Chapter 388 Gaiden 1 Lafort’s Labyrinth (3)


Baek Woojin burst into tears as he looked at the maze navigator in Seo In-ah’s hand.

‘Isn’t that just a map?’

A red line is drawn on the holographic map spread over the maze navigation. The line spread to numerous forks and began to find the way on the map.

She not only makes a map of the maze, but also finds the way to the maze, so this was the reason why Seo-in was so confident in the ability of her maze navigator.

‘It’s an innovative piece of equipment.’

Setting the frequency seems complicated, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a device that prints a map in less than a minute and finds the way to it, a revolution in mazes and labyrinth-type dungeons.


As she approached her, she smiled admirably.

“Is that right?”

Seo In-ah chuckled her hand over her waist and chuckled. She had been nowhere to be seen where her confidence had reached the floor until a moment ago.

“There is something called the frequency of mana in each space. A maze navigator is a device that grasps the flow, makes a map, and finds a way.”

She pointed to the red arrow that was finding the way to the maze.

“It’s fast, and there’s nothing to miss. However, it has the disadvantage that it is unstable to find the frequency.”

“Still, looking at the results, it is enough to offset the shortcomings.”

Baek Woojin breathed a sigh of relief as he checked the map.

‘If I had found it myself, a lot of time would have been wasted.’

The size of the maze and the number of crossroads far exceeded expectations to the extent that the 20 minutes that Seo In-ah used was nothing.

No matter how much she moves, it seems that at least one day is wasted.

“I told you before. I’m sure Ina will be of great help. This was not just the price of the meal, but the meal for Sura-sang.”


Seo In Ah wiggled her fingers like her baby. She seemed to rise with shame and satisfaction at the same time.


When the alarm sounded from the maze navigator she was holding, the red line that filled the maze map disappeared, leaving only one line left.

Followed by her eyes, it was connected from the beginning to the end of the maze. The solution to the maze is complete.

“That’s Okay!”

The westerner girl spun around her hand, holding her maze navigator, like a windmill.

“If you keep following this, you will be able to go straight to the entrance on the 4th floor!”

“Then let’s go to the finished road. There are monsters and traps inside, so stay behind them.”


After finding her original self-confidence again, Seo-in-ah nodded her head vigorously and grabbed her black cannon.


Thanks to the maze navigation, Baek Woojin lightly broke through the maze of illusions on the 3rd floor and the Yeongsu site on the 4th floor, and arrived at the entrance on the 5th floor.

‘That’s great stuff.’

The maze navigation operated by Seo In-ah led them to the exit of the maze without a single error.

Thanks to breaking through the two floors without hesitation, two days seemed to have been earned.

“Thanks to In-ah, I think I saved about a day. It would have been a disaster if I hadn’t brought it as it was dangerous.”

“Ah, not that much. Don’t fly the plane.”

“It’s salty. You know I’m not talking nonsense.”

“Even if it’s empty words, it feels good.”

She shook her head and held out her hand. Seo In-ah took that hand familiarly.

“Let’s go next.”


As she listened to her powerful reply, she entered the dark passageway. A huge road appeared with the sensation of her body floating.

The road was straight, and the sides were blocked off by tall walls like buildings.

Right behind him was a jewel emitting blue light, and at the end of the road there was an invisible black hole.

‘It’s not like an exit.’

She couldn’t have left the passage to the next floor so easily.

“You don’t know what it is, so don’t move.”As I was examining the hole, I heard an unfeeling voice.

[Trial of the fifth floor. The sapphire defense battle begins.][Protect the sapphire floating behind you from monsters jumping out of the black pit.][The first wave occurs.]

As soon as those words were finished, hordes of orcs, trolls and ogres jumped out of the black hole.

It seemed as if a green sea was rising due to the rush of so many monsters.

“If it’s a defensive battle, do you mean to keep this path?”

“I think so. Stay by the jewel.”


Seo In-ah believed in herself and stepped back from her, clinging to the jewel.

“It’s not necessary to just block it with a defensive battle.”

Baek Woojin drew a seolyeong sword and smiled excitedly.


The energy of the Black Wang Tan that bloomed from the blade of Seolyoung’s sword swept away the large army of monsters that were running.

After the storm of sword strikes, all that was left was a black hole.

[The second wave begins.]

As I approached the black hole, I heard a voice saying that a second wave was coming out.


A huge number of monsters soared from the hole again.

“You don’t have to come out.”

Baek Woojin’s eyes lit up and he hit the Martial Cham.

“I’m going to break it down into a hole.”



The Sphinx, who was watching the screen in the golden room, struck the floor with its front paw.

“What the hell are these guys!”

When I broke the walls of the first and second floors, I thought it was no big deal. In fact, there were many people who broke the walls of the maze and went to the next floor.

However, the method does not work from the beauty of the third layer of illusion.

They had to find a way by moving their bodies, but the two men and women walked on the right path without making a single mistake.

Even if it was slapped on the cheek of the goddess of fortune, it would not make sense.

In addition, the man revealed a slightly stronger force than the helplessness he felt at first.

‘They’re not ordinary guys.’

It was clear that he was hiding his skills when he saw that he erased all the monster waves with one sword and ripped the hole where the monsters came out.

“It’s like the weirdos from before.”

They both smelled similar to the two strange men who had come in two days ago.

One of them also slashed monsters with strong force, and the other broke through traps and mazes by smelling like a dog.

There were people stronger than them, but it was the first time they broke through the ordeal so quickly.


Sphinx clicked his tongue as he saw Baek Woojin and Seo In Ah waiting for the entrance to the next floor.

‘If that’s the case, I’d be able to break through the sixth floor quickly… .’

