Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1089 Just Ask If You Are Angry?

"Five hundred and forty million!"

Li Xiaobai's breathing became a little faster, and he took the interspatial ring from the messenger at the side, glanced at it for a while, and his heart was beating wildly, good guy, it's full of fairy stones, and this wave directly made 500 million.

Including the 800 million he has on hand, there are a total of 1.3 billion. Even if he throws out a holy Godzilla, he still has 300 million left. Too much looking forward and backward, more confidence.

"It's time to work."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and put away the space ring.

"Where did you come from? If Mr. Han hadn't helped you this time, Zong's auction would have ended in a dull way. How could it attract so many guests? After today, my statement from Gulong Pavilion will be spread again. Ice Dragon Island, it all depends on Mr. Han."

Zong Guolong said cheerfully.

Li Xiaobai said, "It's nothing more than a little effort, I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Zong Guolong said, "It's only natural. The gate of Gulong Pavilion will always be open to Mr. Han."


After tidying up, Li Xiaobai bid farewell to the clan brothers and walked out of Gulong Pavilion.

As soon as Shi Shi came out, he was stunned. Two groups of people on the street stopped, waiting outside the gate of the Gulong Pavilion, not daring to take a step further. These people seemed to be waiting for someone to appear with a gloomy look on their faces. .

A few of the young people were Bei Dao and others who had a dispute with Li Xiaobai not long ago. When they saw Li Xiaobai again, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they hurriedly pointed out the direction to the senior family members beside them.

"Is this to find fault?"

Li Xiaobai was a little strange, after knowing the identity of the master of his ancient dragon order, these young people dared to bring people over, which was a bit unexpected.

Glancing at everyone, there should be monks from Ice Dragon Island on the left, and Huo family horses on the right, but I didn't see Huo Yuhao and others. Uncle Huo is currently liquidating the fairy stones in the auction field, and he hasn't come out yet. It seems that Uncle Huo is in the family. The position inside is not firm, and even the people under him can't control it.

"Your Excellency is the third young master of the Frost Sect?"

A man with long light blue hair was condescending and asked in a neutral tone.

"That's right, I can't stay in Xiahan, so I dare to ask who is this brother, and what can I teach you?"

Li Xiaobai said with a light smile, with a sharp cold look in his eyes, he just made more than 500 million yuan, and he is in a good mood, but this does not mean that he will easily let someone find fault.

"My name is Beishan, and I am the same senior brother of Beifeng and Beidao. You insulted our disciples first, and then instigated Gulong Pavilion to ban my disciples from Ice Dragon Island from entering. You really have ulterior motives. Today I am here to ask for a piece of money for my disciples." Fairness, hand over your ancient dragon order, but let you not die, otherwise, you will have no bones left."

Beishan said lightly, and between the words, strands of cold air lingered and pierced into Li Xiaobai's body.

Attribute points + 100,000...

Attribute points + 100,000...

Attribute points + 100,000...

The values ​​on the system panel are jumping, and the damage is continuously occurring. The blue-haired young man in front of him is very insidious, and it is inconvenient to kill people on this street, so he wants to play tricks in the dark.

It's just that this move was done too badly, if someone else was here, I'm afraid it would hurt the root of the disease and damage the foundation, but the damage is too low for him, an attack with only 100,000 attribute points can't hurt him.

"Hehehe, it turned out to be for the ancient dragon token. It is useless to you. It is the ancient dragon token only in my hands. In your hands, it is just an ordinary small wooden sign. .”

"My young master would like to advise you to wait a moment. It is better to restrain yourself when doing things on Ice Dragon Island where the arrogant people are gathered today. Don't pretend. If you pretend to be struck by lightning, you will die!"

Li Xiaobai's tone was cold, and he said coldly.

"Bastard, boy, it's all because of you. My Huo family was actually refused entry by the Gulong Pavilion today. Do you know how much my Huo family has suffered!"

"How are you going to pay for this debt!"

A middle-aged man in the Huo family said with a stern expression and restrained expression.

His Huo family came to Ice Dragon Island to take advantage of this wave of prosperity to make a small fortune, but they directly banned him from entering the Huo family. He missed the auction and suffered a huge loss invisibly. I heard that this time The auction was unprecedentedly grand, all kinds of treasures came out, and even attracted many powerful experts to snatch them up. It is not difficult to imagine that if his Huo family can also buy one or two of them, they will definitely be prosperous.

But it's impossible now, the Gulongge auction closed the door to the Huo family, and the root of all this is because of the three young masters of the Ice Gate, a junior with only a cultivation in the fairyland, how can they not be angry ?

"With a mere background of a large sect, you really treat yourself as a dish. There are not many arrogances who can kill you on this island. You may be a famous person in the Ice Sect, but here, what are you doing?" Neither!"

"Uncle Huo actually said that you are a noble person. It seems that he is also old and sometimes blind!"

The Huo family is full of anger, with a ferocious face, staring at Li Xiaobai viciously. If they are the only ones who want to come to question Li Xiaobai, Shang still hesitates, but at this moment, there are geniuses from Ice Dragon Island standing on the united front with them , they are fearless.

Letting the boy in front of him pay the price and at the same time flattering a wave of Ice Dragon Island geniuses can be regarded as recovering part of the loss.

"Not convinced?"

"I have an ancient dragon order. If I say I won't let you in, I won't let you in. Let alone this auction, you don't even think about participating in the future. You will never be able to attend the ancient dragon pavilion in this life!"

"Are you angry? Let me ask you if you are angry?"

"Hit me if you don't agree?"

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiaobai's mouth, he took out the ancient dragon token and waved it around in front of everyone's eyes, and said meanly.

This is Ice Dragon Island, monks are forbidden to fight privately, let alone kill people in the street, these people just say hello, to be the strongest king, if they really want to do something, they dare not give them a hundred courage.

"Okay, okay, I admire you very much, I hope you can still be so tough in the ring!"

"You will die in the ring!"

The pale blue long-haired young man's face turned livid from anger. No one had ever dared to humiliate him like this. He was also regarded as the most promising core disciple on Ice Dragon Island, but now he was despised by a small person.

There was anger in his eyes, he lost all face today, and will return it a hundred times in the future.

"That's it?"

"You came here just to talk harshly?"

"It turns out that the geniuses of Ice Dragon Island are the kings with strong mouths. I have learned."

"Since the ruthless words have been put down, let's leave now. This young master still has some things to do, so let's go ahead."

Li Xiaobai laughed loudly, and left in a huff. This group of people has a heart but no guts, and they don't even have a semi-saint to support the scene, so they dare to scold and fight like others, and they are not afraid of being beaten to death.

"It's too arrogant, Senior Brother Beishan, if this son doesn't teach him a heavy lesson, I'm afraid that the heroes of the world will despise me on Ice Dragon Island in the future!"

Bei Dao's face was also dark and frightening. The third young master of the Han family was the number one person who blatantly despised the geniuses of Ice Dragon Island on the street.

"Hmph, that's natural. Don't worry, Junior Brother. When I was talking just now, Brother Wei has quietly forced the cold air into his dantian. He is unconscious now, but he will only wait for the next day to practice in the arena." At this time, this cold air will explode and cripple him, at the least, his dantian will be destroyed and his cultivation will be lost, and at worst, he will die, why don't we leave him to our disposal?"

There was a gloomy look on Beishan's face.

"Gao, brother is really tall!"


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