Chapter 128 change (2)

“Why sirens?”

Hobgoblins were all dealt with, and there were no other monsters.

The open crack was almost closing, but the siren did not stop.

-Is the machine broken? He said there was nothing special.

“I do not know.”

It would be nice if it was a mechanical breakdown, but it didn’t feel good.

His spine was cold as if he had entered an ice cave.


The siren stopped, and the sound of turning on the microphone was heard.

[This is an emergency safety guide! Currently, additional cracking reactions have been observed in 4 places in Bundang-gu. Bundang-gu residents are requested to evacuate to the designated shelter as soon as possible. The predicted crack occurrence point is… .]


As the announcement was coming out, the phone in my pocket vibrated.

It was a text message asking for support from the Association of Competent Persons and a text message telling them to evacuate.

“Additional cracks?”

– You don’t know?

“You said Nothing happened today!”

Four unobserved fissures open at the same time, and she couldn’t have been unaware of it. This incident had never happened in a previous life.

[The association and the guild’s capable people will be supported right away, so those of you who are in charge of protecting the rift, please block the rift at that place. Once again… ]

That meant that a new rift would open even in the place where the medical sword stands now.

“What happened?”

– Has the future changed?

“If the cracks you speak of really happen… .”

As soon as Baek Woojin finished speaking, a new gold appeared over the closing crack.

Don’t fall for it!

The small incontinence, which seemed to draw a straight line with a thin ballpoint pen, grew exponentially and turned into a large crack.


didn’t understand

If the future has changed, it is definitely your influence.

However, I couldn’t even guess what caused the problem in the rift that was created in another dimension, not this Earth.

“Is that open too?”

Baek Woojin’s head turned back. Cracks began to appear in the sky where an apartment complex could be seen in the distance.

– There’s also the right one. there is also the left It’s really your place.

“Damn it!”

Baek Woojin clenched his teeth. Now is the time to move rather than think.

“I’ll think about it later.”

-okay. move once

Baek Woojin took out a black sword from the inventory of darkness and stared at the crack in front of the medical sword table.


A bizarre hole opened in the sky with the sound of glass breaking. Hundreds of blue lights flashed inside the hole.

What I felt in the blue light was a shady energy that could only be felt from a corpse.


The cracks were torn, and the monsters fell like rain.

“What is that!”

– Undead!

As Darkness said, the monsters coming down from the rift were the undead who spread the energy of death contrary to the vitality of ordinary monsters.

There were also zombies with blood smeared on their skin, skeletons with various types of weapons, and Hoves clad in shadowy robes.


“What is that!”

“Oh, undead! Undead!”

The talented people and the association staff who were waiting in front of the rift screamed and backed away.

– Why are you so surprised?

“Because the undead never appeared in this world.”

-what? Come to think of it, I’ve never seen an undead in your world.

“right. In my previous life, I first appeared when I was 23.”

There are people with abilities called corpse magicians, but the undead appeared as a monster when he was 23 years old.

After all, the current rift is something that has never happened in a previous life.

– Still, the level of the undead that have come out now is on the low side. Most of them are zombies and skeleton soldiers, so you can deal with them easily. You only need to deal with the ghouls and special skulls that are stuck between the robes and zombies.

“okay. then… .”

Baek Woojin spread his hands. Flames erupted from his right hand, and dirt fell from his left hand.

Whoops!Ignis erupted from a huge ball of flame, and Earth Reno rose from the floor of the building.

“Ignis on the right, Earth Reno on the left, go to the rift and take out all the monsters that come out!”


Ignis flicked his front paws as if to see you later, and flew into the crack on the right.


Earth Reno let out a long snort and seeped into the ground.

“Jin! Help those guys stop the monsters!”

Baek Woojin summoned Jin and pointed to the rift where the medical sword stands.


Jean stretched her mane out and sprinted downstairs.


Baek Woojin kicked off the building and headed for the crack in the back. The back was an apartment complex, so he moved it himself.

“If it’s that undead, can you stop it?”

– Spirits have nothing to worry about. Even the medical swordsmen can defeat them if they are not afraid.

“I’m glad.”

Baek Woojin nodded slightly in the hope that all cracks could be closed without much damage.

