- It was morning.

I gave up only one bed to the recovery bell, and I finally got used to the life of sleeping on the floor as a miscellaneous fish.

In the beginning, I hurt my waist and neck, and I miss looking after my bell every morning.

Even while asleep, "fighting Qi" is applied to the essential parts of the body to strengthen the body, so as not to burden the body while asleep.

In doing so, the saints were able to have a good night's sleep even in a small room.

Reflexively putting "fighting Qi" on parts that are physically burdened seems to be an important technique during battle.

Knights and warriors in battle seemed to be the first defensive tricks to learn so that they would not suffer fatal injuries from an unexpected blow.

It was the bedtime technique that applied it this time.

Escaping practically the entire time of field training and classroom studies at the Royal Palace, it took an unusual amount of time for orchids to grasp the trick of maintaining their "fighting spirit" in unconsciousness.

The fact that the people around me can't do it as well as they can breathe depresses me more than I can imagine. Many times my heart was broken, but since my classmates who loved Orchid so much were with me for practice, my motivation never dried up.

"... nh. Is it morning already?"

For Kirishima Orchid, who lived in the girls' room, the morning awakening at the lodge, Tetsu-ten-tei, was drunk by the decadent and lewd air.

If you wake up in the morning and hear that the first thing you see is the sleeping face of your classmate's girlfriend, you'll know how unhealthy she is.

Sometimes, I woke up with a girl student dressed in a dress or dress in the morning, and I often woke up clinging to her from both sides.

It wasn't made - condensed vivid high school girl smells and a sense of waking air were filled, and it would have been natural for the adolescent stick to point to the ceiling from the morning.

Good morning, Kirishima-kun.

Shayaka, who was lying next to her, held the hand of the orchid and gently drew an arc around her mouth.

It seems that you have already changed your clothes, and without hesitation to get wrinkled in your uniform, you are putting yourself and your body on the orchid's bedridden body.

"Good morning, Satayaka. Is everyone awake already?"

No, it's just me, Snow White, and Miso.

Tetsu-tei is an inn, and no one is employed, such as an escort or a precautionary guard.

Therefore, the saints alternate every few hours and look around the area. We have to protect ourselves.

Basically, saints with skill in battle are accepted, but saints with less aggressive skills, such as Sand Night Incense, are also expected to participate as assistants, so as not to overburden them.

Of course, orchids were no exception.

"... yes, it's time to take turns." It's already passed, isn't it?

Have you slept well enough? I don't remember anyone waking me up in the middle of the night.

When he tried to wake his body up in a hurry, the sand aroma gently dominated it.

It's okay. I just got up, too. Before that, Emi and Yuri were awake.

Oh, Fujiyoshi-san, you're not on watch tonight, are you?

Yeah, I know.

Sandy hid her voice somewhat without her heart, and she seemed to be concerned about her surroundings.

"I couldn't sleep much, so I woke up." Yuri-chan said it might be because of the tension.

"... nervous. Oh, I'm leaving today."

"Snow White and Okishiba, too." It's actually time to go to bed, but I can't sleep, so I decided to stay up all night. "

"All night long... there's a bell, so it won't cause any trouble..."

It seems that elementary school students before the excursion can't sleep because they are worried about the departure.

"Yuri-chan, you said you should be used to this kind of thing." The day before the impromptu sales meeting, she said she had never slept through it without having to wake up. "

I'm not sure, but hobby getaways are different from moods and levels of stress.

When I was entertained by the story of sandy night incense and no other love, I felt that my mind, my head, and my eyes were waking up.

I've just been told that I don't have to get up yet, but from the angle of sunshine wetting the floor, it doesn't seem to be so early in the morning that I'm allowed to sleep twice.

If you accidentally fall asleep and don't make it to the time of departure, it's a big joke.

While holding Shayuka's hand, Orchid slowly woke up.

Kirishima, are you awake?

”... nh, fuah. Come on, Kiri nnh”

She was a princess of colors and sand.

Cai, who leaned against the wall, had a slight bear floating beneath her eyes, and she was sitting on her athletic lap with a big yawn on her face.

"You look tired. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just got up a little too early."

"Oh, oh. I thought I shouldn't be late, and I woke up earlier than usual..."

