"Senior brother from the second peak?"

Li Xiaobai was a little puzzled, but then he realized that the second peak did not belong to him originally, but belonged to Ying Diao's disciple, a cultivator in the Heavenly Wonderland, who let go of the second peak after going out. The mountain top also fell.

It is precisely because of this that Li Xiaobai has not encountered any obstacles in making various transformations since then. After all, no one will care about a declining mountain.

Unexpectedly, after the second peak experienced a complete new build, the original peak master actually came back at this juncture.

"Since you're back, just ask him to come over and sit down. Why should you be so panicked?"

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

"But after all, he is your predecessor, Senior Brother Li..."

The senior brother said cautiously.

"And this senior brother also seems to be surnamed Li."

"So what, everything is easy to communicate with, it's not a problem, tell me, where is this senior brother now?"

Li Xiaobai's complexion turned dark, what the hell is he calling his predecessor, this disciple's speech is a bit weird!

"Eldest brother was taken away by senior brother Xu when he first came to the second peak. Looking at the direction, he should have gone to the toilet."

"The disciple also discovered by chance that he was actually the senior senior brother from back then. Senior brother Xu Yuan obviously didn't know him. He was afraid that he would be contemptuous. This is why he came here to report. I also hope that the peak master can make a decision early."

The disciple said cautiously.

He is considered an old man on the second peak, so he can recognize the senior brother back then, but a monk like Xu Yuan who came in later may have never even heard of the other party's name. If he continues to use that method, he may be angered other side.

"He was taken to the toilet?"

"My peak master will go and see for himself."

Li Xiaobai's complexion was a bit strange. This day, the elder brother with the strength of the fairyland was taken into the latrine as soon as he arrived. Xu Yuan thought he was just an ordinary disciple monk. If the other party became angry, it might cause a lot of damage. He still Better to go there in person.

"The Lord is back?"

"Little brother, could it be that you are a dove occupying a magpie's nest?"

Liu Jinshui's eyes widened and he asked in shock. After returning to the Zongmen Mountain, there was such a big battle. He thought that this little junior brother started from scratch and built a country with his own true skills, but now he is told that it is the dove occupying the magpie's nest?

Fortunately, the original owner seems to have only the strength of the Heavenly Immortal Realm. If they are semi-holy cultivation powerhouses, wouldn't they be kicked out before their butts are hot?

"Brother, don't speak so harshly. Brother, this is called rational use of resources. This mountain is idle, and it is almost deserted. Brother, use it to make it better. This is something that is beneficial to the disciples of the sect. Besides, my little brother, the second peak master of the Sword Sect, was conferred by the sect master himself!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the Second Peak is no longer what it used to be, and the disciples on the entire mountain are under his influence, and their cohesion is extraordinary.

"Let's go and see what this elder brother looks like."


at the same time.

On the second peak of Jianzong, a young man in a broken robe was wandering on the mountain with a dazed expression on his face.

He is the master of the second peak of Jianzong, Li Quzhuo, the eldest disciple of Jianzong.

After wandering abroad for several years, after returning to the sect, he suddenly found that the sect had changed greatly. In the Eastern Continent, the territories of the three major sects disappeared out of thin air and ceased to exist. sky.

The most important thing is that he could vaguely see some familiar shadows from this mountain peak. This is the second peak of Jianzong. When did it become so huge?

What made him most excited was that the moment he stepped into the second peak, there were sword lights all around, countless disciples stepped on flying swords, stood in the void and bowed to him, roaring in unison to welcome Li Brother, go back to the mountain!

This was something he could never have imagined before. When did the second peak of Jianzong become so prosperous, and he disappeared for several years, but he was still firmly remembered by his disciples. Li Quzhuo's reputation is already so great Yet?

"I just beheaded a hundred or so young people, and simply killed a few sects. I didn't expect that this name had already spread to the Eastern Continent. It seems that this sect attaches great importance to me. And concern!"

Li Quzhuo continued to move forward, but before he had gone far, he saw a flash of light in the void, and a figure in yellow robe appeared in front of his eyes.

The one who came was a young disciple, wearing a yellow shirt that looked particularly eye-catching. This young man was holding a pen in one hand and a small notebook with notes in the other, with a solemn expression.


The youth in the yellow shirt asked.

"It's not a newcomer, I was also practicing on the second peak a few years ago."

Li Quzhuo was not in a hurry to reveal his identity, but went around in circles to surprise the junior in front of him, but it turned out that the series of things that happened next gave him a big surprise.

"That's the newcomer. My name is Xu Yuan. I'm the steward of the second peak of Jianzong. He is in charge of events on the mountain. You can go to other places in Jianzong today, but in the second peak, there are My own set of exclusive rules, everyone needs to abide by, this is the rule set by Senior Brother Li!"

"You should know Brother Li's name, right?"

Xu Yuan asked.

"But the master of the second peak of the Sword Sect, the proud student of Sect Master Ying?"

Li Quzhuo asked with a smile, although he didn't know what rules he had issued, but seeing his subordinates working so consciously and hard-working, this feeling is really good.

"The suzerain's favorite student? Well, it should be so. You are quite well-informed. Now that you know, then follow me in. Remember, on the second peak, don't walk around at will. Every location has a A first-come-first-served order."

Xu Yuanlang said.

"May I ask Fellow Daoist Xu, what major events have happened to the sword sect in recent years, and why the sect decided to reshape the second peak?"

Li Quzhuo continued to ask.

"Why else? Of course it's because of senior brother Li. Senior brother Li is so powerful. No one in the Eastern Continent knows his reputation now? The Zongmen specially issued this order not only to reshape the second peak, but also to directly replace the three major dynasties. The relocation into the sect is all just for Senior Brother Li's mountain to have a better cultivation environment."

Xu Yuan said lightly, his eyes were a little bit annoyed, obviously he was disgusted that the other party didn't think of the relationship that Senior Brother Li gave him.

In his opinion, no matter what, as long as he has a relationship with Senior Brother Li, it will become a matter of course!

"Deliberately reshape the second peak, Master has a heart!"

Li Quzhuo was elated when he heard this, and even felt a little bit ashamed in his heart.

Is Senior Brother Li really talking about him? Is he really so good?

However, some of the things he has done in the past few years have indeed caused a sensation. Presumably the sect has heard the news and acted like this deliberately to give him a surprise, right?

Thinking of this, he was in a good mood, and he was not in a hurry to reveal his identity. He just followed Xu Yuan forward, and he wanted to see what the Second Peak looks like now with the mentality of a private visit.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, where are we going now?"

Xu Yuanlang said proudly, "Remember, our check-in point at the first stop on the second peak will always be a latrine!"

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