-By the way, it’s amazing that your arms are helpful.

“okay. Nice to come.”

Baek Woojin showed off his gait full of joy and arrived in front of the apartment complex before the cracks opened.

“uh? Bae, Baek Woojin? Are you Prosecutor Baek Woojin?”

The man who was shaking in front of the crack saw Baek Woojin and his eyes widened.

“you are?”

“I’m Han Seong-hoon, who has 2nd and 2nd grade abilities. A letter came from the association, and I tried to hold on to time… .”

“i See.”

I turned around and saw people running away from the apartment.

It seems that Han Sung-hoon is standing here to save those who have not yet evacuated.


Baek Woojin looked at Han Sung Hoon and smiled.

He knew best that the rift could not be stopped, but he was proud to risk his life to come out. He was not something anyone could do.

“I’ll stop here, Seong-hoon, please help those who are evacuating.”

“all right!”

Han Sung-hoon immediately nodded his head and ran back.

Not because he’s scared, but because he knows he doesn’t need him here.

– Good. If there are guys like that, I’d say it’s still worth living.


Baek Woojin nodded.

Those with abilities receive many benefits because they risk their lives to fight.

However, recently, there have been many people who want to throw off their duties and take only profits.


It’s been a long time since I met someone who knows the responsibilities of a talented person, and my mood is heightened.


The cracks opened and the undead started pouring down like waterfalls.


Baek Woojin made a huge pit in the ground by stepping on the reign of the sword when the undead came down.

-Are you trying to keep them out of the way?

“We need to bury the things that have been taken out of the graves again.”

Not a single undead could escape and fell into the pit made by Baek Woojin.

“You can’t get out of here.”

Baek Woojin took out his sword and ripped the zombies apart and smashed the skull.

– You have to break it like that to stop playback. If you break it halfway, the bones and flesh will connect again.

“I know.”

Baek Woojin nodded his head as he smacked the skull with his sword.

He had to shred the bones of a skeleton or the flesh of a zombie at all, as he regenerates his body if he halfway attacks it.

“Let’s finish it.”

When no more monsters came down from the rift, a bright red flame burned from Baek Woojin’s sword.


Baek Woojin stabbed the undead who had become rags with a gwan-il-geuk that borrowed the power of fear.


The fear spread in an instant, turning the entire pit into a sea of ​​fire and burning everything except Baek Woojin.


When Baek Woojin was about to get out, the last monster fell from the crack.

device geek.

Wearing yellow armor, holding a bastard sword, it was a large zombie with a size of close to 3m.

Despite her size, the zombies’ movements were much smoother than normal zombies, and her morale was terrible.

– Zombie Road! That girl must be the last!

“Road? Then it’s better to fight… . OK?”


“Turn it off!”

The place where the zombie rod fell was the center of the pit where the dread burns most splendidly.

As soon as it entered the pit, it got terrified and melted away.

– Your real luck is… .

“It’s futile.”

Baek Woojin shook his head and came out of the pit.

When I felt the spirits’ energy, the two were working hard to block the monsters.

“Fortunately, there is no major damage.”

It was time for Baek Woojin to go back with a sigh of relief. I could see something coming down from the rift in the center where the medical sword stands.

The energy of death felt from that thing was different from the undead so far.

It was so intense that even a zombie lord that just died was incomparable.

“Damn it!”

Baek Woojin disappeared like the wind on the spot.

* * *

“Hey, what is that!”

“Undead! Undead!”

The guild’s talents in front of the rift began to slowly retreat.

“Where are you going! Hurry up and get ready!”

“It’s my first time being undead! How can you deal with something like that without any information!”

“And the second rift is not our contract!”

“right. How are you going to stop that amount? We’re only ranked 3rd and 4th!”

Leaving the strong and weak, there was no information about the undead, so the void guild decided to run away as it is.

The capable people, who had taken a step backwards little by little, started running without looking back.

“You motherfuckers!”

“What kind of power these bastards are!”

“For now, let’s stop each other!”

Hong Nam-ki approached when the talented people of the association were grinding their teeth.

“We will form a camp to block the front, so use that gap to attack the undead.”

“thank you!”


The faces of the association’s talented people brightened up a bit.