A color that puts your hand on the congested eye and applies healing magic. Even though the pigment seems to have faded a little, it looks like it's finished no matter where you look.

Her eyes weren't half open. Most of them woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep, and now they must be drowsy.

It may be possible to relieve a certain amount of fatigue and drowsiness by strengthening and recovering the bell, but it seems that it would be better for the two of them to take a nap while on the move.


As she glanced at the sand incense, she put her index finger in front of her lips and winked.

It seems that Oran doesn't want them to understand that they were both nervous and insomnia.

"I want to make sure that the march from here is in the best possible conditions, and before we leave, I'll have bells carefully strengthen and recover."

While being concerned about fatigue, he did not dare to touch suspicion all night, and Orchid walked to the window at the same time as waking up.

The view from this window will be the last one today.

The orchid was looking at the landscape of the distant town that sank into the morning sun.


The dragon car taken from the town engineer is parked beside the local dragon hut, which is not a horse cabin at the back of the iron pavilion.

While the boys were carrying their luggage, Ran took Kanami and Meizu to the nearby bush.

The Earth Dragon provided by the Royal Palace was taken back by the knights who sent the orchids because it was the property of the Royal Palace but it was irrational that it should be returned.

Since we were ordered to prepare our own means of transportation, we had the Tsuruga Black Lizard (Alvarizade), a monster suitable for pulling the original dragon car, be found by the Tsuruga Dinosaurs, and become a vassal by training the vassals.

In general, dragon dragons and alvarizados who pull dragon carts usually pay the rental fee for the cabin and keep it next to their base.

There is a risk of theft and, above all, the possibility that the lizard may escape.

If it was a family, there was no need to worry about either, so rather than stressing in a narrow shed with people's hands, it was left alone in the forest based on the idea that it would be better to spend time stretching out in the familiar land.

We were on our way to retrieve them.

I wonder if it was around here.

By the sunny pond, the three family members were sunbathing in comfort.

As the orchid approaches, the lizards squeak happily and come closer.

As I lowered my head, I stroked under my chin and narrowed my clear eyes as if my heart was unmoved.

"Wow. I met the lizard at that time."

"I can't tell the difference even from looking at it, but are these three sure?"

Yeah. I'm not a fan of animals, and if I'm so nostalgic, I'm sure. And-

The sigil of the chain on the neck had the same shape as the pattern engraved on the amulet given by Queen Rebecca when she departed from the royal palace.

It was the royal palace's property.

It was an insurance policy in the unlikely event that it was targeted by a malicious human, but it also helped us distinguish between individuals.

With this on, I can see at a glance that we're related to the Royal Palace.

"Isn't it good?" In fact, we do not differ from those involved in the royal palace. I'm not faking my identity. "

I don't know if being honest with you is a good thing or a bad thing.

However, it seemed to be Kanami's finding that Japanese thinkers who imprinted falsehood as evil would not have to hide it on purpose.

Well then, let's go.

I took three Tsuruguro lizards and came back to Tetsuodatei.

The loading was already completed, and the saints gathered in front of the Dragon Hut.

While Kirishima-kun and the others were out, I decided to split up the group of dragon cars.

When I saw the lizard connecting to the body of the car, Shayaka said something like that.

There are three dragon cars. As much as possible, I asked the creation to select the same size and shape as the first one prepared for the kingdom.

Therefore, you can ride up to 10 people per car. That being said, I want to distribute my luggage as evenly as possible, so the maximum number of people is 7 or 8.

On departure, it was decided to create a mixed group of men and women, boys only and women only (including Kirishima Orchid).

Queen Gaoka Reika, Kiryuin, Inugami Kanami, Snow White, Miko Shikai. There were three members of the Otagroup, excluding Ryuzaki Wings, who were deceptive at the time. The breakdown of mixed groups is as follows.

This time, I thought it would be the same way as last time, but the situation was a little different.

"Since Ryuzaki-kun made up with Nyugane-kun, I want to be a group together if possible." So, it seems that the men's Dragon car was confirmed by the group of Niigane-kun and the group of Tanaka-kun with seven people. "

I see.

After all, two men will join this mixed group, Takeo Shinigaki and Nobu Tiger.

When Reika and Tsuji are confirmed, three women will enter the mixed group.

"Who's going to get out of the girls?"

After hearing it, Orchid remembers what happened this morning.

