Chapter 364 cabaron (3)

Baek Woojin clenched her fists as she watched the blonde woman descending down the pillar of light.

she is her

She had clear signs of the system she encountered while crossing the dimension.

oh oh oh!

The light that Kabaron evoked narrowed and the blonde woman’s white feet touched the floor of the temple.

She looked at her face.

she was dry too dry

Her wrists were thin enough to hold her coins, and her shoulders were narrower than her books. Even though she was so dry, her skin was as white as her first snow, and her face was a harmonious combination of her playful and intelligent appearance, creating a strange charm for her.

It was the first time I met her face like this, but I felt a closeness as if I had seen her every day.

– That kid is Karen… .

Darkness looked at the blonde woman and shook her blade violently.


She is the woman who has been called System. Karen clasped her trembling hand, as if she had not foreseen this situation.

[Hey, how is this… .]

Her little mouth opened, but her voice did not come out. It is a voice that resonates in her head like a telephony.

“What are you so surprised about? i am your brother Of course you should know where your brother is.”

Cava Ron looked at her Karen and raised the corners of her lips. It is not the face of her blood that has seen her younger brother for the first time in thousands of years. Her eyes are stained with life, as if she met an enemy she was trying to find.

“I woke up much sooner than you thought.”

Cava Ron wiggled her long fingers.

“As soon as I woke up, I hid her body and went looking for you. All over the continent, under the sea, on the land above the clouds called the new realm, to the demon realm of extreme cold and heat. She searched and searched and found you hiding in a microscopic rift in the dimension.”

[Well, that… .]

Karen’s expression distorted like a broken bowl.

“As soon as I found you, I barely suppressed the murderous intent and revenge that wanted to strangle you right away. Why do you think right! To show you true despair!”

[Please stop!]

“What are you telling me to stop? It was you who betrayed me.”

[I didn’t want to live until I took someone else’s life! Besides, you killed people as a joke regardless of what happened!]

Karen clenched her slender fist and stepped forward in front of her.

[You are not eaten by the light, but by the darkness. The magic of blood jade obtained by killing all ancient tribes is not a god, but a way to become a demon!]

“You’ve been like that ever since. They made it difficult for me, and they pranked and pampered Cain.”

[Not that… .]

“Stop it! You and I are already separated!”

Kabaron growled like her beast at her prey, as if Karen’s words did not reach her ears.

– Magi is crazy about the bone marrow. It’s already too late to go back.

Darkness swallowed her dry saliva as she looked into Kabaron’s twisting eyes.

“You used Cain to find a human to stop me. From then on, I prepared for revenge.”

“Are you ready for revenge?”

“okay. Very slowly, I spread my dominion over the Empire, making my presence known to Karen. As soon as Karen knew I was awake, she slept in darkness and began to look into another dimension, hoarding her powers. You’re the one I’ve searched and searched while avoiding my eyes. Baek Woojin.”

Kabaron slowly raised her hand and pointed at herself.

“You have achieved growth that no ordinary human would ever achieve with her arrangements and Cain’s teachings, which Karen has stockpiled. I’m stronger than Karen’s expectations. However… .”

Kabaron’s golden eyes flashed and looked at Karen.

“That was also my expectation.”


“I mean, I also believed that you would grow up and reach this place. The king of the Dead Sea sent to your world, from demons to dragons. All of them have been placed in an oracle for your growth.”


[No, that’s ridiculous!]

“What… .”

“In order to stimulate you, I went into the memories of darkness, and Murian and Yuman also sent me with a controlled force so that you could win. If you think about it, you can feel it.”

Cabaron giggled, grabbed her tummy and laughed. There was a blatant mockery at the sound of her laughter.

[Why, why would you do that… .]

“The first was to accelerate Baek Woojin’s growth so that he could reach this place faster, the second for me, and the third for me, you’ll find out soon.”

“What do you mean by for you?”

“Did you know that some special human beings exert more than their abilities through the crisis of death?. Murian and Yu are such children.”

Kabaron was talking while waving his right hand, which had absorbed Yuman.

“After I entrusted my divine power and body to the two of them, I absorbed the body and divine power that were strengthened when I died. That’s how my body, my divine power, and my mana came to pass.”

– Hey, you crazy bastard!

[You are… .]

Darkness couldn’t stand it and spit her swear words out, Karen shaking her shoulders in anger.

“Yoo-man almost killed me. Did you even expect that?”“Ah, that was a mistake.”


“I thought that Cain would descend on your body when you were defeated by Yuman. Have you been there before?”

“Well… .”

Baek Woojin bit his lip. what the guy said is right There was a time when Cain suddenly descended in the battle with Kim Nam-gil, who almost died.

“Until now, at the moment of death, you have been able to solve it with the help of darkness or the system. I thought it would be like this again, but I have reached transcendence myself. It’s definitely out of my expectations, but it doesn’t matter.”

“Does it matter?”

“Because the moment the four of us gather here, my plan is complete.”

