Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

The First Thousand And Twenty-One Chapters Of The Predecessor To The Present

A young man stepped on a golden chariot and galloped forward with a smile on his face.

"It turned out to be the elder brother of Jianzong. The disciples of the disciples are still inexperienced, so they are offended."

"Xu Yuan, this is Sect Master Ying's direct disciple, please don't be rude!"

Li Xiaobai hugged Xu Yuan away, cupped his fists and smiled at the ragged young swordsman in front of him.

"Who are you? I heard that during my absence, the position of the master of the second peak of Jianzong was occupied by another disciple. Could it be you?"

Looking at the young man on the golden chariot in front of him, Li Quzhuo narrowed his eyes. The ancient golden chariot looked terrifying and extraordinary, but this young man seemed to be...

It seems that no matter how you look at it, you are just a mortal, and you don't have a deep cultivation base. There are generally two reasons for this situation. One is that the opponent is really just a weak chicken. More is also normal.

The second type is that the other party is a big boss, semi-holy or even holy, whose strength and cultivation are far superior to him, and who is in the stage of returning to the original.

But the new peak master is about the same age as him, so how could he have such a cultivation level that is far superior to him. At present, there is no one in the Zhongyuan world that has heard of any Tianjiao who has broken through to the semi-holy stage and can reach the heavenly stage. Fairyland is already a super genius who can keep pace with many sect elders.

"That's right, I'm the current master of the second peak of the Sword Sect, Li Xiaobai. Brother Li just came back, why don't you go into the hall and tell me, I'll clean up the dust for you?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

Li Xiaobai?

A look of reminiscence appeared in Li Quzhuo's eyes. He felt that the name was very familiar. He seemed to have heard it often, but he didn't take it to heart because it had nothing to do with him. For a while, he couldn't remember who the other party was. who.

Forget it, no matter who he is, in Jianzong, no one has ever dared to disobey him, even if the other party is the new apprentice of Ying Zongzhu. It must be repaired severely to regain the majesty of the senior brother!

"Hmph, now you know how to be soft?"

"It's late! As the saying goes, the top beam is not upright and the bottom beam is crooked. You can know the temperament of the master just by looking at the slaves! You are a housekeeper who is arrogant and domineering. It can be seen that you, the so-called peak master, are nothing but a I will suppress you in front of the disciples of the sect today, let Jianzong know who is the elder brother of the sword sect!"

"Second Peak has become much more prosperous than before, but at the same time there are more scum, and it must be cleaned up!"

Li Quzhuo said coldly, and with a flick of the long sword at his waist, he danced a sword flower and shot a sword light towards the young man on the golden chariot.

In his opinion, all he needs to do is to suppress this kind of petty person. As early as three years ago, he entered the realm of heavenly immortals. During these three years of traveling, he wandered between life and death several times. Breaking through the semi-holy realm, but his strength is no longer something that ordinary monks in the fairyland can contend with. It is easy to teach this kind of ignorant brat.

"Brother Li, be careful!"

Several Heavenly Wonderland disciples around exclaimed and said hastily.

They wanted to resist the sword energy, but it was too fast, before the few of them reached the sword light, they flew past Li Xiaobai very close at hand.

What kind of strength is this? They are both in the Celestial Immortal Realm, but they can't catch up with the sword qi that the opponent casually slashed. Is this the strength of the old master Jianzong?

"If you have something to say, don't get angry."

Li Xiaobai didn't seem to see the spurting sword light, with a smile on his face, he still said in a neutral manner.

The sword light slashed at his chest without the slightest hesitation, and a big cut was made in the clothes on his chest, revealing the white and jade-like skin inside, which was unharmed.

Attribute points + 1.2 million...

This attribute is not bad. Brother Jianzong is not an embroidered pillow. He can have such power with a single sword.

" is this possible, how did you do it?"

"Are you also a fairyland?"

Li Quzhuo's eyes widened involuntarily, and even rubbed his eyes, wondering if his eyes were wrong, and his sword energy was useless against the person in front of him?

It was just a slit in the clothes, and the exposed skin did not have the slightest scar, not even a red mark, and the sword glow was like a gust of wind blowing on his body, without a sound. It just dissipated.

Resisting his sword energy with his body?

He is not a cat or a dog, he is a real powerhouse in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and even in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he is at the forefront.

What a strong physique it takes to achieve such a level, can a human monk achieve such a level?

"It's nothing, it's just rough skin and thick flesh. Can we sit down and have a good chat now?"

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile.

"Don't think that you can run wild in the sect just by relying on your physical strength. I have been traveling all these years, and I have never seen anything. Today, I have to teach Jianzong a good lesson for you little monks who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Li Quzhuo's eyes were cold. He came back after three years away, only to find that the mountain had changed hands, things were different, and even a mere housekeeper dared to call him around. I'm afraid that he will be laughed at and criticized, he must get this place back!

The dispute here has already attracted quite a few disciples from the surrounding sects. On the second peak of Jianzong, there is a monk who dares to contend with Li Xiaobai. This is a rare thing, do you want to die?

"Hiss, I seem to have seen this young swordsman somewhere!"

"Isn't this the elder brother of our Jianzong, the former second peak master, he is back!"

"I have been away for three years, and there is no news. I thought he had already been buried in the hands of others, buried in a foreign land, but I didn't expect to come back!"

"I said how could anyone dare to compete with senior brother Li. It turns out that the rightful master is returning. The former senior brother will face off against the current senior senior brother. We will have a good show to watch!"

As more and more disciples gathered, many old disciples recognized Li Quzhuo's identity.

However, they are not very optimistic about this former senior brother. After all, Li Xiaobai's record is too brilliant now, and he has made great contributions to Jianzong. Thanks to him, the entire Jianzong has been upgraded by more than one level. It is also a thousand miles a day.

In contrast, this Li Quzhuo is not well-known. Maybe he was a genius before, but now they have all seen higher and farther scenery, and even walked side by side with semi-saints and holy realm powerhouses. This Li Quzhuo In their eyes, it is not as dazzling as the past years.

"Brother, you are all from your own family, so don't fight and kill. It would be bad to lose face in front of so many disciples."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.


"Are you aware that you are afraid? I want to save your face and knock you down in this place where the sect's disciples gather, so that they can see your true colors clearly!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm a monk who has been on the list of immortals, and now I'm ranked ninety-ninth, and my strength is already at the forefront. If I kneel down and beg for mercy now, I can spare you the pain of flesh and blood!"

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