Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1115 Pretending To Be Tender? Coincidentally, My Husband Is Also Eighteen Years Old

There was darkness in front of him, and he fell to the ground, completely devoid of vitality.

Whether it was Ye Wushuang whose head was torn off by him just now, or the Ye Wushuang who is now piercing his chest with his arm, they are all substitutes transformed from poisonous miasma. figure.

Where is it?

Is she really on stage?

But the answer is destined to be unknown to him.

Below the arena, the gazes of the Tianjiao were dull, petrified collectively.

This result was too unexpected, and they didn't understand what happened in this scene, how did Ye Wushuang operate?

Why are the two Ye Wushuang gone all of a sudden?

In the entire arena, only the corpse of a changeling fish remained.

"what happened?"

"Another one died?"

"Where's Fairy Ye from the Five Poisons Sect? Why is there only one person on the stage to remind me?"

"Who pierced through the body of the prompting fish just now? Is it Fairy Ye, or a clone of her? How did she do it?"

All the Tianjiao's faces were not very good-looking.

The death rate in the ring arena is a bit high, three of them died in three fights, and one will die in the ring, how can this be played?

Moreover, in the first and second rounds, they saw clearly how the opponent died. Whether it was the third young master of the Han family or Su Yunbing of the Baihuamen, they killed the opponent in a flash with one move. Anyway, they can have a judgment in their hearts.

But the Ye Wushuang of the Five Poison Sect in front of them really couldn't understand them. They thought it would be a bloody battle, but in the end, the reminder fish was suddenly wiped out, and the most important thing was that Ye Wushuang returned after killing the person. It turned into a wisp of poisonous smoke and dissipated. How did you kill it?

Where is the main body?

At the edge of a corner of the arena, the space of No Man's Land suddenly twisted and changed, and a figure appeared, wearing a graceful green dress, floating down the arena lightly with lotus steps, without even looking at the urging corpse.

Urging Geng to die, treasures scattered all over the sky and scattered all over the audience. Ye Wushuang didn't look sideways, and he came directly to the stage in a flash, with a sweet smile still on his face.

It's just that the blood color value above her head is not as sweet as her appearance.

Bloody light flashed in the void, and the crime value soared all the way.

"Sin is worth three million!"

It's actually equal to Su Yunbing's crime value. This seemingly frail second senior sister must have killed a lot of people on weekdays!


The old man of the Sea Clan reacted immediately, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately took all the treasures on the ring into his bag, watching Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui burst into grief.

"Fortunately, he narrowly won by urging the young master to make a move. I didn't check for a while and couldn't hold back the strength. I hope the senior will not be offended."

Ye Wushuang smiled, and bowed to the old man of the Sea Clan in salute.

The words are full of gunpowder, and there is no meaning of respecting the teacher.

"You actually killed Young Master Cui!"

"How is this possible? How can a mere human female cultivator compete with my sea clan's genius!"

"There must be an expert secretly helping you, and reached some kind of ulterior deal with you in private, wanting to attack and kill our Sea Clan, isn't it!"

It was only now that the rest of the Sea Clan's geniuses came to their senses, their pupils still retaining a deep shock.

Among the same rank, it is almost unimaginable that the top talent of the Sea Clan was killed by a human monk. They had thought about it before coming here. Even Long Aotian, a dragon genius like Long Aotian, they never paid attention to. He was going to bloodbath all geniuses in this arena to capture Long Xue.

If Binglong Island refuses to agree, it is just to use this excuse to claim benefits and separate the forces.

But right now their plan seems to be going bankrupt, and they were actually beheaded by the opponent in the first round. Are the current human races so fierce?

Also, didn't it mean that the human race was weak? How could it be so easy to pierce the urging armor?

"Okay, okay, you little girl is so vicious!"

"I didn't expect that the Five Poison Sect would produce a number one female devil like you. It looks like this old man is going to eliminate harm for the common people in the world today!"

"It is an unforgivable crime to intentionally kill the genius of our clan on the ring. Take you back to the Hai clan first, and wait for punishment!"

With a cold voice, the old man of the Sea Clan popped out a cold palm and shook it, intending to imprison Ye Wushuang.

