" Liu Haofeng is even more inexplicable. She must know something, but she doesn't dare to tell herself? Why on earth

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Gu Lianxuan came out of the kitchen and looked at them strangely. In fact, she knows that she must be talking about herself.

"Nothing. Go to the Chinese drugstore with me tomorrow and fill your medicine." Liu Haofeng answered and stood up. "I'll go out and get some air."

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you!" Qin Qingwu rushed out of the bathroom, looking anxious as if Liu Haofeng was going to abandon her.

"I'll go too!" Zhong Yawei also came out with dishes and chopsticks. "Just after dinner, go out for a walk. Liu Haofeng, do you think you two go to love each other?"

"No, sister Wei, don't talk nonsense!" Qin Qingwu's cheeks turned crimson for a moment, and he bowed his head in shame and didn't dare to look at people.

Liu Haofeng looked at several women in tears and laughter. It was like he took several little wives for a walk after dinner. He was ecstatic! Originally, I just wanted to go out and relax. Now I have to take a group of beautiful women!

Fortunately, the sky has darkened, and there are basically no people wandering in the school. Otherwise, Liu Haofeng will be hated to death. A man with five beautiful women, and each one is at the school flower level, which is a rhythm that doesn't let people live.

Walking behind several women, watching five girls chirping together, even Gu Lianmeng, who has always talked little, participated in it. It's a mess. I don't know what I'm talking about.

Looking at the back of several women, Liu Haofeng was relieved. He was also friends with them. He should be able to tell them something.

"Liu Haofeng, what are you thinking?" Qin Qingwu suddenly turned around and asked, with his little head tilted. "Don't think so much. Isn't it good now?"

Liu Haofeng pursed at the corners of his mouth: "thank you... I'm fine. I'm really good now." no matter when, she's so considerate. It's really distressing.

"Hey, you little couple, don't show your love in front of us, will you?" Zhong Yawei looked back and said contemptuously, "Liu Haofeng, I'm your fiancee now, and then you found a little wife, you can."

"Cluck, sister Wei, I said you were jealous, cluck..."

"Yes, sister Wei, otherwise, you'll perform with light dance. The original match is the war with Xiao San. See who can win, giggle..."

"Hey, hey, you two don't come and make fun of me. Haven't you heard of it, fiancee, there's never a good result. I'll share it with him sooner or later, so dance lightly. Don't worry."

"Oh, sister Wei, it's so generous. Who said it before? It can't damage your reputation?"

"Of course, you can't lose your reputation. Therefore, you two'd better go undercover and let us catch traitors occasionally, don't you?"

"Puff... Giggle..."

After listening to the gossip of several women, Liu Haofeng in the back burst into a cold sweat. The topic is really open. It's useful to catch traitors.

But then again, he really felt a little sorry for Zhong Yawei. Zhong Yawei remembered his birthday, but he knew little about Zhong Yawei.

Although this engagement is to be dissolved, we must get to know each other if we are friends.

Just thinking, the mobile phone rang, took out a look, but it was Pang Feng.

"Hey, crazy man, happy birthday. You've been doing well there. You haven't called me for so long. You've caused a lot of trouble recently. Pay more attention."

"When did you become such a babe?" Liu Haofeng replied with a wry smile, "how are you recently? When can you come out?"

"Hei hei, it may take me another month to go out. The task here is completed. I have a month's vacation. I'll find you then. Hei hei, I think you'll need me soon."

Pang Feng's confidence puzzled Liu Haofeng. Does he know his current situation? As far as the current situation is concerned, he really needs a computer expert to help deal with all kinds of gossip and collect data. It's best to set off with the old dragon and find parents.

However, Pang Feng's genius is a national person and can't be used by himself. Liu Haofeng also knows it.

After a few words, I called Longzhen again. Unfortunately, there was no good news. Longzhen still couldn't find any clues about Liu Haofeng's life experience.

This made Liu Haofeng a little disappointed. What was going on in those years, who were his parents, and why he didn't leave any clues

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