Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1064 Stand There And Don't Move, I'll Let My Brother Kill You

"Old man Chen Henian, the elder of the inner sect of the Hanbingmen, today, under the order of the sect master, arrested the sinners of the sect, Han Bubu, and everyone in the Huo family. You have committed a heinous crime and caused the Hanbingmen to suffer irreparable losses. You must be severely punished!"

"You don't need to go to Ice Dragon Island, just go with the old man!"

Chen Henian said leisurely with his hands behind his back.

This is really the high-level elder of Han Bingmen, and he can't catch Han when he comes here. Could it be that the accident on the ship has already spread to the sect not long after it happened?

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, did not speak, and looked up and down at the semi-sage in front of him.

It's not that he hasn't seen the semi-holy, on the contrary, he has seen many, but it is the first time to stand on the opposite side to fight.

"Young master, can't stand the cold, have you ever understood what the old man said?"

"The matter of you reselling the port of the sect to the Blood Demon Sect has been exposed. The sect master was very angry when he found out. If you can't give a reasonable explanation for this matter, I am afraid that the position of the young master will not be guaranteed, and the cultivation base will not be good. Save!"

"As for the Huo family, they eat things that are crawling inside and out. After the elders of the sect unanimously discussed and decided, they will be buried in the sea to make an example!"

Chen Henian said coldly.

Uncle Huo and the others turned pale, and the other party's words seemed to have sentenced them to death. They thought that the matter would not be revealed until Li Xiaobai's identity was revealed, and whoever could sell it would be known by the other party.

It seems that the Blood Demon Sect couldn't bear the loneliness and wanted to take the port into its own hands as soon as possible, so it was discovered by the monks of the Ice Sect.

"It turned out to be this matter. I didn't expect that the matter of buying and selling ports would spread to the ears of the door owner so quickly. It seems that the ice door is not full of wine bags and rice bags."

"I just don't know how strong this semi-holy monk is. The ability of semi-holy monks to launch attacks in the realm is a major feature that distinguishes them from monks in the three realms of immortals. However, my hellfire has now begun to take shape and has become a climate. It can also be regarded as a kind of domain. , I just don’t know if I can meet the real realm?”

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

"Young master, let's go with the old man."

The white-haired old man tapped his toes and floated across the deck to the deck. Standing in front of Li Xiaobai, his eyes were shining brightly, looking around with a suspicious gleam in his eyes.

"Where are the other two young masters? Why didn't you see them?"

"Why is this boat empty, only a few of you?"

After boarding the ship himself, the old man finally realized that something was wrong. There was no trace of other monks on the ship. Only the third young master of the Han Bingmen and the Huo family were unharmed. Han Buxia, Han Dezhu and his followers The cultivator they set off together actually evaporated out of thin air!

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, why did the two well-behaved young masters and dozens of young disciples disappear out of thin air?

I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the third young master.

"Elder Chen, don't be impatient. Something happened on this boat just now. It turns out that the reason why my two elder brothers invited me on the boat was to get rid of me, the third child of the Frost Sect, on the sea, so that the two of them could go to the sea." In the end, they can fight each other without any scruples and seize the position of the master of the Ice Sect."

"I also killed them out of self-preservation."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"You killed the two young masters!"

Chen Henian's pupils shrank for a while, and a look of horror appeared on his solemn face.

In terms of strength, cultivation base, and xinxing, Chengfu is the worst of the three. How could he kill the other party?

"Killed, but not completely killed."

"Didn't my father acquiesce in allowing me to board the ship because of this meaning? This time I killed two brothers to prove the truth. From now on, I will have the final say on the Ice Gate, and I will order the port. Establishing diplomatic relations is not a problem, Elder Chen's bragging here is rare and strange, it is really a bit of a spectator."

Li Xiaobai said slowly with his hands behind his back.

"Bastard, full of lies, killing the two young masters, is it up to you?"

"And do you know how important a port is to a sect? Without the port, the reputation of my Ice Sect will be greatly damaged, and the Blood Demon Sect operates and builds within the scope of my Ice Sect. It's a huge threat!"

Chen Henian's eyes gleamed with anger, and his complexion suddenly became gloomy. He is an elder in the sect with a high position and authority, and he has never been so despised by others. This third young master seems to have ignored him at all!


"How dare a mere sect elder dare to yell at me, the young master, who gave you the courage!"

"This young master has acted all his life, why should he explain to others, kneel down, kowtow and admit his mistakes, today's matter is over, otherwise, don't blame this young master for being rude!"

