Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

The First Thousand And Fifty-Seven Chapters A Resource Two-Handed Sale

Ice Gate, Fudo Peak.

This is a cave that can't live in the cold. It is said that there was a big battle here in the early years. Some strong people directly used the mountains as a means of attacking, killing people without counting. It was built here as Fudo Peak.

This mountain has a strong atmosphere and a long history, both offensive and defensive, and you can feel a little sense of oppression when you are in it. Staying in Fudo Peak all the year round is very helpful for consolidating the foundation and resisting pressure. It is like a natural mountain. blessed land.

There are many disciples in Fudo Peak, and they are all monks of the same lineage, but compared with the supporters of the other two young masters, they are much less.

Follow Han Mengta and ride the flying sword into the mountains of Fudo Peak.

"Third young master, the place has been brought, can I leave?"

Han Meng withdrew his sword and asked.

"Okay, but before parting, this young master wants to show you something."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, and took out a small broken bowl from his bosom.

"What's so strange about this bowl?"

Han Meng asked with some doubts.

"Look at this bowl, it's big and round."

"so what?"

"come into the bowl."


The white light flashed away, and the fierce figure in front of him disappeared without a trace in an instant, and it was put into the bowl and disappeared.

"Is my fairy stone so easy to get?"

"Take my money, and you are mine."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, and took the little broken bowl into his pocket.

"Uh... Mr. Li is amazing."

Uncle Huo didn't know what to say, he thought that Li Xiaobai wanted to use money to clear the way, but he didn't expect that it was this kind of calculation. The fairy stone was indeed given away, but he kidnapped him backhandedly. Not only the money back, but also a small profit.

Sure enough, Mr. Li is definitely not at a loss.

"See young master!"

The two disciples guarding in front of the cave mansion saw Li Xiaobai and his party coming and immediately bowed and saluted with all respect.

"Go, call my butler."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Uh... Butler?"

The two disciples were a little puzzled.

"It's my confidant, isn't it?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"But Senior Brother Huang?"

The two disciples were stunned by the new term that Li Xiaobai popped up, and they were a little confused.

Why do you feel that the young master for a few days is not the same as before?

"On weekdays, whoever is closest to me will be called over. Do I need to mention this little thing myself?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at the guard disciples and said coldly.


"I'm going to invite Brother Huang to come here!"

"Please also ask the young master to rest in the cave for a while!"

The scalps of the two disciples were numb from such a glance, their eyes were a little terrified, and they immediately bowed to salute and flew away, they didn't dare to touch the young master's brow, they would kill someone.

"This cold residence is a bit remote. As the young master, he doesn't live in the center of the sect. Who is living near the Zhuodao Spring?"

Stepping into the cold residence, Li Xiaobai looked around, frowning slightly, this guy is not as glamorous as he showed on the boat, he thought he had such a big wrist.

It seems that not only is he not exhausted in front of the two elder brothers, but even the sect master doesn't want to see him. Otherwise, how could he live on this mountain far away from the core area of ​​the sect.

"The power of immortality is strong near Zhuodao Spring. It can be said that it is a prime location. It should be the young master of the Hanbingmen who lives there. Han Buxia, as the eldest son of the main wife's direct line, is also the pride of heaven. The sect will treat him There is nothing wrong with putting the most effort into it.”

"Among the younger disciples of the Ice Sect, he should be the most."

Uncle Huo explained.

Li Xiaobai said, "Who is the second young master, and what kind of cultivation is he?"

Some things are difficult to ask in front of people, but now everyone in the cave is asking by themselves, so they can boldly answer their questions.

"Second young master Han Dezhu is also cultivated in the Celestial Immortal Realm. In terms of strength, he should be much worse than Han Buxia. After all, the resources favored by the sect are different. Although this person is also a genius, he is also focused on training, but listening Speaking of aptitude, it is weaker than Han Buxia."

Uncle Huo said.

"I heard that Han Buxia often practiced in Ice Dragon Island. In terms of eyes and knowledge, Han Dezhu and Han Zhu couldn't compare. This man's heart is higher than the sky, and he has openly challenged the arrogance of all sects. , my elder brother was defeated miserably in his hands."

