Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1144: The Great Elder's Conspiracy

"Wait a little longer, maybe Xue'er is at a critical stage, and maybe my confidant doesn't dare to disturb, let's wait a little longer."

The Great Elder reassured.


"This special brew is a tactic to delay the attack!"

"What have you done to Madam, you old clapper, don't force me to do it, I'd be afraid even of myself if I got into a fight!"

Li Xiaobai was furious, feeling like he was being tricked.

Something must have gone wrong with Long Xue, and the island owner didn't even know about it. The Great Elder was planning something in the dark, so he must have no good intentions.

"I'll go there myself!"

The island owner stood up, narrowing his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of danger.

This great elder is rebellious!

"Island owner, stay safe and don't be impatient, my people will be back soon."

The Great Elder grabbed her arm, and a mighty force came, intending to imprison the island owner.


"I knew you had a problem. After Long Aotian died, your behavior was extremely abnormal!"

"What did you do to my precious apprentice?"

The island owner slapped the Great Elder away with a backhand slap, her beautiful eyes were burning with anger, she could be sure that the Great Elder was just delaying time, something happened to her precious apprentice!

"Be good, I feel like I can't keep up with the rhythm!"

"What type of situation is this?"

He scratched his head as soon as he lifted the basket, didn't the island owner and the great elder wear a pair of pants, why did their own people fight with their own people all of a sudden?

"Something happened to the younger brother and sister, and the Great Elder did something secretly, and the island owner doesn't seem to know about it."

Ye Wushuang quickly explained that she understood well, but it didn't solve the problem.

"This matter can't be resolved. Long Xue's situation is uncertain, and we have to resort to some extraordinary measures. Please help me, senior."

Li Xiaobai called up the system mall interface.

A wave of direct anger smashed 200 million, 100 million bought half-Godzilla, and 100 million bought the artifact Dinghaishenzhen.

"The villain helps Godzilla, please fight!"


The roar shook people's hearts, asking for others is better than asking for oneself, I have to wait until the Ice Dragon Island takes the initiative to hand over Longxue, I don't know how to wait until the year of the monkey, and let Godzilla flatten the island to find Longxue.

A gigantic figure descended from the sky, with two short hands across its chest, holding a black fire stick and waving it non-stop.

The six hidden saint-level powerhouses have not yet appeared, and it is not yet time to use their unique skills at the bottom of the box.

As soon as Godzilla came out, the audience was silent. The boss's appearance was so shocking that it made people dizzy. They had never seen such a giant steel beast before. It was hundreds of meters tall, towering above the sky, and covered in ashes. The scale armor is made of poured steel, and there are strands of red flames trailing from a long tail.

What kind of monster is this?

Villains help Godzilla?

There are all human races, dragon races, and monsters. What else does this villain gang not have?

After today, they will have a new understanding of this wicked gang, and they will also have a new understanding of the mysterious leader Li Xiaobai.

After this battle, even if Li Xiaobai did not show up, he would be promoted to the altar and become the first person of the younger generation.

"Looking at the performance of the island master and the great elder, there seems to be something else hidden about this matter. Since the two of you are unwilling to say more, then I will be rude. My villain gang will find out my wife myself!"

Li Xiaobai waved his big hand, and the giant Godzilla beside him walked forward with big strides, and his two short hands kept waving the Dinghaishen needle in his hand.

"You bastard, Ice Dragon Island is an important place for dragons, how can you play like you?"

On the ground, the Great Elder got up with a hostile face, his body was illusory, and he came to Godzilla, and he popped out a hand to kill this terrifying monster. His plan is in progress and is in a critical period , must not be disturbed by external forces.

At this time, a hand also protruded from the void, grasped his palm full of killer moves, and with a light shake, dissipated the power of immortality condensed in the palm.

Walking from the void with a basket in hand, the body turned from void to solid, and forcefully pulled the Great Elder out of the void with force in his hands. This is a sign exclusive to the strong in the holy realm. It seems a little weak to deal with monks of the same level with one move.

"You are indeed a saint!"

"Are you also a member of the villain's gang? Where are you from, and why are you staring at me, Ice Dragon Island?"

The Great Elder was frightened and angry, facing a basket, he was not sure of victory.

"The old man has acted all his life, why do he need to explain to others."

"After all, it has just come out, and the power has not yet recovered, otherwise, if you light up a soul lamp like you, you can easily explode it."

As soon as he mentioned it, he said with disdain in his eyes, and as soon as he shook hands, he had already figured out the great elder of Ice Dragon Island in front of him.


The Great Elder was shocked, he just shook hands and the other party judged that he only lit one soul lamp. Could it be that the other party is a master of two lamps?

That is a cultivation level comparable to that of Beichenfeng and Xiaolaodi, the top saint realm powerhouses, and even the current island owner is still one step away from the two lamps.

"What are you, stay here honestly, find that girl, and I will leave later."

As soon as he lifted the basket, he said casually, holding the other party's wrist tightly in his hand.

On the stone pillar, the island owner took advantage of the fact that the elder was being held back, and flew away. She wanted to see for herself what was wrong with her precious apprentice, and why the elder kept evasive.

But the body flew not far away, and it flew back quite naturally. This feeling was like a frightened feather swaying in the wind, and an old man in fluttering white clothes flew back together, with one hand on her chest. Shoulder, landed steadily.

"Little girl, don't be too anxious. When Godzilla finds her, the old man and others will leave. Before that, please stay calm."

Yan Zuzi laughed and said, his tone was easy-going, as if he was just chatting casually with people.


"You are also a saint!"

A turbulent wave arose in the island owner's heart, and a series of two saintly strong men sneaked into her territory, and even brought a so-called million-dollar army to make trouble.

And the strength of the old man in front of him seems to be higher than hers.

"This is natural, it's just a mere holy realm, and it's not a great realm, so don't make a fuss."

Yan Zuzi said with a smile.

All the two saints on Ice Dragon Island were held back, and the remaining half-sacred elders were still immersed in the fear just now, and did not dare to act rashly. Just now, the wicked gang only sent three people to hold them back in such a short time Dozens of semi-saints, what if they attack in groups?

The arena was very quiet, only the sound of thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, was the sound of Godzilla's steps, like thunder, and before he knew it, Godzilla had already reached the core of the island.

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