
The four life-threatening fish opened their mouths open, revealing rows of huge steel teeth that were as sharp as swords, and bit down on Li Xiaobai's body.

Attribute points + 3 million...

Attribute points + 3 million...

Attribute points + 3 million...

The attribute values ​​on the system panel jumped rapidly.

Li Xiaobai didn't move at all, this damage was quite good, and it was outstanding in the Heavenly Wonderland, as expected of the attack of a monster in the Heavenly Wonderland, it felt very refreshing.

The life-threatening fish was stunned, staring at Li Xiaobai with its small eyes, its sharp steel teeth kept rubbing repeatedly on Li Xiaobai's body, but it couldn't poke it in, not to mention blood, it couldn't even make a scratch Leave.


"Just like the rumors, the physical body is ridiculously strong, stronger than monsters!"

"However, we have already found a countermeasure. The human body has many weak points. If you storm these places, no matter how high your defense is, you will not be able to withstand them!"

After a little probing, the killers flew their weapons up and down, and greeted Li Xiaobai's eyes directly.

Even if you have tempered your throat to be invulnerable, it is impossible to practice this eyeball, right?

"The tactics are good. I have never tried the defense of the eyes, but since you specialize in my eyes, why don't I just close them?"

Li Xiaobai slowly closed his eyes and said calmly.

The power of the system is invincible, and it is absolutely invincible at the same level. All kinds of kung fu weapons and even the fangs of the life-threatening fish have not been able to bite through Li Xiaobai's defense. .

"How is this possible? His eyelids are equally fragile. Why is his body able to do this?"

"Whether this person is a high-level person or purely physically tyrannical, the information given by Buddhism shows that he is only a fairyland, but now he is on the top 50 of the list of celestial beings, and he still has the strength to overwhelm us. In Zang Zhuo, is it possible that his real cultivation level is beyond the realm of heaven?"

"Impossible, it should just be physically strong, maybe some kind of genius treasure has been taken?"

The faces of the few people were shocked, and the most confident tactic was cracked by the opponent with such a light movement of closing their eyes. They couldn't believe it.

"Nothing is impossible. In front of an invincible like me, your offensive can only be regarded as loneliness."

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist and took out a long sword and said lightly, swung the long sword lightly, and a shocking black sword light cut towards the fish king who was on the side.

Quietly, the sword light flashed across the huge yellow body, cutting along the waves for a long distance before subsiding and dissipating.

Look at this urging fish king, it split into two halves and fell into the sea in an instant, the dead couldn't die anymore.

"Black sword intent! Killed the fish king in one move!"

"Sealing Demon Sect, Demon Sealing Sword Technique!"

"You are a disciple of the Demon Sealing Sect, and the Eastern Continent Sword Sect is just your cover, and you are a Southern Continent cultivator!"

"No wonder you were able to escape from the pure land of Buddhism and ascend to heaven, no wonder you were able to save assassinations time and time again. It turns out that you are a monk of the Demon Sealing Sect. Since you are from a famous family, it is even more difficult to keep you!"

The pupils of several monks contracted, and their hearts were shocked. The young man in front of him had hidden too many secrets that horrified them. A single sword intent could instantly kill a fish king. Their strength was hard to come by.

Can this still be considered a paradise?

They all believe it is half holy!

"Everyone on board, what are you waiting for?"

"This evil heretic cannot be killed by just one or two people. If the fellow daoist who came here for the reward order at that price can do it now, we can join hands to kill him now and discuss how to share the benefits. If we wait until I wait If you are killed by him, you will have no chance!"

"Today, I, Hanbingmen, want to do justice for the heavens, even if I risk the displeasure of the world, I still want to send this devil to the French Open. Those comrades who still have blood in their hearts, please help me, Hanbingmen!"

The killers distanced themselves from Li Xiaobai in an instant, and spoke loudly, loud enough for everyone on board to hear.

As soon as they fought against each other, they knew that they could kill the young man in front of them. Even with the help of the fish king, they were probably far from being opponents. Only by letting the other monks hiding in the dark on the ship together would they have some hope.

It is the last chance to do something in this sea area, and the powers of the major sects will rule the land when they go ashore. Even if they succeed at that time, they will have to submit to it obediently. If they want to get a share, they must do their best now.

"Made, I have already seen that this kid is a demon heretic. I didn't expect that even the power of the Ice Sect would be difficult. Don't worry, brothers, I will help you!"

"Since it is an expert from the Frost Sect asking for help, there is no reason for me to sit idly by. I am a master of the Sword Sect. Today I help a few kill demons. In the future, our two families will be closer!"

"Quickly respond to the masters of the Ice Sect and kill Li Xiaobai together!"

"I admire the Hanbingmen very much. Although I don't know the specific reasons, but since it is the meaning of the Hanbingmen, I think there is nothing wrong with it. We risk our lives to accompany the gentleman!"

"Amitabha, in order to protect the common people in the world, the old monk also came to help the benefactor!"

The words of the killers responded, and in the blink of an eye, almost half of the monks on board shot up into the sky, stepping on the void and rushing towards Li Xiaobai. People are dizzying.

On the deck, the whole family of the Huo family stared dumbfounded at what happened before them. Before that, he had analyzed to Li Xiaobai with reason that more than half of the monks on the ship were going to Ice Dragon Island to participate in the competition. The reason was very simple. He can feel a powerful force in these monks, and draw a judgment from this.

Now that I think about it, I can't help feeling a little ashamed, these people didn't go for Ice Dragon Island, they clearly came here for Li Xiaobai!

Dozens of masters from the Heavenly Wonderland emerged on a ship, joining hands with sea monsters to kill one person on the sea area. Such scenes are enough to be recorded in the annals of history no matter what the final outcome is.

"Uncle Huo, we are not dreaming, are we traveling with so many seniors from the Heavenly Wonderland?"

Huo Yuhao rubbed his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"Shh, don't talk, the situation is very complicated, as long as my Huo family stays quietly!"

Uncle Huo glared at him and motioned for everyone to be silent. If you are not careful in this kind of large-scale hunting scene, you will be involved in it forever.

The life-threatening fish is scary enough, but compared to the current scene, the life-threatening fish is nothing!

There are dozens of Heavenly Wonderland masters here, and this lineup can kill any enemy.

But to say that the two who were most shocked were the old and the young of the Hanbingmen. From the beginning until now, they didn't understand what the operation was, why did they suddenly fight, and why did there be dozens of more experts from the Heavenly Wonderland on board , Why did these experts start to attack Li Xiaobai in response to the call of the Ice Sect?

Is he still clean?

"Young master, these people are probably chasing Li Xiaobai, and the purpose is to get his head killed. This time, they used the name of my Ice Sect to make it easier to escape afterwards. These guys are really calculating!"

Uncle Han's face was cloudy and uncertain, and they were put together.

"Old Uncle Han, do you think we should also join them? If such an opportunity is missed, we will miss the reward that day!"

There was a fierce light in Hanbu's eyes, and he said viciously, they were not sure before, but now the situation is different, there are more than 30 masters from the fairyland besieging, and there are still fish kings and life-threatening fish lurking under the water. Li Xiaobai has nowhere to go!

Old Uncle Han nodded and said, "Of course we have to join them. These monks are using the guise of my Ice Sect. We must not only join, but also become their leaders and command ahead!"

"Only in this way can there be more benefits when dividing the spoils."

"let's go!"

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