Chapter 277 Kaiser

“Tell me more.”

[I want to tell you three days and three nights, but I am being chased with a load of luggage, so it is difficult to give details!]

“Are you carrying a lump of luggage?”

The voice of the martial artist was as fast and shaky as a rapid-fire cannon. It seemed that the situation was more urgent than expected.

[Isn’t there that assassin I said to help? He’s been kicked and knocked out, and he’s carrying him and running away.]

“Where are you in Hwacheon?”

[You are running away from Tamok-ri toward the bud. This is a forest, but I don’t know where it is.]

“Then just run north. I will go.”

[G, will you come by yourself? Even if I send Moon Joo-young playing… .]


Baek Woojin shook his head. If the words of the shaman were true, he had to move alone, hiding his identity.

“Anyway, run away without being caught until I leave.”

[Oh, I see! Then I will only run north like a crazy dog.]

“okay. Only run north.”

Baek Woojin turned off the phone and called Joo-Young Moon.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to go out for a while. It seems that the undead are being pursued.”

“Are you a no-show? What else did that madman steal?”

“It wasn’t stolen, it looks like they’re being chased backwards while chasing Kaiser.”

“Ka, Kaiser? To the king of assassins why… .”

Moon Ju-young opened her eyes. I expected that there would be an accident because I couldn’t see the martial artist, but I didn’t expect the scale to be large enough to be chased by the Kaiser.

“I don’t know exactly either, so I’ll go back and explain. I think I will have to hide my identity and move, so please pretend I am staying in the family.”

“Um, I see. Then take care of yourself.”

“Don’t worry, your friend will be rescued safely.”

“Hey, he’s not a friend!”

“Your face is full of worry for that kind of thing?”

“It’s not… .”

Baek Woojin patted Moon Ju-young on the shoulder as if he knew everything and went into her break room.

‘Put these in your inventory, and take out the omnipotent mask and a long sword.’

He took off his black war gun, battle uniform, and sword, and handed it over to the black man.

-Why are you trying to hide your identity? That Kaiser is an assassin. Aren’t they just evil people who can kill them all?

Darkness grunted as if he was doing something stupid while opening his inventory.

‘If only Kaiser and his men are there, you are right.’

Baek Woojin frowned as he received the universal mask and unpatterned long sword.

– Who else is there besides them?

‘They shouldn’t be there.’

He spoke with a mask of all-round ears.

‘There is a black sword band.’

– What? Why is the black sword there?

‘I have some expectations, but I don’t know for sure. I think you’ll find out once you go.’

Baek Woojin hid all his presence, presence, and aura by using the Dragon Soul.

He climbed over the fence just behind him and exited the White House. He moved to the northern end of Hwacheon through Cha Wonmun.

– How are we going to find him here?

‘I came here because there is a way.’

Baek Woojin laughed. He said that the place where he currently stands was between Tamokri and Bud.

‘I told you to run north, so he will run in my direction. In other words, all you have to do is find the sign of the guy approaching here and move on.’

He told them to run north to make them come in their direction without having to chase after them.

Moving in this way can meet a silent audience much faster than chasing them from behind.

Of course, there was one more reason, but I didn’t tell Darkness.


Baek Woojin spread his auror wide and thin. A sensitive and vast feeling of reaching the absolute covered the entire forest.

About 10 minutes after searching the inside of the forest with a gigam, Baek Woojin woke up.



“Shit! What is this?”

The mourners spit out swear words and slammed the ground. With a blue-haired woman on his back, he was unable to display the speed and stealth of his original footwork.


At the sound of a tree branch being stepped on from behind, the warrior’s head turned back.

‘I’m following you.’

The impression is frowned upon. No matter how much weight he was carrying, his footwork was fast.

They were not the assassins under Kaiser for nothing, seeing that they were following them even though they were running at full force.“Hey, you idiot. Just leave me and run… .”

“I want to do that too, like a chimney, but I can’t do that because I think your master will appear in a dream.”

Park Chae-young, who was carrying her, ignored her muttering words and continued to run.

‘I’ve changed, too.’

The young man laughed bitterly. If she were her original she would have abandoned Park Chaeyoung when her enemies pursued this much.

She stayed with Baek Woojin and she didn’t feel like abandoning her if she was influenced by his consultation.


Muyoung Gaek looked back once and bit her lip. He saw the sound approaching, and he almost caught up. It was a really dangerous situation.

‘Not yet.’

In fact, she could have fallen somewhere else in the middle. If she had changed direction, she could have slowed down the chase a bit, but she believed Baek Woojin and kept heading north.

“Ugh, let me go. Thief! And a little in the other direction… pop out.”

Park Chae-young muttered without even opening her eyes properly.

“Shut up, pass out!”

“Boo, you have to go north to be caught. That’s Saro.”

“No, this is Saint-Ro. If he said so, he would be alive.”

The silent guest believed Baek Woojin’s words as if it were a divine revelation and did not change his direction.


As she climbed over a large boulder, a piercing sound was heard behind her.


I could tell just by hearing the sound. It was the sound of a sharp sword shot.

“Damn it!”

