Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1036: Ice Gate? What Is That?


The emerald green light swept across, and the monstrous blood energy in the void disappeared without a trace along with the man in black robe who had fled into the distance.

"The ability is not great, but the tone is not small."

Li Xiaobai shook his head, and put away the small broken bowl under the stunned eyes of the Huo family.

"My lord, what kind of magic weapon is this that can even be received by cultivators in the Heavenly Wonderland?"

Uncle Huo's eyes were surprised. He felt that he had learned a lot. It's not that he has never seen magic weapons that can attract people, but most of them are novice equipment.

"A small broken bowl, I usually use it to drink tea."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said casually.

Uncle Huo was speechless, this pretender has no temper, so why not drink water? Well, rich people are capricious.

The juniors took a few steps back indistinctly, they felt a little apprehensive, the young man who was ridiculed by them just now turned out to be a hidden boss, he wouldn't trouble them, would he?

"Who is that person, with such a cultivation level, he actually needs to take a boat?"

"I thought that the monks on the ship were all cultivated underground like me and needed the protection of the fleet. Didn't I think that two big bosses would appear in this moment?"

"You don't understand this, the boss is very low-key."

On the deck, the monks talked to each other and discussed in a low voice.

They were not the only ones on the ship who saw the scene just now, almost all the monks on the ship saw it. After all, the movement of the bloody aura was so great that even the monks on many nearby ships could see it clearly.

That master with a terrifying aura was suppressed by the young man with a small broken bowl as soon as he met him.

What kind of cultivation is this?

It is rare to kill people and steal goods on board. After all, there are ship guards to protect them from danger, but today the situation is obviously different. The strength of the monks who do it is far beyond the ship guards. Masters of this level actually need to take a boat ?

Wouldn't it be good for you to make a magic weapon to fly there?

"Who else wants to kill me, you can do it now, and there may be some opportunities to attack in groups."

Li Xiaobai looked around and said calmly.

He knew that the black-robed man was not the only expert on this boat. When he was chopped down just now, he clearly saw that several groups of people were a little restless.

No one answered, the monks looked fearful and backed away to keep a distance from him, but none of them disembarked. They were not stupid. It could be seen that this young man was not a bloodthirsty person. There was such a monk accompanying him. , This trip is basically stable, there is no fear of any monsters and ghosts, and safety can be greatly guaranteed.

"I didn't expect there to be an assassin on board this boat. I disturbed the young master and looked at Haihan. I will send someone to protect the young master and take strict precautions!"

The old goat happened to encounter this scene just as he boarded the boat. He was so frightened that he ran up to Li Xiaobai and said politely, "This is a great god. The monks in the fairyland are usually superior to them. Now he was directly killed in seconds, and the fairyland masters under him even ended the battle before they could react.

No wonder he was so generous before, and the shot was a top-grade fairy stone, it turned out to be a big boss.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Who would have thought that there would be thieves from the Heavenly Wonderland sneaking into the boat. Fortunately, there is me, otherwise you will be dead in the sea today."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand casually and said calmly.

"It's only natural. Your Excellency takes action. There is nowhere to hide from the evil spirits in the world. You are really a role model for my generation. Later, I will ask my subordinates to cast a bronze statue for Your Excellency at the bow to offer incense!"

The old goat said respectfully.

Li Xiaobai "You can do whatever you want."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Uncle Huo and the others on the side looked a little weird. Did the old goat make a mistake? If Li Xiaobai didn't get on the ship here, I'm afraid he wouldn't have attracted the killer from the fairyland .

If one were to say that the chief culprit affecting the safety of the ship was Li Xiaobai.

It's just that it's enough to think about it in your heart, they absolutely dare not say it.

"Several adults, can you see if the little old man can sail?"

"Let's go, it's my fault for disturbing you all, a small meaning is not a respect, go make a pot of tea for everyone, and say that I invited you."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said lightly, throwing out another top-quality fairy stone casually.

"Thank you, my lord!"

The old goat was overjoyed. The monks who boarded the boat today are really generous. He could easily sell a top-grade fairy stone. Just now he called a group of monks to board the boat and gave them all the top-quality fairy stones without any change. This time he made a lot of money. The bowl is full, the income of the first half of the month is enough.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a young genius. I didn't expect your Huo family to have such a genius."

"The young sect master of the Hanbing sect, I can't stop being polite here."

A hearty laugh broke the silence and echoed on the deck. A small team of monks in ice blue robes got up and walked towards Li Xiaobai.

The leader was a young man with silver hair, pale as frost, and a wicked look in his eyes. He was the one who spoke just now.

When these people got together, the temperature on the boat dropped several degrees in an instant. Just like Wu Chengjue, they were also monks who practiced cold air.

It's just that Li Xiaobai has never heard of the name of the Ice Gate.

"It turned out to be Mr. Han, disrespect and disrespect."

Li Xiaobai cupped his fists and said politely.

"This son is so talented that he can suppress the cultivators of the Heavenly Wonderland with just a single hand. He really is a boy born of a hero."

"My young master is also a genius who ranks at the top of the list of celestial beings. Today, seeing the young master showing his supernatural power, he is very happy and wants to make friends with the young master."

"I thought that a dilapidated family like the Huo family would gradually disappear in the long river of time, but I didn't expect to be able to cultivate a character like a son. It's really inconceivable."

An old man beside Hanbu had a smile on his face, a kind face.

"Ice Gate?"

"Could it be the Ice Gate from the Southern Continent? Why did it appear in the Eastern Continent?"

Uncle Huo frowned, poking someone sorely the moment they met, he naturally didn't have a good face to see.

"That's right. I haven't asked this brother's name yet. He can be regarded as an arrogance at such a young age. If you are willing to join my Ice Sect and become a retainer of my family, you can enjoy a huge amount of resources."

"Although the Huo family's business is spread all over the world, it is only a caravan after all. In terms of resources and strength, it is incomparable with the strong sect."

Han couldn't help but smiled and said, without concealing his purpose, he blatantly poached the Huo family's corner, and threw an olive branch at Li Xiaobai, but his eyes unconsciously glanced at the Huo family girl twice more, showing a hint of greed color.

Uncle Huo didn't say much, he knew that the other party regarded Li Xiaobai as a disciple of the Huo family, but in fact the Huo family couldn't afford to offend this great god, let alone the Huo family, even the Ice Sect would probably provoke him. Sorry.

This Hanbu's words are so frivolous, he will definitely offend Li Xiaobai, his Huo family only needs to watch how Hanbushi humiliates himself.

Seeing a group of monks suddenly appearing in front of him, Li Xiaobai scratched his head, "Ice Gate, what is that?"

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