Chapter 256 Heir of the new sword and white family (8)

– I can’t help but get sick.

Darkness looked at the Orclord’s distorted face and nodded his head.

-Because it doesn’t have one or two morale traits.

Baek Woojin was far beyond the present human physical ability due to the harmony of the mukroe and the celestial body.

It was natural for him to feel that kind of pain as he cut the grain of the Orc Lord and put the advanced swordsmanship in it.


The orc lord sharpened his teeth and raised the speculation. It was the first time I felt this kind of pain, but it wasn’t unbearable.


The speculation that soared through the whole body of the Orc Lord enveloped his whole body like a raging eruption in the desert.

bang! Aww!

Oak Road rushed towards Baek Woojin. To prevent Baek Woojin from evading, he built a wall with speculation and then struck down the ax with a knife.

“That’s not enough.”

Because Baek Woojin was silent, the movement of the Oak Road was clearly visible.


After lightly avoiding a series of speculations, he cut the lower body of the Orc Lord with a female sword.


This time, red blood spurted from the calf of the Orc Lord, as the grain was cut with the sword technique.


The orc lord smashed to the ground with his whole body wrapped in speculation. He rushed towards Baek Woojin using his body, which was burning with red speculation, as a land tank.

– He held the ax behind his back. I’m not just a dumbass.


Baek Woojin nodded and smashed in front of the running Oak Road.


I could see the Orc Lord’s eyes tinged with embarrassment. It was a look on his face that he never thought he would run towards him.

Baek Woojin slammed his mourning spear in the head of the orc lord before he could do anything else.


The heaviness as if Mount Taesan was collapsing and the energy of the enormous silence was carried on the sword.


The Orc Lord clenched his teeth at the inexorable pressure. He ignited speculation and tried to push Baek Woojin away, but to no avail.

The sword, which is a human cancer, did not waver as if it had been fixed.


The Orc Lord swung the bladed ax hidden behind him, but the female sword spread a heavier energy and fell like a landslide.


In the end, the cancerous sword slashed his red fighting spirit and slashed the Orc Lord’s shoulder.


The orc lord screamed and stepped back. The emotion in his eyes gradually changed. There was anger, pain and fear at the same time.

– It seems the pain is the first.

Darkness grinned. Seeing the behavior of the orc lord, it was like he had never felt such pain for the first time.

-The person in front of you is a person with more fraudulent abilities than you.

Baek Woojin appears to be dealing lightly with the Orc Lord, but he was wielding his sword, blending countless thoughts and traits in this brief moment. He wasn’t something anyone could copy.

“Wow… .”

The Orclord made fun of his feet as he endured his pain. Unlike his massive body, he moved quickly and rushed to the right of Baek Woojin.


In order to split Baek Woojin in half, he drew a bladed ax that had speculation like a cog.

Chee hee!

Baek Woojin raised the counterattack Gwangho Island and threw the ax up.

The bladed axe was smashed into the ground, and Baek Woojin stepped on the ax and poured out a riot of anger in the chest of the Orc Lord.


Kang Ki broke through the red speculation, and his body, strengthened by the muk-ree, gave off extreme power.The female sword split the grain that made up the Orc Lord’s body, and it was the magic of the sword contained in the Shinsal to pierce through it.

Puddy Duck!

Orc Lord’s ribs were broken in succession. It staggered like a drunken man, and frantically backtracked.

“Ouch… .”

The orclord grabbed his chest, his blood dripping like a fountain, and shook his chin.

He has fought numerous battles, but he was the first human to inflict such wounds and pain on himself.

But he is the king. He could never lose to such a small man.


The Orc Lord was determined to dedicate himself to this battle. He raised his axe, awakening all potential speculation.


The Oak Road approached Baek Woojin. The space trembled at the footsteps of his walking, and flames soared to the ground in the rage that burned from his whole body.


The orc lord drew the ax as if he were sweeping the earth. The flames of speculation swelled as if they were burning the world.