The young man urgently changed direction. But the guys behind them didn’t flinch.


The second and third swords were blown in succession, blocking the space to move.


In order to avoid the swordsmanship, he slowed down a step, and eventually allowed the enemy to approach.

“I got it! Rats!”

With a cool voice, I felt a strong energy behind my back.


The young man hurriedly threw himself. If it stays like this, we’re both going to die.

“Damn it!”

Up pushed Park Chae-young away, and he also rolled the ground.


More than twenty lines of swords swept across the earth. If he hadn’t thrown himself, he would have been a mop right away.

“It’s fine to run away.”

Unlike other assassins, an assassin wearing a black mask approached. His sword fluttered with a cypher sword.

“Blue hair. He was also young.”

The black masked man who seems to be the leader of the assassins smiled twisted at the fainting Park Chae-young.

“Is it your turn to reveal your identity now?”

He pointed his sword at the shaky warrior behind him.


A purple light flashed from the left as the black masked man tried to pierce the warrior’s leg with the sword clad in the sword.


At the same time as the masked man’s sword was deflected, a tall man stepped down in front of the martial artist.


The pale face of the martial artist brightened. Although it was the first time he had seen his face and clothes, he knew immediately who the man who saved him was.

‘He’s here!’

Baek Woojin. A man standing at the apex of modern swordsman came to rescue him.

The tension of death, which had been pulled like a rubber band, was released and my heart began to relax.

‘After all, this is raw!’

It was the moment when consistent belief was rewarded.


Baek Woojin calmly looked around. twelve assassins. They were all strong men who could use excellent swordsmanship.

“What is your guy?”

The black masked man made a voice as if scratching iron. It looked like he was the captain or the captain.

“This is the place where I practice. I can’t stand still watching murders in my realm.”

“area? You’re crazy. Hit it!”

When the black masked man gave the order, the assassins behind them also rushed in like a beam of light.

“I haven’t finished my words yet.”

Baek Woojin kicked his tongue and swung his long sword.

Chee hee!

It was not a basic swordsmanship that he usually uses, but a splendid and complex swordsmanship that contained the magic of displeasure, pleasure, and illusion.


The brilliant sword that embroidered the air like falling cherry blossoms slashed five assassins at once.

“Hey, this guy!”

“Attack at once!”

Baek Woojin avoided the assassins’ swordsmanship by stepping on a light footwork. He dug into the outskirts of the pouring sword and approached them.


The assassins died helplessly in the swordsmanship filled with various changes and illusions.

“Ouch… .”


By swinging his sword five times, Baek Woojin killed everyone except the black masked man.

“Damn it!”

Realizing that he could not defeat Baek Woojin, the black masked man turned his back and ran away without any regrets.

“Where are you going?”

Baek Woojin shot a sword of pleasure and river towards the masked man’s back.


Whether it was because he changed the position of the captain, he poured a proper sword attack to block the sword.

But Baek Woojin was already above his head.


He pierced the masked man’s right shoulder with a long sword and slammed it into the ground.


“who are you. Why did you want to kill them?”

Baek Woojin took off the assassin’s mask. He was a hooked middle-aged man he had never seen before.

“Yes, who are you? Why with this skill… .”

“You said I am a warrior who trains here.”

Baek Woojin twisted the sword that pierced the shoulder of a middle-aged man.

“Ouch… .”

But the assassin did not scream, but laughed and vomited black blood.

“Black blood?”

There’s no way he could spit out black blood just because his shoulder was pierced. He seemed to have swallowed a dogma.

– It’s dogmatic! If you are now, you can extract poison from his body. take it out quickly!

‘No. We have to let him die here.’

Contrary to what Baek Woojin said to Heuk-Am, to save the assassin, he tapped his body and pushed the Auror in.

“My, you won’t hear any information from me. It was your mistake to kill them all. uh… .”

The assassin laughed at Baek Woojin and died.

“Damn it!”

Baek Woojin grimaced his face and drew his sword roughly.

– What are you doing? If it were your current state, would you have been able to save it by detoxifying it?

‘That’s not it.’

He threw his mask over the assassin’s corpse and kicked the ground wildly.

‘According to the words of the Warriors, the Black Sword and Kaiser met. Why do you think your father sent the Black Sword to Kaiser?’

-Well? that… .

‘You must have commissioned Kaiser to kill me. Other than that, there is no way I can move the black sword now.’

– So, we need to get the information out!

‘No, that’s why we have to let him die.’

Baek Woojin firmly shook his head.

‘The Kaiser must have been commissioned by his father to kill me. If the contents of the quest or the assassination plan deviate through these guys, there is a possibility that the plan will be modified or the assassination will be cancelled.’

-Well… .

‘But if you’ve swallowed a dogma and died, there’s a good chance you’ll continue with the plan, thinking that the information hasn’t been leaked. Because once the identity of the client has been identified, they may not have thought at all.’

-But didn’t they hear the plan and pursue it?

Darkness pointed to the shaman and the blue-haired woman he cared for.

‘Nope. Given the number of assassins, I would have thought of them as annoying flies. You’d think I didn’t hear it properly.’

