Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 104: Inner Sect Disciple Xu Kun

"you wanna die!"

Mr. Xu couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and suddenly erupted. When had he been subjected to such anger, the kung fu method unconsciously operated, and the powerful coercion swept across.

The forced people couldn't breathe.

Attribute point +10...

Li Xiaobai looked disdainful, pointed to the two people hiding behind Mr. Xu, and said, "You two are so weak, and you are pretending to come out like others, tell him loudly, who is looking for death?"

Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian looked ugly. They remembered the scene when Li Xiaobai crushed the evil cultivator of the Yuanying stage that day, and couldn't help feeling horrified.

"Senior brother Xu, this person has a very powerful magic weapon, which is extremely powerful, so be careful!"

"Oh, an extremely powerful magic weapon?" Senior Brother Xu's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and he looked at Li Xiaobai, "I cut off my arm, hand over the treasure, and spare your life. As a disciple, the Zongmen will not pursue it if they think about it."

"Liangchen doesn't like talking nonsense, if you think you have the ability to play with Liangchen, Liangchen doesn't mind playing with you!"

Li Xiaobai hooked his hand, and the hatred instantly filled up.

Brother Xu automatically blocked Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian's advice, and slapped his palm in the air, the aura spread, and the wind blew up, rushing towards Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai still had his hands behind his back, showing no intention of resisting, allowing Senior Brother Xu to hit him in the chest.

Dust was flying in the arena, Senior Brother Xu's hands turned into huge black and purple handprints, which were printed on Li Xiaobai's chest, his face full of confidence.

"These days, any cat or dog dares to be arrogant in front of me."

Senior Brother Xu withdrew his palm, mocking him indifferently. The other party had no ability to resist his attack. In his opinion, Li Xiaobai was just a pretender who could talk big. If he took his palm, he would be dead at this moment. It's transparent.

Li Xiaobai looked strange, staring at the system panel in front of him.

Attribute point +100...

This is too weak, it feels weaker than Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian.

"Finished?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"'re not dead!" Senior Brother Xu's complexion changed drastically, and Li Xiaobai stood in front of him intact, without any sign of injury.

"Regarding Senior Brother Xu's attack, Liangchen not only survived, but even wanted to laugh." Li Xiaobai said.

The opponent's monk is just an ordinary golden core stage, and he already looks down on monks of this level.

"Shen Hua Mahamudra!"

Brother Xu's heart turned pale with shock, his face turned fierce, and he exerted force again. The giant golden palm broke out and slammed at Li Xiaobai. This time he used all his strength, and all the monks present felt the power of this palm. The exercises of the Martial Arts School are truly terrifying.

Li Xiaobai stretched out his hand slightly, and grasped the giant golden palm that struck him.

The anti-injury was turned on, and there was a crisp "click", and everyone present clearly saw that Senior Brother Xu's hand was twisted at an incredible angle, and it was broken inch by inch from fingers to wrist.

"Ah!" A pig-killing howl came, and Senior Brother Xu fell to the ground and rolled crazily in pain.

Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian hurried forward to deliver pills to help him stabilize his injury.

"You are doomed. How dare you hurt me. There will be no room for you in this Holy Demon Sect!"

"My elder brother is Xu Kun, an inner sect disciple, he will not let you go!" Senior Brother Xu's expression twisted.

"Senior Brother Xu, go and heal your wounds first, Senior Brother Xu Kun has his own decision on this matter."

Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian helped Senior Brother Xu up, a look of disdain flashed in their eyes, this Senior Brother Xu has average cultivation, the reason why they would flatter him is simply because his elder brother Xu Kun is the best among inner disciples, It is said that it has the qualifications to be accepted as a true biography.

As for Senior Brother Xu, he is nothing more than a good-for-nothing.

Everyone parted ways and watched the three of them leave with joy in their hearts. Brother Xu has been sucking their blood every month, and being arrogant and domineering has become the norm. Today, he was taught a lesson by the ruthless brother, which is really satisfying.

"Thank you for your help!"

"Brother Ruthless, domineering, if it weren't for you, even if we entered the Holy Demon Sect, I'm afraid we would be slaves to mermaids."

"Yeah, I didn't expect such a big sect like the Holy Demon Sect to have such a scum!"

The monks talked a lot, and Li Xiaobai handed Li Ya a bottle of healing elixir.

"Senior Brother Ye, there may be something wrong with this move, Senior Brother Xu's big brother is a genuine inner sect disciple, and his cultivation is half a step of Nascent Soul Realm, an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with true disciples, and is not something we can provoke! "

Yuan Fang stepped forward and said with a bitter face, they are just mere handyman disciples, and most of their cultivation bases stay in the Qi training and foundation building stages, how to fight against others.

If Xu Kun wants to avenge his younger brother, they can't afford to walk around.

"You can rest assured that this matter of bullying the handyman disciple will be settled for you on a good day!"

Li Xiaobai said that these handyman disciples all looked sad, and they didn't hand over the spirit stone to the outer disciples, which made them even more frightened.

These low-level disciples are already slavish, and they can't listen to what they say. If you want to make them change, you can only do it.

"That's right, you don't have to worry, brother ruthless is very strong, if he takes all of us away that day, we will definitely be able to settle it!"

"That's right, Boss Ye's cultivation is very high, even the Nascent Soul Stage is no match for him."

The surrounding monks were dissatisfied with the reaction of the handyman disciples, and they obviously helped them solve their difficulties, but they still looked frightened. Isn't this clearly despising Li Xiaobai?

"Then there is Senior Brother Lao Ye."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Yuan Fang can only pin his hopes on Li Xiaobai. They really can't bear Xu Kun's anger.


At the same time, in a certain cave in the Holy Devil Peak, a man and a woman chatted happily, as if they had reached a certain consensus.

Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian carried Xu Kun in.

"Brother, you have to make the decision for me!" Mr. Xu cried loudly.

"What's going on, who dares to hurt you like this!"

Xu Kun's complexion changed suddenly, and he hurried forward to check, and when he saw clearly that his brother's hand was snapped off, he immediately became furious.

"Brother Xu, calm down. Qin Lan has a bottle of Black Jade Intermittent Ointment, which can cure Mr. Xu's injuries. It's not a problem." The female cultivator took out a bottle of elixir and gave it to Senior Brother Xu.

The wailing in the cave mansion eased a lot, and Xu Kun breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Fairy Qin, as expected of coming from Zhongzhou, the method is extraordinary."

"Brother Xu is ridiculous." Qin Lan covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Tell me, who beat my brother like this?" Xu Kun asked.

Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian's hearts tightened, and they immediately told everything about what happened just now.

"Ye Liangchen..."

Xu Kun pondered, and had no impression of this person. "You two are very good. It is kindness to be able to send my brother back. I will help you in this competition."

The two looked overjoyed, "Thank you Senior Brother Xu!"

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