Baek Woojin threw himself towards the flames of speculation. The energy of Mukroe exploded like an active volcano and tore apart the flames of speculation.


The orclord slashed his bladed ax as if waiting.


The shattered blade of the bladed ax compressed the speculation of enormous size. A circular speculation blazing like the sun fell towards Baek Woojin.

“The choice is the worst.”

Baek Woojin pointed his sword as he watched the sphere of speculation falling towards him.

As his speculation was about to burn his hair, he raised his sword upward and drew it.

Chee hee!

The sword strikes of the falling sword that soared from the female sword completely melted the sphere of speculation, receiving the energy of Mukroe.


The speculation of the Orc Road, which seemed to burst the earth, faded like a mist in the autumn.

“It’s not over yet.”

Baek Woojin didn’t stop. He looked at the Orc Lord’s eyes, which were stained with embarrassment, and slashed his sword at his thigh.


The female sword cut through the dark green skin and thick bones, and mercilessly cut off the muscles of the Orc Lord.


Orc Lord wielded his ax in pain, but Baek Woojin was already out of his range.


Red steam spurted out of Orc Road’s nose. His anger and pain had reached its peak.


The Orc Lord roared and rushed towards Baek Woojin. A storm of red speculation followed behind his back.


Baek Woojin ran towards the speculation of the Oak Road, using the energy of Mukroe to the polarity.

bang! Kwagwagwagwang!

The human and the orc king clashed with dark red energy and competed for pure power.

After a clash of dozens of agreements, Baek Woojin and Orc Lord appeared out of the dark red storm.

“Wow… .”

Orc Lord’s body was full of serious wounds. It was no exaggeration to say that his whole body was painted with blood.

On the other hand, Baek Woojin only suffered minor injuries, and there were no major injuries except for a few torn combat suits and equipment.

-I ate all the traits that no one else had… .

It was only natural for Baek Woojin to be fine, as his eyes to see the flow of the heavens and ignorance grasped the flow of speculation as a result of the Oak Road, the gold bullion endured the speculation, and went mad with items.

“Ouch… .”

The Orc Lord shook his head and stepped back. His eyes were stained with fear towards Baek Woojin.

Speculation didn’t work, and Baek Woojin’s attack inflicted extreme pain on him, so he had no choice but to feel fear.

“I’m getting used to it now.”

Baek Woojin clenched his fists and smiled. After fighting the Gongwi and fighting the Orc Lord, he was somewhat used to the aura of Mukroe.

Even if it wasn’t perfect, it was enough to not damage allies, so it seemed like it could be used anywhere.

“I have one last thing to try.”

-exam? what test?


Baek Woojin put his sword in the dark and caught the darkness. With a sound like glass marbles breaking, a sword of darkness rose slenderly.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever meet someone like that again in the future. You should try it now.”

– My strength?

“Your energy is different from Aura or Mana. It might work for him.”

The energy of darkness is far from the normal aura and mana, so it may work for the orc lords as well.

– There is definitely a possibility.


Baek Woojin took a dark play posture in which he leaned his left hand forward and his right hand with darkness backwards.

“Cruck… .”

The Orc Lord also realized that his current attack was almost the last, and raised his vitality as well as the exhausted Auror at the same time.


A blood-red energy gushed out from the blade ax that the Orc Lord held with both hands.

Baek Woojin didn’t care about the energy of the Orc Road. He focused on his inner self.

“Whew… .”

After gathering his breath and mind in one point, he kicked the ground.


The vast energy of Mukroe met the dark pole and created a terrifying wave.

Chee hee!

Darkness and Baek Woojin’s body became a black light, breaking the aura of the Orc Road like a piece of paper.


The blade of the dark pole shattered the ax and rushed into the heart of the Orc Lord.


A dark red explosion occurred and Baek Woojin moved to the back of Oak Road.


Baek Woojin brushed away the darkness once and let it go. At that moment, a bloody sheep’s blood gushed out from the left chest of the Orc Lord.

