Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1130 How Much I Can’T Give You, I’Ll Double It


On the stone pillar, the Great Elder casually touched the void, and immediately held Su Yunbing in place. Li Xiaobai took out Hua Zi, stepped forward and stuffed it into the opponent's mouth without saying a word, lit it, and the smoke was misty. .


"I was hypnotized, who won?"

Su Yunbing's big eyes were wide open, and a smug look flashed across his face as he asked viciously.

"Ahem, Senior Sister, you won, Fourth Senior Brother was almost disabled by you."

Li Xiaobai pointed to the city held high in the opponent's hand, and said with some embarrassment.


Su Yunbing was taken aback, and looked at Yang Chen who was receiving Ye Wushuang's treatment in the audience, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes, "I see, Fourth Junior Brother, you must be dissatisfied because Senior Sister gave you water, so You just want to hypnotize me to see the true power of Senior Sister, right?"

"It's not that Senior Sister is talking about you, you're just too greedy, even if you hit you with water, it's only a matter of a hammer, and you still want me to use all my strength, it's outrageous."

"Senior sister taught me the lesson!"

Down below, Yang Chen's complexion was pale, and he could only nod his head and say, he is too fierce as a senior sister, and the illusion moves recorded in "Happy Journey" have no effect on her at all. Who would have thought that there are people in the world who can attack unconsciously What about cutting? It is more terrifying that the Dream Butterfly Technique works than it does not work.

Needless to say, I will never fight with the elder sister again.

"Fourth Junior Brother, just now you said that you want me to be unworthy? Why are you withering now?"

Lin Yin looked at Yang Chen and said with a half-smile.

Yang Chen felt very uncomfortable, "I'm sorry third senior brother, it was the younger brother who uttered wild words just now."

The four monks involuntarily widened their eyes. They could have imagined that Yang Chen would not be Su Yunbing's opponent, but they didn't expect that the big sister of Baihuamen would be so powerful that he could kill his opponent even when he was asleep. This kind of fighting instinct It's beyond their imagination.

In the ring, Su Yunbing won this round.

Li Xiaobai was standing in the arena, and he would appear in the next round. Looking around, he saw Wu Chengjue in the corner. The two looked at each other, as if they could see something different in each other's eyes.

"Who is next, don't keep me waiting, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.


"Fairy Wu, it's up to you. This kid doesn't have much skill, so he should be able to take it down easily!"

Long Aotian leaned forward and whispered.

Wu Chengjue got up, and said indifferently, "Think about it."

Long Aotian was a little dazed, what does it mean to consider?

Didn't you agree to everything? Haven't you checked all the cheats?

What are you thinking about doing earlier?

Are you thinking about co-authoring now?

Why do you suddenly feel that this Wucheng Jue is a bit unreliable?

On the stage, Wuchengjue and Li Xiaobai faced each other far away, and the atmosphere in the field was a bit condensed.

The monks below are also nervous. Seeing the semi-finals are almost over, they are a little uncertain about who to beat. They feel that no one has really given their best since the beginning. Why does this contest feel so weird? ?

"Press who?"

"I don't know, some people didn't trust Fat Lord before, but now he is angry and won't give any gossip!"

"Madan, I personally feel that Wucheng's unique skills are superior. Although Han Bubu killed Huyan Hammer in seconds, he performed equally strong, but compared with Wuchengjue's level of masters, he is not a star and a half behind."

"You don't even need to ask, I'm crushing Wucheng Jue, I'm crushing one million top-grade immortal stones!"

"An existence that can kill even the genius of the Golden Knife Gate is definitely the strongest genius in the world. How can he be her opponent?"

"I also beat Wuchengjue, this wave feels like there is no suspense, a lot of money!"

The onlookers who were eating melons were enthusiastic and bet one after another on Wuchengjue to win. This Wuchengjue is the deputy helmsman of the Eastern Continent Law Enforcement Team. It has nothing to do with this villain gang. There is also no intersection at all for Han Zhuo, and it makes no sense to play tricks like Ye Wushuang and deliberately lose to the other party.

This wave they trust their feelings.

Liu Jinshui smiled without saying a word. As usual, he cheerfully put away the space ring, and then wrote down the bet amount of each person in detail. He felt a little uneasy. This dance city is not just a little bit strong, and the younger brother can be the top Hold on, if you can't stand it, you will lose a big deal for nothing.

On the stage, Li Xiaobai clasped his fists together, "Senior Wu."

Wu Chengjue nodded slightly, "Should I make a move?"

"What's the way, senior?" Li Xiaobai asked tentatively.

