Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1133: Awei’S Eighteen Styles Vs. Explosive Clothes Magic

Su Yun sneered coldly, holding Long Aotian's giant tail with one hand, and raised the golden giant hammer high with the other, the mysterious beast king totem manifested in the void, exuding endless terrifying power.

"Hammer you!"

The golden sledgehammer crashed down as if entering no one's land, and the strong breath of death enveloped Long Aotian's whole body in an instant. The dragon's body twisted and trembled randomly, but his body was firmly nailed to the ring by Su Yunbing's palm, completely Can't get out of the envelope of the giant hammer.

"Master, save me!"

The giant dragon was terrified and roared wildly, but there was no response. Lin Bei and the island owner on the stone pillar were tightly controlled by the second elder, unable to move, they could only watch helplessly as the golden hammer moved towards the blue scales. Armor's giant dragon body crashed down.

The hammer hit the dragon's waist, and in an instant, everyone clearly saw the indestructible scales sinking, and the entire dragon's spine was broken in an instant, and it fell limply on the ring.


The giant dragon roared and wailed, its eyes filled with terror.

"You can't kill me!"

"You can choose the cheats of Ice Dragon Island at will. I can give you whatever you want, just to save my life!"

When death was imminent, Long Aotian couldn't care less about his face, and said tremblingly with tears in his voice.

One arm was broken, and now the spine was shattered. Looking at the entire Ice Dragon Island, no one came to help. At this moment, his heart is full of despair. If the two people in front of him continue to be violent, his end can only be a dead end.

"The secrets of Ice Dragon Island are nothing. I value your body more. It just so happens that I have adopted a lot of children recently, and I have fed you, the blood of the blue dragon. Using your body as nourishment, we can cultivate a new generation of geniuses. It can be regarded as a contribution to the Zhongyuan Realm."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, another burst of sword energy shot out, and before Long Aotian begged for mercy again, he swept past and chopped off his head, the blood spattered three feet, and his head flew high and rolled Falling into the middle of the ring, until the moment of death, those scarlet eyes still showed a strong color of fear.

A generation of Dragon Clan Tianjiao, with such a simple decapitation.


At the dantian of the corpse, a large amount of resources burst out, sprinkled the entire arena, and the blood and jewels enveloped everyone. The scene was quite shocking. Li Xiaobai took out the small broken bowl, patted it lightly, and muttered to himself, "Get in the bowl quickly!" !"

Dazzling white light swept across the scene, collecting all the resources and the corpse of the dragon.

At the same time, bloody rays of light flickered in the void.

A series of scarlet values ​​manifested again.

"Sin is worth 24 million!"

A familiar message popped up on the system interface after a long absence.

drop! It is detected that the host kills the dragon for the first time, and unlocks the special achievement Dragon Slayer! The body is bathed in dragon blood, rewarded with the special passive skill of bursting clothes!

Explosive Clothes Magic Passive skill, take off your clothes, topless, double your defense power.

Note This is the emperor's new clothes, when you don't wear clothes, you are the king!


Long Aotian was the first dragon genius who died in his hands. After unlocking the system achievement reward, the title of dragon slayer doesn't matter, the key is that the magical skill of bursting clothes seems to be very powerful.

As long as he doesn't wear any clothes on his upper body, his defense power can be doubled, which is equivalent to saying that as long as he takes off his shirt now, he can withstand the attack of the semi-saint?

Of course, it is limited to the normal attack of the semi-holy, if there is a semi-holy strong attack with all its strength, even if there is a magic body armor with explosive clothing, it is still necessary to escape.

Looking carefully at the effects of the new skills, the corners of Li Xiaobai's mouth raised slightly unconsciously. He didn't expect that there would be surprises in this arena. He acquired a passive skill, and it's not troublesome at all. You can just take off your clothes have always had.

Very good, very lifelong.

"Junior brother is good at swordsmanship. This sword energy is very sharp. You can even feel a familiar smell from it. Among the people who have fought in the past, it seems that some monks used this sword technique. The strange black substance is exactly the same. Junior brother, what kind of sword technique is this?"

Su Yunbing looked at the long sword in Li Xiaobai's hand, and there was a hint of thought in her eyes. She watched Li Xiaobai's sword from a close distance and keenly sensed the aura of the magic-sealing sword, but she couldn't think of the sword for a while. Where does the law come from?

