Chapter 10 first practice

When the black wind was activated, a black wind, unknown where it appeared, landed on Baek Woojin’s whole body.


Baek Myeong-hoon’s movement began to slow due to the effect of the black wind, and on the contrary, Baek Woojin’s speed increased.

“Where do we start?”


Baek Myung-hoon’s eyes shook as if an earthquake had occurred when he saw the black wind surrounding Baek Woojin.


Baek Woojin bowed his head to dodge his fists, then rushed forward and slammed Baek Myung-hoon’s sword with his shoulder. The black wind pierced Baek Myung-hoon’s aura and left a strong impact on his body.


Baek Woojin followed Baek Myung-hoon as he flew backwards and smacked his chin with his left fist.

“Shut up!”

Baek Myung-hoon screamed and collapsed. He slapped harder than last time, so he didn’t come to his senses.

“after… .”

Baek Woojin released the black wind by controlling his breathing. He stunned Baek Myung-hoon, a level 2 ability, with just two shots.

– After all, the black wind is great.


When you use Rasadum’s aura, the characteristic called Black Wind is activated. This black wind has the tremendous ability to slow down the enemy’s time and speed up itself.

The black wind isn’t all there. I don’t know the name, but the next stage of the Black Wind also existed.


Baek Woojin approached Baek Myung-hoon and lifted his upper body. Upon checking his condition, he fainted, but was not seriously injured. He didn’t need to be taken to the infirmary.

-Are you still taking care of me as an older brother?


Baek Woojin slashed Baek Myung-hoon’s head in a row and put it back down.

“I’m going to get addicted to this kind of shit. It’s new every time you hit it. the best.”

– Crazy…


Baek Woojin left the house for the first time since meeting the darkness.

-The buildings are terribly high. It’s almost like a resonant tree.

“I’ve been thinking for a long time, are you from a fantasy world?”

-fantasy? What is it?

“no. done.”

It’s going to be too long to explain now, so I’ll have to take some time later to have a deep conversation with Darkness.

-Where are you going today?

“Now you have become an auror. I have to go register with the association.”

-You say you’re going well, don’t you do that?

“Because the goddamn new swordsman is not a very kind family.”

Baek Woojin went to the branch of the Association of Competents, explaining modern things to Heuk-Am.

“You suffered.”

“Yes. Thanks for your efforts.”

Baek Woojin proved his qualifications as a prosecutor and received a certificate from an association branch. The certificate was not sent to paper, but to an app on the smartphone.

“Baek Woojin. If you are a direct descendant of the new swordsman… .”

“I don’t like that bag.”

What the registration staff could confirm was Baek Woojin’s name, age, and abilities, so he couldn’t know about his family.“Ah, sorry. Last month, a direct descendant of the Baek family came and got the qualification of a second-class prosecutor, and it was really difficult because he was so picky and cocky. After all, there’s no way someone who is kind like Baek Woojin is from that family. His face was much better looking too. haha.”

The employee approached Baek Woojin and whispered in his ear, cursing Baek Ga and Baek Myung-hoon. I think Baek Myung-hoon made it very difficult.

Baek Woojin smiled and listened to Baek family’s swear words, even swearing with them.

– Do you mind if I insult your family?

‘It’s not a normal family, as he said. I think of it as an unlucky family.’

Baek Woojin smiled and broke up with the staff and sat down on the sofa in the back. He stared blankly at the app’s certificate of competence.

– Is it that good?

“I got this certificate at the age of 15, which I had only obtained when I was 25 in my previous life, so I have a lot of thoughts.

-More things will change in the future. It’s still too early to fall in love.

“It’s been a long time since you said it right.”

-It’s not been a long time, I’m always right…

“Yes. Yes.”

– This kid really…

When Baek Woojin got up and was about to leave the branch, an employee who cursed the Baek family called him.

“Inspector. Do you have time?”


“I heard that there was a creeper mole dungeon nearby, but there is one vacant seat for the examination. Are you thinking of going?”

“Hmm… .”

There must have been a talented person waiting at the association, but the reason for giving him a seat was that the staff took care of Baek Woojin. I think he liked the fact that they cursed the Baek family together.

– Since you’ve steadily built up your skills, I don’t think your practical experience will be bad. go go

‘okay. I think it’ll be fine.’

The creeper mole is a monster that appears in 1st grade dungeons. It seemed that it wouldn’t be bad to go with the feeling of learning the persimmons.

Baek Woojin nodded to the staff.

He had an opportunity to test how different he was from his previous life.


When Baek Woojin arrived at the place told by the association’s staff, he saw six men and three women waiting in front of a dark hole.

“Are you new?”

“Yes. My name is Baek Woojin.”

A middle-aged man, who seemed the oldest of the people, smiled and held out his hand. Baek Woojin grabbed his hand and shook his head, nodding his head.

“My name is Insu Hong. You are very lucky to start the dungeon on the first day you register your ability.”

“It is.”

There are cases where I can’t go to the dungeon for a month after registering an ability, but I got a chance to go to the dungeon right away, so it was great luck for an ordinary person.

“brother. That friend is Baek at a young age. If you are a direct descendant of the Shingeombaek family, what are you trying to say!”

A dark-skinned young man approached Hong In-soo and whispered.

“The direct line of a hundred families can go anywhere they want, whether it’s a dungeon or a rift. Would you like to come to this messy and narrow dungeon?”

“Ah… .”

“Younghoon. Let’s think. Huh?”

“Oh okay.”

Hong In-soo sent the young man back and smiled awkwardly at Baek Woojin.

“I said this, aren’t you a new swordsman?”

“I don’t like that bag.”

“Ugh! Don’t say things like that!”