"Old man of the Hai Clan, I have tolerated you for a long time, and dare to talk nonsense in front of our clan's arrogance. Believe it or not, I let you all die here!"

On the high seat, an old man with dark green hair stood up suddenly, smashed the old man's technique with a volley, and shouted suddenly.

The elders of the Five Poison Sect were quite happy to see their disciples easily tortured to death the Tianjiao of the Hai Clan, but when they saw that the old man of the Hai Clan wanted to attack the younger monks for being old and disrespectful, he felt like eating Shi.

"You're so shameless that you're going to attack this junior, don't drag us!"


"The Five Poisons have taught such a witch, and we, the Sea Clan, will settle accounts with you in the future. If you are dissatisfied, you can go to the Sea Clan to argue!"

"This woman killed my genius of the Sea Clan, she must not let it go easily, she must follow me to the Sea Clan to accept punishment!"

The old man of the Sea Clan said lightly.

"Is the old man too lazy to play?"

"One-on-one with ability!"

Elder Po was furious, and the poisonous miasma surged around him.

"Fellow Daoists of the Sea Clan, please be safe and don't be impatient, it is inevitable that you will be killed or injured by fists and feet on the ring."

"If you act like this, I'm afraid it will fall into the tongue and be criticized by others."

The elder of the Blood Demon Sect also spoke calmly.

"This woman was able to kill our clan's genius, presumably relying on the magic weapon that you secretly supported. As long as you hand this treasure to the old man, the matter will be forgotten, how about it?"

The old man of the Sea Clan looked around and said slowly.

"Old Hai, you are overthinking. Just now the juniors in the arena competed with each other based on their own real kung fu, and realized that outsiders would intervene. I can guarantee this!"

The island owner said that she was also very displeased with the nonsense of the Sea Clan.

"Impossible, it's just a mere human race. How can a magic weapon of the semi-holy level break through the defense of our clan's genius?"

"Isn't the island master favoring the human race? As the blood of the dragon race, he should share the same hatred with our sea race!"

The old man of the Sea Clan said gloomyly.

"The island owner is right, it's true, there was no external force to obstruct the battle just now."

The elder also nodded.

The old man of the Sea Clan said, "Impossible, I don't believe it, I don't accept it, you have to pay the price for killing me, the genius of the Sea Clan, you can't wear the same pants as the Human Clan!"

"You fart!"

"The little girl from the Five Poison Sect used nothing but an external incarnation made of a wisp of poisonous smoke from the beginning to the end. It's okay if your disciple can't even see such a simple blindfold, but he was killed by a body with insufficient strength. Half of the incarnations were killed, what face do you have to talk nonsense here?"

"If the old man had such a disciple, he would have cleared the door with his own hands!"

The second elder was cursing and cursing.

But with just such words, the old man of the Sea Clan was shocked, not only him, but also the other monks in the field were shocked again, the doubts in the hearts of the monks were solved, it turned out to be like this.

Ye Wushuang did not reveal his body from the beginning to the end. He used two kinds of toxins to hide his breath and hide his body. He stood in a corner of the ring, and then used his body to defend against the enemy. This should have been just an initial tentative move, but he did not expect Killing the genius of the Sea Clan directly, what kind of cultivation is required?

Is this the level that cultivators in the Heavenly Wonderland can achieve?

How did she cultivate?

"How is this possible, using poisonous smoke to condense outside the body and incarnate to defend against the enemy?"

"If that's the case, why can't I see that the Second Elder is joking?"

The old man of the Hai clan looked a little startled, suppressed his anger and said, his disciples can't die a hundred times, and Ye Wushuang must pay the price.

"That only shows that your strength is low?"

In the crowd, Liu Jinshui interrupted.

"That's right, it's understandable for us juniors in the Immortal Realm not to be able to see it, but if you can't even see it with a semi-holy cultivation, then it's too lucrative and embarrassing."

Li Xiaobai said loudly.

"What the hell is the sea clan's pride, so ordinary, yet so confident?"

"I think you, an old man, can be beaten to death by the fairies of the Five Poison Sect!"

"Go back to the Sea Clan, the land is not suitable for you, the rank here is still too high for you."