If the Kaiser was really going to kill them, he wouldn’t even have escaped here.

‘There, this area is actually where the hiding people are. It means that this meeting is possible even by chance.’

– So you changed into that shape and lowered your skills to the standard of swordsmanship? Are you planning everything you told me to go north?


Baek Woojin nodded.

From the time he heard that the Kaiser and the Black Swords met by the Warriors, and he was being chased by the assassins, he made up his current plan.

– Huh, what kind of guy is this?

Darkness looked at Baek Woojin, who was pensive, and wrapped his tongue around him.

Today, the situation was almost abrupt. In such a state, goosebumps arose at this madman who predicted even the present situation and moved.

– Ooh, I’m trembling… .

Now, Baek Woojin’s agility made me terrified.‘Information should be predicted through eyewitness accounts of those guys.’

Baek Woojin’s eyes lit up as he looked at the young man and the blue-haired woman.

He knows what his father is thinking, so with the slightest clue he can predict their thoughts.

“It’s been a lot of fun.”

Baek Woojin smiled and took out the phone.


Baek Woojin heard from Jinah Yoo the location of a nearby black market, and took Muyoung and Park Chaeyoung there.

He treated the blue-haired woman and summoned the unsuspecting guests using remedies and first aid kits.

“Is this girl your friend you talked about back then?”

“She is an acquaintance, not a friend,” she said. Once known to the outside world, his name is the assassin of Cheong. I’m young Her name is Chaeyoung Park.”

“Ah… .”

Baek Woojin sees Park Chaeyoung again. With her small stature and her cute face, she was like the image of a well-known blue-haired person.

“You know.”

“okay. An assassin who only kills the wicked.”

“that’s right. It’s been about two years since I stopped assassinating and pursued the Kaiser.”

Mu Young-gak looked at Park Chae-young with a bitter expression.

“Now explain what happened.”

“all right. We’ve been tracking Kaiser for two months. Kaiser’s men call themselves Reich.”

“Empire and Emperor? Those are blatantly arrogant names.”

Kaiser and Reich mean emperor and empire in German.

“Anyway, we were able to find the Kaiser after several routes. Without even knowing it.”

“But how did this happen?”

“When observing the Kaiser from a distance, I found him meeting someone in a mask. Seeing them talking on the same level, I knew he wasn’t a subordinate.”

Muyoung guest nodded his head and spoke.

“He looked closely at him and realized he was the one he had seen a lot.”

“Have you seen a lot?”

“Yes. Isn’t there a black swordsman that you always meet when you go to Gajujeon? He always says the same thing.”

“Kim Jae-hwan?”


The cheerleaders applauded coolly.

“You know, I have good eyesight. From then on, I looked at the gestures and body types of Jaehwan Kim and the guys behind him and realized that they were all black swordsmen.”

– The thief’s eyes are reliable.


Baek Woojin nodded his head. Like a thief, Muyounggaek was very helpful in understanding other people’s actions and body types.

“From then on, I thought that the master was also involved in this, and I thought I should listen to them. This guy is getting some special booze, so he gets a little closer to eavesdrop on the conversation.”

“Did you hear that then?”

“no. Moving too slowly, the Black Swordsman came back, and all I could hear was Kaiser telling his men his plans.”

“What did you say?”

“I don’t know either. That idiot listened quietly and then suddenly got startled and released his hideout. That’s when I got caught and ran all the way here. Ugh! This burn!”

Moo-Young-Gak blew honey chestnuts on Park Chae-Young’s forehead with an annoyed expression.

“Ugh… .”

Perhaps because of the pain, Park Chae-young slowly opened her eyes. blue eyes Looking at the color of those eyes, I thought that blue hair wasn’t dyed either.

“All, you… uh?”

Park Chae-young looked at Baek Woojin with a bewildered expression, and then she dyed her face pale again.

“Bae, Baek Woojin! cooperation! Move!”


She hurriedly got up and pushed the fighter away.

“You saved us. I, thank you so much!”

Park Chae-young bowed her head to Baek Woojin on her knees.

“This tortoise!”

The silent guest opened her mouth wide as if it was absurd. Who is the person who has saved him this far and treats him like this?

“ My name is Baek Woojin. I’ve heard a lot of stories about Cheongsal, who only receives requests for assassinations from those who must be killed.”

Baek Woojin raised his hand to block the unsung audience, and bowed his head to Park Chae-young.

“Oh, no. You can’t even compare it to the prosecutor’s consultation!”

Park Chae-young shook her head as if in dismay. She looked like she had met a great person she respected.

“Ah! Well, I have something to tell you.”

“The meeting between the Black Swordsman and the Kaiser and the plan that Kaiser told his men?”

“Yes. It’s very important, but it might surprise you… .”

“Fine. Tell me please.”

Baek Woojin laughed lightly. He already knew his father was trying to kill him. What could be more surprising?

“Then I will tell you only what I have heard for sure.”

Park Chae-young swallowed her saliva and opened her mouth.

“The words I heard were ‘Baek Woojin’, ‘Daeyeonmunju’, and ‘Aftercare’.”

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