Insoo Hong approached Baek Woojin with a bewildered expression and gestured to shut his mouth by waving his finger.

“If the swordsmen of the Hundred Family hear it, they may throw a sword at you! Never go anywhere else and say that!”

“all right.”

It wouldn’t happen, but Hong In-gi had a very bewildered expression on his face, so he just replied that he would know.


She was looking at herself as a woman who seemed to be a Kwonsa who had been staring blankly into the air until before.

‘That woman… ’

Kwonsa was old enough to be called a girl. Her eyes were big and her skin was so white that she seemed to be popular.

-Does that girl like her? why are you looking at me like that

‘I think I saw her somewhere.’

-What do you want a hikikomori who can train at home to see?

‘Hikikomori, where else can you say that… Ah!’

As she listened to the darkness, she remembered exactly where she had seen her.

‘It’s a natural softening of the cerebral dexterity.’

– Red softening?

‘okay. She is the youngest daughter of a powerful family who is on the same level as our family.’

She was younger than the enemy she had seen in the future, so she was confused, but looking at her eyes and a sharp nose, that woman was later called Thunder Cloud.

– That’s why you’re strong for your age. That woman is stronger than your stupid brother.

‘I will. Enemy Yeonhwa is the same age as me, but she must have already earned the 2nd level qualification. She was one of the most notable talents in the future.’

-But why does a woman from such a good family come to such a place?

‘She’s been interviewed. She said that she did not borrow the power of her family, and that she trained herself. She looks like she is now.’

– You’re a good girl. She’s been uninhabited.


Yeonhwa was a talented person with great popularity in the future because her appearance and skills were outstanding, and she did not borrow the prestige of her family.

“I don’t know where or how we will meet in the future, so we have to give a common name.”

“It should be.”

Baek Woojin followed Insoo Hong and greeted other talented people. He had a friendly smile and talked to everyone.

– When you look at it like this, it’s normal…

‘If you treat me kindly, treat me more kindly, and if you touch me, it’s my motto to step on me until I become a mop.’

-Looks like that, I feel sorry for your older brother these days. It looks like the back of his head is a little crumpled.

‘Ah, maybe… ’

After she greeted the eight talented people, she stood in front of the enemy Yeonhwa.

“My name is Baek Woojin.”

“I’m Park Yeon-hwa.”

She changed her last name to Park, but seeing that her name was the same, she was also the enemy of Yeonhwa. She looked like she had something to say to herself, but she didn’t open her mouth.

“Come on, let’s go inside before it’s too late.”

As soon as he finished his name, Insoo Hong entered the dungeon first. Baek Woojin and Park Yeon-hwa also followed him and headed into the dungeon.

woah ah.

As soon as we entered, an environment completely different from the forest outside spread out in front of us.

– It’s narrow.

‘The Vine Mole Dungeon is a small, narrow dungeon.’

The inside of the dungeon was in the form of a narrow cave. Baek Woojin was in his late 170’s and he barely hit his head.

– It’s not a good environment to wield a sword.

‘it’s okay.’

After raising his swordsmanship stats, his sense of distance improved greatly. If you learn a little persimmon, you can swing the sword without hitting the wall.

– So, confidence is the best.

Baek Woojin followed the others while conversing with Darkness.

“stop!”Hong In-su, who was in the front, raised his hand and stopped everyone.

“The oyster has two sides.”

The cave in front of us was split in two.

“As you know, the creeper mole is not a very strong monster. Let’s share it.”

“That would be great.”

Everyone agreed with Hong In-soo’s words. Baek Woojin also had the same thought, so he stayed still.

“Now, how to share… .”

When Hong In-ki divided the team, a creeper mole appeared from the burrow on the left. A guard who came to check who came.

“uh? for a moment!”

“Look under him!”

The capable people frowned at the red, thin aura at the foot of the creeper mole.

“this… .”

“It’s a dungeon with a boss”

“How the hell did you do the investigation?”

Dungeons are divided into dungeons with bosses and dungeons without bosses. A dungeon with a boss can get good rewards, but the difficulty of clearing increases as the monsters get stronger.

If the original difficulty of the dungeon is level 1, the moment it is confirmed that there is a boss, it becomes the same difficulty as the level 2 dungeon.

“Well… .”

“He’s the boss of the vine mole, so there’s not much information… .”

“What should I do? I can’t go back… .”

To clear the 2nd level dungeon, 5 level 2 capable players are required. Right now, there are only 3 Level 2 capable people here, and there are only 4 including Jeon Yeon-hwa, who has hidden power.

“I take care of the boss. Please take care of the rest of the moles.”

While people were thinking about it, Jeok Yeon-hwa went into the cave on the left by herself.


“Aren’t you crazy?”


Hong In-soo tried to dry the enemy Yeon-hwa, but she ran inside without even looking behind her.

“What do we do? Should I follow you?”

“But it is dangerous if you follow it recklessly!”

Baek Woojin raised his hand when people were panicking.

“I will follow you and help Park Yeon-hwa.”

“What are you talking about! You came to the dungeon for the first time today.”

Hong In-soo looked at Baek Woo-jin with an absurd look.

“I thoroughly studied monsters and dungeons. Do not worry.”

“brother. Let’s leave it to this friend. We can’t just deal with moles and follow them quickly.”

“Then follow me, and I will only assist Park Yeon-hwa. Moles are slow on the ground, so you should just keep running.”

“all right.”

She nodded and went straight into the cave on the left.

– What are you going for? Maybe she likes her?

‘What kind of dog grass are you talking about? Enemy softening has crossed her line.’

-line? What do you mean?

‘The boss was my favorite. Where are you going!’

-Hey, I have a boss…

She snorted her as she glanced into the darkness.

“I don’t know either. The boss has it.”


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