Caesar and Princess Sha were not sleeping well, so they weren't in tune.

With the bell strengthening recovery, she seems to be doing well now, but Ran was thinking of taking a nap while she was on the move.

Aobara-san and Oniwa-san are going to take their place.

Sha Yixiang replied that Sha Yixiang and Sha Princess were secretly together.

I remember the reliability of sharing Orchid's concerns with Shayaka.

When the other one tried to ask who it was - he suddenly felt the sign behind him.

"...... you decided to split the group." Could I be acting differently from Orchid this time? "

It was Kanami.

Kanami points to her own face with an uneasy look on her face.

Inujin Kanami deserves his sharp appearance, and he doesn't want to sacrifice himself--that's how it is.

Nevertheless, she is also an old girl. You end up breaking yourself by putting up with patience. If that's the result, you can accept it reluctantly.

However, if it was decided on its own in the absence of me, there would be a place where Kanami would think, and I would like to argue.

It is quite another thing to have the power to read the air, and to be contemptuous of the will.

"Inugami-san is with us. It's the same dragon car as Kirishima-kun."

"... but then, who else but Blue Plains and Ghostbusters?"

"I don't mind the six of us." Instead of a small number of people, it seems that they will carry more luggage. "

Kanami's expression brightened up in response to Saka's words. It's like a sunflower bloomed.

It's no wonder that a girl is so expressively happy about herself, even as an orchid. This is what it means to run out of men.

"Last time I moved, I was separated from Orchid." Today I will sit next to the orchid. "

Ran responded with a smile to Kanami, who was unusually sweet.


- It was, but...

While being swayed by the dragon car, Kanami was sitting on the chair sitting down.

It looks like a boxer burned out in a spectacular match.

The ponytail was flaky and loosely drooping for some reason, even though it had not been re-tied.

Her usual sharp behavior was completely out of touch with her now.


Kanami literally dropped her shoulders and sighed.

The lilies sitting next to each other with their luggage between them can't say anything to the attitude of the sentiment committee.

Usually, it's a lily that makes the place soothing by saying things that are chaotic. Because Kanami's depressed appearance was too serious, he did not seem to have the courage to blow up a frivolous joke.

"...... Inugami-san, what's wrong?" I've been doing that for a while.

I really wanted to sit next to Kirishima-kun, but it seems she's depressed because that's what happened.

Shayaka answered the whispering lily question with a whisper.

Nevertheless, it was a narrow conversation in the car. Even without realizing it, Kanami would have heard it.

"But Inugami-san, you went out with Kirishima-kun before you left." Did you want to sit next to me so much? "

"I think Inujin-san regrets not being able to sit down, rather than not being able to sit down"

Even in response to Emei's question, Satoshi answered palely.

She seemed to have the best understanding of the situation because she was with Kanami until just before she got into the Dragon Car.

"Why am I? Why am I...?" This is the perfect opportunity for me to shake a stick. ”

Kanami raised her face and looked at Orchid with a look of remorse. The sunflower, which was supposed to bloom, soon withered again.

Here's how it all started.

Kanami, who was enthusiastic about sitting next to the orchid, went to the place where the central figures of the class gathered and checked the future plans.

Since communication with other members does not take place during travel, there is a lot of information to share, such as arrangements for taking a rest and directions through.

As the representative of this dragon car, Kanami was happy to take on the role.

In the meantime, the remaining saints were to board the dragon car.

Lily, Shayaka, and Meimi's group of Otaku daughters boarded, followed by Orchid, who also took their seats.

I also had an appointment with Kanami, so I chose the middle of the open seat. This way, another person can sit next to the orchid.

I was thinking of it that way.

Sha-chan and Cai-chan seemed to be tired too

The bell sitting at the window seat muttered as she looked at the orchid.

Currently, next to Orchid, Snow White and Miko Shiba are sitting.

Due to nervousness, the two of them could not sleep in the bed, and because of the lack of sleep, they got into the dragon car without sleeping, and sat down next to the orchid and fell asleep.

Of course, it wasn't a baton cue, and it wasn't a state where the story didn't make sense.

However, considering that he knew the fact of lack of sleep, and that he kept watch over me all night, I couldn't say if I wanted to get out of the way even though my mouth was broken.

Kanami is also important, but other female students are equally important. We can't treat one person differently.

