Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1154: The Abyss Of Huangquan Biluo


Lin Bei and the six took advantage of their blood ties to the second elder, and instantly appeared in the center of the ring as afterimages, flicking their fingers towards Li Xiaobai's forehead.

But in the blink of an eye, that strange feeling reappeared. The old man of Jindaomen who was closest to Li Xiaobai disappeared instantly, and appeared in front of Xueyuan who was attacking with all his strength. Mahamudra knocked it to the ground, vomited blood, and flew upside down.

The second elder carried a crutch with a dragon's head on his back, and appeared in the center of the arena like a stroll in the courtyard. It was strange and inexplicable. No one saw when he came, and he changed places with others at will.

"Great teleportation!"

Without waiting for a few people to react, his figure disappeared again, dodging wildly in the arena, constantly switching places with the strong in the holy realm, and the few people were completely in a state of confusion. They wanted to run, but after running for a while, they found that they were in the same place again. Going back to the original point, I wanted to kill Li Xiaobai and take Long Xue back, but whenever I got close to the opponent, my body changed direction and position to attack each other without warning.

Mentality collapsed.

How can I fight this?

No matter how you run, you will be replaced. If you want to attack and kill someone, you can change their position and let their own people beat their own people. What kind of evil technique is this, and there is such a method among the dragon clan?


"Great teleportation, what kind of exercise is this?"

"Among the Dragon Clan, is there such a technique?"

Lin Bei and the others immediately stopped their movements, not daring to act rashly. Just now, the old man of Jindaomen wanted to forcefully kill Li Xiaobai, he slashed out, and the next second, he was placed in front of the woman from the Five Poison Sect, so that he was not seriously injured. .

"In front of the old man, don't think about making small moves. The old man's talk about hanging and beating is not groundless."

Holding a cane, the Second Elder just stood defenseless among the six strong men in the holy realm, pacing slowly, with a calm expression on his face, but none of the six dared to make a move. Dare to act rashly.

"Zhang Liancheng, I know your secret. You are not a dragon cultivator at all. You are a human race, a dead eunuch. You were castrated when you served the previous generation of island masters!"

"Having been hiding on the island, it must be because you have a grudge against the old island owner, and then you are full of hatred for the entire island. You want to take revenge deliberately, don't you!"

"No wonder you haven't done anything for so many years. Even if you are provoked occasionally, you just retaliate verbally. You are not a dragon at all in your feelings. You are afraid that what you do by yourself is not a dragon technique, and your true identity will be discovered by others, right?"

There was fear in Lin Bei's eyes, and he said a little frantically.

He knew that the other party did not have the power of the dragon blood, but was a human race through and through, and he was the kind who was cast aside by others because of his incomplete body and stubborn diseases. Now seeing the evil technique performed by the other party, he was even more convinced in his heart that the other party was not a dragon monk. up.

"So, you are just a frog at the bottom of the well. The old man is indeed a human race, but he has lived on the island for six hundred years, and his every gesture is full of dragon energy, showing the power of the dragon. How can the kung fu performed by the old man come from From other clans, no matter what kind of martial art or supernatural power, as long as it comes from me, it is a dragon clan supernatural power!"

The second elder said indifferently, expressing disdain for Lin Bei's remarks, "You have lured wolves into the house and messed up the island, and in the end I have to let the old man figure it out. It's annoying to watch, I'll kill you first!"

On the crutch with the dragon's head carved in gold inscriptions, there was another phantom of a blue dragon roaring. The dragon swung its tail and struck Lin Bei with divine flames.

"Brother Blood, save me!"

Lin Bei was so frightened that his heart was torn apart, he couldn't bear to resist and shouted.

"How dare!"

"The True Solution of Huangquan Biluo!"

The bloodline screamed, soaring into the sky, carrying countless blood glows and rushing towards the second elder, a terrifying black wave rose, the golden dragon phantom disappeared, the kung fu and supernatural powers lost their breath, and the surroundings became quiet.

In the dark community of unjust souls, tunes from the underworld sounded one after another, haunting the soul and life, reverberating on the entire island. In just a moment, Ice Dragon Island was silent. An unprecedented great sadness, the most painful picture of my life rose in front of my eyes, and I fell into endless pain and remorse, and no one was spared.

Countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts lie in people's ears, telling stories of the weakest in their hearts.

On the ring stage, Su Yunbing and the others also had a hint of bewilderment in their eyes. They stood there in a daze and did not move, immersed in the melodious and sad tune. Only Li Xiaobai and several saints The monk is still awake, he has a system around him, which can isolate all negative states on the spiritual level.

This Huangquanbiluo supernatural power is somewhat similar to Yan Zuzi's previous bluffing tricks, which are all attacks aimed at the monk's spirit.

"This is an illusion aimed at the soul. It can arouse the most painful understanding in people's hearts. The power of the domain cares about killing the opponent silently. It is such a vicious domain power. When the yellow spring and the blue sky are opened, the island will die without knowing it. How many people!"

Yan Zuzi frowned slightly, this field made him feel a little uncomfortable, a little disgusted.

You must know that they are only bearing the aftermath of the power of the domain, and the second elder, the core figure who was really targeted by this power, must have endured even more unimaginable suffering.

"Let's smoke a few Huazi first to calm the shock."

With his wrist reversed, Li Xiaobai took out a few Huazi and stuffed them into the mouths of several senior brothers and sisters one by one, lit them, and the smoke was lingering. After a few breaths, he woke up and relieved the side effects of the tune.

"This is the method of the strong in the holy realm?"

"A heartbroken song almost left me in the world of memory forever!"

Lin Yin panted heavily, just now he saw the scariest scene in his life, it was the horrible scene he saw when he was soaking in the blood pool in the Blood Demon Sect.

"Yes, I saw myself being flogged and tortured."

Ling Feng also panted and said that it was an unforgettable experience in his memory.

"Gah, I once killed a little girl by mistake, and I just saw her again."

Yang Chen stared, his chest heaving and feeling a little unstable.

Only the elder sister Su Yunbing looked indifferent. In fact, except for her, the faces of the others were not very good-looking.

"Senior sister, what did you see?"

Li Xiaobai asked curiously.

"I saw a lot of mushrooms. I hate mushrooms the most in my life. I just hammered one, and I'm smashing it vigorously!"

Su Yunbing said with a look of disgust on his face.


The few people were suddenly speechless, well, what they saw was the scene they were most unwilling to face in their life, but you were lucky to see only disgusting mushrooms. There is nothing to regret.

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