Kabaron pointed to the ceiling with her palm. Three lumps were formed on his hand.

‘I, that is… .’

I could not see

The first is Earth, and the second is this Marutun Continent. The third was a place where a very ominous energy was felt.

“I said. I thought of revenge that would be a despair for you. That’s it. You are bringing the whole earth, this Marutun continent, and the demon realm of extreme cold and heat into one.”

-Car, fusion of dimensions!

[That’s impossible!]

“No, it is possible. The battle between you and me thousands of years ago has created a small gap in these three dimensions.”

As Kabaron’s laughter flowed, small holes formed in the three spaces, and mana like threads of mana passed through the gaps.

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

– Meaning to combine dimensions. The moment those three dimensions merge, more than half of the creatures in each dimension will die! Even the word “crazy” is an understatement!

[Oh, no. That’s never… .]

Karen staggered and stepped back behind her. Her eyes fluttered as if they were about to fall.

“That look! That’s the look! I’ve been waiting until now to see your desperate and screaming faces!”

“Who left you like that?”

“It’s already late.”

As Baek Woojin was about to run, Kabaron snapped her finger.


A halo from the sky spread like a peacock’s feathers, coloring everything in sight with white light.


“Ugh… .”

Servik Markarector frowned when he saw the white light descending from the Kabaron Temple.

‘Is it ominous?’

It was not a good situation to move because he consumed a lot of stamina and mana to kill Vulcanus, the shame of the Red clan, but seeing the rising light made his heart tremble.

“I can’t even rest because I met the wrong owner.”

Servik Markarector let out a sigh and floated into the air. She flew to the center of the empire at once and looked at the light.

‘It’s not a normal divine power either.’

He feels even more mana than himself in the powerful divine power that seems to have descended directly from God. This was the first time

“Once you go… Whoa!”

As I was about to go down to enter the temple, a huge light burst out above the temple.


The pure white light bloomed in a semicircle like a round bowl turned upside down, erasing everything around without a trace.


Servik Markarector hurriedly rose to avoid the hemisphere of light.

‘This is dangerous.’

The senses acquired by living close to ten thousand years warn. Get out of here quickly, no, leave this world.

“It can’t be.”

With the pride of being the strongest clan, he twisted his lips and embodied himself as a body. He rose into the sky and opened his mouth.

‘Today is the last day… .’

Since it was used twice on Vulcanus, it now exudes a flame breath that can only be used once.


As if the sun had just fallen, enormous flames poured down the white hemisphere.


Even though the heat that would melt any being was concentrated in one place, the sphere of light did not even crack.

Woo woo woo!

Servik Marca Lecter kicked his tongue and turned back into a human and descended to the ground.

“D, Dragon!”

“Hey, dragon!”

Moon Ju-young and Mu-yeong-gak ran towards them with an urgent expression.

“What happened? What is this white membrane… .”

“This cannot be broken. I have no choice but to wait for Baek Woojin to come out. but… .”

Servik was silent. Before that curtain was formed, a higher existence was felt within it. No matter how much Baek Woojin was, it didn’t seem like he could beat it.

“Do not worry. He never disappoints us.”

Moon Ju-young closed her eyes and shook her head.

“You will come out soon with a smile on your face.”


The eyes of Ju-Young Moon and Young-Gak Mu, who were watching the curtain, gleamed with the light of impeccable trust.


“What else is here?”

Baek Woojin narrowed his eyes as he saw the round space dotted with white and gold. The walls and ground that made up the temple were erased, and only white and gold patterns were visible.

“It is a space for the fusion of dimensions. You are using the waves you have to carry out the three-dimensional fusion. See the needle up there?”

Kabaron pointed to a hand like the second hand of a clock floating on a round membrane.

“When that needle turns one turn and reaches its original position, the dimensions are united. After that, no one can stop it.”

– What a crazy bastard!

[Woo, Woojin!]

Karen let out her scream as she looked at the needles starting to turn.


Baek Woojin operated the yang spirit ball. He lifted up the darkness with his sword and laid his hand on the sword of Seolyeong’s sword.

‘The only variable for him is me.’

Kabaron now considers his power to be the beginning of his transcendence, and must destroy his plans with a force beyond his expectations.

‘Are you ready?’

-Of course!

A cold sword of darkness echoed through the white space.

“It should come out like that.”

Cava Ron motioned her fluttering sleeves and motioned.


“I’m still going!”

Baek Woojin blew the darkness and smashed the ground. The moment he entered Cabaron’s space, his mouth fluttered.



A word used by Murian. Those words crushed his body with great will.

“Break it.”

The darkness that was aiming for the heart of Kabaron was also suppressed by the words and the speed was significantly reduced.

‘It’s different… .’

Murian’s words and Cabaron’s words were different from each other. There was so much power in him that he could be ignorant.

‘However… .’

What has changed is this one as well. By scattering the will of transcendence, he broke the words of Kabaron.

“You have definitely reached transcendence. It’s like seeing old Cain.”

