Chapter 369 cabaron (8)

Leaders are important.

Even if the members of the Knights Templar are the same, the strength of the Knights varies greatly depending on who is the leader who leads them.

It has a great impact on the Knights of 30 or so, but it is only natural that the importance of the leader increases when it comes to the size of the country.

When a wise king manages a country, peace and prosperity are achieved, and when a foolish tyrant manages a country, the country will collapse in an instant.

Therefore, it was important what kind of person the emperor of the Charon Empire is now.

If the current emperor was only brainwashed by Yu Man, there is room for reform, but if the country was ruined like this without mind control, it cannot be left alone.

‘I wish I didn’t have to kill him… .’

Baek Woojin went into the imperial palace with the lords and savored his taste buds.

The main culprit that caused the Continental War was one Kabaron. Both the Empire side and the Allied Forces were only dragged by him.

There had been a lot of damage and death up until now, so he didn’t want to cause any more trouble.

– But when you make a decision, you have to make it.

‘Of course it is.’

If he stayed here, he would destroy the empire and establish a new country. But he must return to his original world.

It was best to leave the Empire as a weak country because a new war could break out in order to take over the land where the Empire was destroyed after he left.

‘I’m going to do as little damage as possible to the people of the Empire.’

The people of the Empire are innocent, so they will not be harmed.

‘but… .’

Baek Woojin narrowed his eyes as he scanned the inside of the palace.

‘I can’t expect much.’

Unlike the outside, the inside of the imperial palace was covered with gold, and it was full of splendid ornaments and ceremonial weapons. I feel like I’m watching the pole of luxury.

– Me too.

‘Well, maybe you only like luxury.’


When they arrived at the center of the Imperial Palace with their own positive thoughts, the knights in golden armor drew their swords and aimed them at them.

– The level is high.

As a guard knight protecting the king, he exuded excellent aura and fighting spirit.

“This is where the Emperor resides. He is not allowed to enter anyone without permission… .”

“We have come to see the emperor.”

Edgar clicked his tongue and drew his sword.

“Never go in! To meet the emperor… .”


Baek Woojin stepped in front of Edgar and raised his will.


“iced coffee… .”

“Shut up!”

As the wave spread like a daebung spread its wings, the guards were terrified and retreated. They trembled in fear, like mice in front of a cat, holding their swords.

“Ugh… .”

“What, what did you do?”

“That person really… .”

The castle lords looked at the quivering knights and had a puzzled expression on their faces.

“Let’s go.”

Baek Woojin walked the path that the Guards Knights had made and stood in front of the door of the audience where the splendor reached its peak.

I could feel the presence of many people inside. Everyone seemed to have run away from here.


He put his hand on the door and threw it away.

“Wow, here it is!”



The screams of people could be heard through the sound of the door slamming. Stepping on the burning smoke, I went inside.

The emperor’s throne, which soared to the ceiling, was erected in the center, and nobles and most elite knights in splendid clothing and armor were blocking it.

‘Are you the author?’

Baek Woojin turned his eyes to see the middle-aged man sitting on the throne.

He wore a splendid red robe with a long spiral of gold thread, and over his head an octagonal crown with various jewels exposed.

– What’s the point of view?

‘Well… .’

There was no sincerity in his eyes. He was full of self-righteousness and anger that he could not accept the current situation.

“Where are you putting your dirty feet here?”

The emperor shouted, shaking his bulging cheeks that looked greedy.

“I am the emperor of this empire! I didn’t give you guys the right to see me! Get down on his knees, back off!”

– How are you going to get down on your knees?

Darkness looked at the emperor’s cheeks and snorted.

“Are you still not aware of the situation?”

Daffle smiled coolly and looked into the Emperor’s eyes.

“You are defeated. It is you, not us, who have to retreat!”

“Damn, you lost! Nonsense! Where is Duke Alonso! Where is the new chief?”

He struck the floor with the stick the emperor was holding.

‘It’s a bummer.’

Baek Woojin sighed so as not to be heard. Looking at the situation, it was clear that even though the nobles had told them the situation of the war, they did not even listen to them, and now they have come to their senses.

He could understand why the Empire’s foremost sword, Duke Alonso, who had fought with him, looked frustrated even after he died.

“They are all dead.”

Baek Woojin opened his mouth, looking directly into the emperor’s eyes full of desire.

“The Imperial First Gumdo, the deputy director and the new director also died at my hands. The Empire’s army has been defeated, and you are the only one left.”

“gibberish! There’s no way that Yu-man could have been defeated, and Jim’s army couldn’t have been defeated! How many knights and how many soldiers are you saying you were defeated by your crude bastards!”