"Let's practice Tai Chi." Wu Chengjue said slowly, raising a hand with a lazy expression.

"I'm familiar with this!"

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly, took two steps forward, put his hands lightly on each other's wrists, moved his hands in circles, and started the duet.

There are no gorgeous special effects, no powerful immortal power, no terrifying and majestic momentum, there are only two people walking around the ring hand in hand, and the surrounding people are a little confused.

What is this doing?


Or is it some kind of hidden murderous trick, and they didn't get a glimpse of it?

"Senior Wu, what did Jianzong say, what happened to the Eastern Continent?"

Li Xiaobai asked in a low voice while taking advantage of the time spent turning around.

"Still investigating. The law enforcement team has no clues at the moment. We only know that a child of Jianzong was taken away by an unknown monk. It seems to be called Ma Niubi?"

Wu Chengjue thought about it and said.

"After the rudder master found out, he has sent people to search, and I believe there will be results soon."


The little baby was taken away!

Li Xiaobai was startled, this person had some good eyesight, and took away the child, Little Naiwa Wang, even he didn't know what was so strange about her. It is normal for people to feel bad thoughts because of the special features.

To be able to hide from the world under Ying Diao's nose, presumably there is an expert helping in secret.

"Thank you, Senior Wu, for letting me know. I will remember the kindness of the Eastern Continent Law Enforcement Team."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said seriously, he knows that the strength of Jianzong alone is obviously not enough to find out the real culprit behind the scenes, after all, only the suzerain Ying Diao in the entire Jianzong can do it, and the old beggar pretends to be the little guy emperor to do his best I'm used to it, but after all, my own strength is not strong.

The law enforcement team has Beichen Feng in charge. With his energy, it is not difficult to find the murderer behind the scenes. If he comes back to the Eastern Continent, there will be results.

Wu Chengjue nodded, "Well, let's go back to the law enforcement team, the helmsman wants to see you."

Li Xiaobai asked, "Then today's round, how do seniors want to fight?"

"In the first round, Long Aotian hired me to defeat that Liu Jinshui with a 5,000-year-old Millennium Frost Immortal Plant, and just now he gave me a cold attribute skill in exchange for me to defeat you."

"You are a member of my Eastern Continent Law Enforcement Team. I don't want you to be harmed in public or privately, but the conditions they offered are too tempting."

Wucheng said pointingly.

"Understood, a pack of Huazi."

Li Xiaobai understood the other party's meaning in seconds, and spoke immediately.

"Huazi's effect is quite miraculous, and my helmsman also likes it very much..."

"Understood, Two Bao Huazi!"

Li Xiaobai said.

"Okay, how do you want to win, a one-shot kill or a fierce battle?"

Wucheng Jue asked.

Li Xiaobai thought for a moment, "I want to win with dignity."

Ye Wushuang's poor acting skills made him feel a little embarrassed. Being stared at by so many powerful people, even his thick skin like a city wall felt a little hot.

"No problem, I am familiar with this business."

The two performed a two-person dance on stage, which made the surrounding audience confused, and some couldn't figure out the routine on the stage. Can they distinguish between high and low by just holding hands and spinning around like this?

"What's the matter, are you still fighting?"

"What is this hitting?"

"I am familiar with the trick of going around in circles, and I will do it too!"

The audience was a little baffled. At first they thought that the two sides were conducting some kind of secret temptation and they didn't understand the essence of it, but after a long time they found that the two people actually chatted.

But just as everyone finished speaking, the woman in the silk skirt on the ring suddenly swayed and fell to the ground.

"What a profound martial art and supernatural power!"

"What a majestic power of immortality!"

"I didn't expect such a genius to emerge from the Frost Sect. I was careless!"

"You won this round, and I was convinced that I lost. To see a genius like Mr. Han, this trip is worthwhile, and I am satisfied!"

Wu Chengjue's face turned pale, and he fell to the ground with a very uncomfortable appearance. Holding the oil-paper umbrella, he rolled a few times on the ring to the edge of the ring, and stopped moving.

"What the hell am I..."

Li Xiaobai's face was terribly black, what if he agreed to win to save face?

"Senior, what about the dignity that was agreed upon, it would be embarrassing for you to lose like this!"

Li Xiaobai didn't know what to say, so he walked to Wuchengjue's "corpse" and whispered.

"Don't worry, you are very dignified. My acting skills are very good. Just now, I have analyzed the mental journey of this competition from three angles, four methods, and eight levels. It looks a bit monotonous on the surface, but there is a lot of fate. The ups and downs of Miu's mental journey are quite complicated and wonderful."

Wu Chengjue slightly opened one eye, blinked twice and said quickly.