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of ferocity on his face.

"Shuzi, how dare you insult this old man!"

"The old man has no intention of repenting from what you said. It seems that some means must be used. If you have anything to say, it will not be too late to tell the sect master in front of the sect."

Chen Henian's lungs were about to explode. He felt a little regretful, so he should have directly suppressed this kid. This kind of disrespectful junior must be dealt with severely and punished severely!

Stretched out a hand and shook it far away in the void, wanting to bring Li Xiaobai to justice.

for a moment.

Li Xiaobai felt his whole body tense, and the value on the attribute point panel soared.

Attribute points + 3 million...

Attribute points + 4 million...

Attribute points + 5 million...

This old man can actually have such damage with just a little casually.

"The semi-holy powerhouse is so terrifying!"

"Delay time for uncle, you guys go!"

Seeing this scene, Uncle Huo in the rear couldn't help but his hair stood on end. He turned around and slapped a volley in the air, pushing Huo Yuhao and other juniors behind him out of the big boat.

The power of the semi-holy powerhouse is too terrifying and frightening. If it is really used, I am afraid that the ship will be overturned by it. The aftermath alone can kill the younger generations of these families, not to mention that the other party has already released In other words, we must cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!

You must not stay here, and the younger generation of the family must not die here!

"Hehe, want to leave?"

"In front of the old man, any struggle is futile. I wanted to suppress the young master first and then kill you. Since you are so anxious to die, then the old man will change the order and start with your Huo family first!"

Chen Henian smiled disdainfully. In front of his semi-holy cultivation, the Earth Wonderland was no different from the Heaven Wonderland. It would be foolish to try to escape from him.

"Finger to the sky!"

The sea water was turbulent, as if receiving some kind of traction, it gathered towards the fingers of Chen Henian's other hand, and condensed into a huge water finger in the void, exuding strands of cold air, towards the finger that was pushed into the sea. Several Huo family juniors poked at it.

"Hao'er, run!"

"Go to Ice Dragon Island to find your uncle!"

Uncle Huo's eyes were about to burst, and he wanted to stop it, but just touching the giant finger of the water for a while, he felt his whole body was surging, wow, a big mouthful of blood spewed out, and his breath was exhausted to the extreme.

The opponent's finger is also just doing something casually, but in terms of its strength, it is a little stronger than his cultivation base in the fairyland. Is this the strength of a semi-holy?

No wonder people often say that a half-sage can easily kill a large number of masters in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. For masters of this level, the Heavenly Immortal Realm is no different from the Qi Refining Realm. Where is the difference in realm? .

"Hmph, mayflies dare to shake trees, they don't know how to live or die!"

Chen Henian let out a cold snort, the victory was in his hands, no one in the room could resist his finger.


"Killing people in front of my young master, is it true that this young master doesn't exist?"

"A mere sect elder dares to commit murder in front of me, how courageous!"

Li Xiaobai shouted coldly, a wisp of black flame flew out, rising in the sky against the wind and turning into a black sea of ​​flames all over the sky, the sky suddenly dimmed, and everyone was shrouded in a huge dark shadow. After being repeatedly burned in the flames, it disappeared into nothingness in just a few short breaths.

This finger of Chen Henian did not seriously use the semi-holy power, so although the power was strong, it was only slightly higher than that of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and it was swallowed up after repeated burning in the hellfire for a period of time.


"What kind of flame is this, that can actually devour the old man's magical powers? It's a bit strange."

"However, the third young master, you are still able to move freely, which is quite beyond the old man's expectation. No wonder you can suppress the other two young masters. It seems that you are usually hiding your clumsiness?"

"It is said that the first young master is the most scheming in the city, and the second young master will repay his deep scheming, but it is really impressive that no one has tried the depth of the third young master for so many years. This calmness is still higher than that of the young master."

"This time I went back with the old man and repented in front of the sect master. Don't mess with the Huo family anymore. With the strength you have shown, I believe it is enough to make the sect master and the elders look at you differently."

Chen Henian's eyes showed surprise, he couldn't help sizing Li Xiaobai seriously, and said slowly.

If it wasn't for facing such a crisis, the opponent used his real skills, even he, a semi-holy-level elder, would have missed it. Good guy, this Li Xiaobai is actually a genius!

And it is very likely that the cultivation base of the other two young masters is higher than that of the other two young masters. I am afraid that the beheading of the two young masters just mentioned is not groundless!

