Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Lesson 124: The Story of the Boobs and the Boobs Coming Out of the Boobs

When Mikoshiba Aya returned to Tetsu-tei, there was only one Kanami in the girls' room.

I look around the room, but there's no sign of anyone else. Kanami lay alone on the bed and threw her limbs out lazily.

What? Mikoishi, you're early.

Kanami stretches her arms straight out as she rises from her torso.

It was always unusual for a solid Kanami, and it was a loose workmanship.

It's unusual for a god to be a dog.

"Coincidentally, everyone else's plans for going out overlapped." I was supposed to protect my absence. "

The absolute ban on acting alone was a color that reminded me of the strangeness of that person, Kanami Inugami, who was always souring his mouth and talking to everyone. I stopped pointing it out because I was about to become a snake.

Perhaps because Cai had returned, Kanami stepped out of bed and began to rectify her disfigured taste.

Handsomely comb the long hair that had been solved to reveal a stunning ponytail. Every morning I see it, but no matter how many times I see it, I keep my tongue wrapped around it.

Are you going out?

"No, I'm going to be away for a day today..."

She looked at Cai with a strange face.

I thought I was going out because I was looking forward to it.

"Really? It's just as usual." It's only natural for a girl to have such a taste. "

Although I dye my hair as long as Kanami, I don't bundle or braid my hair, and I don't do such things with my hands.

Until she started living together in a different world, Cai thought that the female student called Inugami Kanami was simply a good person on the outside, but she understood that the perception was wrong.

She is a serious girl who is clean and innocent.

"That's just fine." If you don't mind, why don't we eat together? "

Having said that, Sae let go of one of the tree nuts she had in her hand to Kanami.

“I was selling it at the street outside. It looks delicious, so I bought it."

You look like a walnut.

"Nyubo's fruitfully said." I can't eat the shell, but this is how-- "

Gently chew the ends with your back teeth and crack the shell. Kanami, who was looking at the situation, stared at the fruit of Nibo for a while, and then used the corner of the furniture to crack the shell.

When shells are peeled off, something white comes out of it. It was in a soft and creamy state with a sweet scent.

"It certainly looks delicious."

Right? Besides, this is the only story -- the fruit of Nyubo seems to contain plenty of delightful nutrition for girls.

Unusually, Aya, who is bisexual, speaks in a whisper even though someone is not listening.

This tree nut seems to have such a chest enlargement effect.

Mischievous, lightly tongued color.

"Well, there won't be any visible changes." After all, I'm curious. "

"Sheng Jie, I'm interested in that too."

Miko Shiba and Inugami Kanami. There is no need to explain it again, but the two of them maintain an outstanding proportions compared to the average high school girl in the class.

Those two are trying to get more busts. If there were sandy bells and sandy bells in the bust complex, I would have looked at them with a grudge.

What other benefits do you have besides breast augmentation?

"The shine is getting better and the man is turning around - I was telling you if it was true or not." From the mouthpiece, it seemed to have the effect of increasing the female hormonal thing in the original world. "

"Interesting. I feel like my hair and skin have lost their shine since I came to this world..."

Kanami muttered as she stroked her ink-like black hair with her fingers.

"I want Kirishima to be the most cute person to eat and become more attractive as a woman, Kuhihi..."

The loose face is like a maiden who is completely in love, and Kanami is also struck, and it gets away with it.

Can I eat too?

Fine. I could only buy two of them, so let's eat them before somebody comes back.

Slightly sweet, milky aroma. Seducing a maiden hungry for sweetness to hug her heart.

The pulp is soft, like custard cream. How shall I eat? Kanami stretched her tongue hard and licked the creamy pulp with the tip of her tongue.

"... um?"

Kanami tilts her neck tightly with no product on her face with cream on her nose and cheeks.

"What, is there something on my face?"

"It's attached. No, I didn't watch it because it's attached."

In line with Kanami, the colors are really devouring.

”Even a well-behaved dog god can eat dogs like that”

"Don't talk like a dog. I'll make fun of you as soon as I associate it with your name."

While putting the cream on her nose, Kanami leaked her nose in a grumpy mood.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I can't show them what it's like to be without it."

Absolutely. We need to keep it to ourselves.

They look at each other and laugh at each other. Perhaps the spice of secret sharing worked, and the sweetness of the first time in a long time warmly filled their hearts.


"Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn! None of the tree nuts recommended by Mikoshi are busy!"

"It's my fault." It's all my fault. I tried to run away with the two of us, so I'm sure I hit a bee... "

If there are things such as heavenly punishments and divine punishments in the world, Kanami and Ayumi will say words of regret while facing the man who seems to have been dropped first.

"I should have known...!" You just made the same mistake as before! Even if this happens again, what's the matter with you..... "

Kanami bites her lower lip and looks regretful. Although it was a gesture of blame for the color, in the root part, it seemed to be frightened of myself who could not avoid the loss.