"The Novice Village is more suitable for you!"

The senior brothers and sisters talked to each other, and the old man of the Hai clan had blue veins on his forehead, and his face turned white and red.

To be ridiculed by a group of juniors in front of so many people, saying that he is universal and trustworthy? How dare you look down on the monks of the Sea Clan? But what really shocked him was Ye Wushuang's method. If he really used a substitute to kill Cu Geng, his strength was unfathomable, and he would be the great enemy of the Sea Clan in the future.

Need to find a way to get rid of obliteration.

"Little girl, tell him, what did you just do?"

On the stone pillar, the Second Elder said to Ye Wushuang not wanting to talk too much.

"Reporting to all the seniors, this junior didn't do anything just now, but used the poisonous mist to condense a double to test Young Master Cui's strength."

"But I didn't expect..."

Ye Wushuang sighed.

The old man of the Sea Clan looked unhappy, "I didn't expect anything?"

"I didn't expect him to be so weak. It was my fault that I killed him just by probing him. I should only use 10% of my strength."

Ye Wushuang blinked and said innocently.

"What the hell am I..."

The old man of the Hai Clan was so angry that he almost vomited blood, the girl from the Five Poison Sect spoke so frankly.

"Okay, it's all just a misunderstanding. If the misunderstanding is resolved, we will still be friends in the future, so don't worry about it."

The island owner said lightly, stopping this farce dispute.

"There are still a few competitions for Tianjiao in the future, so don't waste time. The monks in this fourth match should come on stage as soon as possible."



There was a smile on the corner of Ye Wushuang's mouth, his eyes were empty, as if he didn't care about anything, he returned to Li Xiaobai and the others.

"Second Senior Sister, you are too wasteful, we have to take the life savings of the Sea Clan's genius!"

Li Xiaobai said sadly.

"Yeah, those are all worthless resources, and they were swept away by that old man just like that!"

Liu Jinshui also yelled angrily.

Ye Wushuang "If you want to convince people, you must do four words. You don't understand."

Li Xiaobai was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Yang Chen shook his feather fan lightly, "Senior Sister means that when you go out, you must have a high profile, otherwise, you will be looked down upon by others."

Ling Feng nodded and said, "Well, that's a good point, for those of us who run around the rivers and lakes, face is more important than anything else."

So you don't even want the baby?

Just to pretend?

Do you know how hard it is for me to exploit a wave of resources?

Li Xiaobai's heart is bleeding, this senior sister is a bit of a prodigal, and she doesn't know the hard-won resources at all.

"Okay, I'll play in the next round, I will blow up the opponent and get all the treasures back."

Lin Yin showed a mouthful of sharp white teeth, his eyes were full of murderous intent, his blood was surging, and he looked like a man in the devil's way. He couldn't wait to go on stage and tear his opponents apart.

He was originally an evil cultivator, and after joining the Blood Demon Sect, he became even more powerful, soaring upwards, with demonic flames all over his body, ordinary monks were already frightened and frightened just by making eye contact, and could not even arouse the slightest fighting spirit.

Turning her toes, Lin Yin floated up and went straight to the ring.

"No, something happened!"

Su Yunbing cried out suddenly, and slapped him back to the ground with a backhand.

Lin Yin "???"

The pose was interrupted, and the takeoff failed. He was very depressed, squinted his eyes, and did not hide the killing intent in his eyes, "Senior sister, what do you mean?"

"It's okay to pretend outside, don't pretend to me!"

Su Yunbing slapped him on the ground with a backhand, then pointed to the direction of the old man of the Hai clan and said, "There is a problem with the Hai clan!"


Several people heard the words and looked at the place where the black-robed men gathered, and saw that the old man of the Hai clan seemed to be discussing something with one of the geniuses, and then the genius reluctantly handed over the token in his hand.

"This is... the old man wants to fight, right?"

Li Xiaobai said dumbfounded, what are you doing with the student's number plate? Want to impostor to take the stage? This is too old and disrespectful, what about the face?

The next scene proved his guess. The old man of the sea tribe was not in the ink, pulled his black cloak, and came to the ring in a flash, with his hands behind his back, and he circled around, saying loudly, "Old man, the eel clan is a proud man, Huang Se, I've met all of you!"

