Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1125 Wuchengjue Vs Liu Jinshui

The progress of the ring competition was ridiculously fast, and the disciples that the Great Elder originally planned to use to consume several super sect arrogance all abstained immediately and did not dare to play.

They just came to Ice Dragon Island to make friends with some geniuses, but they didn't intend to work hard, and they didn't have to work hard for Ice Dragon Island. After all, it was Long Aotian's own problem. If he wanted to win the first place, let him do it himself. They I don't want to accompany you.

The few arrogances around the arena all abstained and returned to the auditorium in a flash, sitting next to the elders of various clans. The scene suddenly became much clearer. Except for Long Aotian, only Li Xiaobai was left up.

Long Aotian's face was a little dull, he felt he was surrounded.

"Abstaining so simply and admitting defeat, it seems that these geniuses are also quite afraid of the power of the villain gang, and dare not challenge their edge."

"That's right, these geniuses all come from super sects with strong backgrounds, and the ordinary people dare not fight against them at all. It is even said that these guys are dead hands in the ring."

"I'm afraid Ice Dragon Island will throw a stone at its own foot in this competition to recruit relatives, but I don't know who will get the first place!"

The monks watching the battle all around were very excited, my good guy, today is here, otherwise I would really miss this good show.

Under the stage, Long Aotian's complexion also changed several times, cloudy or sunny, the lips of the great elder on the stone pillar squirmed a few times, and then Long Aotian's mood calmed down.

After looking around for a week, he came to a woman in a silk skirt sitting cross-legged in a corner.

"This fairy must be the famous deputy helmsman of the Eastern Continent Law Enforcement Team, Fairy Wucheng Juewu, right?"

"Long Aotian, the eldest disciple of Xiabinglong Island, is being polite."

Long Aotian said with a smile on his face.

"What is it?"

Wu Chengjue opened his eyes, scanned slightly and said calmly.

"Fairy Fairy is also attending this battle on behalf of the Law Enforcement Team Beichen Helmsman to witness this time. It's not because she really has that special hobby. Why don't we work together? As long as Fairy can defeat the opponent and lose to me in the ring, I can send it to you afterwards. A precious fairy grass with a cold attribute will definitely satisfy the fairy."

Long Aotian said straight to the point.

A strange color flashed in Wucheng's eyes, "I heard that there is a fairy grass on Ice Dragon Island, called Wannian Yinghan fairy plant?"

Long Aotian laughed and said, "Fairy really dabbles extensively. She even knows about the ten thousand-year-old fairy plant, but even my Ice Dragon Island has only one fairy plant, so I can't give it to the fairy, but there are many thousand-year-old fairy plants on the island. Among the fairy plants that welcome the cold, there are many fairy grasses that are more than 5,000 years old, and Long can decide to give one to the fairy."

"Okay, get the goods first, and then do the work."

Wuchengjue nodded and said slowly.

"It's easy to say, as long as the fairy is willing to help, Long will offer the resources!"


the other side.

Liu Jinshui began to wander around the audience seats, constantly whispering in the ears of monks from various sects.

"Take a look, take a look, buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

"Today's upset, everyone has a chance to make a fortune!"

"On the ring, there are only the arrogances of various races left, and the super sects compete for powerhouses. Who do you think is the final big winner?"

"There is no shady scene, and I refuse all black-box operations. If you fake it, you will pay ten. What are you waiting for, fellow Taoists? Hurry up and place your bets!"

Liu Jinshui shouted cheerfully at the top of his voice.

"Brother, you are also a member of the villain gang. Who do you think will be able to make it to the end?"

A monk asked.

"Well, I personally feel that Senior Sister Su from the Hundred Flowers Sect is very powerful, and her way of breaking through all spells is a bit tricky. She should be the most powerful contender!"

"However, the female disciples of the Five Poison Sect are also weird. Everyone saw her performance in the arena yesterday. She killed her opponent with just a stand-in. People, presumably have their own unique skills, listen to what Fat Master said to you..."

Liu Jinshui said seriously, with a solemn expression, he gave everyone a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of the people below.

The bluffing monks nodded frequently, as if that was the case.

"What about you, Brother Liu? Do you think you might defeat them?"

The monk asked again.

"Hehe, well, I'm a businessman, and I'm not interested in fighting in the ring, so let's do it, Fat Lord, I think you're quite attractive, so I'll show you the truth. If you step down, you will step down, and you can decide in your own mind how to place your bets."

Liu Jinshui said cheerfully, this bet was played in his heart when he opened the market. Some people will believe what he said, but when he really steps down, those who don't believe will become his believers, and then look for opportunities to explode An unpopularity is definitely a good fortune!

This is called spending a small amount of money to make a lot of money, and putting a long line to catch a big fish!

"Okay, I believe you!"

"Try a small amount of Su Yun ice first!"

"Let's not talk about it, I'm all on Su Yunbing, this senior sister will be my destiny in the future!"

"I crush Ye Wushuang!"

"Hey, I'm different. I suspect that this fat man is cheating us. You said that you will lose on purpose, but I don't believe in this evil. I will suppress you!"

"Double, double, super double!"

The monks took out the space rings one after another and threw them to Liu Jinshui. The scene was very hot, not only the young monks who were onlookers were buying, but also many sects and families. They wanted to take this opportunity to bet with Liu Jinshui Get in touch more and see what kind of genius this monk who is also a member of the wicked gang and a super sect Tianjiao is.

So far, very business-minded.

On the high platform, the Great Elder stood up again, flicked his wrist, threw out a few tokens again, and said in a loud voice, "Everyone, there are frequent changes in today's arena, but we are getting closer and closer to the final winner. It is still the old rules." , the number is the order of appearance of everyone, and those with the same order are the opponents, everyone, you can play."

In the void, another stream of light flashed by, and a small token appeared in everyone's hands. Li Xiaobai took the token and took a closer look. The serial number was "three", and he was finally not the first to appear on the stage.

"The number of people in the field is odd, and there must be one bye. It seems that this round will not meet Long Aotian."

Yang Chen shook his feather fan lightly, and scanned the crowd. If he added a basket, there would be exactly ten people, but it is absolutely impossible for Ice Dragon Island to let him play again.

"Damn it, I'm the first to play, so unlucky!"

Liu Jinshui looked at the displeasure on the face of the token in his hand, he was not close enough to the fathers of the donors.

"Whoever the opponent is, if it's one of your own, just beat it casually."

Su Yunbing asked, the number of the token in her hand was at the bottom, and the rest of them shook their heads, a little confused.

"It's that female cultivator, she seems to be called Wuchengjue!"

Ye Wushuang pointed to the woman in the Qiluo skirt who was slowly getting up in a remote place and said that everyone knew her existence, but she hadn't shown much, which made her almost forgotten by everyone.

"Come on, I'm very pleased to fight against a beauty, the Great Elder still understands me!"

Liu Jinshui stepped forward, dragging a series of golden phantoms onto the ring, "Let's fight!"

Long Aotian whispered below, "Fairy Wu, it's up to you, the five thousand year old Yinghan Xianzhu has been prepared, the other party is the arrogance of the Golden Knife Sect, can you be sure?"

Wu Chengjue nodded slightly, with an indifferent expression, "The resources are in place, and everything is wasted!"

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