Li Xiaobai chuckled, "Senior sister, it's serious, but it's just an ordinary sword qi. If you insist on it, it belongs to the derivative of the basic sword art. What kind of knowledge can you have? It's all just groping around. It can't compare with the hammer of senior sister. What kind of kung fu is the senior sister practicing, it seems that she has never used any serious moves!"

"Isn't that a coincidence, senior sister, I also practice basic hammering techniques, and I haven't practiced such fancy exercises and supernatural powers. People who practice the Tao must pay attention to a solid foundation to go further, and only by laying a solid foundation can they truly be invincible at the same level .”

"I didn't expect my junior brother to be able to comprehend this level at such a young age. Senior sister, I am very pleased."

Su Yunbing put away the hammer, and looked at Li Xiaobai with admiration in his eyes, as if there was a feeling of sympathy.

"Senior sister unites knowledge and action, and has really taken the path of foundation to the extreme, my younger brother admires it!"

"Little junior brother is too modest. Looking around today's younger generation who are not eager for success, we are the only brothers."

The two complimented each other a few words, then turned their backs and spit in secret at the same time, it's dumb, they didn't say a word of truth.

The power of Su Yunbing's hammer is obviously supported by the powerful and powerful power of immortality. It is extremely violent. The mere basic hammering method may not even be able to lift this giant hammer. This big sister is usually careless, and it is nothing at critical moments. Good bird, actually want to talk to his own junior brother.

Li Xiaobai's situation is even more unbelievable to Su Yunbing. A monk who can resist the attack of the Dragon Clan Tianjiao with his body, how could it be the foundation of a swordsmanship that can cut off the head of a real dragon in the Heavenly Wonderland with a single stroke of sword energy? Jian Jue, isn't it clear that he opened his eyes and talked nonsense to fool her?

The little junior brother failed in his studies, so he dared to lie in front of her without changing his face.

The small test between the two on the stage was unknown to others, and the surroundings were quiet, and all the people outside the venue were collectively silent, not even daring to take a breath.

What happened on the ring is very long to say, but it happened only in an instant. Su Yunbing broke the dragon's spine with a hammer, and beheaded with a sword. Everything seemed so smooth and silky. There are countless masters, but no one dares to step forward to stop them. There is no other reason. On the stone pillar, the second elder is staring at them.

The thin and skinny old man was like a giant dragon slowly waking up. After sleeping for an unknown number of years, he woke up again, with overwhelming power.

"Long Aotian... is dead!"

"On the first day of Ice Dragon Island, he was killed so easily!"

"That Su Yunbing from Baihuamen and that Hanbu are so courageous, even the genius of Binglong Island dares to touch? And he is also a disciple who kills people on other people's territory, so he is not afraid of being retaliated!"

"Hey, it's a good thing I didn't beat Long Aotian. I'm so hung up. I almost lost my underpants. Just now, who said that Long Aotian would definitely win with the elders operating in secret, come out and get beaten!"

"That's right, a super sect is a super sect, and the disciples are all experienced in the world, so they don't bother with the cheats of Ice Dragon Island that Long Aotian said. Fat Master is right, they should suppress Su Yun Bingsheng! "

The onlookers watching melon-eating crowd saw their hearts beating faster, and were greatly surprised by this result on the ring. Long Aotian was defeated in their guess, but was killed so easily, I am afraid that Ice Dragon Island is It won't be good anymore.

But these have nothing to do with them, this is the grievance between Tianjiao and Ice Dragon Island, in other words, the grievance between the super sect and Ice Dragon Island, they only need to bet with money, and they don't need them for the rest Do worry more.

"Hehe, you deserve to die!"

Lin Yin looked at the blood-soaked arena and sneered.

"By the way, Sixth Junior Brother, what are the odds now, Junior Junior Brother or Senior Sister, who has the most pressure?"

Yang Chen on the side looked at Liu Jinshui and asked.

Liu Jinshui fiddled with a small abacus in his hands, and kept writing and drawing in the void. Jie Jie laughed strangely and said, "It's needless to say, naturally the elder sister is the most popular. Under the leadership of Fatty, my family members They all followed the trend and overwhelmed the big sister, and they will wait for the money in a while!"

Hearing this, several people's eyes burst into two gleams, and they licked their lips involuntarily, "God is blessing us, we deserve to get rich!"

On the arena, only Li Xiaobai and Su Yunbing were left, one holding a sword and the other carrying a hammer, confronting each other. Looking at the scene in front of them, on the stone pillar, the Great Elder and the Island Master were a little unstable, and the dantian Neixian Yuan Zhili was almost in a state of chaos.

