A coquettish woman among Yingying and Yanyan beside Beifeng covered her mouth and exclaimed, the status of the Arctic Ocean is not low on Ice Dragon Island, as one of the few core disciples on the island, and she has been admitted to the university. Although the elder's sect is young and his cultivation is only as strong as that of the fairyland, his status can be said to be a high-ranking group. No one will offend him because of trivial matters when he dominates this island.

"This is really the token of the Arctic Ocean!"

Beifeng's heart was up and down like a roller coaster, he picked up the token on the ground, looked at it carefully, and broke out in cold sweat layer by layer, this token is real, it really belongs to that little overlord!

Even though he is a Celestial Realm cultivator, and his qualifications in the sect are old, in terms of seniority, Bei Bingyang has to call him a senior brother, but this is useless. He is a serious core disciple, and he worships the Great Elder as his teacher. He is just a small outer disciple, he is an elite in the outer sect, he is not a fart in front of others, even if he enters the inner sect to worship other elders.

Last month, the Arctic Ocean suddenly returned from the Western Continent in embarrassment, and almost died in the territory of the Buddha Kingdom. It was said that he escaped and ascended to heaven only after being rescued by an expert, which caused a lot of fluctuations in the sect. Is this the one in front of you?

But this Han can't help but he's familiar with him, the third young master of the Han family has no skills at all, last year this guy was tricked by Han Buxia and Han Dezhu, and he slipped under his crotch in public, Many disciples of Ice Dragon Island saw this incident at the beginning. Regardless of his cultivation base in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, in terms of strength, he could only be regarded as the level of the tail of a crane.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a year, the other party actually got close to the thigh of the Arctic Ocean!

"That guy's token works so well?"

Looking at the performance of the few people in front of him, Li Xiaobai was a little surprised. It seemed that the young man hadn't lied to him back then, and what he said was all true, not bragging.

"I'm sorry San Shao, I was impulsive just now, please don't blame San Shao."

Bei Feng returned the token with both hands, and said with an ugly expression.

"You bastard, you also called Third Young Master, do you deserve it?"

"My young master has a kind heart, as long as you get under his crotch, I won't argue with you!"

The old goat on the side finally found the right time to interject, although he didn't understand what was wrong with Han Bubu and Beifeng, but this matter can't be left alone, this is a great opportunity for his old goat to perform in front of the young master , If you don't start at this time, let's wait for when.

"Forgive others and forgive others. How can I, Beifeng, be an outer disciple of Ice Dragon Island, how can I kneel to others in my own territory?"

"What's more, this is Lingxue Pavilion. If you dare to make trouble here, the consequences are not something you and I can bear."

With cold eyes, Beifeng said slowly.

"It's okay, Mr. Wang didn't see anything, just feel free to do whatever you want."

Shopkeeper Wang said cheerfully, then turned around and went behind the counter.

He could see very clearly that this mere disciple of the outer sect of Ice Dragon Island provoked the young master of the Han family and the four daughters of the Baihua sect, which had already made the other party dissatisfied. He's a good person.

Beifeng naturally understood this point, and in his heart he yelled at the shopkeeper, it was really not a damn thing.

"There are a few girls here today. I don't want you to make a fool of myself, but judging by your posture, it is quite similar to Zhang Yang who was domineering, bullying and fearful. As a disciple of the outer sect of Ice Dragon Island , every word and deed represents the face of the island, so those who are so casual and ignorant think that Ice Dragon Island is a den of thieves."

Li Xiaobai took back the token, a sneering smile flashed across his face, although he had a face that couldn't hold back, but it wasn't really cold, anyone who provoked him would return it back double.

The four girls of Baihuamen are present today, so it's not good to make a big fuss, if we meet again next time, they will definitely leave the Beifengkeng without even their underpants.

"Let's go."

After greeting the shopkeeper, several people turned around and went up to the attic.

"Then what is the third young master of the Han family? When he got under Brother Feng's crotch, don't mention how embarrassing he was. It's only been a year since he pretended to be a dog. Isn't it because he has a token from the Arctic Ocean?" , what's the air?"

"Shut up, what do you know as a woman?"

Beifeng's face was gloomy, "I didn't expect this kid to climb up the big tree in the Arctic Ocean, but I didn't see Han Buxia and Han Dezhu during this trip, which is a bit unusual. Go find your brother first, and you must suppress this kid." Arrogance!"

No need to ask, this cold can't live on Ice Dragon Island, he knows that he must be here to participate in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives. He also knows a lot of senior brothers in the clan who will come to the ring, and when the time comes, he will say hello, and directly kill this person in the ring!

Isn't it just to have the token token of the Arctic Ocean? When it comes to the ring, even the token of the Great Elder is not easy to use!


On the other side, Li Xiaobai and his group went up to three floors. There are only three floors in this ancient pavilion. The dancers and singers are graceful on it, and there are quite a few young talents sitting below, exchanging glasses and chatting very heart-to-heart.

"My lords, please, the people staying in the Tianzihao room are all the arrogances of various forces who have recently landed on the island, and they are the only ones who have the financial resources to take a rest in this area."

"The following are the local name and the herringbone name. They are all monks from various sects who are preparing to participate in the competition to recruit relatives. I think there will be a few friends I know. You might as well go to the pavilion to drink tea and discuss the Tao later. Don't have a flavor."

The shopkeeper Wang brought them to the door of the room, and said cheerfully.

"Don't worry shopkeeper, our sisters are so lively, we will definitely take care of your business."

Lily nodded.

Li Xiaobai on the side rolled his eyes straight when he heard that, money is not such a trick, the shopkeeper is a thief, and it is nice to talk about drinking tea and making friends, but he knows that drinking tea here and watching the oiran dance That's all for the fairy stone.

It costs so much just to stay here, and I'm afraid everyone will spend tens of thousands of fairy stones if they stay here for two more days. I have to say that opening a shop is really profitable!

"Treasurer Wang, may I ask if there is an auction house nearby, I have something I want to deal with."

Watching the four girls go back to their rooms, Li Xiaobai looked at shopkeeper Wang and asked.

"Tomorrow there will be a large-scale auction in Gulong Pavilion. If Mr. Han needs it, Mr. Wang can buy a few invitations and send them over, but the price..."

Shopkeeper Wang smacked his mouth with a look of embarrassment.

Li Xiaobai said, "Money is not a problem. Not only do I want tickets, but I also want to meet their deacon to discuss big deals. I also ask Shopkeeper Wang to recommend them."

Shopkeeper Wang nodded, "As long as the fairy stone is in place, everything will be fine!"

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