Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1092 I Am Not Targeting Anyone

The monks talked a lot, expressing doubts about the two women and four men sitting on the first six chairs.

As gifted monks of various sects, they often go out and make friends with each other on weekdays. Although they are not qualified to make friends with super sects in their identities, they are no strangers to those geniuses who are in the limelight.

It is reasonable to say that there are a few Tianjiao disciples in the famous super sect, the big guys know more or less, but none of them can match up with the six people in front of them.

What's going on?

Are these people stunned?

Sit casually?

"I heard that the Blood Demon Sect has a new holy son. He is very low-key. Could it be that he is one of these people?"

"It's possible, but no matter whether they are the arrogance of the super sect or not, today is going to be difficult. The first chair was taken by someone, and Ice Dragon Island will lose face."

"Yes, the most outstanding genius on Ice Dragon Island is the first disciple, Long Aotian. I'm afraid that he came late today because he was late on purpose to become the focus of the audience. Unfortunately, he didn't count on others I didn't intend to give him a seat at all, I only reserved a last seat for him, and I will lose face to my hometown."

Perhaps the whispering sound reached the island owner's ears, she snorted softly, and spoke slowly.

"Everyone can come here today to express their opinions. You don't have to be restrained. There is still a quarter of an hour before the tea party starts. Maybe there are still disciples who have not arrived. Let's wait."

"I appreciate you very much. You are all young talents and people of insight from various sects. Don't be restrained here. You must do whatever you want and treat this as your own."

The owner of the island is a very glamorous iceberg beauty, with a delicate face, almond eyes and red lips, and a slim robe that sets off the curves of her figure, which makes people blush and heartbeat. There seemed to be a strong look of exhaustion in those beautiful eyes.

Hearing this, all the disciples gradually quieted down. They all stared at the few people on the seat with big eyes and small eyes, wanting to see how they reacted, but unfortunately they were disappointed. Those six unfamiliar faces just went their own way. Sitting on a chair is as stable as Mount Tai, and the old god is there.

"Thank you, Island Master, for your generosity!"

"The owner of the island has a kind heart, and Ice Dragon Island will surely flourish in spring and autumn!"

The monks hurriedly said, flattering the island owner for a while.

"The Great Elder is here!"

"The second elder is here!"

Outside the door, two shouts sounded at the same time, echoing in the field, the voices were sharp and eunuch-like.

Two old figures appeared from the back of the crowd. One walked like a dragon and walked like a tiger. Even though he was old, he still had white hair and a childlike face and eyes like torches. On the right, the charming young monk nearby is out of his mind.

Li Xiaobai hid in the crowd, the old man with white hair and childlike face should be the Great Elder, Ice Dragon Island paid enough attention to today's gathering, the presence of three important figures at the same time made the atmosphere in the White Jade Tower somewhat dull and depressing.

"Lin Bei met the island owner!"

The Great Elder looked very respectful, clasped his fists to the island owner, saluted and saluted.

The second elder at the side expressed disdain for this, snorted coldly, walked past the island owner, sat next to the deputy, and said indifferently, "Xiao Linzi is still the same hypocrisy, a dying person, what is there to ask for?" Yes, it is the right way to die quickly and let the old man succeed."

"Grand Elder, please be flat, there is no need to be polite."

The island owner was not annoyed by this, instead he smiled at the elder, his beautiful red lips were raised, and a thrilling arc was drawn on his delicate face, making him appear very easy-going.

"Thank you, Island Master!"

Lin Bei got up, and Li Xiaobai saw his throat roll obviously, obviously he had some special affection for the island owner.

"Is the second elder all right?"

The glamorous island owner looked at Mr. Zhang who was sitting on the sidelines, and also smiled back.

"Very good. I didn't expect the old man to be able to kill an island owner in his lifetime. It's not bad."

Zhang Lao's wrinkled face twisted for a while, and he said sullenly.

"Second Elder lived a long life, I am very pleased."

"However, today is a young people's gathering, and I'm just waiting to bridge the gap. It's better for young people to communicate more, Second Elder, we have to reduce our sense of presence."

The island owner said lightly, turning a blind eye to the irony in the second elder's words.

The second elder said gloomyly, "I haven't seen anything after living for so long, the island owner should take care of himself."

"Young Master Long is here!"

At this time, another shout came from outside the door, interrupting the tense atmosphere in the hall, and then a young man strode into the Baiyu Tower with a red face.

This young man has a handsome face, sharp outlines as if sharpened by a knife, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, striding forward in front of everyone, as confident as if surrounded by stars, and went straight to the ten chairs in the front with fluttering white clothes.

"Master Dragon!"

"It's Young Master Long Aotian!"

"The most talented disciple of Ice Dragon Island! Finally came out!"

The surrounding disciples exclaimed in a low voice, recognizing each other.

Long Aotian had no expression on his face, and just walked forward step by step under the gaze of everyone. Although he was calm on the surface, the glint of complacency in his eyes was self-evident.

It's just that when he approached the ten chairs, his face suddenly changed. The first seat was actually taken by someone, and only the last one was left. Who is so ignorant? He actually stole his limelight!