“Would you like to check it out for yourself?”“Shut up! With my power, I will kill you guys right away!”

He aimed at himself with the red rod the emperor was holding. The rod turned white, and he fired a huge beam of light.


Without Baek Woojin to step out, Moon Ju-young jumped out and cut off the light.

“What kind of garbage is blocking Jim’s event! What are you doing! Kill them!”

At the trembling beckoning of the emperor, the guards knights and nobles who were guarding him rushed in. Unlike the emperor, they were prepared to die.

“Yu Man and Alonso will be back! Fight!”

Only the emperor did not believe in defeat.

“This is the last fight!”

The lords ran out in front of them and slashed their swords at the guard knights.

The guard knights were strong, but they could not defeat the lords and their escorts who had gone through everything before birth. In a short time, dozens of guards crawled the floor.

“Ha ha ha!”

When the emperor saw the knights dying, he stepped backwards in astonishment. But he couldn’t step back any further because of the huge throne behind him.


Baek Woojin walked towards his throne, stepping on the blood that flowed from the knights.

“Do not come! Don’t come! This wretched thing!”

When the emperor slammed the left armrest of the throne, a translucent shield was formed around the throne.

Even though there were children, women, and old people who looked like nobles around, the emperor did not call anyone and activated the shield only for himself.

– Well done.

‘okay. There was a reason why Yuman and Kabaron controlled the Empire at will.’

Baek Woojin nodded. Even though Yuman and Kabaron are dead, they react like that, which means that his original nature is like that.

Everything was unsuccessful, from the symbol of living alone despite the fact that there were royals who looked like his blood and blood, the stupidity of thinking without thinking even after losing the war, and the lustful desire.

“I’m sorry I was expecting even a little bit.”

He smiled coldly and climbed the stairs to the throne.

“You’re stupid like a lowly bastard! This shield is a shield installed by the first emperor. Humans cannot penetrate!”


“Keep drawing or pounding for the rest of your life!”

The emperor wandered and raised his right armrest. The back of the throne opened and a hole was opened for one person to enter. It seemed to be a secret passage.

– You idiot! You should have run away earlier!

‘He’s not even that headless.’

Yuman and Kabaron would have put the current emperor on the throne because of that stupidity that didn’t even need brainwashing.

“A lifetime? I will wake you right away.”

Baek Woojin drew Seolyoung sword with a sad expression. He slashed his sword lightly as if splitting the wind and cut the curtain surrounding the throne.


Contrary to the emperor’s remark that it would never break, the shield was torn like a piece of paper and turned to dust.

“Hey, how did this happen… .”

Emperor Drisribu Karuna Mitti fell back, clacking his drooling chin.’Even Alonso said he couldn’t break it… .’

The first emperor’s shield, which even Duke Alonso, who was the first imperial sword, said it took half a day to break, was broken by that man’s single sword. It wasn’t reality, it seemed like a nightmare.

“Are there any more?”

Baek Woojin swung his seolyeong sword and approached the emperor.

“Turn it off! Jim is the king! Get down on his knees!”

The emperor issued a red rod. After avoiding the bursting chunks of mana, he cut the stick.


The emperor threw the stick cut in half and trembled all over.

“If I entrust this empire to you, tears of blood will flow from people’s eyes. It is inconsistent.”

“Come on, wait! After listening to Jim… Cuckoo!”

Baek Woojin cut off the emperor’s head without hesitation. The emperor’s neck, unable to close his eyes as if he could not believe his death, rolled down the stairs.



“iced coffee… .”

The nobles below screamed in terror, but only one young man caught his eye and looked down at the emperor’s neck.

“Who is the Emperor?”

“That’s me.”

The young man who had been quietly raised his hand. Unlike the emperor, there was little glare in his eyes.

“You guys first invaded our territory and were defeated. Do you know?”

“… I know.”

“Ha, but we had no power. Yuman and the Emperor… .”


The nobleman next to him tried to intervene, but Prince Il blocked his hand.

“The process is not important. Empire made war and lost. That’s all.”

“Ugh… .”

There was no shaking in the Emperor’s voice. It seemed to accept everything, whether it was resignation or recognition.

“You’re the only one who speaks. This is our demand.”

Baek Woojin nodded, and Daple handed the treaty to the Emperor.

“Territory, wealth, apple… .”

The treaty stipulated that the territories of the empire should be shared by the Allies, and that war reparations and official apologies were to be made.

“Woah, you want to cut the territory in half?”

“The amount of war reparations is too great. This is absurd… .”

“If you don’t want to lose everything, be quiet.”