The color is colorful, and the usual strong attitude is not there, and the face without domination is bowing down.

They were half-naked.

The clothes he was supposed to wear are stripped and shorts are on.

The hands are covered secretly in the rounded breasts, and the important part located on the tip is firmly covered and covered.

It's called a handbra. Both Kanami and Aya have the same big boobs and are supported by their hands.

"Don't look in silence, just say something..."

Kirishima Orchid, a man who had not fallen from the punishment, looked at the two women with a complicated expression in front of Cai, who had a weak face and raised her eyes.

The mouth is tied tightly, but there is a definite smile lit up in the back of my eyes. It seemed like she was desperately trying to endure the nausea.

In the honor of Ran - whatever honor remains to be protected - I would like to state that it is not due to orchids' orders or coercion that half-naked hands are exposed.

When the orchid stepped into the room, it was already in this shape.


While deliberately making a serious face, the orchid looks at the uniforms scattered on the floor.

A familiar brassiere was also released with him. If you look closely, there is some cloudy liquid on the lining. Of course, Orchid had no idea about this.

The orchid picks up the brassiere and puts her face close to the area where her boobs were hitting, gently staring at her.

When I suddenly saw the reaction of the two of them, I could see that Cai's face had increased and blushed earlier.

The orchid who suspected the owner looked colored and sniffed as he drew his nose closer to the lining of the bra.

"--- ahhh"

The colored face flushed to my ears. In response, the orchid gently stretched its tongue --- and licked the lining of the colored bra with a peloli.

"... this is breast milk?"

"Oh, no! This is not breast milk - hiiiiiiiiii!"

It was a burst of momentum, but the words were interrupted along the way.

The breasts, which were supported by both hands hard, shook greatly in line with the movement of Cai Cai.

Pink nipples puff out your face from between your pressed fingers. Along with the screams of colour, the milky liquid overflowed from the tip of her standing nipples.


As she raised her voiceless screams, Sae twitched her hips.

The same milky liquid was dripping on the floor from both hands of the colored lipstick.

"... Miko-chai. Uuuu!?"

Kanami looked at it sideways, but suddenly raised her voice and stretched her spine.

It was like when the tip of the protrusion that was pulling hard fell off, and the place where the force was going was lost in an instant. Like when the limitations of something I endured came.

With his mouth half open, he raised his voice like he was weak, "Ah, ah..." Kanami lowered his voice slowly and comfortably.

"Uu, uuu....."

From the fingers covering your nipples, the muddy white liquid falls off.

The slightly viscous sole pulled the thread from the gap between her fingers, and as it became heavier, it fell to the floor.

"Oh, I did it... noooo. I can't, but I can't..."

"Phew, phew...!" Oh no... once you start coming out, you can't stop me! "

A color that bites the back teeth and flies the milky white liquid as it pulls down.

With an upbeat face, Kanami overflows with a viscous cloudy solution that feels similar to a vision of giving up.

While feeling the strange smell of sweet smell, Orchid decided to look back and see what happened.


This is how it all began.

In order to ask about the progress of the maintenance of the dragon car, Orchid came to the engineer's workshop with the faces of the Shayaka women's otaku group.

In conclusion, it is said that it is almost finished, and once the detailed adjustment is completed, it will move without any problems.

The orchids toured the workshop lightly and returned to Tetsu-tei around noon.

“Oh, you guys are back in a good place.”

When I returned to Tetsu-ten-tei, the unusual Kiryuin Sabal and Queen Gaoka Reika stood outside the inn.

At the end of the garden, there was something that looked like a beach chair, where it was sourced from. I may have been sunbathing.

Mikoishi-san and Inugami-san were looking for Kirishima-san

I wonder what it is. I looked at her face and tried to hurry up.

"The three of you come this way." I was hoping you could talk to me and Reika about how the Dragon Car was doing. "

In front of the lily Emei Saka that ran out together, Kiryuin Yu stood subtly.

When I stared at her back, Reika looked at the orchid with a meaningful look next to her. With a tingly expression, she was shown to go ahead with just her gaze.

Apparently, Kanami and Cai only called for orchids.

Isn't it an urgent matter to ask Reika and Tsuji for a lecture?

A disturbing fantasy raised her head, ran up one flight of stairs, and opened the door of the girls' room without knocking - meeting two people who held Nobra's tits in both hands with a pair of shorts.

From there on, as mentioned above.

Therefore, it was a fact that Orchid did not yet know exactly what kind of situation this was.

I haven't grasped the situation very well, but can I check one thing?

With a scruffy mouth like a detective, Orchid strokes her chin in a playful manner.

"I'm a man too, so I don't know the details..." Breast milk basically doesn't come out unless you're pregnant, right? "

That's why it's not breast milk - yaaahn!

Ticklingly screaming, Kanami grabbed her fingertips around the nipple and held it down.