"If I had been attracted to orchids all this time, this wouldn't have happened..." If I hadn't been separated from the orchid, this wouldn't have happened..... "

By taking on service for everyone, I lost my modest happiness.

Rather than wanting to sit next to the orchid, she seems to regret that she was forced to put up with the environment because of her serious nature.

Neither Princess Sha nor Cai is a poorly understood daughter. I'm sure you'll understand if I tell you, but when I see that Kanami of Rikishi is happily obsessed, I can't wake her up by shaking her.

I have to - if I'm stuck in a situation, I'll take action without hesitation. I want to sit next to someone I like, but I want them to exchange seats with themselves. For such selfish reasons, I can't bear to wake up a classmate who is sleeping well. Looks like you're thinking that.

Wherever they go, they are straight and healthy.

Incidentally, the orchid was in a state of disrespect that it was erect in two warmths while sleeping.

Cai, sitting on her left side, pushes her soft limb against her shoulder, and Sha Princess puts her hand on Orchid's shoulder and leans her head against it.

Each time a different rhythmic sleep tickled her ears and cheeks, her short hair tickled her neck, and her long hair stroked her cheeks.

"...... nh"

”... nnh”

"Nh, hah."

"... nh,... nfu"

Every time the dragon car swayed, a voice similar to a moaning voice leaked out, which was also a factor that melted the orchid's head into pink.

Thanks to the protection, the vibration is very low. Even so, when the girl's body was occasionally shaken, the two female students who were asleep first slipped their body into the orchid.

She frowned and clung to the orchid's shirt in a shallow sleep. Cai was a colored orchid, and she was sleeping like she was holding the orchid's left arm from the beginning, so she tortured herself and pressed her tits across the sailor suit.

The fleshy breasts change their shape softly and sink into the orchid's body. The princess's hand that grabbed the shirt was just wandering around the orchid's chest, and the princess's fingers across the shirt were rolling her nipples.

It is impossible to react to this.


Kanami was looking at such an impertinent orchid with a strange look, but she suddenly noticed something and rolled up the curtain that covered the window.

It's kind of noisy out there, isn't it?

In line with Kanami, she turned to the window with lilies, sandflies, and elegant beauty sitting in the same row.

While taking care that Princess Sha and Cai would not slip off, Orchid also leaned over and looked out the window.

It hasn't been that long since I left the inn. The Dragon Car was still in the city - it was slowly advancing down the narrow streets.


The beard dyed black around the mouth, and the head of the skinhead. A muscular man with a dirty cloth around his neck was running alongside the dragon car as he swung his hat as hard as he could.

Being the embodiment of a working man, he opens his eyes, inflates his nostrils, and yells out loud.

Still in town. Although the speed is slowing down for safety reasons, it is the lizard that draws the body of the vehicle that is larger than the horse. It should be a lot faster than human speed.


"Oh my God, it looks like you're screaming."

"What can we do for you?"

Kanami and Meizu's words made Lily look at the inside of the dragon car anxiously.

"... you're not from the inn, are you?" You paid the accommodation fee properly, didn't you? "

Before we left this morning, Queen Gagaoka would have paid for all the rooms.

"Besides, I think the innkeeper was more slimmer and older." I don't recognize her. "

The disturbing imagination was denied by Shayaka and Emei, but where on earth was he chasing the orchids from?

"Anyway, I can't just leave you like this."

Kanami asked, opening the window slightly, in a voice that often passed through the dragon car protected by her protection.

What can we do for our dragon car earlier?!

"... ah, ah, it's so hard! Still in time!... ah, ahhh. Hurry up and jump from the Dragon Car before it speeds up!"

The voice of the man screaming with a spit seemed to be stuck in the air.

Breathing in and sweating like a waterfall, the skinhead man mouthed a ridiculous thing.

"I don't have a ruler!" Believe it or not, the Dragon Car is unmanned! He's running on his own! Quickly, or it's too late! While you're slowing down, jump out of the Dragon Car! "

Kanami looked at the empty seats and saw that she noticed something there, and she looked at Orchid with a wicked face.

Orchid, who had been listening to the man's warnings, had the same look on her face.

"... oh, this is..."

It was a bypass. Driven by remorse, Orchid looked out the opposite window to hide her awkward face.

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