Huo Yuhao said, he has a natural hostility towards the young master of the Frost Sect.

"An open challenge?"

"Just him?"

"The geniuses of those super sects can just pick one up and beat him up?"

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly.

"The disciples of the super sect are naturally dismissive. This young master of the Han family is very smart in doing things. He just speaks out and specifically provokes who. Most of the unlucky ones who come to discuss are geniuses in ordinary sects. It is a great disgrace for them to be challenged by the arrogance of the heavens who disdain to surrender their status."

"It is because of this that this guy can be chic for a long time."

Huo Yuhao said very disdainfully, this kind of gimmick behavior seems to him very disreputable, but this person really raised his social status in this way, and many young talents recognized him as a young man. The leader of a generation, intends to make friends.

"However, I heard that he was repaired by a girl wearing a silk skirt in the sea not long ago. At that time, he wanted to kiss Fangze but got frustrated, and wanted to fight the girl in a fit of anger. It failed miserably."

The Huo family girl also heard the rumors about the young master.

"Who do you listen to these things? Don't ask too much about rumors and gossip in the world. If you have this skill, you might as well think about how to do business for the family and open up channels!"

Uncle Huo felt a headache. These juniors were not doing serious things every day, but they were very interested in this gossip and knew everything about it.

Mind is useless in the right place!

"Uncle, you don't know about this. My father said it himself when he comforted my elder brother. We were standing beside him at that time!"

Huo Yuhao said with some dissatisfaction that the younger generation of the Huo family was hanged and beaten, which had a great impact on their practice. In order for the eldest son to regain his strength and confidence, the Patriarch specially collected some information about Han Buxia. Aware of this situation.

"Yeah, I heard it with my own ears, it's not gossip!"

The girl from the Huo family also muttered.

"Losed to a woman in a silk skirt?"

"Who is that woman's name?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the two of them and asked.

"Then I don't know, but according to my father, the woman is also a cultivator in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and also cultivates cold air, but the cold ice door is very different from it. At that time, the woman held up her umbrella, Frozen tens of thousands of miles, directly freezing the entire sea area, even the cold ice technique of the cold summer is also frozen, the power is inferior, and the power is terrible."

Huo Yuhao said.

It's definitely Dancing City.

The girl in Qiluo skirt holds a small umbrella in her hand, and she specializes in cold air. There is no other person except Wuchengjue.

I heard Edward from the Eastern Continent Law Enforcement Team talk about the other party's whereabouts before. It seems that the other party has already landed on Ice Dragon Island, but I don't know why this woman appeared here. At this juncture, she also wants to go to the island. Participate in that contest to recruit relatives?

A strange idea emerged in Li Xiaobai's heart, could this woman be Lace?

"Why, the young master knows the woman my nephew is talking about?"

Uncle Huo asked.

"It's all just speculation, maybe it's not the person I know."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, he didn't want to discuss this topic any further, not many people knew about Wu Chengjue's acquaintance with him, and maybe the other party could be a great help to him when he arrived on the island, so he was not alone.

"Young Master, Senior Brother Huang has already brought it."

Outside the cave mansion, a respectful voice came, it was the guard disciple from before.

Li Xiaobai nodded, "Let him in."

Outside the cave, a figure walked in slowly. It was also a young man in a bunt shirt, with a stern face and bright eyes. It was not a simple character at first glance.

"Huang Yuan has seen the young master, dare to ask the young master what to order?"

After entering the door, Huang Yuan bowed down, very respectful.

In fact, his heart was a little beating, he was a spy sent by Han Buxia, who was specially placed beside the third young master, and was responsible for monitoring his every move. Today, the third young master returned inexplicably, and summoned him as soon as he returned He, did the other party discover something and wanted to settle accounts with him?

"Huang Yuan, my young master, let me ask you, what is your relationship with me on weekdays, can we be regarded as friends?"

Li Xiaobai asked casually, playing with his fingers.

"Returning to the young master, Huang Yuan is willing to be the young master's confidant, but the word "friend" is absolutely unacceptable, so don't be too petty."