However, if the strength of these three young masters can really be this strong, it doesn't matter if the other two young masters die.

"Elder Chen, a mere semi-holy cultivation dares to bark in front of me, how do you want to die?"

Li Xiaobai said calmly with a calm expression.

He has already tested the opponent's strength. With his current defense state, if the opponent is a little more serious, he can be suppressed with a flick of a finger, and it is no problem to poke him to death with a little force.

However, he is not in vain, holding billions of sky-high wealth, how could he be afraid of a mere demi-saint?

Not to mention being a semi-holy, even if a strong man from the holy realm came in person, he still had the confidence to fight the opponent for a while, and the price he paid was nothing more than ruining his family.

"Third young master, don't speak such wild words again, this will only affect your rating in the old man's heart."

"It's really your skill to be able to endure and hide your strength so far. Even the old man will look at you with admiration, but it seems a bit immature to be self-righteous and utter wild words based on this alone."

"This old man's semi-holy cultivation is not something everyone can shake, even if you are a leader in the fairyland, you should understand this truth!"

"Be in awe of the strong and the elders!"

Chen Henian said lightly, compared to before, the anger in his heart has been reduced by half. After all, it was a surprise to witness the rise of such a genius. Have you been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

If it wasn't for him making the move today, I'm afraid that the arrogance of the sect alone wouldn't be able to test the opponent's level. The black flame burning blazingly in the void has the energy to devour immortal essence. If he didn't know the truth, at first glance he would have thought it was someone What kind of flame field?

"The young master also hopes that you can know the difference between honor and inferiority in the sect. As a young master, this young master is born to be superior to you. What's the matter, let the sect master come to see me, you are not qualified !"

The restraints on Li Xiaobai's body were completely burned by the flames, and he regained his freedom.

"Even the old man's restraint can be burned. It's really weird. This flame should be a kind of genius and treasure, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a miraculous effect."

"However, the magic weapon is only a foreign object after all. The old man has become a little curious about the young master, and wants to take another exam to test the young master's cultivation base?"

"If the young master can persist for three breaths under the coercion of the old man's release, the old man can not kill these Huo family monks, but just bring them back to the ice gate."

Chen Henian said slowly, there was something in his words, the fate of the Huo family who brought people back to the sect also had a death sentence, but the death would not be so straightforward.

Can see the true strength hidden by these three young masters, so what if these guys are allowed to live for a while longer?

"as long as you are happy."

Li Xiaobai said casually, his mind had sunk into the system panel, and he began to browse the mall interface.

He was thinking about what props he should use to kill the long-winded semi-holy old man in front of him, completely ignoring the other party's words.

"Then offend!"


Chen Henian let out a yell, and the momentum of his whole body froze, and the invisible force suddenly pressed down on Li Xiaobai, the deck under his feet split instantly, and his feet were deeply submerged in it.

"First breath!"

Li Xiaobai didn't respond, his eyes were even a little empty, and he didn't look at him at all.

"Okay, he is indeed a genius, the old man didn't miss it!"

"Second breath!"

A rare smile appeared on Chen Henian's face, and the pressure released from his body increased to the limit of the Heavenly Wonderland. If an ordinary Heavenly Wonderland faced such coercion, he would be unable to move at least, and his body would be injured at worst.

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly.

Attribute points + 5 million...

There was no other reason, rows of attribute points popped up on the system panel, blocking him from seeing the items in the mall.

"Young master, the old man has already recognized your strength, if you can't hold it anymore, you can just say it, and the old man will stop in time!"

Looking at Li Xiaobai's frown, Chen Henian said cheerfully, in his opinion, it was a sign that the other party was struggling.

But then the other party's reaction made him breathless, and Li Xiaobai's expression suddenly relaxed, as if he was relieved by something, and his brows stretched out again.

"The third breath!"

Chen Henian sternly yelled, powerful coercion came towards Li Xiaobai from all directions, this pressure has already surpassed the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and is almost approaching the Half Saint.

Li Xiaobai remained unresponsive, and even scratched the back of his head with his hand.

Chen Henian was shocked, "How is this possible? This coercion cannot be tolerated by the Heavenly Immortal Realm. Why didn't you respond?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at him like an idiot, "I was thinking about how to kill you, what are you thinking?"

"Now that I've thought about it, the inventory of a semi-holy expert must be astonishing, and it's worth paying any amount of fairy stones."

"Just stand there and don't move, I'll ask my brother to come out and kill you!"

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