Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1118: The Ten Paths Of The Heavens And The Ten Paths Of The Netherworld

There was silence all around, and there was no sound.

This old man of the Sea Clan was killed? And still in such a comical way?

The old man was just stretching his muscles and bones, trying to get into a good posture before punching, but it turned out that he was just a preparatory stretching exercise and knocked out this semi-holy-level sea clan master?

What kind of cultivation is this, what kind of physical body is this?

And they sensed that, as the other party said, he didn't use a single bit of cultivation, relying entirely on the strength of his body, his body stretched like a tiger's back, hitting everyone's eyes.

In terms of physical strength, the monster race is far superior to the human race, let alone a big race like the sea race. The treasure body can even be compared to the sharp blade of a magic weapon. People are good at wisdom but not good at strength. It has long been common sense in the practice world to have a weak body. But the strength shown by the old man in front of them has shaken their long-held notions.

With such a light wave of the flesh body, the semi-holy-level sea clan masters were blown away, and human beings can reach this level without using a little bit of cultivation?

Who is this senior?


"The old man is not ready yet, you are gone?"

"The Sea Clan is a bit weak, it's really not as good as one generation!"

He was dazed for a moment when he mentioned the basket, cursing and swearing, he hadn't made a move for many years, and he wanted to leave a perfect picture for his first shot after so many years, but in the end, the opposite side disappeared without even setting up his posture, which is really a bit irritating upset.

"In short, that's pretty much the case. The human physique is also a treasure house, just waiting for you to develop it."

Throwing down such a sentence with a basket, with a wave of his hand, he collected all the scattered resources and treasures in the field, and then walked down the ring satisfied. The last time the stage not only pretended to be a force, but also collected some resources. I can find Li Xiaobai to cash in on Huazi when I help out, and I can kill three birds with one stone, and I feel very happy.

"This is a strong human race!"

"It's too strong. There are actually old-fashioned strongmen who temper their bodies in the human race. I have never heard of it!"

"By the way, what sect is this senior? I really want to pay a visit in person!"

Everyone's eyes were horrified, and their faces were full of awe. This is a real strong man, a powerful man who easily did things that their sect masters could not do, and his strength can be seen.

"Hidden sect!"

"It's definitely the Hidden World Sect!"

"The old man's guess is right. My disciples and I are all related to some kind of hidden sect. The old man who suddenly appeared is probably a strong man from that hidden sect. He was protecting Lin Yin just now!"

The elder of the Blood Demon Sect looked a little excited and muttered to himself.

It must be like this, otherwise, if it is not a relative, why would that senior stop Lin Yin's actions and come to the stage to forcefully kill the old man of the Hai clan?

"Yeah, is this the force behind the Gang of Wicked People?"

"Elder Xue's guess is not wrong at all. My disciples and I are indeed from the same mysterious force!"

"It's inconvenient for these top talents to gather together and walk around the world with the title of a hermit sect, so it's cheaper for me to join the world!"

"I heard that these disciples like me are the heels of the earth spirit world. Could it be that the hand of the Immortal Sect has reached out to the earth spirit world?"

"What's the matter? Didn't the junior monk Li Xiaobai who made a lot of noise a few days ago shut down all the fellows leading to the earth and spirit world in the Zhongyuan world? It's not unusual, maybe they have something to do with that Li Xiaobai!"

The elders of several super sects seemed very excited when they spoke to each other. They didn't care that their disciples belonged to another sect. On the contrary, they were proud of it!

This means that their sect has climbed up a thigh, and there is an extra strong support. If something happens here, they must report this matter to their respective suzerains, so that the sects can take it seriously.


"Master Lan's skill has increased rather than retreated, and the ten ways of the heavens have improved a bit."

Under the stage, Yan Zuzi stroked his breath and said with a light smile, as if he was admiring a certain work of art.

"Dare to ask senior, what are the ten ways of the heavens?"

Li Xiaobai asked, and the other senior brothers and sisters couldn't help pricking up their ears, this technique is very fierce, it shouldn't be unknown people, but they have never heard of it, it is very mysterious.

"Hehehe, in fact, this name was just randomly obtained in the past. When this technique was created, Lord Lan divided it into ten levels of realm. Every time one level is raised, the physical body will become more powerful. The cultivation method of the ten ways of the heavens is very simple. , the effect is also simple and rude, as long as you keep devouring the magic weapon to refine your body, you can become stronger."

"Strictly speaking, this technique is not a body-refining technique, but a sacrifice of oneself as a magic weapon, refining the body into an extremely pure human-shaped magic weapon! Back then he was invincible with this technique, After sweeping away all the sects, you can directly cultivate this exercise to the level of Dacheng."

"Just now he ate the semi-holy magic weapon, and he also relied on this technique. Now Lord Lan has tempered his body to the hair of his hair. If you can take a hair from him, you can do it with a little sacrifice." Invincible at the same level!"

Yan Zuzi explained in this way.


"Turn your body and make your body a magic weapon?"

Everyone felt a little unbelievable.

