Chapter 115 Tokyo (2)

Two days before Baek Woojin saw himself on TV.

Tata Tak Tak!

A young man with a thick beard was pounding the keyboard with enthusiasm.

“Ugh… .”

The man who had been typing for an hour let out his sigh as he stretched out.

“Why is he swearing so much these days? Do you think you’re getting paid for being so blatant? uh! Out!”

The man who was kicking his tongue clicked on an article titled ‘Baek Woojin’s potential’.

“Good. Like it.”

The article stated that Baek Woojin had the potential to overturn the current quadruple composition.

Aside from that, most of the article was praiseworthy for Baek Woojin’s ability.


The man who was savoring the contents of the article with a smile frowned at the comments.

– Baek Woojin is the number one overrated talented person. He actually said that when he caught Mr. Serpent, his brain dog just hit it all.

– Considering the personality of the Baek family, that’s obvious.

-agreed. To be honest, Baek Woojin is also 100-worthy and kind, but in reality, he is said to be arrogant and arrogant.

“It’s a start again.”

It had been less than three minutes since the article was published, but seeing the malicious comments that had nothing to do with the content of the article, it was clear that there was a force somewhere.

“You are behind.”

The man grabbed the keyboard again and tapped the batter hard.

Everything he wrote was facts about Baek Woojin’s activities, and it was an accurate rebuttal to those who posted malicious comments.

The comments he wrote were detailed contents that could not be written if you did not know Baek Woojin well.

“Things that don’t make sense.”

The man who won the fierce comment war added the last comment.

-I want to be Baek Woojin for just one day. please…

This man Park Seung-soo was the one who appeared in every article and video of Baek Woojin and commented that he wanted to become Baek Woojin every time.

He was a second-class capable man, but he was a hikikomori who was injured and stuck at home in his second year of doing nothing but computers.

“To commemorate our victory in the war, we have dumplings on ramen for dinner tonight… Ugh!”

Park Seung-soo, who got up from the chair and looked back, was stunned and went backwards.

“Ugh… .”

In front of him stood a man he had never seen before.

The man’s back had dragonfly-like wings, his head had two horns, and his pupils narrowed into triangles like those of a predator.

“mind… Demons!”

Park Seung-soo was a talented person, and he once dreamed of catching demons, so he could tell at a glance.

The man in front was not a human, but a mid-level demon.

“It was you.”

The demon sat down and made eye contact with Park Seung-soo.

“A human being who constantly sows longing desires.”


Park Seung-soo felt goosebumps all over his back at the sweet voice of the demons.

“Eww… .”

The demon didn’t even do anything, but he couldn’t lift a single finger.

“The best. It is the greatest longing!”

Asmodian Breeze looked into Park Seung-soo’s eyes and burst into laughter. This man was longing for a man.

However, his longing was different from ordinary longing.

It was a longing for ‘I want to be him’ rather than ‘I want to be like him’.

He was a longing of the heart so intensely that he was the best kind of man to take advantage of.

“I chose you.”


Seeing the sparkling eyes of the demon, Park Seung-soo tasted the strange feeling of the skull being opened.

“What is your wish?”

“Bae, being Baek Woojin… .”

Park Seung-soo did not intend to say anything, but his tongue and mouth moved freely and he uttered a single word.

“Your wish. I will not do it.”The world was dyed black with the laughter of the demons. Seeing the darkness, Park Seung-soo fell asleep without realizing it.

“Eww… .”

An hour later, Park Seung-soo woke up.

“Is that a dream too?”

He looked around desperately, but saw nothing.

“Looks like your body is exhausted. You should eat rice, not ramen. Aww!”

Park Seung-soo, who went into the bathroom to regain consciousness, looked in the mirror and screamed.

“Bae, Baek Woojin!”

The face reflected in the mirror was the same as Baek Woojin, whom he admired the most. The clothes he wore were also the battle clothes that Baek Woojin wore.

“Come on, are you awake?”

The man ran out of the bathroom and looked in the mirror in the room.


However, the face reflected in the mirror was also the face of Baek Woojin that he had dreamed of.

“Why did I become Baek Woojin? There… .”