"Disciple Long Aotian, I have met the island owner!"

Long Aotian respectfully saluted the island owner.

"Let's get down, today is a family banquet, don't be restrained, you young people's gatherings, you young people make up your own minds, don't be polite."

"Hurry up and find a place to sit down."

The island owner said with a smile.

"I haven't asked the girl's name yet, but I'm sitting in the wrong seat? In Xialong Aotian, it's polite."

Long Aotian nodded, walked up to Su Yunbing, and said politely with a smile on his face.

"Who is Ma De who is late? He is absent from such an important occasion. He simply doesn't pay attention to the owner of Ice Dragon Island. Isn't this slapping the owner of the island in front of the world? If you want me to say that you don't want to come, it's fine." Yes, there is still a seat here, hurry up and sit alone, let's start the banquet, the fat man knows that there will be a banquet today and he hasn't eaten since last night, but he is hungry!"

Before Su Yunbing could speak, the fat man on the side suddenly yelled. As soon as the words came out, the audience was in an uproar. Openly provoking Long Aotian, this fat man has a guts!

"That's right, my monks' respect for the island owner is like a torrential river. I wish I could have rushed to this white jade building yesterday to wait for the island owner to visit me. I didn't expect someone to show off today, and it was better than the two old Zhangs." It's unbelievable that you came so late, maybe this is the heart and spirit of the number one disciple of Ice Dragon Island!"

The fourth senior brother Yang Chen shook the feather fan lightly in his hand, his posture was a hundred times more elegant than Long Aotian.

Fifth Senior Brother Ling Feng nodded in agreement, "How to say, if this matter is left on me, I will be ashamed to face others. Brother Aotian has a thick skin. After all, he is not a human being, and his face is covered with scales."

"What the hell am I..."

Long Aotian's face turned purple-black in an instant, half angry, half frightened, the people in front of him were too hurt, they wanted to put him on the flames and roast him, openly accusing him of being disrespectful, He didn't pay attention to the elders of Ice Dragon Island, which is ruining his reputation!

Su Yunbing leaned lazily on the seat, with a pair of jade legs overlapping each other, and the red dress was very attractive. "Brother, you are late, this seat is free to sit, you can sit in the back."

"Yes, brother Aotian, everyone is waiting for you alone, but don't make trouble for no reason, we are all adults, we must be responsible for ourselves and everyone else when we speak and do things."

Ye Wushuang said lightly.

Long Aotian was completely stunned, this was completely different from the picture he had imagined, why are all the disciples of Tianjiao who came to his Ice Dragon Island today smacking the air, without the sense of politeness?

Lin Yin, the third brother, "sit down anywhere, out of the way."

"It's Long who made a slip of the tongue, what an offense."

Long Aotian pinched his nose to admit it, there was no way, he didn't dare to make small moves here, in front of the three saint realm powerhouses!

Silently walked to the last chair, prepared to sit down before talking, and wait until the tea party started before finding the place. It is absolutely impossible for these Tianjiao disciples of the super sect to suppress him here!

But just as he was about to take his seat, another figure came up to him, smoothly and silkily moved the chair away, dragged it to Su Yunbing's side and sat down.

"Isn't it just a chair? The tree moves the dead and the living. You can sit wherever you like. What's the point?"

"It's moaning, hurry up and step aside, don't waste everyone's time anymore."

"Anyway, you don't like this chair, so the little brother will sit for you."

Li Xiaobai said lightly. As soon as he uttered the sound, the six people around him looked sideways at him. They glanced at him strangely, a little thoughtfully. He didn't change his voice. Although his face changed, his voice and body His appearance has not changed, and the senior brothers and sisters have clarified his identity as soon as he speaks.

"Who are you? I believe you don't know what sitting on this chair represents?"

Long Aotian was about to go mad with anger, people who dared to taunt him openly appeared one after another, like mushrooms after rain.

Could it be that these guys are just deliberately colluding and wanting to deliberately humiliate him? If I had known this, he would have come here earlier and honestly.

"The three young masters of the Xiabingmen can't help but be polite. What can a chair represent? As the saying goes, everyone is equal. If brother Aotian feels that sitting on a chair is superior to others and can find a sense of superiority, then This xinxing cultivation base will inevitably fall down."

Li Xiaobai's face was flat, and he spoke slowly.

"You bastard, why are you talking to my elder brother!"

"The young master of a mere large sect dares to make noise on my territory of Ice Dragon Island!"

"The excitement here is not something you can join in, get out of here quickly, or you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

The monks on Ice Dragon Island below glared, and Beishan and the others stood up and scolded directly. The disciples of the Ice Sect actually want to be equal to the super sect Tianjiao. It is really a dream.

"Your Excellency is so targeting me, is it intentional humiliation?"

"Dare to ask your Excellency when Longmou was guilty, why not tell me, how about Longmou will definitely make amends?"

There was a red glow in Long Aotian's eyes, and his wrists trembled in anger, but he asked with a peaceful air on the surface.

Li Xiaobai's expression remained flat, "I'm not targeting anyone."

"I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish."

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