However, it seemed to have had the opposite effect, and the nipple tip was swollen with a bubble like a puddle of liquid, and the milked liquid slid off like a lick of Kanami's brown skin.


Does it feel good? No, no, no, Kanami shook her head, but Kanami was desperately pressing her dull palm against her breasts.

Considerable amounts of breast milk (?) It seems that it is overflowing in my hand, and I heard a slightly sticky sound from Nu Chu.

"And that knowledge is wrong." Even if you are not pregnant, you may still be breastfeeding.... but I'll tell you again and again, this isn't breast milk. It's not boobs. It's coming out of the boobs, but it's not boobs. "

No matter how you look at it, neither Kanami nor Caiyang admit that the milky liquid secreted from their nipples is definitely breast milk.

We are both strong daughters, but we are not the type to press our own assumptions without any reason. There must be some basis for the two to deny it so strongly.

"Hey, do something about it..."

"That's right, the mountains are what I want to help both of you, but..."

When I looked at the floor while saying so, there were traces of dryness and white cloudiness.

It seems that she has been suffering from the symptoms of breast milk-like secretion long before the orchid arrived.

"I've been doing this ever since before..." I don't know what to do..... "

"I want to do something about it, but even if I talk to a man about my boobs, I can only imagine the answer."

I don't intend to throw it out, but I have to deny that I can make an accurate diagnosis.

Rather, the girls would understand each other better. Physical troubles are difficult for both boys and girls of the opposite sex. Both knowledge and experience are more likely to help people of the same sex than those of the opposite sex.

"The sandflies are coming back, and I need your help with wisdom..."

"--No, you can't. Please keep it a secret from the other girls." Especially in front of Sadogashima... I can't explain the situation. "

It seems that there are some deep circumstances.

I've never seen Kanami with such a miserable expression.

When I saw Cai, I looked away awkwardly. I was curious about what happened, but it was only later that I could satisfy my intellectual curiosity.

"But I wonder if there's anything I can do to help you..."

Kiki, even in Kirishima, you always have to pyu pyu pyu, right?

Perhaps it was quite stuck, but the opposition of Cai was somewhat out of place.

Talking about your cum and breast milk side by side doesn't make you feel like you're making a lot of mistakes.

Moreover, it is claimed that it is not breast milk that is secreted.

"If you have any idea what the cause is, please tell me." I'm not a doctor. If you don't share the information, you'll be mistaken. "

Looking at her face, Akira and Kanami seemed to hang their heads.

The two of them showed a nut shell similar to a walnut.

"After we ate this thing together, we went crazy."

When I picked it up and smelled it, it smelled slightly sweet.

What are the reasons why these nuts are the cause?

"We ate nuts together and the symptoms appeared almost simultaneously. Neither I nor the Inugami have ever stopped breastfeeding like this. And--"

She eats her teeth and holds down her breasts.

The milky liquid pyupyupyupyupyupyupyu.

"... the smell from my boobs is exactly like the nuts I just ate"

It is true that the smell of pulp left in the shell and the sweet smell filled the room are very similar.

If you are not stressed or unwell and your hormonal balance has broken down, or you are pregnant, knowledge of sex within the scope of common sense will not make sense.

Orchids do not know the mechanism leading to the secretion of breast milk in detail, but if something with that smell comes out immediately after eating, it is undoubtedly due to the incredible effect of the otherworldly world.

The two of them desperately clenched their nipples and clenched their back teeth to endure.

However, when I thought of the expression of indifference from time to time, the milky liquid overflowed from my fingers.

While I was cumming, they were both in a trance, twitching and twitching.

There is no feeling of pain.

Rather, she seems to even remember the pleasure of breastfeeding.

Would you come out as if you wanted to come out with a face that looked bitter?

Or are you ashamed and patient?

Either way, it's bad for the body to forcibly suppress and store what you're trying to get out of the body.

"I came up with a solution." If only the two of us could try it out. "

Cai and Kanami looked at each other as if they were stunned, and nodded at each other as if they were relieved.

"...... Oh, please. I was almost able to keep it that way."

"I don't have to take many measures, but I can't turn my head at this rate." It was really helpful that Orchid came. ”

Having obtained their consent, I decided to move on immediately.

Naturally, he puts his hands forward and grabs me and the eagle in the void with a deep hand.

Kanami saw it and throbbed in anticipation, then turned away from the orchid with a slightly frightened face.

"L-Lan... what are you going to do?" If it wasn't for my mistake, I'd feel strangely lewd. "

“Don't worry, I won't be rude.”

I didn't dare to touch the question of whether it was lewd or not, and slowly stopped by.

Both Cai and Kanami should already understand what Orchid is trying to do.

However, there was no obvious rejection. With half expectation and half anxiety, I kept my eyes from the movement of each orchid's fingers.

I have no choice - no. It's a look far removed from such a vision of giving up.

Milking play is about to open.

At the proclamation of Orchid, Cai and Kanami showed the gesture of lust in an easy-to-understand manner.

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