Contrary to the run away, I couldn’t help but admire the medical swordsman who had the will to fight the unknown undead.

“Take a seat!”

At Hong Nam-ki’s instructions, 18 medical swordsmen formed a line.

“I remembered all those scumbags. Don’t stop me even if I kill you later.”

Kim Woo-hyuk clenched his fist and frowned.

“At that time, I’ll beat you too, so don’t worry and focus on the front.”

“That’s good.”

Hong Nam-gi and Kim Woo-hyuk looked at each other and smiled.

“Whew… .”


“Everyone relax. As long as you follow the training, you can win! Support will come soon.”

He was pretending to be resolute, but Hong Nam-gi was also very nervous about the undead he had never faced before.


Ara Hong prayed that all of the medical swordsmen could return safely. As she finished her prayers, she felt a warm breeze over her head.


Hong Ara smiled broadly as she saw the green wolf Jin floating above her head. Jin looked at her Hong Ara and shook her head.

“It’s Jin! It’s the master’s Jin!”

“The master is here!”

As soon as Jin appeared, the morale of the medical swordsman soared to the sky.

“There is a master! He must have gone to close the other rifts, so we hold this place to the end!”



The entire medical sword squad let out a loud shout and raised their swords at the slowly approaching undead.

“Turn it off!”“Gig Geek.”


When the undead approached their noses, the checkup was triggered. Auras sharp as the tip of a spear swept through the entire examination.

“Real sword!”

The medical swordsman’s examination pierced the undead forces like a single sword. The fact that Baek Woojin was there alone was enough to fill the medical team’s morale.

They dealt with zombies and skeletons pouring out of the rift without a single wounded one.

Similar to zombies, but stronger and faster ghouls and hobbs, but with Jin’s help they were able to overcome them.

“it’s over! I won!”

“thank God.”

“Whew… .”

“The Medical Swordsman does this.”


It was when the members of the Association and the Medical Swordsman were laughing with a sigh of relief.


The crack that was supposed to be closed cracked once again, and a completely different skeleton fell.

It was a skeleton, but it was an existence that could not be called a skeleton.

It was a skeleton with golden eyes, blood-red armor, and a long sword brimming with red flames.

This undead, different from the skeleton itself, was the Death Knight, called the Knight of Hell.

“Ah… .”

Due to its overwhelming presence and destructive morale, the humans in front of the Death Knight could not move as if they were frozen.


The Death Knight raised her sword and slammed it towards Park Hye-ri, who was in front of her.

“Ah… .”

Her own death was pictured in Park Hye-ri’s mind.

‘in action! Move!’

I had a dream and a reason to become stronger than anyone else. She didn’t run so hard to die here.


But her arms and legs did not move as if they had been put on lead.


Park Hye-ri looked at the falling fire sword and closed her eyes.


Her eyes opened again at the harsh sound of iron.

“Ah, Araya!”

The one who stood in the way of the Death Knight was Ara Hong, whom she always thought she had to protect.

She was trembling with blood from her mouth and hands.

“Ugh… .”

Hong Ara’s eyes trembled.

With Jin’s help, she was able to stop her sword, but her body was drained of strength by blocking a single sword. She couldn’t move.

“Ara is in front of you! Bite her tongue and move!”

“Help Ara!”

“Shut up!”

Hong Ara, her swordsman, with blood in her eyes, ran in front of her. Park Hye-ri also came to her senses and stepped forward to Hong A-ra.

“We camp again! can withstand… .”


As the Death Knight turned her head as if she didn’t like her, she saw devastating flames from his sword.


The attack was just a spark of hopeless firepower that felt like a children’s prank.

“Ugh… .”

“Ah… .”

“Damn it!”

everyone realized That the fire sword can’t stop it no matter what it does.



As Hong Nam-ki and Kim Woo-hyuk were shouting and trying to use their bodies as shields, someone appeared in front of them.


The Death Knight’s fire sword, which seemed impossible to stop with anything, was blocked and started to be pushed back.

Fit geek!

The blade that pushes the unsword is the blade of the female sword that I have seen countless times.

“Good work.”

Baek Woojin gave a relaxed smile.

“Now leave it to me.”

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