Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1137 One Mouthful, One Child

This kind of hidden weapon is called the blowing needle, and it has been refined into a magic weapon, which is very suitable for assassination.

The smoke pipe protruding in is the launcher, and someone controls the other end, and the assassination is carried out by listening to the voice.

Facing assassinations at the semi-holy level, cultivators in the Celestial Realm are far from enough to watch. Just now, the needle is wrapped in the power of extreme yin, and the cultivator in the Celestial Realm will turn into an ice sculpture in an instant when it comes into contact with it. If it enters the body, it will freeze The meridian dantian became a disabled person and died in the severe cold.

After one needle, the pipe began to shake, as if looking for the next target.

Seeing this, he carried the basket and walked around the room in a very cooperative manner, with the rustling of his footsteps.


Another silver needle was shot out, and it was precisely inserted into his mouth and swallowed.

As the basket continued to move inside the house, the silver needles outside the house flew out one by one and were swallowed by it one by one.

The brothers and sisters in the room did not dare to move rashly, they all stopped and watched the performance of the old man, the more they watched the battle, the more frightened they became, the power of the heavens and ten dao was too strong, as if everything could be swallowed, flying shots outside the room All the hidden weapons and magic weapons that came in were chewed up.

Li Xiaobai noticed that the skin folds on the body surface of the basket were faintly reduced, and the body was also a bit stronger, of course only a bit.

It seems that as the number of magic weapons swallowed increases, this old man is also recovering his strength. If he swallows enough magic weapons, he may be able to return to his peak state, right?

The silver needles are still sprayed one after another, raining pear blossoms.

After a few breaths, the pipe stopped attacking and slowly retracted from the door.

At the same time, a voice came from outside the house, "Elder Chen's silent flying needle is still as sharp as ever. If you talk about assassination, no one in the entire Ice Dragon Island may be able to match it!"

"Hehe, Elder Wang is absurd. It is important for us to get on with business. The juniors inside have some tricks and avoided a lot of flying needles from the old man, but they are still too tender after all. Take it easily and bring his body back, Great Elder will reward us."

said another.


The door was gently pushed open, and several figures slowly walked into the room. A total of several people bumped into Li Xiaobai and others, and they couldn't help being stunned.

At this moment, the juniors in this room are intact, still alive and kicking, staring at them!

"What the hell am I..."

"what happened?"

"How could you be unscathed, where did the old man's flying needle go?"

The face of an old man in the lead changed, and he seemed a little flustered. He was a little too big, and he was directly seen without a mask to cover his mouth and nose.


"How many of you are here to kill me?"

"That's it?"

Li Xiaobai is also very speechless, at this level, he still learns to kill others!

"I didn't expect you to have some tricks. It doesn't matter. It's better to catch you alive. I will take you back directly, so that you can bear the anger of the great elder!"

Elder Chen's eyes were fierce, and he stretched out a hand to grab Li Xiaobai.

"Gah, you dare to do something in front of this old man, you are very courageous!"

"Die to my father!"

As soon as he lifted the basket, he was furious, went up and slapped Elder Chen on the face, and directly rotated his head 360 degrees on the spot, blood sprayed, and the old head was directly slapped off. The corpse was sprayed with blood and fell to the ground.


A large number of resources exploded, covering the entire room in an instant, the jewels flowed, and the splendor illuminated the night.

A living semi-holy strong man was slapped to death just like that, and he was slapped to death in such a weird and bloody way.

The head rotated 360 degrees and broke off, anyone who saw it would be horrified.

"Eh...why can't help hitting?"

"I still want to keep him alive for torture. Are the current monks so weak?"

As soon as he picked up the basket, he muttered in a daze, he didn't expect this guy to slap him so hard, he slapped him to death.

"It's you!"

The remaining six semi-holy monks saw the scene in front of them with their pupils shrinking and their hairs standing on end. They didn't notice just now that besides a few Tianjiao, there were two old men in the corner. The master who instantly killed the sea clan monk in the arena!

This person is also in this cold room?

"What are you here for? If I tell you the truth, I can leave you with a whole body."

Yan Zuzi closed the door gently, and said lightly.

"Ming people don't talk dark words. It seems that you have come prepared, and you have already guessed it. Regarding today's results in the ring, both the island owner and the elder are very unhappy, especially the elder. You killed his most beloved disciple, and also ruined the first genius of Ice Dragon Island, you must die for life!"

"It's useless even if you kill me here, you can't get out of Ice Dragon Island!"

Among them, an old man said with a grim expression.

"So, you know the inside story?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Tomorrow you will know that you will die here, including the two seniors. This junior advises you not to go into this muddy water, otherwise, I'm afraid you will put yourself in it."

The old man said coldly.

"Noisy, no one has dared to threaten the old man before, it is really ignorant and fearless!"

A trace of hostility flashed across Yan Zuzi's face, and with a wave of his hand, a giant furry claw suddenly stretched out in the darkness, and grabbed the old man. After a creepy chewing sound, another wave of jewels erupted in the room , the fate of the old man is self-evident.

Everyone was terrified, but this person's method seemed to be even more weird. There was nothing in the corner of the room, and no one knew where the furry claw came from just now.

But there is no doubt that the old man was eaten just now.

"Don't panic, it's a puppet creature that I refined in the early years, and it's more than enough to deal with these semi-holy beings."

"Answer this Mr. Han's question honestly, otherwise, I will let my cute pets eat you one by one!"

Yan Zuzi said.

The remaining five old men looked at each other, and the dantian erupted with power at the same time, and the terrifying power of immortality swept across, and several of them rushed towards different directions at the same time.

"Want to run?"

As soon as he lifted the basket and scolded him angrily, he would try to catch up with his feet.

"Wait a minute, Lord Lan made too much noise, I'll do it."

Yan Zuzi stopped the basket, and there was a soft rustling sound from a dark corner, and a huge black shadow suddenly sprang out, turning into a black lightning bolt in the dark night, running through the void like catching flies. No one quickly grabbed into his arms.

It was an ape with black hair all over its body. Its claws were like steel, grabbing a group of elders and stuffing them into its mouth indiscriminately.

Swallowing it into the stomach one by one, and started to eat it, all kinds of precious resources burst out in the void, the jewels flowed, and most of them were eaten in an instant with the opening of the mouth.

"Keep one, don't eat it all."

Yan Zuzi said, the black shadow seemed to be a little reluctant, keeping Ha Lazi staring at the only remaining old man for a long time, then he staggered to put it down, then twisted his body, and disappeared into the darkness .

"What now?"

"Still stubborn?"

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