Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1111 Orange Potential Is Great

Under the stage, the crowd automatically split to make way for Li Xiaobai.

"Senior Brother and Sister, do not disgrace your life. After a wonderful fight, the younger brother won."

Li Xiaobai walked up to Su Yunbing and the others and said with a smile.

"Hey, little brother, not only is your fighting in the ring very exciting, but the fighting in the gambling game is even more exciting. You will get one million points for this wave, and I will give it to you as a brother when the competition is over!"

Liu Jinshui said with a happy smile.

"Hey, Senior Brother, why don't you distribute this million to my younger brother first, so how about we cooperate more in the future?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The bigger the plate, the more benefits. We still have to continue to make profits. This resource can't be withdrawn. Look, your other senior brothers and sisters haven't got it yet. Don't worry. The longer you roll, the more money we can earn." more."

Liu Jinshui seemed to have expected Li Xiaobai's remarks a long time ago, and his answers were fluent and flawless.

"Junior Brother, your cultivation should be in the Celestial Immortal Realm. I didn't expect to have such strength. It is not easy to kill Huyan Hammer in seconds."

Yang Chen shook his feather fan lightly, sighed, the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead, I thought their progress was fast enough, but I didn't expect that the progress of this little junior was not too much, and the other party was different from them, his body hadn't grown much The question is actually a little scary.

The rest of the people also nodded in surprise, but they didn't know that Li Xiaobai was even more surprised than them. You know, he has a system and doesn't need to practice at all. To be able to keep pace with him is incredible.

Is this the kind of special genius that the Confucian and Taoist sage Beichen talked about?


"Boy from the Frost Sect, you are too deceitful!"

"The contest on the ring is over, why do you want to kill my disciples of the Vajra Sect? Are you deceiving me that there is no one in the Vajra Sect?"

On the high seat, a group of burly men stood up abruptly, approaching Li Xiaobai with a powerful aura, making everyone in the crowd breathless.

He is a leading elder of the Vajra Sect, with a semi-saint cultivation base. He thought that his disciples were about to defeat the cold and win the first competition. Who would have thought that he would be killed in a blink of an eye, so he was a little caught off guard. Can take timely rescue action.

It is too great a loss for Zongmen to lose a genius for no reason!

After going back, it won't be as simple as punishing him. I'm afraid he will have to accept the most severe torture in the sect and suffer a lot.

"Above the ring, fists and feet have no eyes. It is precisely because I respect the Vajra Sect and respect the monks of the Vajra Sect that I dare not neglect to attack with all my strength. There is nothing I can do if I do not restrain my strength for a while and cause death or injury. This junior is here to give seniors Pay me no."

"If senior is dissatisfied, I can record this matter on the head of my Hanbingmen, and I can boldly ask for compensation later."

Li Xiaobai's face was calm, and he said in a calm manner. He has long been familiar with this set of rhetoric, and he can just push all the troubles to the Ice Gate. Anyway, he will tear off the human skin mask after leaving Ice Dragon Island. Gao Ren Niaofei, no one would know that this thing would be done by him.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the field was speechless.

In awe?

Do you do your best because you respect the other party?

Where did you go all out to make a move? It's clearly an understatement, okay?

This ability to tell nonsense with open eyes is really a must!

And as the young master of the Frost Sect, what's the matter if something goes wrong and you throw all the problems at the sect? Isn't the master of the Ice Sect your father?

The sect master is about to be killed by you!


"Huyan Hammer's possessions are all belongings of my Vajra Sect. Is it inappropriate for you to take them away in front of me? Spit out all the treasures you swallowed, and when I get out of the island, I will be with you." Let's settle the score!"

The elder said coldly, the semi-holy hammer is still in the opponent's hand, it belongs to the sect, and it must be taken back.

"It's my spoils. Brother Huyan died. These treasures are ownerless. If I put them in my pocket, they will naturally belong to me. There is no reason to return them to the Vajra Sect."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Okay, good, sharp mouth, this is Ice Dragon Island, I don't want to make troubles for the owner of the island, but you will not be so lucky when you leave Ice Dragon Island!"

"If you don't die on this ring today, I will let your body sink into the ocean tomorrow!"

The master of the Vajra Sect threatened directly with awe-inspiring killing intent. Today, three geniuses came from his Vajra Sect. One died in the spring, and the other was cut by the sword. It doesn't matter, this person is already on their must-kill list.

Li Xiaobai doesn't care, "I'll wait."

He doesn't pay attention to a semi-saint, if he really dares to intercept and kill him in the sea area, he will be asking for his own death!