Kabaron shrugged and spread his hands. The white light that fluttered from his grasp was molded into hundreds of arrows of light and poured out.


Using a windbreak sword mark, it shot out darkness while blocking the arrow of light.

At the moment when darkness was about to pierce the heart of Kabaron as the fastest sword attack was activated, he raised his right hand to create a capital city.

Woo woo woo!

A magnificent stream blooms from the smashed capital of Kabaron.


The darkness that was being shot in a straight line was swept away by the flow and lost its direction and bounced off.


Baek Woojin aimed at the gap where Cabaron’s hand went down and squatted forward to spread the black bullet.

oh oh oh!

A black tidal wave burning over the white blade was about to swept the Kabaron, and his right hand and left hand drew a golden and white circle, respectively.


The dreadful sword strike of the Black King was not able to break the wave from the circle and was scattered around it.

“Not yet.”

Baek Woojin twisted his raised wrist and slammed it down. It is the Muryeongcham following the Black Wangtan. The two swords were connected like a flowing stream, as if they were one from the beginning.


The destructive pressure that Muryeongcham created crushed it as if it was about to break the space of Kabaron.


Kabaron raised his fist with his index and middle fingers to block the blade of Muryeongcham.


A huge shock wave exploded, twisting the space as if it were torn apart. However, Kabaron’s fist was not pushed out even in the face of the heavy pressure of Muryeongcham.Kigi Gigging!

When the returning darkness drew a sword of anger and drew an island, Kabaron twisted the space with his left hand.


Sumya’s claws disappeared into the space where they were cut off. It was a similar operation to the fourth sword of darkness, black cash.


The halo that shone on Kabaron’s back poured countless lights as a sword.


Baek Woojin took a step back after burning down Kabaron’s lightsaber with a dreadful sword type.

-Uses a technique similar to Murian Yuman, but its power is different.

‘It’s not just power. Speed, style, everything is different.

Murian’s Touro was filled with proper will and energy, and the divine power used by Yoo Man was established with the Touro.

He used his divine power and mana based on the state of nothingness that reached perfection.


Kabaron smiled, pointing to the red blood dripping from his finger. It was a wound that occurred when he blocked the muryeongcham.

-However, even if that person is a god-like being, you too are beyond human. Your attack goes through him!


He shook his head low. With darkness, I was convinced that I could defeat Kabaron.

‘let’s go. that guy… .’

“It’s just the right moment.”

As she was about to run back, Kabaron raised her head and looked at the white shining ceiling.

“I tried to play with you if you were weaker than I thought, but I can do as planned.”


“This is the third one I mentioned earlier!”

As Kabaron stumbled upon his feet, pillars of light rose from the floor, imprisoning darkness.


– Aww!

The light that enveloped the darkness deepened, and a strong spark exploded. The inside was invisible, but the screams of darkness were vividly heard.

[Wow, Woojin-sama! I have to stop it!]

“Damn it!”

Baek Woojin erected Seolyoung sword. He tried to save, but he couldn’t help it. He sharpened the yam’s blade and struck down the pillar that held darkness.


A strong anti-reflection was felt from the white brilliance surrounding the pillar, but he lowered his sword to the end.

coo coo.

As the sword passed through the pillar, the light split, revealing the inside.

[Ka, Cain… .]

“What is this… .”

Baek Woojin opened his eyes. The demon sword of darkness no longer existed in the pillar.

Inside, a man who was close to 2m tall and with his shoulders wide open was like a pylon with his eyes closed.

“Hey, darkness… .”

Instead of a sword, the darkness he met in the spirit world was manifested in his body.

The body that had been trained to the limit, the endless auras, and the subversive momentum were the same as the darkness seen in the mental world or memory.

“I didn’t know you would ring it. It came out a little earlier than I thought, but it doesn’t matter.”

As Kabaron snapped his fingers, Darkness opened his eyes. Black and white inverted eyes. The phenomenon that appeared when Kabaron manipulated others was young in the eyes of darkness.


Darkness without a word pulled out the sword hung from his waist and aimed at himself.

“Ugh… .”

Unbelievable pressure and sword energy are transmitted just by raising the sword. The guy was real.

“Kain, who was the second uninhabited man to reach transcendence on the continent, and your strong guardian, cuts you down! This is the third one! Ha ha ha ha!”

[Oh, no. Cain!]

Karen wept and cried out Cain’s name, but the darkness did not move. With his sword pointed at him, he only raises Sage and Auror.

“… It’s definitely unexpected, but thank you for giving me a great opportunity.”


Baek Woojin swept up his messy hair and smiled. Giggling at the sight, Cabaron frowned.

“It’s time to make a good deal with that guy. As long as you break the darkness and behead your head before that time is up, that is enough.”

[Woo, Woojin-sama… .]

“Can you do that? Stop making dog noises!”

“He who told me so, without a single exception, was struck in the back of his head and thrown to the ground.”

A raging flame of fire rose above Baek Woojin’s black eyes.

“So are you.”

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