At the low voice of Prince Il, the nobles made a sound of pain and bit his mouth.

“Can I just keep this?”

“No, there is one more.”

Baek Woojin shook his head and scanned his entire audience.

“Allied soldiers are still hungry. They want to kill all of you and take over all of this land.”


“Hey… .”

The nobles’ eyes fluttered like flower petals standing on the edge of a cliff at the sound of their voice.

“I need immediate compensation to stop them. I intend to take half of the wealth piled up in this palace and give it to them.”

– Only half?

‘No matter how polite and outstanding the prince is, if the imperial family doesn’t have money, in the end the people will suffer.’

If you take away everything that the royal family and nobles of the Empire have, they will trouble the people even more.

“all right. I would be grateful if you could finish it with that alone.”

“The Emperor!”

“Oh, that can’t be! In the Imperial Palace, our… .”

“please! Calm down!”

Prince Il could not bear it and rolled his foot. Since he had piled up some radish, there was a slight vibration in the audience.

“The Empire has been defeated! Whoever used us or who was taken advantage of. No matter what, I lost! Don’t you really know that they’re killing us and giving them room to take everything?”

“Ah… .”

“Ugh… .”

The nobles bowed their heads with their lips biting.

“I will accept all the conditions you have stated.”

The Emperor of Japan finished signing the treaty with a calm gaze.

“If anyone disagrees, please tell me. I will cut you right away.”


“Ugh… .”

When Baek Woojin robbed the emperor’s blood-stained Seolyeong sword, the nobles crouched as if preparing to enter a mouse hole.


The Emperor took a deep breath and held out the treaty.


After confirming Prince Il’s signature on the underside of the treaty, he nodded. He turned around and showed the treaty to the lords who had come with him.

“Now it’s over.”

Baek Woojin is from Sylvia, the leader of the Rhine Forest, to Sein of the North, and Edgar and Lecter Fried of the Seiran Union. After making eye contact with everyone, he opened his mouth.

“It was a hopeless war at the beginning, but thanks to everyone here fighting to the end, we were able to win. Thank you for following along.”

He bowed his head toward the lords.

“Wow, what are you talking about! We should thank you!”

“that’s right. If we had been vigilant in the north, we would have been annihilated by the Empire!”

Sylvia and Sein frowned and shook their heads.

“To be honest, I thought that if you were protecting Seiran, you would be able to stop the main force of the Empire from attacking.”

Seiran Castle Lord Edgar stepped forward.

“But that was a very silly idea. Duke Alonso, the Demon Dragon Vulcanus, and Priest Commander Yuman. If only one of the three came, Seiran would have collapsed.”

He knelt down on one of his knees and bowed his head. It was the best example of the nobles of the East.“I apologize for not trusting you and doubting you. And thank you for waking up my stupid mind.”

“Now you are calm. Edgar.”

Lecter Fried, the lord of Shukan Castle, smiled and took the same pose next to Edgar.

“If it wasn’t for the Commander-in-Chief, everyone here would eventually die. Thank you for making me realize the fools I was only thinking of protecting.”

“So will we.”

“Thank you for leading us to victory!”

The remaining lords of Furen, Kelden, Castle, Rendinus, and Bullfork also knelt next to them, and Sylvia and Sein also performed their respective rites.

– You must know everything.

Darkness looked at the lords who knelt and smiled.

‘I would have lost without you.’

The Imperial Tensword including the Imperial First Sword, the Priest Commander Yuman and the Vulcanus he summoned, and the Cabaron that made me feel genuine despair even though I did not see it.

Without Baek Woojin, no one could stop those monsters. Everyone knew who the chief contributor to ending this war was.

“It was accomplished together. Stop getting up.”

– Pretending to be a big bowl just because you’ve reached Transcendence.


Not a lie.

I felt the black thread of the bond, but if I had tried to end this fight alone, I would have died instantly. We were able to win because everyone fought with the same thought.

“Ugh… .”

“Hey, you say that… .”

“I just want to thank you.”

Not only the castle lords who had a crush on them from the beginning like Daffle or Sylvia, but also the lords who once had hostility looked at themselves with deep longing and young eyes.

“Then next.”

Baek Woojin handed over the treaty to Defple again, drawing everyone’s attention.

“We conquered many cities, but found no significant treasures in them.”

While advancing to the imperial capital, they occupied many castles, but did not get special rewards because the nobles fled first.

“In addition to the emperor’s property, the imperial palace will be full of the riches of the nobles who fled here. It will take some time until we receive the compensation written in the treaty, so let’s bring the wealth of the nobles and give the soldiers a hot meal.”

