Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1123 Respectfully Welcome Mrs. Gang Master Back To The Mountain!

One move in seconds?

Another move in seconds?

And why is this move so strange, it feels like a familiar strangeness?

The four were shocked.

On the ring, Qinglong recovered into dragon teeth, knelt on the ground unable to move, this feeling is quite uncomfortable, I seem to have heard of this kung fu somewhere before, I can't remember it for a while, but the scene right now is too It's weird.

The opponent just swung his sword, and he actually knelt down directly?

"What kind of sword technique is this?"

"You are the young master of the Ice Sect, and the Ice Sect doesn't have this level of martial arts and supernatural powers!"

"It is absolutely extraordinary to have such strength, who are you!"

Long Ya was terrified in his heart, struggling desperately to resist, but neither the immortal essence in his dantian nor his own body could move, and was firmly fixed in place.

Li Xiaobai didn't say much. With a flick of the long sword in his hand, a beam of sword light shot out, smashing the person in front of him instantly.

Until he was about to die, Long Ya's face was full of horror and disbelief.

Magical treasures were scattered all over the ring, and the jewels and jewels flowed continuously. Li Xiaobai collected them all with a big wave of his hand.

"Sorry, I'm not in a good mood today, and I don't have the time to fight a war of attrition with you!"

Bloody rays of light flickered in the void.

"Sin is worth 23 million!"

The blood color value skyrocketed again by one million, which stimulated the eyes of everyone in the arena. Before they were mentally prepared, blood was already spattered three feet on the stage. The third young master of the Han family suddenly killed Hu Yan. The hammer is not due to luck, nor does it rely on magic weapons, but it has considerable strength itself.

"You read that right, Mr. Long Ya was instantly caught off guard the moment he came on stage!"

"Moreover, when the power of the dragon blood is activated, although the Qinglong blood is not as good as the blue blood of Long Aotian and the purple blood of Fairy Longxue, it can also reach the standard of a genius, and as a dragon, its combat power is far away. Super monks of the same level, even such young masters are still killed in a single face-to-face?"

"Then what is the origin of the third young master of the Han family? Who did he learn from with his sword skills? Why do I think he looks familiar!"

"Yeah, this sword technique seems to have been heard somewhere, and it seems that someone has used it in the Zhongyuan world before!"

"Damn it, it's Li Xiaobai, the Tianjiao Li Xiaobai who made a big fuss in the Western Continent and was wanted by the Buddha Kingdom. When he was on the Western Road, he slashed out with a sword like this. Thousands of people came to court. The scene is quite spectacular!"

"What's the relationship between the third young master of the Han family and that Li Xiaobai? I haven't seen the other two young masters of the Han Bingmen on the island this time. Could it be that the third young master of the Han family is pretending?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's 100% being caught empty-handed, many monks couldn't help but shouted loudly.

They have all heard of this miraculous swordsmanship. Recently, Tianjiao Li Xiaobai, who has been making a lot of noise recently, has used this swordsmanship. He escaped from Yinsi's pursuit.

It can be described as a miracle. Many monks among them still thought that if they could see each other, they could make friends with each other, but more monks wanted to take it down and bring it to the Western Continent, the Buddhist kingdom of Daleiyin The temple is exchanged for resources of exercises.

For Li Xiaobai, Buddhism has offered a sky-high reward. If Li Xiaobai is pretending to be cold, they will rush to suppress him without saying a word. Xiaobai.


"Li Xiaobai?"

"Is that the husband that Xue'er always talks about?"

"It's a good thing that Xue'er didn't come over this time, otherwise, there might really be some trouble."

The island master frowned slightly, and she could hear the exclamations of the disciples below. She had long suspected Han Bubu's identity. How could the young master of a large sect act so monstrously? If you pretend to be disguised, then everything is over.

"Hehe, according to the old man's opinion, this son can't be kept, he should be killed directly, as a warning to others!"

There was a hint of murderous intent in the eyes of the great elder, and he said solemnly.

The Second Elder took the teapot from the enchanting woman beside him, took a sip of the tea and said in a strange tone, "Why are you so impatient, seeing someone in a hurry, you can't wait to put that young man to death immediately!"

"You might as well listen to what the younger generation will say!"

The First Elder's face was a little ugly, "Hmph, what can he say? According to this old man, he should be arrested and tortured immediately! The Second Elder can't talk nonsense!"

The island owner said, "Let's have a look first."

On the ring.

Li Xiaobai retracted his sword and looked around with a calm expression. His reputation in the Zhongyuan world is not too big, but it is not too small. It is not surprising that some offensive methods are recognized. As for the words, he has already thought about it. .

"My villain's gang can't stand the cold. I landed on the island today. I was ordered by the gang leader Li Xiaobai to take his wife back to the mountain. Whoever dares to stop me will bear the wrath of my villain gang!"

"The villain can't help the cold, welcome the wife of the gang leader back to the mountain!"

Li Xiaobai cupped his fists and said loudly.

The voice was very loud, reverberating in the valley, and the expression on each monk's face was frozen. Good guy, this is a bit too much information. Is Fairy Longxue the wife of the gang leader? And the leader of the gang is Li Xiaobai who is making a lot of noise?

"The Wicked Gang? I seem to have heard of this name somewhere!"


"It seems that the villain gang was the one who occupied the top of the list of immortals and slaughtered the list of immortals earlier. That happened a few months ago, and it caused a lot of heated discussions at that time!"

"Afterwards, the names of those people never appeared again, and they were no longer active on the list of the Earth Wonderland and Heaven Wonderland. I thought this power was just a flash in the pan, but I didn't expect there to be congregants?"

"No, no, I just remembered when Xiongtai said this. I remember the names of those who slaughtered the list at that time. They seem to be the same as the names of the super sects who are here today!"

"Fuck, it's the same group of people!"

Li Xiaobai's words aroused commotion among the monks. They had heard about the evil people helping them. They had paid attention to this short-lived force before, but it was a pity that they could not find any clues about it in the future. .

Now that the topic is brought up again, they all remember it. Aren't the people who dominated the list just happened to be Su Yunbing and other talents?

So, behind this villainous gang, are all the super sects secretly supporting it?

Come here today to disrupt the situation, is it also the meaning of the super sect?

The monks around couldn't help but looked at Su Yunbing and his party in unison, their eyes full of doubt and shock.

"Mr. Han is right. Long Xue is the wife of the leader of my villain gang. If anyone dares to get involved, I, Su Yunbing, will chop off his hands and feet!"

On the high seat, Su Yunbing spoke lightly, his voice was very cold, and it was clearly heard by everyone present.

Ye Wushuang "Ye Wushuang, the villain's gang, is here today to pick up the gang leader's wife back to the mountain!"

Lin Yin, "The wicked help Lin Yin, and welcome the wife of the gang leader back to the mountain!"

Yang Chen, "The wicked help Yang Chen..."

Ling Feng: "The wicked help Ling Feng..."

Liu Jinshui "The gang of villains went out to fight, not a single blade of grass will grow!"

As soon as Tilan and Yan Zuzi's small eyes rolled around, they didn't know what the wicked gang was, but seeing the shocked expressions of everyone, they couldn't help shouting, "The wicked gang is awesome!"

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