Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1072 Surprised By The Elder Sister

Uncle Huo and Lao Goat nodded and agreed without hesitation. Compared with making friends with the disciples of Baihuamen, what is a mere black shop?

Isn't it just spending a few extra bucks, it's not too cost-effective compared to contacts, if it weren't for the elders of the Huo family who were waiting for them to arrive, Uncle Huo would now have the urge to take someone with Li Xiaobai.

It's a pity that the family is busy and all things are entangled, so I can only make an appointment later.

"Thank you so much, young master, please move to the car and tell me!"

The female disciple of Baihuamen smiled slightly, and seemed to be relieved in her heart.

The female disciple behind her was not as well-mannered as her. Seeing that the passengers were finally gathered, she couldn't help but cheered, "The passengers are finally gathered, and we can set off!"

"Go out, be careful with your words and deeds, let those demon girls see how decent they are!"

The leading female disciple reprimanded in a low voice, forcibly suppressing the excited hearts of the girls.

"In that case, the two adults will follow us."

“It’s definitely the best inn near the arena, with good quality and low price!”

The leading young man showed a smile, bowed and made a gesture of invitation. A huge carriage was already waiting on the ice field. The figure pulling the carriage was very familiar to Li Xiaobai. Compared with the previous one from the Heavenly Wonderland, this one is much weaker in breath, presumably it is just an Earthly Wonderland monster.

Rao is so, it is also very popular.

"Let's go."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and led the old goat into the carriage.

The space inside this car is much larger than it can be seen from the outside.

Few of the two rows of large seats can accommodate fifteen people, which is more than enough for Li Xiaobai and the female disciples of Baihuamen.

"My lord, please!"

"Fairy please!"

The two sides gave way to each other, and then sat down, Li Xiaobai and Lao Goat sat on one side, and several female disciples from Baihuamen sat on the other side.

Li Xiaobai looked up and down several female disciples, a group of four Baihuamen disciples in total, all dressed in plain and elegant clothing should be uniformly distributed by the disciples in the sect, the whole body is pure white, and the long skirt sweeps the floor, like a lotus flowering out of water. The female disciple's eyes were piercing and heroic, and the other three were completely weak like Xiaojiabiyu. It was hard to imagine that such a combination could reach Ice Dragon Island safely from Baihuamen, without encountering any villains on the way?

Or maybe the strength and cultivation of these disciples were not easy, and they killed all the monks who had malicious intentions on the way?

"Young Master, you did Baihuamen a great favor. The little brother who led the way said that he would wait for a few more people to join him before he would leave, otherwise he would risk losing money on this order. It is not easy for a monk who lives at the bottom all year round. We The sisters have been waiting here, but the monks who come and go don’t ride in his chariot, if it is not for the son, even if he shows up, we sisters don’t know how long we will have to wait!"

The female cultivator of Baihuamen who led the team said with a smile, a group of four female disciples sat on the chairs, full of elegant temperament that was not stained by mud.

Passers-by know that this house is a scam, only you foolish people are still waiting there.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, he really didn't know whether to say that this female disciple was stupid or simple, how many more people would have to wait to leave together so as not to lose money?

Even if he just pulls one person, he will make a fortune on this order, okay, and still lose money?

You obviously want to try your luck and squat a crop of leeks, do you believe that?

The old goat on the side rolled his eyes when he heard the narration of several Baihuamen disciples. This disciple of the famous sect seems to have never experienced wind and rain, but that's good, and it's easier for them to make friends if they are not on guard.

If he hadn't heard that the other party claimed to be a disciple of Baihuamen, he would not have agreed to get in the car.

"My name is Lily, and this is Lily Ye, Baihe Jing and Baihe Xi. Our four sisters have been practicing in the sect all the year round, and we are the core disciples of the sect. This time I heard that Shengshite from Binglong Island came to observe it. Seeing the young Tianjiao gathered here from all over the world, and secondly, I am looking for opportunities to compete with others and confirm what I have learned."

"I haven't asked the young master's name yet!"

Lily said with a smile.

"Young master of the Ice Sect, I can't stand the cold, I'm being polite here."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and reported his family name,

"It seems to be a sect in the coastal area. I heard that this sect near the sea is dedicated to expanding the resources of the sea people, and can always find some strange treasures. I wonder if Mr. Han has seen it?"

Lily seemed to be interested, and asked.

"Never seen."

Li Xiaobai shook his head, he had no interest in making friends with these four women, he was thinking about how to operate after the settlement was settled.

Lily said, "It's a pity, I heard that the Ye Ming Pearl is abundant in the Sea Clan, just one can light up the darkness, and it can be carried around all year round, and it also has the effect of beautifying and beautifying the face."

"Yeah yeah, last time that little bitch from the Blood Demon Sect showed off a whole dozen Ye Ming pearls in front of us, it really pissed me off!"

"Next time ask a few sisters to squat on her and tear her apart!"

As soon as Ye Mingzhu was mentioned, the four girls all became energetic and chattered non-stop.

"Cough, be quiet, be cautious in your words and deeds, how decent it is to be so outspoken in front of outsiders!"

"Damn my Baihuamen's face for nothing!"

Lily frowned slightly, and scolded coldly.

Li Xiaobai turned a deaf ear and pretended not to hear, these are a bunch of prodigal wives!

What's so good about tearing a Ye Ming pearl, what can you see and what can't be eaten, the brain circuit of a beautiful woman is very puzzling.

Lily Ye seemed to have thought of something, "Sister Hehua, I heard that the Sea Clan also sent several Tianjiao to this martial arts competition, and all of them were people who had never appeared on the list of immortals. You said that they are different from ours?" Who is more powerful than a genius?"

"Under the same realm, the human monks are not the opponents of the sea tribe. This is recognized. Even Tianjiao is no exception. The essence of the sea tribe monks is monsters. The physical strength is far higher than that of the human monks. They will still have the power of the bloodline, I just hope that the Sea Clan will not send the top few people this time."

Lily shook her head. The strength of the Sea Clan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Not only do they have the physique of monsters, but they also have the speed of human cultivation. They are not so easy to deal with.

If it weren't for the fact that there is a gap between the number of strong people in the holy realm and the monks of the human race, they would definitely not be so peaceful.

"Young Master Han is also going to participate in the ring competition, what do you think of this monk from the Sea Clan?"

Without even thinking about it, Li Xiaobai blurted out, "The only difference between the Sea Clan and the Human Clan is that the Sea Clan can eat it, but humans can't."

"If there is a chance, I really want to catch some seafood and go back to nourish the dolls."

"Mr. Han is so brave..."

The corners of Lily's mouth twitched unconsciously. This Mr. Han is obviously bragging, that the mighty Hai Clan Tianjiao has become a meal in your mouth. If you let him hear this, he will probably be furious.

Li Xiaobai asked, "By the way, you are all from Baihuamen, have you ever met Su Yunbing?"

"Senior Sister Su? That's the big sister of our Hundred Flowers Sect, who has led the sisters to defeat many sects!"

"Senior Sister Su led the team this time, but she was intercepted by a strong hand and told the sisters to leave first. Counting the days, she should have arrived at Ice Dragon Island. Master Han and Sister Su know each other?"

Lily replied.

"It's an old acquaintance. If there is a chance, I really want to meet her."

Li Xiaobai looked calm on the surface and nodded slightly, but in fact there was a burst of excitement in his heart for no reason, the elder sister came to Ice Dragon Island!

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