“I will follow you!”

“What a great idea!”

“Come on, wait… Whoops!”


The imperial nobles who were about to step out at Baek Woojin’s young words were startled and went back in.

“No strangers.”


The martial artist jumped forward and ascended to the throne of the emperor. He nodded his head as he looked into the hole the emperor was going out of.

“I consider it.”

“It’s a secret passage over there.”

“We are together. It’s a good way to hide it.”

The silent warrior jumped into the hole.“Hey, how… .”

“Did you find it at a glance?”

The nobles ripped off their sleeves, bewildered that they couldn’t believe it.

Fit geek!

After a while, a bizarre sound came from the hole, and the Emperor’s throne began to descend like an elevator.

Woo woo woo!

After that, the floor opened and a staircase wide enough for a car appeared.

At the end of the dark stairs, a golden light was shining. I went down the stairs following the golden light.

– Knock out!


Baek Woojin opened his mouth wide. I have seen many secret warehouses and reports so far, but none can compare to this place.

Jewels and accessories were on the left, weapons and armor on the right, books and elixir in the center, and countless gold was spread on the floor. They are truly enormous treasures.


The martial artist, who had suddenly followed, jumped into the golden sea with an ecstatic expression.

“Oh, no!”

“I messed up… .”

“… … .”

The nobles saw it and knelt down on his knees. It appears that they hid much of the brought treasure in this treasury.

“Take only half.”


If you take all the treasuries of the imperial palace, only the remaining people will see the blood. It’s better to take half of them and watch them so they don’t think otherwise.

“Hurry up and get it. There is also the next one.”

Unable to hide his laughter, the young man approached.


“There is no way those nobles would have poured all their treasures into the Emperor’s treasury. There is still a long way to go.”

The nobles of the Empire groaned and knelt when the eyes of the warriors glowed yellow.


Baek Woojin left the royal palace after leaving the dapples and the lords to dispose of the treasures.

– Isn’t that a real ghost?

‘Yeah. How do you find it so well?’

After that, Muyeonggaek found three more treasure troves hidden by the nobles. Even when he reached transcendence, his sense of smell could not keep up.

– Well, that guy… .

‘You were there.’

Darkness shook her head in a sigh. Karen didn’t move, just staring at where Cabaron had become her bubble and disappeared.

[Oh, are you here?]

As she saw herself, Karen smiled awkwardly as she quickly stole the corner of her eye.

“Thanks, it went well. It seems that the allied forces will receive a reasonable compensation.”

[That’s nice.]

– What are you going to do now? Karen.

[I have to go back.]

“Yes? Being here… .”

[I am no longer human. You can’t be on the continent.]

Karen lowered her head slightly and smiled awkwardly.

– Still, it looks very difficult. You better go get some rest.

[Now, there is nothing to worry about, and there is nothing to strive for. Eat well and rest well.]

– Hmm… .

Karen waved her hand as if she didn’t care, but Dark let out her moan as if she was more concerned by the thin cuffs.

[By the way, I couldn’t even greet you properly.]

Karen stood up calmly and bowed her head.

[Thank you so much for following my insistence. I’m sorry I couldn’t explain it properly in the first place.]

“no. As I said, I too was saved by Karen-sama. I thank you too.”

[Fufu, is that so… .]

Baek Woojin and Karen looked at each other and drew the same smile.

– Hey, I am! Say thank you to me too!

[You did nothing.]

– Call me brother, not you! And why didn’t I do anything! I’m the one who raised that guy!

[It’s not. Did Woojin grow up alone? Sometimes I just help.]

– Can you help me sometimes? Do you spread it out every day? This kid is real!

Darkness slashed her sword to hit Karen’s head with her, but she didn’t reach her. The two argued for a long time.

They smiled naturally because they looked the same as the two playing in the dark memories.

[Now I have to go back.]

Karen looked exhausted, but she looked this way with a delighted look.

[I have to prepare for Woojin-sama’s return.]

“Oh, I guess.”

Baek Woojin nodded. Having finished all the work here, I had to go back to Korea.

[Before you return, please tell me if there is anything you would like me to do. I’ll listen to whatever I can.]


[Oh, I can’t be helpless. To be honest, Woojin-nim’s power is far beyond my control.]

“Well… .”

I scratched her chin and thought. He said he couldn’t be forceful any more, so he didn’t have much interest in it.

– Please take care of me other than that monster!

[The same goes for Cain. There’s really nothing I can do… .]

When I saw the darkness attached to Karen, I had a good idea.

“There is. Request.”

Baek Woojin smiled and walked over to Karen.

“My request is… .”

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