Park Seung-soo felt a huge energy spreading from the depths of his body a while ago.

He was a huge and mighty aura that could not be compared with his own rank 2 aura.

“I can’t make up my mind.”

Park Seung-soo, who collapsed on the floor as his legs lost strength, looked at the sword standing on his chair and approached him as if possessed.

“It’s a cancer sword!”

could be seen at a glance. It was Baek Woojin’s favorite sword, the female sword.

-Now you are Baek Woojin.

Park Seung-soo’s eyes went blank at the voice he heard in his heart.

– Do what Baek Woojin has to do.

“ What Baek Woojin will do… .”

Park Seung-soo’s eyes, which had been released, began to focus. His eyes were infinitely similar to Baek Woojin.

“What will I do… .”


– Were you working as a collaborator without me knowing?

“What nonsense. You know for sure that I only practiced swordsmanship for a month.”

– Hmm…

Darkness laughed and went up to the sofa.

-There are four possibilities.


– The first is a doppelganger. Have you heard of it?

“It’s a boss monster that can transform into anything.”

– There is a possibility that he has transformed into you.

“It is true that doppelgangers will appear sooner or later, but not yet.”

Baek Woojin knows the dungeon where doppelgangers appear. The dungeon was not even opened yet.

-right. Because there’s no way a doppelganger can walk around like that.

Darkness smiled at Baek Woojin in the still screen.

– A doppelganger can imitate his personality and memories by eating humans or monsters he has transformed into.

“I know.”

-The way you say no to an interview means you know your personality and how you behave, but since you’re still here, there’s no way you’re a doppelganger.

“What is the second one?”

– That’s it. your fan club.


Baek Woojin opened his mouth with a slightly embarrassed expression.

The name of the fan club Hyupmun was decided by the fans, regardless of their intentions.

It didn’t look bad when I saw regular volunteer activities and donations, but the name was a bit embarrassing.

-okay. I don’t hang out with spunky people like you, but I could have done it there anyway. while imitating you

“No matter how you look at it, that’s me. They say they destroyed a group of 5th grade criminals. They don’t have that ability.”

– I don’t.

Darkness agreed and Baek Woojin got up from the sofa.

-The group that doesn’t like you might try to imitate you.

“Well… .”

Baek Woojin nodded. He was also for a moment, but he had the same thoughts as darkness.

“But no. It doesn’t make sense.”

If you think about it properly, this also doesn’t make sense.

-okay. It doesn’t make sense because you’re alive. To do such a thing, it makes sense to remove you. Then it’s the last one. Last one…

“Are you a demon?”

Baek Woojin’s mouth opened before the darkness could even speak his words.

– Huh, did you know?

“Something similar happened.”

– Something similar?

“Among the demons, there is a demon called Breeze that uses human emotions.”

– Breeze?

Perhaps it was an unknown name, Darkness waved its blade.

“In my past life, when I was 19 years old, there were two instances of Honwon, a disciple of Daeyeonmunju, who appeared. That was Breeze’s job.”

-Who is Honwon?

“Monkey in the zodiac.”

– Was the situation the same as now?

“no. At that time, the humans covered in Breeze were slaughtering civilians in the form of a soulmate.”

– If it’s a massacre of civilians, you’re different.

“They say that Breeze was applied to a talented person who was extremely jealous of Honwon’s talent. So I did something he wouldn’t have done in the form of a thousand won.”


I thought that darkness really had a lot going for it.

He seemed to have more unique abilities than the world he was in.

– Then why does the guy who imitates you catch criminals?

“Your feelings will be different.”

– Different emotions?

“If the guy who became a thousand people attracted Breeze with the emotion of jealousy, the guy who looks like me now is probably a person who admires me.”


“So I guess he’s catching criminals and doing what I would have done.”

-Certainly that’s the most likely.

After listening to Baek Woojin, I started to understand the situation roughly.

‘But how did this child’s judgment come back?’

Darkness saw Baek Woojin immersed in thought, and felt the chatter cooling off.

No one was at all embarrassed by the surprise, and the way he grasped the situation was not surprising or frightening.

-But doesn’t that guy named Breeze not mind being revealed?