"This is……"

"I seem to have seen this scene before, did I lose my memory?"

The monks in the four audience seats fell into a dead silence again. Where did they see this strange sobriety just now?

It seems that Ye Wushuang couldn't stand the cold in the last match, but this time it seemed to be more sloppy, Ye Wushuang still used the Five Poison Palms anyway, this Wucheng is really good, he doesn't need cultivation, and he doesn't even bother to perfunctory Perfunctory, directly holding the other party's hand and turning it around a few times before falling to the ground, what kind of trouble is this?

There is also a bit of professionalism in the anti-counterfeiting competition, okay?

At any rate, you should put on some cold air!

Just now they vowed to beat Wu Chengjue, hoping to take this opportunity to make a fortune, but they didn't expect that this iceberg beauty would also play a fake match, which made the huge amount of top-quality immortal stones they invested directly go to waste.


"What a fake match!"

"How much money Hanbu gave you, I will pay double!"

"Fuck him!"

The monks glared at him and were furious. They gritted their teeth at Li Xiaobai, good guy, two consecutive match-fixings caused them huge losses. If this guy dared to leave the island, they would definitely attack him in groups.

"Ahem, everyone doesn't know, just now I have fought against the three young masters of the Han family. What we are discussing is the way of yin and yang and Tai Chi, which is the natural way of heaven and earth. It is extremely dangerous to discuss and learn from each other when the general situation changes between the two sides. Perhaps what you have seen It's just two people pushing hands, but what I saw was indeed a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, extremely dangerous, if I hadn't been for my rich and powerful experience, I'm afraid I would have died on the spot."

"Discussion is risky, so be cautious when discussing the Tao!"

On the ground, Wu Chengjue moved twice, as if trying to struggle to get up, and said weakly.

Li Xiaobai also nodded seriously when he heard the words and said, "Yes, everyone must take it as a warning. There is no problem in fighting in martial arts, but discussing Dao is really too dangerous, and if you are a little careless, you will be doomed."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I don't blame you, after all, Tianjiao's happiness is beyond your imagination!"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully that the matter has come to this point, and he also accepts the reality. Anyway, the battle was resolved without bloodshed, and the price spent was only two packs of Huazi. There are many supporters, and the sixth senior brother should be earning a lot of money.

"You bastard, you don't want Bilian!"

"Two fake matches, do you know how heartbroken we are? Ye Wushuang, Wucheng Jue, are you worthy of us?"

"A school of nonsense, understanding the nature of the world, discussing the way of yin and yang? Nonsense!"

The monks were furious, and the two held hands and spun around in circles, did they understand the way of yin and yang? This is treating them as fools, absolutely unbearable.

"The world laughs at me for being too crazy. I laugh at others for not being able to see through. It doesn't matter. Even though I am accused by thousands of people, spurned by thousands of people, and infamous for thousands of years, I can't help but say today. Everyone present is rubbish. I am invincible." , you can do whatever you want!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, "I killed Wuchengjue in a flash this time. Facts speak louder than words. There are pictures and truths. Who has an opinion?"

"Okay, since neither of you has any objections in this match, then Li Xiaobai will be judged to win!"

"Su Yunbing, I can't stand the cold, Long Aotian, the three of you are entering the final competition, get ready to meet the new rules!"

On the stone pillar, the great elder said lightly, his eyes looked very gloomy.

His plan came to nothing, Wuchengjue turned his back on the water temporarily and helped Li Xiaobai, and in this way, his disciple's advantage turned into a disadvantage again.


Li Xiaobai nodded and replied, when the verdict came, Wu Chengjue stood up in a second and fell down like a normal person. He walked to a shaded place and sat down cross-legged. All the monks were dumbfounded.

Good guy, you really don't pretend at all!

Is it okay to act in a full set? Such a lack of professionalism makes the audience look stupid!

Long Aotian's lungs were about to explode, just now the Great Elder was fascinated by sound transmission and scolded him, he already knew that when Wu Chengjue flipped through the classics at the beginning, he must have memorized them all in his mind, everything was under his control, Of course, I won't help him anymore.

Mad, this bitch, I will deal with you sooner or later!

That's why, on the stone pillar, several streaks of light slipped down again and fell into the hands of the remaining three people. These are three small tokens, no numbers are written on them, but a brand new rule, which was prepared by the Great Elder early in the morning. Nice new way to play.

"The new rules are exactly what I want!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the token in his hand and unconsciously smiled.

On the other side, Long Aotian repeated his old tricks, found Su Yunbing again, and said with a smile on his face, "Su Fairy, do you want to cooperate?"

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