"Who will fight with me?"

This is a somewhat pointed and thin old man, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and a small beard that looks a bit wretched.

The four seats were silent, and the monks stared at the person on the stage, feeling like a dream.

What's the meaning?

You have a beard and hair all defeated, an old man with a beard and a beard came to the stage and told me that he was a genius?

Isn't this bullshit?

"Old Clapper is old and disrespectful, what do you do in Tianjiao's arena, do you deserve it?"

"Take a piss and look for yourself, you are a dying person, are you still pretending to be tender here?"

"Tianjiao? Are you worthy too?"

The cultivators were furious and burst out suddenly, spittle flying across their mouths, wishing they could drown each other with their saliva, this old thing is really shameless, even if he wanted to forcibly attack the Fairy of the Five Poison Sect just now, he is still standing there In the exclusive Tianjiao's martial arts and recruiting arena, isn't this deliberately making you feel uncomfortable?

"Old Sea?"

"This joke is over, the battlefield of the younger generation, I don't want to disturb this dying person."

The island owner was condescending, and said coldly, she didn't understand the behavior of the old man of the sea clan, knowing that he would be kicked out, why did he come up, looking for scolding? Masochistic tendencies?

"The island master's words are wrong. This old man is only in his early twenties this year, but he looks a bit older."

"They are all the arrogance of the younger generation, why should I not make a move?"

The old man of the Hai clan looked calm, and said slowly with his hands behind his back, if not for his half-white temples and wrinkled face, the monks would really believe his nonsense.

"The Sea Clan bullies people too much!"

"Do you want the old man to accompany you?"

The elder of the Blood Demon Sect got up, two blood lights shot out from his eyes, pointed at the old man of the Sea Clan and said, with a murderous intent, Lin Yin, the Holy Son of the Blood Demon Sect, will be the next one to fight. Make it clear that he wants to kill his disciple?

"Don't be impatient, everyone. You have misunderstood me. I said that I am in my early twenties. It is not groundless. If you don't believe me, the island owner can come and check the old man's bone age. This bone age may not be fake!"

The old man of the Hai clan stretched out his hands and said with an innocent face.

"You are..."

The island owner narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, revealing the meaning of thinking.

"I'll go check it out."

The Great Elder came to the arena and said coldly to the old man of the Hai Clan, "I don't know what the hell you are doing, but if you deliberately sabotage this competition to recruit relatives, I will make you regret it forever!"

The old man bared his teeth and grinned, "Let's take a look first, the Great Elder, I'm really still a fresh meat, don't look old, I'm tender!"


"Waste time, don't know what to say!"

The Great Elder grabbed the old man's hands, felt a little more, and his eyes widened involuntarily. From his perception, the bone age of the old man in front of him was actually only in his twenties. How could this be possible? How could it be possible to hide it from him because it was only a semi-holy state at best?

This world seems to have never heard of any magic weapon that can conceal bone age?

For a moment he froze in place and didn't know what to do. On the stage, the island owner saw the abnormality, and floated down to the old man, pushed away the elder and grabbed the old man's wrist without saying a word, his expression couldn't help but It became wonderful.

What the hell.

The old skull in front of him is twenty years old, he can't fake it!

Is it Duoshe? Or have you changed your blood?

Thousands of thoughts arose in her mind.

"How about it, have the two seniors identified it, whether the younger one is in his early twenties, and whether he can be regarded as the arrogance of heaven?"

The old man said cheerfully.

The island owner's face was blank, "Your name is eel?"

The old man said sternly, "It's guaranteed to be fake!"

"What cultivation base?"

"Heavenly Wonderland Great Perfection!"

This is talking nonsense, but his bone age is indeed twenty years old, which cannot be faked.

"Nonsense, if you say it this way, the old man is only eighteen years old, let the old man go up and fight with him!"

The elder of the Blood Demon Sect was furious. He saw that something was wrong. The old fellow offered to check the bone age, so he must have come prepared early in the morning.

Everyone in the arena felt incredible, this old man is really twenty years old?