“He grows up to be an emotional eater and chaos. Besides, he must already be a mid-level demon, so he must be waiting for me to appear and fight.”

– After all, demons are all crazy people.

“I need to gather some information first.”

Baek Woojin called Lee Young-hyun, the head of criminal countermeasures.


Lee Young-hyun’s voice was full of vitality.

[Chemi guys aren’t usually vicious guys, but you worked really hard to deal with them alone.]

I heard the sound of Lee Young-hyun bowing his head as if he was right in front of him.

“Since when did I hand over the bodies of criminals to the association?”

[Yes? Oh, haven’t you been coming since yesterday? It wasn’t on the news… ]

Although Lee Young-hyun felt that something was strange, he answered Baek Woojin’s questions.

“How many criminals have I caught?”

-If you add up yesterday and today, there are 43 people. At this rate, all criminals in this country will be wiped out at the hands of the prosecutor. haha!

“Well… .”

Baek Woojin had a tired expression on his face.

‘It’s 43 people in two days, so it’s crazy fast. It looks like he hasn’t even slept.’

-okay. It seems that you are firmly mistaken for a guy like you.

[I don’t know how you know and attack vicious criminals, but that’s amazing!]

Lee Young-hyun was in a good mood, so his voice was two tones higher than usual.-Since demons are attached, it’s probably not difficult to find people with dirty minds.

“I’ll call you back.”

Baek Woojin hung up after hearing Lee Young-hyun’s story.

– What are you doing? Why hang up without telling the truth? Gotta catch him!

“I had a good idea.”

– What?


This time, I called Yoo Jin-ah, the head of the Black Market Seongnam branch.

[I watched TV. Were you more handsome?]

Yoo Jin-ah’s voice came out softly from the steamer.

“That’s the word. actually… .”

Baek Woojin told Eugene Ah that she had all the facts she was predicting.

[Huh, ma, demons… ]

Yoo Jin-ah’s voice was full of surprise.

She said that was her astonishment at her demon, but she was also astonished at Baek Woojin’s judgment.

His ability to approach the answer of being a demon just because another image of himself appeared on her TV was so great that even the person in charge of processing and collecting information could not keep up.

Words of greatness were infinitely insufficient.

“I am sure.”

[Then it’s not the time to be like this, you have to move right away!]

“So, I have a favor to ask you.”

[You want to find the fake location?]

Yoo Jin-ah’s answer came right away.

“Not only that, but also figure out who the fakes are from. It’s been active since two days ago, so it shouldn’t be difficult to track. Please find out as soon as possible.”


“Finally, please keep this demon’s business a secret.”


Knowing Eugene trusted Baek Woojin’s abilities, so he nodded her head without asking.

[I will contact you as soon as I find it.]

“thank you.

Baek Woojin hung up the phone and called Jooyoung Moon.

“Now we only need to watch out for the medical swordsman and Moon Ju-young’s mouth.”

– This humble bastard…

A voice filled with despair emanated from the darkness.

-Are you planning on using that demon as bait?

“It’s a little quicker.”

Baek Woojin smiled.

“If the friend who is possessed by demons draws attention while dealing with criminals, like Lucas and Daeyeonmun, the killing squads of the people who have suffered from me will come. He’s wandering around dangerous places without an escort.”

Many of the enemies she had created must be moving towards him.

“Breeze is a mid-level demon, so they don’t let their host die under any circumstances.”


“I’m going to train, and after 5 days, when the demons and my enemies fight, I just need to go and take what I need.”

– You’re really crazy. How can you make such a plan so quickly?

“It’s not difficult.”

– Okay…

Darkness said, ‘That’s easy for you. You madman,’ he murmured.

– But why 5 days later? You can take a little more time.

“It’s the eighth day Breeze devours everything from its host.”

Baek Woojin answered and left the room. going to practice.

– Huh!

Darkness stared blankly at Baek Woojin’s back.

It was great that he approached the identity of the demon in that brief moment, but the fact that he had a plan to use the demon to deal with his enemies was surprising and terrifying.

In addition, Baek Woojin had a plan to save humans who were possessed by demons.

That guy was getting out of his own understanding as time went on.

-The real demon might be that guy…

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