The blue veins on the forehead of the island owner were bulging, and his face was trembling with a grim look. The Tianjiao of Ice Dragon Island died, and he died in front of her so simply. In this way, the lineage of the Great Elder broke the inheritance Xiang Huo, her plan to use Long Xue to marry the First Elder to form a united front against the Second Elder is about to fall through.

Her time is approaching, and her life is not long. If she dies here, the disciples of the island master's line will not be safe, and Long Xue may be looted by others, or even divided up by foreign monks. It is precisely to prevent this situation that she chose Let her marry Long Aotian, so as to tie the Great Elder firmly to the big ship of her island master's lineage. In this way, no one dares to blatantly touch Longxue with the protection of a strong person in the holy realm.

She can keep a spark of hope in Ice Dragon Island. With the blood of the Purple Dragon Race, the First Elder is the orthodox one.

But now all the plans are ruined because of the simple action of the second elder. After Long Aotian died, all the wishful thinking was in vain. On the cotton, a little desperate.

As for the Great Elder Lin Bei, needless to say, he opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood. His beloved precious apprentice was killed in front of his face. The confidence to gradually expand the right to speak in the sect!

In the future, he will become a saint, and his disciple Long Aotian will advance to a semi-sage and become an elder, and the master and apprentice will gradually grow in this sect. In addition, Long Xue, the future emperor of the purple dragon blood, will be present , It is easy to pull up a force of your own on Ice Dragon Island. At that time, even if the second elder's skill is high, he will not dare to act rashly.

But never expected that such an accident would happen on the stage.

"Baihuamen Su Yunbing!"

"Ice Gate can't hold back the cold!"

"The old man remembers you, the disciples who dare to kill the old man, the old man is not with you, you can't get out of this island!"

Lin Bei's eyes flashed with fierceness and murderous intent, and he stared fixedly at the two people on the ring below. If it wasn't for the old man Zhang Liancheng staring at him, he would have ended up killing the two juniors with his own hands.

"Don't get angry, isn't it just the death of an apprentice? Your apprentice has an evil heart, and there is an evil spirit in his brows. If he dies, he will die. In the ring competition, life and death will be the fate of each other. This is what you said."

"If there is any dissatisfaction, come to the old man afterwards, and the old man will walk with you twice to try your hand!"

The second elder let go of his palm, and the two people beside him resumed their movements, twisting their shoulders for a while, and there was a clearly visible palm print where the dry palm had grabbed it just now.

"Second Elder, Mr. Lin has made a note of what happened today, and he will definitely return it a hundredfold in the future. It seems that there are still many disciples in your lineage. I wonder if you will still be so prioritized if they are all dead!"

Great Elder Lin Bei said coldly, his words were full of coldness, releasing killing intent.

The second elder snorted softly, lay back in the arms of the beauty behind him, and said lightly, "Old man is waiting."

"Deliberately mutilate the future pillars of Ice Dragon Island. After today, I will give you a book in front of the master's grave, so that he will know that you are an unfaithful person!"

The island owner's chest heaved violently, obviously also very angry.

"Hmph, this doesn't require you to make a small report in front of the old master's grave, the old man will plead guilty on his own!"

A stern look flashed in the eyes of the second elder, and he said in a neutral tone.

Long Aotian is already dead, and people cannot be resurrected from death. Although the island owner and the great elder are angry in their hearts, they are helpless. They can't figure it out. How can there be such a huge gap between the two being strong in the holy realm?

"Ahem, two elders, if you have any grievances, you can settle them privately. Now that the ring has not been decided, can we continue?"

On the seat on the high platform, the elder of Baihuamen got up and said cheerfully.

He is very happy now, Long Aotian died, the rampant shady scene came to an abrupt end, only Han Bubu and Su Yunbing were left in the ring, his precious apprentice's strength was unfathomable, just waiting for him to win the first place in the competition in one fell swoop One, his Baihuamen can logically put pressure on Ice Dragon Island.

"Well, let's continue the competition."

In the arena.

Su Yunbing raised the sledgehammer high, and stared at him, "How to hit?"

"What do you think, Senior Sister?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"Let me enjoy myself, and I will step down and admit defeat."

Su Yunbing said lightly, it was hard to get into the ring, and a militant like her doesn't want to get out easily, she wants to try this little junior brother's skills.

"I see."

Li Xiaobai waved the long sword in his hand, with a solemn expression, "Let the horse come!"

