Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1038: Encountering A Sea Beast In The Heavenly Wonderland

The boat sailed.

The old and the young of the Ice Sect looked at each other, they both saw the murderous intent and greed in each other's eyes, their expressions were a little unnatural, they wanted to stay away from Li Xiaobai but felt something wrong in their hearts, such a proper humanoid treasure was close In front of them, they didn't want to let it go easily, so they sat beside Li Xiaobai just like that.

After knowing Li Xiaobai's name, the evil young man's eyes full of aggression are also restrained, the shadow of the tree, this master has already entered the ranks of the fairyland, plus the Huo family There are a total of two masters in the fairyland.

They really didn't have the confidence to crush each other. They still remembered the little broken bowl that could instantly suppress the Heavenly Immortal Realm. If they were swept away by this broken bowl, they might be completely wiped out.

It's better to be restrained first. Once they enter the Southern Continent, they will have sufficient means to suppress each other, and there is no need to take this risk.

"Since you guys are inextricably linked with the Frost Sect, you must be aware of the island lord's new disciple?"

Li Xiaobai tapped on the table lightly and began to question him.

"The island owner has indeed accepted a new disciple, and not long ago, just a few months ago. It is said that this disciple is extremely talented, and he was favored by the island owner the first time we met, but the island owner has something to say about him. It means that this news was not intended to be made public before it was fledgling, but some people in Ice Dragon Island did not want to do so, and secretly spread the news."

"The relevant news we have heard now is all secretly spread by monks from another branch of Ice Dragon Island."

Said coldly.

"So, there is discord within Ice Dragon Island?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a frown.

"It can't be said that there is a disagreement. If the island owner is young, he can naturally suppress all discordant voices, but she has lived for too long. Some people speculate that her age is close to a thousand years, her youth is no longer, and she is about to be buried in her homeland. "

"Because of this, there are gradually more discordant voices on the island. Today's Ice Dragon Island is gradually divided into two factions, the line of the island owner and the line of the great elder. Both sides want to seize power and become The next island owner."

Han Bubu explained that the information was not considered confidential. Although ordinary people could not reach this level, it was still easy to get the information as long as interested people asked a little bit.

Li Xiaobai thought to himself, "So, the monks from the lineage of the Great Elder don't want to see such a genius appear among the disciples of the island lord, so they deliberately let out rumors to attract the monks to suppress him?"

"The purpose of this martial arts competition to recruit relatives is to send that genius out?"

"No, no, this martial arts contest to recruit relatives is the intention of the island owner, and it can be regarded as taking advantage of the trend. The island owner is running out of time. If she dies, her little apprentice will die immediately, so I guess that the island owner is In order to find a backer for this little apprentice in the name of recruiting relatives through the martial arts competition, as for who it is, it is unknown."

Can't help but said slowly.

It seems that the situation on the island is not optimistic. I thought it would be easy to find Long Xue and take him away, but now it seems that the forces on the island are complicated, and even become a little chaotic and loose because of the aging of the island owner. With so many Tianjiao pouring into the island, it is difficult to find one person and bring him out.

"How many of you have heard of Long Xue? He is also a disciple of Ice Dragon Island."

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"I've never heard of it, I think it's an ordinary disciple."

Han couldn't help shaking his head, he didn't pay attention to the Human Immortal List, and he never knew Long Xue's name. Li Xiaobai nodded slightly. The Ice Sect knew a lot more than Uncle Huo, but they didn't make it too clear. Many key information were vaguely passed on. I don't know if they didn't know it or deliberately got away with it.

"Brother Li, what I have said is enough to show the sincerity of my Ice Sect. Would you consider my proposal just now?"

Han couldn't help asking with a faint smile.

"Now that I am wanted by the Buddhist sect, you still dare to win me over, so you are not afraid of being suppressed by the Buddhist sect?" Li Xiaobai said with a half-smile.

"What is this? No matter how capable the Buddhist sect is, it is still located in the Western Continent. My Ice Sect is a veteran force in the Southern Continent. I still have some confidence. I will take you to my sect when I land. It's so pleasant I have decided, I believe the sect master will be very happy to see such talents as Brother Li."

Han couldn't help waving his big hand and said nonchalantly.

As long as he gets the other party on his territory, he can do whatever he wants. At that time, the elders of the sect will directly suppress this guy and send him to the Buddhist sect to receive a sky-high reward. I feel excited just thinking about it.

"Let's talk about it later."

Li Xiaobai said calmly, he shouldn't be the one who is anxious now, but the killers who are secretly lurking on the ship, such as the retainers recruited temporarily by the Hanbingmen.

If it was true that he went to the Southern Continent without incident and was taken away by the Ice Gate, then the exorbitant reward would be nothing to them.

Whether public or private, they should all do it on this ship, on the sea.

"From now on, this Li Xiaobai is my brother who can't be cold. If there is another killer on this boat, he will beat me to death. Do you understand?"


All the retainers responded in unison.

"If the Huo family plans to get married, you can come to my Hanbingmen to sit down for a while. Wouldn't it be great for our two families to join forces and have a good harvest in both love and career?"

Han couldn't help turning his head to look at Uncle Huo and said with a smile, his scarlet eyes did not forget to glance at the girl from the Huo family, his face turned pale with fright.

"I still need to let the Patriarch pay attention to this matter. I will come to the door to display it in another day. This trip is also an important task for us not to delay. Please also invite Mr. Han Haihan!"

Uncle Huo was very polite, cupping his fists and saying.

"Things out of sight."

Han couldn't help scolding, but it wasn't too blatant.

The speed of the big ship is not too slow, and the time spent chatting with a few people has already traveled quite a distance.


The hull suddenly shook violently, and many monks immediately became vigilant. This shaking was not caused by wind and waves, and it was clear that something hit their boat underwater.


There was a terrifying roar, and a dragon-like snake-like sea beast swooped down in front of everyone's eyes and plunged into the sea.

"There are monsters!"

"Where is the ship armor guard, catch the monster quickly!"

"What a big tail, the side railing of the boat was smashed!"

The monks on the deck screamed again and again, and suddenly there was chaos.

"Amin, go and have a look!"

At the bow, the old goat yelled at the helm, and a figure rushed out immediately, it was one of the two fairyland guards on board.

But not long after flying out of the bow of the ship, a water arrow pierced through the sky and pierced towards it, tearing it in half as easily as sticking on tofu.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Huo's pupils constricted for a while, and he couldn't help blurting out "Sea Beast in the Heavenly Wonderland!"

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