With 1.3 billion top-grade fairy stone resources in his hand, let alone a semi-holy, even if the holy land came, he would dare to knock Godzilla down.

"Junior Brother, don't worry about anything. A small Vajra Sect is so arrogant. I will let Baihua Sect kill them later."

"The next game is about to begin."

"It's up to us in the future."

Su Yun Bingliang showed the sign in his hand, with a "two" written on it, Ye Wushuang had a "three", and Lin Yin had a "four". These people were all ranked first in the order of batches. , shady, this is definitely shady.

You don’t need to ask, you know it’s the fault of the Great Elder, first let these super sect’s strong players take the lead, fight to the death with those seeded players, and finally let Long Aotian casually defeat a weak chicken monk to advance to the next round of the arena Fight, insidious group!

This black-box operation is almost on the bright side, but no one said much, after all, this is his territory, and as long as he advances all the way, he will eventually meet a real strong player. It's just a matter of time That's all.

"Sixth junior brother opened the market, all beating me."

After Su Yunbing lightly threw down a sentence, he stepped out of his body and turned into a red lightning and rushed into the ring. Before the monks around could react, they felt a blur in front of their eyes, and a bright red figure appeared in front of them.

"It's that genius from Baihuamen!"

"Isn't that right, the second match will be the confrontation between the super sects?"

"Some excitement!"

"By the way, isn't this a martial arts competition to recruit relatives? What is she doing here like a girl?"

After seeing the true face of the female cultivator in the arena, the Tianjiao became restless again. This kind of close-up watching the top masters' duels was rare, but a big greeting arose in their hearts. The most important thing is to embrace the beauty, and all the contestants are men, so what is this woman doing here?

"Who will fight me?"

Su Yunbing stared blankly, with his hands behind his back, in contempt for everything.

"Hu Yanzhen of the lower Vajra Sect has met Senior Sister Baihua Sect!"

As soon as the words arrived, a rough and burly man fell from the sky, and when he landed on the earthquake ring, it shook for a while. Seeing this scene, Li Xiaobai was overjoyed. In the second match, the opponent was actually a disciple of the Vajra Sect, the only one of the Vajra Sect. The remaining Tianjiao.

"It's from the Vajra Sect again? This is going to cut off the Vajra Sect's way of life."

"It is still too late to surrender."

Su Yunbing nodded slightly, and said with Gogou fingers.

"What are you, a girl, doing on stage?"

"I say Yanzhen won't hit women, you'd better go down!"

Hu Yanzhen frowned, and said in a deep voice, although the woman in front of him looked very domineering, but he didn't think he would lose. In terms of strength, he was slightly higher than Huyan Hammer, and he could be regarded as the strongest group of talents in the field up.

"Yes, yes, what are the senior sisters from Baihuamen going up to do? Could it be that they also want to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives, and if they defeat you, they can marry you back home?"

"Yesterday's trip to Baiyulou was a gathering of Tianjiao. We all admire Senior Sister Baihuamen very much, but today's martial arts arena is our men's battlefield. What are women doing here? It's better to hurry down!"

"That's right. Even if this senior sister wins the final championship, she won't be able to marry Fairy Longxue. She won't get anything and it's thankless. It's better to leave quickly!"

Many monks watching the battle also echoed loudly. They naturally know that Su Yunbing of Baihuamen is a master, but they want to participate in the gambling game. The fewer masters of this level, the better, so that they can make money .

Moreover, the Tianjiao came to the stage today to snatch their wives, what's the matter with a woman going up to occupy the latrine and not shit?

The Great Elder also frowned slightly, he didn't expect that there would be a female cultivator in the ring.

"Su Yunbing, why are you on stage?"

"The purpose of recruiting relatives in this martial arts competition is to choose a suitable husband for Long Xue. You are a girl, what's the trouble?"


"Women can't be on stage?"

"Fairy Longxue of Ice Dragon Island is as beautiful as a fairy. I see You Lian, and I also want to kiss Fangze, invite the bright moon with the beauty, and have a drink and chat. Why not?"

Su Yunbing said lightly, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, as if mocking everyone's ignorance.

As soon as this remark came out, all the monks collectively told the truth.

What kind of tiger-wolf word is this?

It's simply indecent!

A woman actually intends to marry another woman in public?

There are not a few people in the practice world who have this special habit, but most of them do it in secret and never dare to reveal it publicly. Competing for women is crazy!

What is this lace speech?

"Fuck, what did I hear?"

"I feel pity? This Senior Sister Su from Baihuamen is actually interested in women?"

"No way, such a high-quality goddess, not to mention she doesn't like men, actually wants to take away another peerless beauty. Does this mean that we will have no children or grandchildren?"