The body is the body, and can it be refined into a magic weapon? Moreover, the idea of ​​creating one's own cultivation method is a bit shocking. All those who have been able to create their own cultivation methods throughout the ages are all amazingly talented people who can leave a strong mark in history.

"So, wouldn't Senior's physical body be invincible once mentioned?"

"He can swallow the magic weapon, what else can hurt him?"

Li Xiaobai was shocked, even a person with a system like him had never possessed such skills!

He can also eat magic weapons to take damage and convert it into attribute points, but the premise is that he can bear it. It's really unbelievable that he can create such an unreasonable exercise with his own strength.


"Who dares to be called invincible in front of this old man?"

"It was precisely for Lan Ye's strange kung fu that this old man created the Ten Ways of Netherworld. This old man is indeed the most intelligent monk in the past thousand years. Only three years after the birth of the Ten Ways of Heaven, this old man found a countermeasure."

Speaking of invincibility, Yan Zuzi's face was full of complacency.

"Dare to ask senior what kind of cultivation method is the Nether Ten Dao? Could it be that it interacts with the Ten Dao of the Heavens?"

Liu Jinshui on the side asked respectfully.

"The old man's kung fu perfectly restrains the ten ways of the heavens, and the ten ways of the nether world are magic weapon sacrifice techniques. If someone practices the ten ways of the heavens and transforms himself into a human-shaped magic weapon, he can use the ten ways of the nether world to refine it a second time to erase the spirit. Wisdom let him become his own puppet, that's how many great cultivators who pushed him all over the world were easily taken into the bag by this old man!"

Yan Zuzi said with a smile, everyone felt chills on the spine, this old man's kung fu seems to be more sinister, doesn't that mean that all monks who have practiced the ten kung fu of the heavens can be refined by him anytime and anywhere? A walking dead?

"Doesn't that mean that as long as the senior wants to, he can refine the senior into a puppet?"

Li Xiaobai asked with some doubts, this technique is so overbearing, if in the future it only spreads out the ten ways of the heavens and hides the news of the ten ways of the netherworld, wouldn't it be able to cast a shadow on people infinitely?

"If the old man could refine it with a single thought before, it won't work now. This old man got the cultivation method of the Nether Ten Paths from somewhere, cultivated it to the tenth level, and then sacrificed himself for the second time. One time, it is completely immune to the Nether Ten Dao cast by outsiders, making up for the only fatal flaw of the Ten Dao of the Heavens!"

"I have to say, Lord Lan is a little clever sometimes!"

Yan Zuzi sighed quietly, it seemed that he was quite sorry.

A few people were speechless, do the masters of this older generation like to play like this, and they created such shocking exercises just to cheat each other?

"Do you all want to learn the ten ways of the heavens and the ten ways of the underworld? 110, 610, 6393, this is the gathering place for the troop of urchins, and this belongs to the penguins!"


"A master, an incredible master!"

On the stone pillar, the island owner's pupils contracted, and she had already judged in her heart just at this moment that the physical strength of the old man was higher than hers, and even if she turned into a dragon, she could not compete with the old man's physical body.

"This time, the Sea Clan lost!"

"Because this elder of the Sea Clan entered the ring and acted recklessly, all the monks of the Sea Clan who came here today will be disqualified from the stage, and the rest of the ring competition will continue."

The island owner said lightly, on the surface, he was reprimanding the sea clan monks for their unruly behavior, but in fact, he took the opportunity to protect the few remaining geniuses of the sea clan by showing some sincerity.

If they were allowed to continue to compete in the ring, she feared that the entire Sea Clan would be wiped out today, with no one surviving back. In this case, Ice Dragon Island would face pressure from the Sea Clan.

She doesn't want to be the one who takes the blame, so let's save the lives of these people.

Everyone knew what she meant, so they didn't say much. Hearing this, the sea clan's arrogance couldn't help but relax. The leader of the elders was blown up in front of their eyes, which made their hearts terrified.

The backers are all dead, aren't their remaining geniuses at the mercy of others?

The arrogant arrogance just disappeared, thinking about the arrogant and arrogant words before, their cold sweat broke out layer by layer, if they were really remembered by those who cared, would they not be able to get out of this island?

"Thank you, Island Master, for letting go of the past!"

"It's true that my Hai Clan's rude words just now disturbed everyone's schedule. This junior expresses his deep apology, and now he will bring our Hai Clan people back home. In the future, we will definitely come to thank you in person with a big gift!"


An older Hai Clan genius stabilized his mind, clasped his fists and said in a loud voice, he was supposed to play just now, but it was the old Sea Clan man who took his token and forced his way onto the stage. He was also quite displeased at this moment. He didn't feel much about the old man's death, thanked the island owner and left with a few Tianjiao.

On the high seat, the elder of the Blood Demon Sect narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the direction in which they were leaving, and waved his hands without a trace, while a waiter stepped forward and said, "What are your orders, sir?"

Elder Xue tapped with his fingertips, "Go and make them, kill them with cold air, make them beautiful and pretend they are made by Ice Dragon Island."

The waiter nodded, "Understood!"


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