Twelve stone terracotta warriors burst out of the ground without warning, and stood in front of the people who were fighting. They were uniform in shape, all of them held spears in their left hands and shields in their right hands, exuding a terrifying taboo atmosphere.

These terracotta warriors and horses are covered in mud, and they seem to be carved out of huge stones. If ordinary sculptures have already been reduced to powder, these twelve stone warriors have not been hurt by the attack of the strong in the Holy Land. No scratches left.

"What is this!"

Several holy people on the stage turned pale with shock, especially the old man of the Golden Knife Gate. After close contact, he clearly saw that all the sword lights he had cut were returned, and he was almost injured by his own saber intent.

The blood-colored tentacles, who were in a stalemate with the second elder, were forcibly cut off because of the sudden appearance of the stone figurines.

"The Twelve Gods of the Heavens!"

"The world is a chess game, the world is a chess game, a star-studded chess game!"

Yan Zuzi evolved a formation with both hands, and the arena was instantly covered with stars, with invisible lines criss-crossing across the arena like a chess game. The twelve terracotta warriors swayed and began to rampage on the chessboard. The spears in their hands were like rowing. The sharp blade that pierced the sky pierced straight towards the many holy masters on the ring.

Horror auras raged and collided with each other. At this moment, whether it was the bloodline or other holy masters, they all felt that their feet were a little stiff, as if they were forcibly nailed in place as if they were filled with lead. The terracotta warriors moved irregularly. The collision, the fierce energy interlaced and cut each other, split the entire arena into tiny pieces.

"These are twelve holy puppets!"

"This kind of taboo atmosphere is full of unknowns. Everyone was full of resentment during their lifetime, and their cultivation was not weaker than the two divine fires. Who is that person? Why is there such a level of master in the Zhongyuan world? I have never heard of it before. Pass!"

"Rewind, don't fight these puppets!"

Bloodlines trembled violently, all heaven and twelve gods, the master of the holy realm who played with puppets actually summoned twelve holy realm puppets in one breath, this kind of strength is enough to push any sect power in this world, one person It is equivalent to a legion, and their advantage in numbers is gone.

Who is this man?

I've never seen it, I've never heard of it, could it be that the Evil Gang is really a veteran force?

"Hehe, you can't stop Yan Ye's tricks. These twelve puppets were all monks who ignited two divine fires before they were alive, and only a genius like me can collect them. In the chess game, you are all pawns, but these puppets are chariots and can only be crushed ruthlessly."

Yan Zuzi said cheerfully, with this trace of power in his body, he can barely use some means, but the power is too thin to last long, so it is better to go, and leave the rest of the mess to the second elder named Zhang Liancheng , this old man is so awesome, it's only appropriate to let him take care of himself.

"I won't play with you anymore, the wind is blowing!"

"Boy, prepare to run away!"

The space was shattered, and the restriction that imprisoned the space was cast fell apart. Li Xiaobai concentrated on taking out dozens of talismans in a row, and pasted them on the bodies of several senior brothers and sisters, Wu Chengjue and the second elder respectively. The golden light shone, and the talismans were instantly activated. Everyone on the stage disappeared instantly. without a trace.

The arena was suddenly empty, leaving only the island owner, the second elder, and Godzilla, the holy land, the size of a city.

"Let's go now?"

The island owner's face was dull, Li Xiaobai slipped away with two saintly bosses, wouldn't it be up to them to compete with the super sect masters for the rest?

"Hmph, it's pretty fast, it's the same with or without them, a few people must be abolished today!"

The second elder took out another Huazi without any trace, and pressed it under the tip of his tongue, to resist the invasion of blood energy and domain power at any time.

The puppets on the Xingluo chessboard are still bombarding wildly, constantly sprinting, and the sharp breath of being cut in the air is getting more and more, and they have already firmly blocked the blood relationship and others.


A burst of energy cut through the arm of the old man of the Golden Knife Gate, drawing a line of blood, and then the sharp breath collapsed and dissipated.


The old man looked a little puzzled, and after a little exercise, the injury on his arm recovered in an instant. Weiwei waved the long knife in his hand, and the invisible knife shot out on the chessboard, cutting a huge bottomless gully, and all the people along the way The strength instantly collapsed and fell apart.

Seeing this, the blood veins on the forehead trembled, and instead of avoiding it, they punched the terracotta warriors who were charging head-on.


The stone figurine exploded in an instant, turning into a puddle of powder and falling to the ground.

"It's fake, it's fake again!"

"Only the beginning is true. The means behind that guy are all cover-ups. He has a big problem with his body. There is no strength in his body to support his exercises. We have been deceived again!"

"To be able to deceive all of us, this person has such profound spiritual power!"

The bloodline gritted its teeth, and the same tricks and methods actually deceived him again. The chessboard and the twelve holy puppets were just phantoms made by the old guy, not real summons. It was all the result of the old man's spirit, using blindfolds to confuse them.

The rest of the people also reacted and shot one after another. The twelve stone figurines who seemed to be invincible and invincible were instantly reduced to powder.

"Brother Blood, he's gone!"

"They can't go far, chase after them!"

Crazy killing intent flickered in the eyes of several people, and their bodies turned into a flash of light and were about to leave.


The palm as big as a mountain was slammed down, and Godzilla seemed to be irritated. Several people keenly observed that there were many pink starfish attached to its body, which were constantly expanding and growing, revealing a heavy weight. The majestic aura finally exploded, and this terrifying behemoth was annoyed by the successive explosions on its body, and began to attack Xue Yuan and others frantically.

Lightning flashed and thundered in the void, Godzilla flicked his tail, and the hot flames from day to day reflected the sky, burning half of the sky. In the flames, lightning flashed and thundered, and laser beams burst out from his eyes, continuously hitting the sky. Bloodline et al.

At the same time, the second elder waved a crutch in his hand, and several golden dragons manifested again in the void, sweeping towards them.

"What the hell am I..."

The six people in the arena cursed in their hearts. This terrifying giant animal seemed to be sick. It had been paddling for a long time, but it suddenly exerted strength at this juncture, which was a bit confusing.

Who posted that pink starfish? It's like a shit stick. It's not very harmful, but extremely insulting!


at the same time.

Li Xiaobai, who was thousands of miles away, sneezed and touched his nose, always feeling that someone was scolding him.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, once Pai Daxing blows it up, he won't believe that Godzilla is not popular!"

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