The monks were dumbfounded, and their mouths grew wide in disbelief. To be honest, this was the first time they were shocked. They felt that today's melons were too big, and they couldn't eat them all in one sitting!

On the high seat, Long Xue's cheeks were also slightly flushed, she naturally knew what Su Yunbing meant, but she didn't expect to say such a thing, she felt a little embarrassed.


"Even the Tianjiao of Baihuamen wants to compete with me for Xue'er?"

Long Aotian's eyes were also a little dazed, originally there were enough geniuses to fight, but now there are still women who penetrated one leg and let people die, isn't this clearly adding difficulty to the group arena?

What's the use of you wanting a woman?

People have garages, but do you have a car?

"Hahaha, the little girl has a personality, and the old man appreciates it. The arena for martial arts competitions should be like this. Who said that women can't go up? Anyone who has ideas about our clan can go up. There is no distinction between men and women in the arena. It's just a competition." It’s just the identity of the author!”

The Second Elder laughed out loud. He hadn't seen such an interesting scene for many years.

It's still a disciple of a super sect who has character, dares to think and act, and doesn't care about other people's opinions. Such a disposition is really good.

"Ahem, Elder Sister is awesome."

Li Xiaobai also has no words, Su Yun's ice aura is too strong, exuding a strong overbearing style.

"In this case, the competition will continue as usual, right?"

"Just one thing I hope you can keep in mind. This time the arena is to choose a husband for Xue'er, and she will not marry a woman. Even if she wins, if she is a daughter, she will get nothing in the end."

The island owner spoke and said lightly.

"It's okay, today I just want to see what kind of people dare to snatch women in this ring!"

Su Yunbing looked indifferent, unmoved at all, anyway, she didn't really want to go to the end, after all, she was going to lose to Li Xiaobai, and before that, she wanted to clear the obstacles for her junior brother as much as possible.

Long Aotian has the Great Elder to operate in secret, but they have six senior brothers and sisters to help. If you really want to talk about the shady, the operation of the Great Elder issuing tokens is nothing at all, they are the biggest shady, in the past After a few rounds, the monks are almost eliminated, and they can even control the outcome of the ring.

Flipping the wrist, a ridiculously large giant hammer suddenly appeared. It was four meters long and was carried on the shoulder. It was in stark contrast to the seemingly slender and weak waist, which had a great visual impact.

A simple and dull atmosphere permeated the audience. It was the iron-blooded killing intent emanating from the hammer, which was astonishingly powerful.

"This big sister of Baihuamen is actually using a giant hammer!"

"And it seems to be even bigger than the previous Huyan Hammer!"

"Are all female cultivators fighting so violently now?"

The audience around looked at Su Yunbing's sledgehammer and didn't know what to say, it was too strong.


"I don't know how to hit women!"

"You'd better admit defeat and step down. My Vajra Immortality has been cultivated to perfection. You can't break through my physical defense."

Hu Yanzhen was still shaking his head, and he didn't look at the other party in the slightest. He was confident that he was not afraid of anyone, even if it was a disciple of a super sect. It was not so easy to defeat him, let alone the Hundred Flowers Sect This is the sect where female cultivators gather. It is known as a sacred place for refining pills and healing wounds. Although there are many masters in the sect, it is not a sect with outstanding force in essence.

To deal with such a sect, it would be disgraceful even to win.

Su Yunbing didn't know what he was thinking, tilted his head and asked, "Are you really not going to make a move?"

"That's right, I won't make a move. With your Baihuamen's skills, you can't defeat me. It's better for the girl to go down by herself, so as not to hurt the peace of the two families."

Hu Yanzhen's words were clear and logical, and he felt that etiquette was very thoughtful, but just as he finished speaking, he felt a gust of wind brush past him, and a giant hammer shrouded in the void, and fell with a bang. Unparalleled defense.

"Girl, I told you, you can't hurt me... Fuck me!"


Hu Yanzhen hadn't finished speaking when the hammer fell down, and the terrifying aura was locked. In an instant, his hairs stood on end in shock, and a terrifying sense of crisis swept over his whole body, but before he could react, the giant hammer was as powerful as a broken bamboo. It hit his body, and in the next second, the body he was most proud of was actually shattered and crushed like tofu cubes.

There were no extra words, no fancy moves, just a simple blow of the hammer smashed the only remaining Tianjiao of the Vajra Sect into a pulp, blood spattered, and touched the heartstrings of everyone present.

Su Yunbing lifted the sledgehammer, swung it twice casually and carried it on his shoulder, relaxed and casual, with an invincible look on his face.

"Hawking and crooked, it's just a small character with a hammer."

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