"Hammer you!"

The golden sledgehammer manifested again, tigers roared and dragons roared in the void, and the terrifying aura came crashing down, heading straight for Li Xiaobai's eyebrows.

Attribute points + 5 million...

Attribute points + 6 million...

Attribute points +7 million...

The sledgehammer slammed into his body heavily, and the attribute points on the system panel were soaring. The strength of this senior sister has far surpassed that of the Heavenly Wonderland, and the damage dealt has also broken through the upper limit that the Heavenly Wonderland should have. See The strength and cultivation base should be one foot into the semi-holy realm.

What is lacking is an opportunity to comprehend the power of the domain. If one can comprehend the power of the domain, one can step into the semi-holy realm in an instant.


"As expected, I was not mistaken, your physical body is very problematic!"

Su Yunbing's eyes were fixed, and she was shocked when she saw Li Xiaobai's unscathed appearance. So far, she has never met a monk in the same level who can resist her blow head-on, but in front of her This little junior brother can defend against it with only his physical body, which can be called terrifying.

In terms of physical strength, it is far above the Dragon Clan.

It is slightly similar to the ten ways of the heavens performed by the senior just now, they are all the same terrifying flesh.

"Senior Sister is really merciless when she strikes, aren't you afraid that I'll knock you down with a single blow?"

Li Xiaobai said indifferently, the backhand was a slash with the strength of the sword, and a shocking sword light shot up into the sky, piercing the sky and slashing towards Su Yunbing.


Su Yunbing held the hammer in both hands, and smashed the future offender's sword light into pieces. Before the hammer arrived, the terrifying power had already compressed the space and twisted it a little. Before the sword energy approached, it was already smashed, and the hammer fell down again.

"Hammer again!"

Attribute points +8 million...

Li Xiaobai stuffed a few Heavenly Fragrance Renewing Life Pills into his mouth, this level of attribute point damage was already a bit close to the limit that the defense could bear.

"Cut again!"

Li Xiaobai brandished the long sword in his hand, and a burst of sword energy shot out, slashing straight at Su Yunbing's neck.


Su Yunbing swung the sledgehammer in his hand again, wiping out the sword energy casually.

The arena was full of smoke and dust again, Li Xiaobai swung his long sword in his hand, and sword qi slashed out, slashing straight at Su Yunbing, each sword light was stronger than the sword qi that killed Long Aotian just now.

Su Yunbing's anger also seemed to be rising. He swung the huge hammer in his hand, and the huge hammer danced so airtight that it seemed to have no weight in his hand. He was extremely dexterous and smashed all the overwhelming sharp sword lights into powder. Gone with the wind.

"watch out!"

Li Xiaobai yelled, the movement of his hands remained unabated, and the sword light was cut out more quickly, as if he was attacking and breaking through Su Yunbing's defense. He didn't plan to use other tricks. vigilance.

Anyway, this is a counterfeit game, and the sword glow is enough.

Su Yunbing's expression was indifferent, she didn't show the slightest panic or discomfort in the face of the sky full of sword blades, her extraordinary fighting instinct was her talent, and she swung the giant hammer in an orderly manner, and in the future, she would hit all of them with a lot of sword energy. Shattered, the golden light of the giant hammer in his hand flourished, and violent golden power swept and bombarded Li Xiaobai frantically.

"I chop, I chop, I chop!"

"I hammer, I hammer, I hammer!"

The two slashed and slashed at each other, as if they had no other moves in their eyes except confrontation. All of a sudden, everyone saw the terrifying confrontation move of the two on the stage. On the left, Li Xiaobai swung the long sword in his hand, and sword lights swept across. On the right, Su Yun's ice-gold hammer shadow exudes a monstrous fighting spirit, one hammer after another, filled with terror, the offensives of both sides are terrifying and abnormal, the weapons and attack methods are different, but there is one thing that is not the same, that It's just that the tricks between each other have no effect.

Li Xiaobai's sword light is very sharp, there is no doubt about it, if he hits Su Yunbing directly, he will definitely hurt the opponent, but he just doesn't like it, the golden giant hammer seems to be alive and can be predicted in advance, every time Being able to block the only way that Jianmang must pass in advance, wipe out his offensive one by one.

Su Yunbing's hammer is even more terrifying than the sword light, but facing Li Xiaobai who has the blessing of the system, there is nothing he can do, and he can't beat him at all.