Looking at those humans, it seemed that they would soon reach where they were.

It’s been a while since the labyrinth was established in this world, and I couldn’t let them set foot on the last floor already.

“Ah, I must do that.”

The Sphinx grinned and turned his finger. A new layer of the labyrinth was being created according to his gestures.

“Let’s have a fight with you guys.”


Baek Woojin lightly passed the fifth floor, the defense, and arrived at the sixth floor.

It was a huge room in the shape of a dome. However, the center was blocked by an opaque wall.

“What is that?”

“I do not know. But there is a person in me.”

“A man?”


I don’t know who was behind that wall because of an unknown energy, but there was definitely someone inside.

“I think we have to fight.”

“Are you fighting?”


As Baek Woojin nodded and looked at the wall again, he heard the labyrinth’s voice.

[Trial of the sixth floor. The land of struggle begins.][Only one side who defeats the opponent behind the wall can go to the next floor.][The wall disappears after 5 minutes.]

As expected, this was a room for a duel.

-Five! Duel! duel! Because I found the way to the maze. This time it’s your turn!

– I’ll take care of it, keep your mouth shut.

Korean was heard through the wall. The first man’s voice was very light, and the second man’s voice was serious.

“That voice… .”

His voice was hoarse and hard to hear, but it felt like he had heard it a lot.

-Hey! I don’t know who’s on the other side, but you better surrender! Here’s a terrifying swordsman! A few hundred… .

It was the first man’s voice.

– Shut up!

Shame on such a man, the second man shouted.

“under… .”

Baek Woojin laughed. Hearing the tone of his voice, he could clearly see who was behind him.

“Bae, my lord.”

Seo In knew that she was worried, she looked at herself with trembling eyes.

“Do not worry.”

She looked up over the wall after she gave her warmth through her shoulder.

“You want me to surrender?”

-okay. If you surrender immediately, don’t touch your life. Instead, one of the things you have… .

– I’m embarrassed, so please shut up!

A second man was seen holding the first man’s neck and shaking.

“Shall I make a prophecy?”

-Eh? prophecy?

“You will be on your knees as soon as this wall is gone.


The first man burst into laughter like a cartoon villain. He grabs his stomach and smiles.

-What kind of Baek Woojin are you? You’re good at dog shit! Even if my neck flies, I won’t kneel!

-Why did you bring out his name here?

– Kuek!

The second man slapped the first man in the back.


Baek Woojin looked at the silhouette of the man who had been beaten and held back his laughter as he was about to come out.

-I’m making a prophecy too! You’re going to fall, losing everything you have from me.

“You will see that.”

A voice was heard from the ceiling as he gently waved his hands.

[The duel begins now.][You win if your opponent dies or admits defeat.]

When the voice ended, another voice came from behind the wall.

– We have no intention of admitting defeat even if we die! Let’s fight fiercely!

-Well… .

I agree, the second man didn’t say anything.But as soon as they see themselves, they will immediately fall to their knees.

Woo woo woo!

After a while, the wall split left and right like a curtain, revealing two men.


“Heh heh heh!”


The two men behind the wall knelt as soon as they saw Baek Woojin’s face.

“Hey, Inspector!”

“Why is the Lord here!”

As expected, the two people beyond the wall were Moon Ju-young and Mu-yeong-gak.

“I will never surrender. Isn’t it too easy to change words like flipping pancakes over?”

“I didn’t know there was a prosecutor! surrender! Unconditional surrender!”

Muyoung Gaek raised his arms and shouted.

“It is forever.”

“… … .”

Moon Joo-young also raised her hand.

“I sent you a trip, so why are you here?”

“I was on my way to China to meet Cheongsal, and I came in because of the smell of treasure.”

“Did you come into the pyramids of China? How long have you been in?”

“Today is the second day.”

“Two days?”

Baek Woojin burst out laughing as he looked at the silent audience.

‘After all, this guy’s nose is really… .’

Even though Seo In-ah didn’t have the tools, it took him two days to get here, and the nose of the young warrior was unmatched in terms of treasure.

“But why are you here, Inspector? Also with your sister? The enemy’s sister went to the sword training camp, so you’re already dating someone else?”

“You are quick. I was on a date!”

Seo-in smiled broadly and crossed her arms.

“Five! leg? I respect you! Inspector! Someone I can take… .”

“Defeat is unacceptable. Should I break the back of the head?”

“Ugh! Hey, shut your mouth!”

As I approached her while turning her clenched wrists, the Muyeong Gaek fell flat on his face as if bowing in ecstasy.

“Did the Lord come in to clear the pyramids too?”


Unlike Muyeong-gaek, Moon Ju-young was not a treasure, but seemed to have come in to erase the pyramid.

“you… .”

[The winner has been decided.]

As she was about to call Joo-Young Moon, she heard a voice saying that the winner had been decided, and a black hole appeared in her floor.



And the bodies of the defeated martial artist and Moon Ju-young turned transparent like polished glass.

“Hey, hey!”

“Aww! Inspector! Please save me… .”

Moon Ju-yeong and Mu-yeong-gak disappeared without even saying everything they asked to be rescued.

‘Is it down?’

Baek Woojin looked down and narrowed his eyes. For a moment, their presence was felt deep underground.

‘There are other people’s spirits too.’

In that place, there were not only Muyoung-geek and Moon Ju-young, but also other talented people. Everyone who did not pass the labyrinth seemed to be trapped underneath.

“Uh, what happened?”

“It seems to be a way to take a loser.”

Baek Woojin clenched his fists, looking at the black hole leading to the next floor.

“I need to speed it up a bit more.”

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