Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1151 Although There Is No Dragon Blood, There Is A Dragon Soul

"What about invincible?"

"That's it?"

Li Xiaobai scolded his mother in his heart, this Yan Zuzi is not a little tricky, your so-called invincible feelings are just illusions created by relying on the strength of the soul, and they are easily seen through by the blood.

At this moment, all the holy realms around him were entangled by the other party. The little monk in the fairyland of his day was in a state of isolation and helplessness, his wrist was turned, and he quietly pinched a thousand-mile forward talisman.

"There is no need to waste effort, this void has long been suppressed, and any evasion techniques and teleportation talismans are ineffective."

"When you beheaded my precious apprentice in the arena, you should have already thought of this day!"

"And you, the Tianjiao of Baihuamen died in the melee of the strong in the Holy Realm. Presumably no one will care about it afterwards. Killing my disciple and despising my dragon clan will cost you in blood!"

As if seeing through Li Xiaobai's tricks, Lin Bei said with a sinister smile.

Now there are only him and Li Xiaobai left in the field, and there are no other people in the way, so he can deal with each other well.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, in the core area of ​​the island, a skinny old man was staring at him thousands of miles away.

at the same time.

In the core area of ​​the island, a skinny old man and two enchanting women were kneeling in front of a mausoleum.

This is the cemetery on the island, where the second elder is paying homage to the old island owner. From last night until now, he has poured out all his complaints over the years, and the anger in his stomach has also been aroused.

In front of his eyes was an inscription, on which were written a few large characters, the owner of Ice Dragon Island, the stele of the dragon in the sky!

This is the last island owner and the name of the old island owner he followed.

"Ever since the old man was brought to the island by his master, there has never been such a chaos in his memory. The disciples of the disciples led the wolves into the house, and the people on the island were exhausted and tried to use the hands of outsiders to drag the thieves. Ice Dragon Island has never suffered. Such a shame."

"It's a pity, after all, you didn't live to my age before you died. This servant of the old man has now become the patron saint of the island. It's really ironic."

The second elder knelt in front of the inscription, speaking word by word, as if he was talking to someone, but no one responded, only he could hear himself muttering there.

"Memories can't be erased, they will only accumulate slowly. The old man understands the truth. Time brings you to the table, but the bet is yourself. This whole life, the old man has been by the old master's side. I dare not be contemptuous for a moment. You burn , I burn you into ashes with you. When you go out, I accompany you to lower the dust. When you are born, I accompany you on foot. When you are silent, I accompany you without saying a word. When you laugh, I accompany you to roar mountains and seas. You grow old , I accompany you in devastation. You escape, I accompany you into the night. You leave, but the old man can only wait in the long years."

"If you had passed on the position of the island owner to me, the island would not be what it is now. Unfortunately, you are too stubborn and obsessed with my identity as a human race. You always treat me as a side branch. Only the orthodox dragon blood can do it. But you are in charge of the island. In order to serve the Dragon Clan, I was cut off by you, the old master. Now that you die, the benefits will be taken by your Dragon Clan heirs. If there is a problem, I will let the old man take care of it. This is to make the old man work for the Dragon Clan forever Not a slave?"

"Xiaohong, Xiaolu, tell me, this battle, will the old man go or not?"

The second elder knelt on the ground, with no joy or sorrow on his face, and asked lightly.

"Returning to the master, the slave knows that his status is low, so he dare not speak nonsense."

Xiaohong lowered her head and said softly.

"Well, I don't dare to speak nonsense. When I followed the old island owner, he asked me a similar question. Your answer is the same as the old man!"

"This time I pardon you and others, let me speak freely!"

The second elder said slowly.

"Since the master is magnanimous, I will forgive this slave for being daring. This three-party melee on the island, it is difficult to distinguish the superior for a while. The slave thinks that the master might as well wait until everyone is hurt, and take down all the holy monks on the island in one fell swoop. In order to achieve your eternal supremacy!"

Little red eyes flashed fiercely, and said loudly.

"And you?"

"Returning to the master, but the servant thinks that this should not be the case. There is no doubt that Ice Dragon Island is the foundation of the master. The island cannot be damaged. Anyone who violates Ice Dragon Island should be killed immediately!"

There was also a flash of hostility on Xiaolu's face, and she said viciously.

"The dragon clan has always been proud. Although the old man is a human race, his body has already been contaminated with the dragon soul. If I want to take advantage of the danger to harvest the head, I resist it. Since I want to suppress the invading enemy, I must suppress it forcefully. I can't afford to resist in my heart!"

"Xiaohong, your temperament is quite similar to that of the old man, but you don't understand me as well as Xiaolu. No matter what you do, the old man has always been the number one. Even if you are in the holy land now, you must show my reputation as Zhang Liancheng!"

The second elder said leisurely, "Get up and kill people!"



In the valley.

All sides fought in chaos, the scene was chaotic, Baihuamen Saint Realm masters and Sea Territory Saint Realm cultivators both launched their domains to face Godzilla with all their strength, holding him back and being unable to separate himself. In fact, this Godzilla is terribly lazy. So far, it only took one step, and then it was nailed there like a root, motionless, no matter how fierce the opponent's offensive was, it didn't have many, two small hands slapped randomly, and occasionally a thunderbolt and red lotus fire were fired. However, the two who should have been suppressed and beaten now seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

This prehistoric monster wants to paddle, and Li Xiaobai has no temper. He feels that he can't control this Holy Godzilla. Godzilla in the semi-holy realm has already fully opened his wisdom. Logically speaking, Holy Godzilla should be able to Normal communication is the right thing to do, but it's a pity that this fat man has no intention of opening his mouth at all, and he doesn't have the grandeur to sweep the world at all.

Several battlefields in the sky were separated, the old man of the Golden Knife Sect and the female cultivator of the Holy Land of the Five Poison Sect teamed up to hold a basket, one attacked fiercely with swordsmanship, the other delayed with viciousness, one light and one dark, one bar and one kneading, and the kite was dropped The traditional way of fighting made it very troublesome for him to lift the basket, and his strength has not recovered. At this moment, he is fighting completely with his body, and he feels very uncomfortable being constantly being kited.

The island owner and Yan Zuzi are both on the other two sides of the battlefield, and they are held back by a strong man in the holy realm, and it is difficult to get out.

On the ring below, only Li Xiaobai and his group were left to confront Lin Bei, a strong man in the holy realm, like fish on a chopping board and lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Start with you and kill my disciple, it won't let you die so happily, abolish your cultivation, and then drain the blood of this girl in front of you, I want to see, what will happen to you?" Vice look!"

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