Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 102 This Operation Seems Familiar

The person who spoke was a big fat man. Li Xiaobai didn't know him, but looking at his figure and listening to his voice, he felt very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Fatty man, why do you need so many female nun armor?"

"Yeah, you fat man, with your wretched face, you can see that you have a wicked heart, get out of here!"

"It's just..."

Fatty's words aroused public outrage. This inner armor belongs to everyone, how can others take it all for themselves?

"Hehe, you think Fatty, I just want to desecrate these inner armors?"

"It's really short-sighted. This inner armor is a plaything in the eyes of ordinary people like you, but in the eyes of fat people, it's a way to make money!"

"Think about it, wouldn't it be great to buy these inner armors, find their original owners, and sell them back at a high price?"

Fatty sneered at everyone's words. Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Yes, if it was sold back to the original owner at a high price, it would definitely be a bloody profit!

It is not difficult to find the original owner, as long as these inner armors are hung in Jubao Pavilion for auction, the original owner of the clothes will find out sooner or later, and the one with the highest auction price will win, and it is not impossible to sell them at a sky-high price.

In just a split second, many monks realized that the fat man was right!

"Hehe, so, these inner armors, I have rounded up the fat man, and the spirit stone is not a problem. I am willing to buy the fat man at double the price, so don't grab it."

The fat man said cheerfully, and started digging out the spirit stones.

"Wait, I'll triple the price, just give me ten pieces!"

"I also pay three times the price..."

"I can pay four times, give me twenty pieces..."

"You are viciously competing, Boss, I will pay five times the price. If you don't need anything else, I want that pink apron!"


The monks panicked when they saw the fat man digging out the spirit stones without saying a word. They must not fall into the hands of others. This is their chance, and those who see it will have a share.

Li Xiaobai looked at the scene in front of him and felt that the scene was somewhat familiar.

Inadvertently raising the value of the product, and then starting the bidding with Baoyuaner, causing the surrounding crowd to compete for the auction, and finally sold at a high price.

This routine is very familiar, it seems that I have used it myself.

Looking at Fatty again, he had a frowning look on his face at the moment, and he looked very unhappy watching everyone bidding.

Fuck, this damn could be Liu Jinshui, my sixth senior brother!

"May I ask your senior brother's name?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"Miangui's surname is Liu, and his name is Jinshui." The fat monk said cheerfully.

Li Xiaobai was determined, and finally found an organization. He didn't expect that the six senior brothers turned out to be the same as he thought, and appeared in the Holy Demon Sect in a different form.

But I changed it more thoroughly, even changing my name.

"Under Ye Liangchen, since the sixth senior brother wants it so much, Liangchen will give you one for free." Li Xiaobai said.

"Hey, whatever, the one with the highest price gets it. Although Fatty doesn't have a lot of money, he still has the capital to compete for one or two."

The sixth senior brother's acting skills exploded, his face was flushed red, and he held a bag of spiritual stones in his hand, as if he wanted to add money.

The rest of the monks became even more frantic, and directly forced the Lingshi several times higher into Li Xiaobai's hands, and then took away the inner armor.

Li Xiaobai was insanely happy in his heart. These cultivators are really talented. The sixth senior brother can do whatever they say, but the senior brother's acting skills are really good. If he is not familiar with this routine, he really can't recognize it all at once.

"Come one by one, don't panic, don't grab, the one with the highest price wins!"

Li Xiaobai yelled, and began to collect spirit stones. Seeing a large number of middle-grade spirit stones coming in, Brother Fist's eyes were red, and he clenched his fists tightly, trying to resist the urge to grab it.

In his eyes, Li Xiaobai at this moment is a treasure trove of human figures that can move.

The number of inner armors decreased rapidly, and monks and monks, both male and female, were snapping up all of them at the moment.

The inventory quickly bottomed out, and the price of this thing has increased by five or six times after Liu Jinshui, the sixth senior brother, has never thought about it before. It turns out that the best-selling and best-selling thing is not the genius and treasure, but this kind of life Items that can be seen everywhere.

This way of making money is really incomprehensible...

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Li Xiaobai's three batches of inventory were sold out, earning a huge amount of Lingshi.

"Boss Ye, when is the next time you set up a stall?"

"Yeah, give me a quasi-letter, brother will definitely come to join me!"

"Hey hey..."

"Well, I will open a shop in the Zongmen in the near future, and I welcome everyone to come and join me."

Li Xiaobai nodded slightly, and said that he seems to have a repeat customer.


"Could it be the kind of business..."

The monks looked like I understood.

"Ahem, the heavenly secrets must not be revealed..." Li Xiaobai was speechless, none of these people had a straight face.

Everyone left, and the stall became deserted.

Brother Fist at the side said, "Brother Ye, I live on the Holy Demon Peak, come and have a sit when I have time."

"Definitely, Liangchen's store will open in the next few days, and then please come and join us."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, although this Fist Brother looks weak, but judging from the goods he just sold, he should have some skills.


After packing up his things, he returned to the foot of the mountain where the handyman disciple lived.

A person appeared quietly behind him.

"Junior brother, long time no see, I miss you very much." Liu Jinshui laughed.

"Brother, you haven't changed at all, and your acting skills are still as superb, what's wrong with your face?" Li Xiaobai was also very excited.

"Hey, this is the second senior sister's craftsmanship. When I walk the rivers and lakes, what I pay attention to is the truth, and I must not let others find out my details." Liu Jinshui said.

"Are the rest of the brothers and sisters okay?"

"That's great. I waited for thousands of miles to teleport several times that day, and the man in coir raincoat couldn't find me at all." Liu Jinshui said.

"That's right, Junior Brother still remembers what happened that day..."

Li Xiaobai's complexion darkened when he mentioned the Battle of the Divine Beast Mountain Range, and he rushed up to help in a foolish way that day, but he didn't expect that several brothers and sisters teleported instantly and disappeared, which really tricked him.

"Hehe, it's all over, Junior Brother, we've heard about you, but I didn't expect that old man Feng Qingyang to be so narrow-minded, and let you live on the mountain top of the handyman disciple. Just bear with me for a while, and I will be there later. Three days later, we will gain a firm foothold in the competition, and by then, no one in the Holy Demon Sect will dare to bully us!"

Liu Jinshui said with a full face, these few days the apprentices have been excluded, but for the sake of the overall situation, several of them held back.

"Senior Brother, there is no need to be like this. Junior Brother has a good life on the top of the mountain. On the way to enter the sect this time, he has collected a lot of younger brothers..."

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