Li Xiaobai felt helpless, he seemed to have a temperament that attracted the hatred of monks, and this trouble came one after another.

If it was in the past, it must be full of joy, but the disciples I meet now are not enough for high attribute points.

Compared to wasting time in low-end rounds, it is better to open a store early to earn spirit stones.

While thinking, the wrist had already been grabbed by the head monk.

Attribute point +100...

Anti-injury was activated, and the leader of the cultivator only felt that he was grasping a section of the steel pipe, and his hands continued to exert force. The steel pipe was not damaged at all, but his tiger's mouth was shattered.

The face is horrified, what kind of cultivation is this!

"You... who are you?"

The head monk asked, and the rest of the people also looked solemn. The matter is not simple, and the man in front of him is not ordinary strong.

"Under Ye Liangchen."

"The only person in this world who can hurt Liang Chen is Liang Chen himself."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"I don't know which mountain Senior Brother Ye is from, but have you ever thought about the consequences of going against Senior Brother Yue?"

"Liangchen just wants to open a shop and do business normally. What does it have to do with you? If you have something to do, let Brother Lao Shizi Yue come to see me." Li Xiaobai didn't want to talk to a few people, turned around and left.

"court death!"

The expressions of the few people changed drastically. The other party despised Senior Brother Yue so much, it was definitely to make trouble on purpose.

With a flick of the long sword at his waist, regardless of the sect's prohibition, he suddenly stabbed at Li Xiaobai, with sword aura flying across the void.

"Stop!" Yin Susu shouted loudly, slightly stretched out her plain hand, and abruptly grabbed the long swords of several people.

"I'm waiting for normal transactions, but you are making such a mess. Do you want me to invite Elder Sun from the Criminal Law Hall?"

"That's right, you just disregarded the sect's admonition, and I'll let the Law Enforcement Hall arrest you when I turn around!" Little Lolita also said angrily.

"Very good, Ye Liangchen, I will write down what happened today, you are ready to meet Brother Yue's wrath." Several monks left with harsh words and resentment.

Yin Susu stepped forward and said apologetically, "Young Master Ye, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Junior Brother Ye, your cultivation is not bad, I have long wanted to teach those guys a lesson!" Little Lolita said bouncingly.

"It's okay, but I don't know who this Senior Brother Yue is, does he have a big background?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"Yue Fan is one of the true disciples, you don't even know, you are new here!"

Little Lolita's eyes widened, no wonder the other party was not afraid and didn't know Senior Brother Yue emotionally at all.

At the same time, she looked up and down Li Xiaobai with some doubts. The more she looked at him, the more she felt that this person was very familiar. She must have met him somewhere, but why couldn't she remember it?

"Don't you know each other now? Liangchen is still in a hurry to open a store, so let's go first."

Li Xiaobai wanted to keep a distance from the second daughter, always feeling that if he stayed any longer, he would be recognized by others.

After cupping his fists and saluting, he turned and left quickly.

The little lolita Chu Xiaoxiao frowned and asked, "Sister Susu, do you think this person is very familiar, I always feel like I've seen him somewhere before."

Yin Susu didn't see any tricks at all, "You should have met him when you sneaked out. This person might be targeted because we provoked Senior Brother Yue. Let's go to Senior Brother Xiang for help."

"Yes, yes, my master said, if you have any problems, you should go to the natural enemy and let him teach Yue Fan a lesson!"


The location of the store is near the practice field, and there is a lot of traffic here, and every day when disciples are practicing or going to the ring, they will definitely pass by this store.

Li Xiaobai quickly walked into the shop, the inside had been cleaned up.

Looking at the rows of goods shelves, this place should originally be the place to buy and sell elixir exercises, but there is no shortage of such low-end items in the sect, and even better high-end goods can be bought and sold in the trading shop, the business is bleak One can imagine.

A plaque was exchanged from the mall, engraved with the four characters "BESTORE", and hung next to the store, which was considered to be officially open.

Take out a bunch of Huazi and stuff all the shelves to the brim. For a long time to come, this thing will be the capital for making a fortune.

Huazi's business cost is low, and the results are quick, which is more secure than Tangneng Yipin.

Exchanged a few bags of air purifiers.

The air purifier purifies the air, and after smelling it, it can slightly improve the perception in a short period of time.

The Lord purifies the mind, purifies the filth, purifies the air, and purifies oneself.

This thing has the effect of improving people's understanding, and it is a sharp tool to attract customers in a short time.

All the bags of air purifier were thrown out, and the breeze blew, the powder scattered and spread rapidly along the air.

Soon, the nearby monks felt a different feeling. The few monks who were resting on the ground stood up instantly, with excitement in their eyes.

"I got it, I got it!"

"Me too, my ink-splashing knife skills have come a long way!"

"With one kick in the door, I'm one step closer to the Golden Core Stage Dzogchen realm!"

"No, why did the two of us have an epiphany at the same time, is it such a coincidence?"

A few monks were puzzled and looked around, only to see more and more monks in the surrounding crowd showing astonishment, bursts of tyrannical breath fluctuations erupted, and many people broke through directly on the spot.

Something is wrong, this is definitely not a natural epiphany, what happened?

"It's that shop!"

"We smelled the powder coming out of that shop and broke through!"

"Isn't that the shop of Senior Sister Yin Susu? On weekdays, only some basic herbs are sold. How could it be so magical?"

"I heard that Senior Sister Yin Susu has transferred the store out, and the new owner should be in it now. Look, the name of the store has changed."


The monks consciously approached the BESTORE, and when they took a closer look, the boss really changed.

The boss was wearing a pair of black glasses, and he was holding some unknown object in his mouth, and he was puffing out a cloud for a while. This look was quite unconventional.

The most important thing is that they accidentally inhaled a few breaths of the mist that the boss swallowed, and suddenly felt that the Lingtai was bright, and the internal organs were much refreshed, which was even more wonderful than the feeling of epiphany just now.


What kind of baby is this? It's so terrifying!

On the shelf behind it, there are bags of items they don't recognize.

Could it be that this is a treasure that can make people enlightened, and it is still mass-produced.

"Boss, what's the name of the boss, what does this newly opened shop sell?" a monk asked.

"In Xiaye Liangchen, the item bought and sold here is called Huazi."

"What is Huazi?"

"It's this thing, taking a sip, not to mention refreshing, it can also make people enter a state of emptiness for a short time, which helps to improve the understanding of kung fu moves, do you want to try it?"

"How to sell?"

"A pack of ten middle-grade spirit stones can be discounted, and only one top-grade spirit stone is enough. There is no deception..."

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