Hearing this, Huang Yuan was flattered, and hurriedly said, he knows his position, as An Tan who is placed next to the third young master, he must be cautious in his words and deeds, and he must think twice about his every move. He would never dare to do such a thing as an equal, this is just the young master's test for him, if he accidentally speaks the truth, I'm afraid my life will have to be confessed here today.

"It's humble. Since you are my confidant, then this young master will test you today. How much property is this young master's in this ice gate?"

Li Xiaobai asked, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, the person who came was a confidant who couldn't help but be quite clear about how many resources he controlled.

"Returning to the young master, we have a total of twelve properties under the name of Fudo Peak, and all of them are medicine shops."

Huang Yuan said, "The young master wants to inspect the performance and re-plan the operation of these stores?"

"No, I want to integrate resources, sell these shops together, and spread the news. I will sell these twelve medicinal materials shops in a package, and add zero to the price of the medicinal materials in these shops."

"The focus is to spread the news to the eldest brother and the second brother. Make sure they see it."

Li Xiaobai said lightly that medicinal material shops are a piece of fat. After all, whether it is the elixirs required for cultivation or the holy medicine for healing, they all need the assistance of medicinal materials. Owning these shops is equivalent to mastering the economic lifeline of Fudo Peak. The young master will not be interested in the store resources themselves, but if he can take this opportunity to ruin him, the third young master who is a sideline, I believe the other party is still willing to do so.

The most wealthy and capable of buying a store in this neighborhood are the two young masters. Naturally, they can’t just earn a single income if they want to cash out the unstoppable resources. Doing business is about sustainable development and realizing income after sleep.

Let these two young masters swallow their shop first, and the other party will definitely choose some good-looking fairy plants, wait for the opportunity to kill these two when they arrive at Ice Dragon Island, recycle precious medicinal materials, and sell them again , In this way, the two young masters not only played the role of screening precious medicinal materials, but also made a small wave of wealth, which is perfect.

The speaker had no intention of listening, but Li Xiaobai's words reverberated in Huang Yuan's ears like a thunderbolt, which made his brain buzz. He specifically emphasized that the other two young masters must know. Isn't this just beating him? ?

His identity exposed?

"Do you understand, let's do it if you understand!" Li Xiaobai said.

Huang Yuan was confused, and couldn't understand what Li Xiaobai meant.

"Young master, why did we do this? But what secret do you know?" Huang Yuan asked tentatively.

"These twelve shops were allocated to me by the sect master himself. They can be said to be the economic lifeline of my Fudo Peak. Although the other two young masters usually covet them, they dare not fight for them. Wouldn't it be in line with their wishes to package up the shop and sell it?"

"And if it is really sold, then our source of income in the future will be cut off."

Huang Yuan said.

"It doesn't matter. This time, my young master will go to Ice Dragon Island to capture the leader of the Grand Competition and win the beauty. I sold these shops in order to prepare the dowry in advance. When I win the beauty back, Ice Gate and Ice Dragon Island will become in-laws." At that time, do we still need to worry about financial resources?"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

"Ah this..."

At this moment, Huang Yuan was completely confused, and looked at Li Xiaobai in disbelief, as if he was meeting this young master for the first time.

Good guy, you want to be the son-in-law of the owner of Ice Dragon Island as soon as you open your mouth?

Don't you know what kind of strength you have, let alone those top-level talents, you can't even beat the geniuses in the sect, and you actually say that you want to marry the daughter of the island owner. Who gave you the confidence?

But he only dared to say these words in his heart, but he never dared to say them out.

"Do as I say, and the benefits will be great."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, indicating that Huang Yuan could go down.

"Then what, young master, in fact, during this period of time, I have discovered that there are spies from the young master on our Fudong Peak, do you think it is..."

Huang Yuan couldn't believe that Li Xiaobai would let him go so easily, so he couldn't help but continue to probe.

"Let them go. Spy agents are human beings, and they also need to make a living. It's good to let them stay in Fudo Peak. You will also send them the news of the sale of the store. Be sure to let my two elder brothers see it!"

Li Xiaobai said very casually, not admiring it at all, but in fact he didn't care about it, he ran away as soon as he got the fairy stone, what did the intrigue in other people's houses have to do with him, these secret sighs Where to go.

Huang Yuan "..."

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