"It's nonsense, don't care what tricks you use, don't make trouble in the ring, get out!"

The Great Elder was furious. This arena was originally prepared for his disciples, so what's the matter with this old man coming up to disrupt the situation?

"It's okay, since this senior wants to take the stage, let him take the stage, and let the disciples know what is so strange about this strong Sea Clan!"

Just when everyone was at a stalemate, a cold voice came.

Looking for prestige, Lin Yin in the crowd spoke slowly with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

"Holy Son, that old bastard cheated, don't fight him!"

The face of the elder of the Blood Demon Sect changed. This holy son's eyes are higher than the sky. If anyone dares to knock him down, isn't he afraid of suffering?

"Elder, don't worry, isn't he a semi-saint? I want to see if I have the ability to dare to speak out here. I always like to speak harshly first. If a senior dies in the hands of a junior accidentally, then these geniuses you brought You guys, don't even think about living!"

Lin Yin showed his sharp white teeth, and licked his lips, as if admiring the delicious food in his eyes, and the sea clan's arrogance involuntarily shuddered.

The aura was so strong that even the old man of the Sea Clan was shocked. The junior in the fairyland just said the aura of a semi-holy level. He is indeed a character, but that's it, it's even more important to keep him!

As long as this junior comes to power, he will kill the opponent immediately.

"Okay, I haven't seen such a young genius for a long time, come up, let's learn from each other."

The old man of the Sea Clan also smiled, and said cheerfully.

"Lin Yin, are you really going on stage?"

"If you come to power, I will not stop you, but if you refuse, I will also clean up the mess in the first world!"

The island owner said indifferently, the imposing manner is contemptible, the meaning is obvious, as long as you say no, she will immediately expel the monks of the sea clan.

Anyway, the arena is reserved for Long Aotian, so it's okay for Haizu Tianjiao to be kicked out.

"That's right, this disciple wants to compete with the experts of the Sea Clan to prove what he has learned, and I hope you all will help me."

Lin Yin said lightly, despising everything.

"In this case, then as you wish, I will take action to protect your life at the critical moment!"

The island owner nodded slightly, and inadvertently glanced at the old man of the sea clan, the words were addressed to him.

"Thank you, Island Master!"

Lin Yin clasped his fists and was about to go on stage when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by his body as if being pressed down by a huge mountain, unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, an old voice came from behind him.

"and many more!"

"Let the old man play!"

"Coincidentally, the old man is only 18 years old this year, so he just happens to have a competition with Brother Huang Se!"

On the ring stage, the old man of the Hai clan was stunned, looked at the person who came and shouted in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

Behind Lin Yin, an old man dressed in coarse linen came out and said with a smile, "Old Fu Lin Yin, I have met all of you!"

"Another old man came out!"

"Let him go, old man against old man, so it will be interesting!"

"Made, do old men like to pretend to be tender these days, but I like it, beat that damn sea clan to death!"

The monks became commotion, and another old man came out. The one who can be here is obviously a master. It is more reliable to let this unknown old man come on stage than to let Lin Yin from the fairyland end.

"Take a look at senior!"

Li Xiaobai was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the strategy discussed with the two seniors earlier would be staged so soon.

"The Sea Clan has also fallen, and there are still such brazen people, so we should teach them a lesson together."

Yan Zuzi did not know when he came to these people and said calmly.

"You are all the mainstays of the Zhongyuanjie in the future. You don't need to fight to the death with this kind of thing. It's good to see how the old man is cruel to the old thing."


"Nonsense, you call yourself the younger generation? What about your face?"

On the ring, the old man of the Sea Clan was furious. Seeing that the junior was about to take the stage, another old man was killed halfway through. These days, any cat or dog would dare to meddle in the affairs of the Sea Clan!

"I understand the rules, check the bone age, right?"

"Check it out?"

"Island owner to test?"

The old man stepped forward as if teleporting to the old man of the sea clan, stretched out his hands and said with a smile.

"This is……"

The hair on the old man's hair stood on end. At that moment just now, he had an illusion that it wasn't that the opponent was walking towards the arena, but that the whole arena was pulled in front of the old man in an instant.

Who is this, what cultivation level?

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