“Ouch… .”

The Orc Lord, whose heart had burst, fell to his knees and slammed his head into the cold ground. His heavy breathing stopped and he stopped breathing.

“It does.”

Baek Woojin smiled at the darkness floating next to him.

Since the energy of darkness was different from mana, it also directly worked through the body of the Orc Lord. It didn’t seem like there would be a big problem if I met a guy with these characteristics later.

-After all, the greatness of this body is… .

“That’s great.”

Baek Woojin smiled and nodded his head.

– But in that case, didn’t you use me from the beginning?

“It’s become a practice to dig into ink and texture.”

I gained a lot from the battle with the Orc Lord. He also realized how to deal with muk-roe, and his sense of understanding the flow of the opponent’s results increased, so it was only a gain.

“Then let’s get the real reward.”

-Ugh, the moment I hate the most… .

“Something good may not come out.”

Baek Woojin took the Orc Road’s magic stone.

– It’s too big.

“Isn’t this enough pumpkin?”

The Orc Lord’s Manastone was as big as amber, and it was filled with thick mana. It was literally worth the call.

“Is this a bracelet?”

I picked up the dark green bracelet that was lying next to the orc lord’s corpse. Even though the darkness was annoyed, it immediately gave me emotions.

[The Fight of the Orc Road]A bracelet that contains the energy of Orc Lord Terkan. It has the effect of giving the wearer strong physical abilities.

Rank: Legendary.

Wearable Conditions: None.

Health +40

Swordsmanship +40

+40 mana

Aura ATK +10%

Aura Defense +20%

“Increase attack power!”

Baek Woojin cheered when he saw the bracelet options. He liked it because it wasn’t common for an accessory to have an attack option, not a weapon.

– Heck, it’s not that bad. Recognition.

Darkness nodded the blade with a shaky voice. It was a good item, but it wasn’t an item that sounded like a scam. It was an item worthy of recognition.

“I admit who you are.”

-Your item identifier. Why! If you buy it, I’ll take it all away!

“under… .”


A message window popped up when Baek Woojin and Dark Dark were talking with the fighting spirit of the Orc Road.

[You have completed the unexpected quest.][You will receive 4,000 points as a surprise quest reward.][An unexpected reward will be paid.]


[You saved thousands of lives that were nearly slaughtered by the king of the ancient orc.][3,000 points will be paid as an additional reward.][Sudden rewards are converted to Swordsman rewards.]

After that, a message about giving an additional reward appeared in front of my eyes.

– It’s a start again! What additional rewards are you giving?

Darkness groaned. Just giving the quest was annoying, but I didn’t understand why they gave me an additional reward.

“The quest is originally meant to be rewarded with additional rewards.”

Baek Woojin smiled and confirmed the additional reward. 7,000 points increased in the status window, and 10 cards appeared in front of me.

“Darkness, what would you choose?”

– Sigh! Never answer!

Darkness turned around as if he had no intention of looking at it.


Baek Woojin walked to the 7th card, the direction in which darkness floated.

“Draw a card in the direction you were facing.”

-what? what else are you doing… .

Baek Woojin drew a card without waiting for the words of darkness.


A message window popped up, radiating a brighter red light than Orc Road’s speculation.

[The door to stealing has been opened.][The character of the last monster caught is arbitrarily stolen.]

-T, trait robbery?

“You mean stealing traits?”

Baek Woojin and Dark Dark trembled at the same time. Even though I heard the name, what kind of reward was drawn in my head.

“last… .”

-If it’s the last one you catch… .”

Darkness trembled at the blade and saw the dead Orc Lord. According to that message, Baek Woojin would have acquired the characteristics of an Orc Road.

[Randomly steals the characteristics of the last Black Orc Lord you caught.][Talents to be robbed have been determined]

-Oh, no! wait! Listen to me!

A vast red light enveloped Baek Woojin.

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