This kind of confrontation is like playing, and the power of immortality is swayed wantonly like it doesn't cost money, and everyone watching is dumbfounded for a while.

The offensive of these two people at this moment is not to mention facing each other, even if one of the swords or one of the hammers is intercepted casually, it is not something that their disciples can resist. Many Tianjiao in the field feel a chill , Thinking that they had actually competed with such a terrifying monster on the same stage, I felt a burst of fear in my heart.

This thing is not something humans can deal with at all, only monsters can deal with monsters, Su Yunbing is a monster, and that cold is also a monster!

"I never imagined that the Heavenly Wonderland could do this."

"Yeah, the performance of these two people is enough to refresh the entire Zhongyuan Realm's understanding of monks in the Heavenly Wonderland. They have raised the upper limit of the Heavenly Wonderland again. This kind of terrifying strength has far surpassed that of you and my disciples. If you don't know I'm afraid I thought it was two half-holy monks fighting for the first time!"

"Ice Dragon Island has done a good thing. Today's battle is enough to be included in the history books and biographies for future generations to reference!"

"God bless my Hundred Flowers Sect, except for such a genius disciple, I deserve my name in the history of Hundred Flowers Sect!"

The elders of the various sects looked at the fierce battle on the ring with different expressions. Although this battle was just a battle between two juniors in the fairyland, this battle was enough to become the talk of many geniuses after dinner. There is no other reason. After seeing the real Heavenly Wonderland, a genius has really taken the previous realm of Heavenly Wonderland to the extreme. It is not the Great Perfection of Heavenly Wonderland as they usually say, but a deeper realm.

Because of the appearance of this battle, the realm of Heavenly Wonderland might need to be divided into another layer of small realms.

Seeing the two of them confronting each other crazily, with fierce flames, the monks couldn't help but frown, and broke into a cold sweat because of the two of them. A confrontation of this level would turn the entire arena into minced meat. Chances cannot be overestimated, if a young talent leaves the stage at this moment, he will be smashed into a puddle of flesh and blood by the crazily sweeping energy in an instant, there is absolutely no second possibility.

Feeling the aftermath spreading from the arena, many Tianjiao's complexions turned pale, and they took a few steps back without a trace.

It's too scary, is this the confrontation between the real top talents?

"Damn it, when did my junior become so strong?"

Liu Jinshui's eyes widened in disbelief, as if meeting him for the first time.

"Junior brother's body is not bad, I didn't expect that the old seventh among the few people is now at the forefront, very good at it!"

Ye Wushuang covered her face and chuckled, she was happy that her junior brother could rise up.

"By the way, it looks like you, the sixth son, spent the longest time with your junior brother. Are you surprised?"

Yang Chen glanced at Liu Jinshui and said calmly.

"What the hell am I..."

Liu Jinshui is at a loss for words, it is true that he and Li Xiaobai often stay together, but they are either cheating or cheating each other. I thought this little junior was still the old seventh who needed his care, but he was so strong. There is a feeling of being betrayed.

It was agreed to cheat together at the beginning, but now you leave your brother far away and run alone. After all, he paid by mistake.

"They stopped!"

"Oops, senior sister has to be serious!"

Ling Feng suddenly pointed to the ring and said.

Above, Li Xiaobai and Su Yunbing seemed to have finally confirmed that their offensive was indeed ineffective against each other, and they stopped the offensive at the same time.

Li Xiaobai grinned and said, "Sister, are you cool?"

A frenzy flashed across Su Yunbing's face, "Little brother is very strong. Ordinary hammering techniques won't work for you. I don't know how many moves you can block with my senior sister's magical powers?"

Li Xiaobai said, "Sister, do you remember that we agreed to play fake matches?"

Su Yunbing nodded, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, "Of course I remember it, don't worry, junior brother, let senior sister hammer twice first, and then senior sister will end."

"Just now the sixth brother said, let's play for a while, there are still many monks present who have not entered the game."

"Since we are in the ring and shoulder the heavy responsibility of trading, we naturally have to be dedicated to our work, so that the audience can enjoy watching, so that they can feel at ease. This move is not for you and me, but for the sake of the people of the world."

Su Yun said with a calm face and heartbeat.

"If this is the sentiment, we are in the same realm!"

"Senior sister is troubled, please!"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and glanced out of the corner of his eye. In the audience seats, he could vaguely see a fat figure running around. Just as the senior sister said, the sixth senior brother is doing his best to end the competition. It needs to be a little more intense.

