All the students around were holding their breath and staring.

I don't know whether I was shocked by this technique or expected the girl to wake up. One by one, I didn't dare to go out and stared at the boss.

"Lie on your side!"

Liu Haofeng's voice was very thick. The female teacher didn't hesitate to do it, but her mind was blank. She didn't need to know why she wanted to listen to him.

When the girl lay down on her side, Liu Haofeng stretched out his hand and directly grasped the girl's left chest.

This surprised the people around, but they didn't dare to say more. They could only watch the "goddess" be desecrated.

The female teacher was also stunned. She looked up at Liu Haofeng with her eyebrows locked and moved her lips. After all, she stopped her words in her stomach.

About ten seconds later, Liu Haofeng wrung his eyebrows and said to the female teacher, "among the people who hold her down, press as much strength as you have. Be careful not to use your nails."

The female teacher nodded, biting her silver teeth and desperately pressed the girl's middle point.

Liu Haofeng took a deep breath and clapped his hand fiercely. The five silver needles behind the girl flew out for nearly two meters. The students who looked scared retreated for several meters.

The silver needle flew out. Liu Haofeng suddenly turned the girl over, lowered his head and put his mouth on the girl's pale lips.

After several times of artificial respiration, the girl's face finally returned to ruddy. Liu Haofeng was overjoyed and continued to breathe for her.

"Cough..." just as Liu Haofeng was blowing into the girl's mouth, the girl suddenly coughed, and the students around him instantly boiled.

"Come alive, come alive!"

The girl looked at Liu Haofeng with a confused face. Her eyes tilted slightly and glanced around. She was even more puzzled when she saw that everyone around was cheering.

"Here comes the school doctor!"

Just at this time, several doctors hurriedly came over with a stretcher. Liu Haofeng pulled slightly from the corners of his mouth and sighed in his heart. These doctors are also too slow. If they came 30 seconds later, one life would be lost.

Looking down, he found that the girl was looking at herself. Liu Haofeng thought she was worried, so he smiled and comforted, "it's all right. It'll be fine in a minute."

The girl's cheeks were crimson and turned her head to avoid Liu Haofeng's eyes.

The students around were shocked. After a while, they became lively again.

"It's so powerful. Who is this man? He's a cow. He saved the school flower with acupuncture!"

"So handsome, heroes save the United States... People are so excited and like it..."

"I'll go. You want to be shocked? But he's really handsome. If he saved me, I'll promise him by example. Oh, my handsome boy, so handsome..."

Several doctors put the girl on the stretcher and carried her away. Liu Haofeng was relieved. He carefully put away the silver needle on the ground and left behind the stretcher.

"You should be Liu Haofeng, the new doctor?" a doctor in his forties smiled as he ran.

"Yes, it's me." Liu Haofeng nodded.

"Surgeon Zhou Pingli, welcome to join us!" Zhou Pingli was still a little excited, and his eyes were especially eager.

"Thank you for taking care of each other." Liu Haofeng smiled.

After entering the hospital, Liu Haofeng first followed Zhou Pingli to report and arrange his duties.

More than 20 minutes later, Liu Haofeng had put on his white coat.

"Dr. Liu, that girl won't let us check at all!"

Before Liu Haofeng had a rest, the doctor who had just carried the stretcher ran over and shouted a little worried.

Liu Haofeng hurried into the ward.

In the ward, the girl who was shocked just now huddled in front of the hospital bed and stood next to several doctors and nurses, male and female, who kept persuading her, but the girl shook her head desperately.

"Don't come near me, I don't need to check..."

After a little look, Liu Haofeng found that the girl was really beautiful and her exquisite facial features were very beautiful.

But it's strange that this school flower has long sleeves, trousers and even gloves on a hot day.

"It's no big deal. Why don't you let the doctor check?" Liu Haofeng asked softly in front of the beautiful school flower.

"I..." the beautiful school flower raised her head and stared at him with her eyes shining. "Thank you for saving me, but I don't need to check."

Liu Haofeng was stunned and said to other doctors, "everybody, why don't I talk to her alone?"

The doctors around him saw his means on the playground and left without saying anything.

When the doctors and nurses quit, Liu Haofeng turned to close the door, sat down beside the bed, looked at the frightened school flower again, and kept smiling patiently: "what's your name?"

The beautiful school flower hesitated before raising her head. Her face was still shy. "I... Qin Qingwu, a sophomore in business school."

Liu Haofeng nodded: "I'm a sophomore... I think you should know that your situation is not stable now. We need to check before we can determine the cause..."

Before the words fell, Qin Qingwu suddenly trembled again, which made Liu Haofeng stop involuntarily and looked at her with a frown.

"I'm fine. I don't need to check... I'm going back..."

Flustered, Qin Qingwu stood up and tried to rush out with his head down.

Also at this moment, Liu Haofeng saw a touch of green liquid on her white gloves. His eyes lit up and stood up to stop her: "wait!"

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