As soon as the words fell, the golden fighting spirit in front of him materialized, suppressing the audience like a mountain roar and a tsunami, and before he could react, the golden giant hammer once again burst into bright light, and the mysterious and ancient totem manifested, twisting and forming in the void Made a broken word.

"Ah Wei's Eighteen Forms, Hammer Break!"

Su Yunbing let out a yell, and swooped down into a red lightning with force under his feet, and the giant hammer in his hand turned into a flash of light and smashed hard on Li Xiaobai's chest.

Everything happened between lightning and flint. Her speed was so fast that Li Xiaobai was blown away before Li Xiaobai could react. A huge force came from her feet off the ground, and her figure flew upside down and hit the ground. Overcome the restriction set by the island owner and the great elder, and then fell to the edge of the ring.


"Fucking senior sister, you are serious!"

Li Xiaobai spat out a mouthful of blood, and quickly took out a few Tianxiang life extension pills to quickly recover from his injuries.

The hammer just now completely exceeded the attribute point offensive that a cultivator in the Heavenly Wonderland should have, and broke the defense a little.

Attribute points + 10 million...

Is this the strength of the elder sister's serious shot? This is no longer a fairyland. It has reached the attribute points that a half-sage can create. Although it only touched the corner of a half-sage, it still leaves the monks of the fairyland far away. behind.


"Can you prevent this?"

"Little brother, you have also stepped into the semi-sacred realm with one foot?"

"But why can't you feel the power of immortality on your body? Is this some kind of special secret method?"

Su Yunbing snorted slightly, she was completely shocked at this moment, Awei Eighteen Forms was a hammering method given to her by a mysterious strongman, the man called himself Awei, a total of eighteen hammers, each hammer It is tyrannical, let alone a monk in the fairyland, even a semi-sage would not dare to take it empty-handed.

She once sparred with a half-sage from Baihuamen, and the other party suppressed his cultivation in the fairyland, and she forcibly cut off a hand with a hammer, and it took a long time for him to fully recover. Eight Forms can basically be over when she uses the first hammer.

But Li Xiaobai just vomited blood, it didn't hurt, and he recovered quickly after taking the pill!

"Senior sister, go down, if you don't go down, the younger brother will get serious."

Li Xiaobai breathed out a turbid breath and said, if she uses a 100% empty-handed catch, the senior sister will lose face.

"Take me another hammer!"

"Ahwei's Eighteen Forms, Hammer Explosion!"

Su Yun gave a cold cry, and the golden sledgehammer in his hand suddenly exploded, bursting inch by inch, and a wave of horrifying energy exploded, turning into a column of air and pressing down on Li Xiaobai.

Before the hammer arrived, the terrifying breath had already shattered the clothes on Li Xiaobai's body.


"Exploding Clothes!"

Li Xiaobai also scolded angrily, his body trembled, and the few strips of cloth left on his body completely fell off, revealing his hard-covered and strong upper body. At this moment, he felt that the terrifying hammer in front of him seemed not so scary.

Attribute points + 12 million...

Letting the explosive hammer hit his chest, he remained motionless, and the values ​​on the system attribute point panel soared all the way, Li Xiaobai remained unscathed.

The Clothes Exploding Art is activated, and the defense power is doubled, completely blocking Su Yunbing's attack.

The golden fragments that exploded in the void condensed and gathered, turned into a sledgehammer and flew back to Su Yunbing's hand, looking at Li Xiaobai who was still unharmed in front of him, he couldn't help blinking.

White and naked.

The atmosphere in the arena suddenly became strangely quiet.

Su Yunbing scratched his butt, took out a crumpled talisman from nowhere, turned his head to look at the monks who were in a daze in the auditorium, and grinned.

"I don't want to fight anymore, hide and hide!"

"I escape!"

The crumpled talisman paper burned, and the woman in the red dress on the ring flashed a golden glow, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. When she looked again, she appeared in the audience with a calm face, her face full of calmness.

The valley was silent.

The monks stared blankly at the naked Li Xiaobai on the ring, and then turned their heads to look at Su Yunbing, who looked like a normal person. After a while, they became furious.

"The grass-mud horse is playing fake matches again!"

"I bought a watch last year!"

"Heavenly Fiend's Li Xiaobai doesn't want Bilian, and actually used the trick of undressing to disgust the fairy, forcing the other party to step down, are you still human!"

"Bright day and night, you actually take off your clothes, it's shameless, bad habit!"

"Labor and management stop playing, rn refund the money!"

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