
"When the old man blows you up, you will get more sincerity."

The old beggar was rubbing his teeth, his small eyes were rolling around, and he couldn't stop moving around the black robed man in front of him, as if he was looking for where to start.

"No, no, seniors, don't blame them, it's the juniors and others who offended the seniors!"

"This time, I and the Zongmen came here with sincerity, and I would like to ask the seniors to show their respect. The other monks of the Zongmen and I are waiting outside, and we still need to go back to report!"

Wu Zhi was so frightened that he trembled all over. Although he had many doubts in his heart, his life was hanging by a thread at this moment, and he had no intention of really dying for the sect.

"Are you threatening the old man?"

The old beggar's eyes were not friendly. At this moment, his heart was extremely inflated, and he felt that he was the only one in the sky and the earth. He was invincible wherever he had such endless power!

"It's by the sea, isn't it?"

"Wait until I wipe out all your accomplices, and see what else you can say!"


at the same time.

The eastern continent, the edge of the coast.

A group of monks are waiting here, looking a little bored watching the strong fluctuations above Jianzong.

"Hehe, the sect's guess is indeed correct, the little emperor in the Sword Sect is indeed a fake!"

"That's right, I didn't expect a counterfeit to deceive me into waiting for so long, I deserve to be killed!"

"Wait a little longer, we've already started working inside. The Sect Master of the Sword Sect is a bit troublesome. First, let Wu sign for their shopping. Later, we can just pick up some ready-made ones. There are more than a hundred children, so don't worry!"

The monks said cheerfully, seeming very relaxed. From their point of view, the Sword Sect has already started, which means that Wu Zhi and others have confirmed that the little brother is indeed a counterfeit, and there are no holy monks in the Sword Sect !

Only Ying Diao was more troublesome. This kind of existence with one foot into the holy realm had amazing combat effectiveness, and it was estimated that the battle would have to continue for a while.

This trip is not in vain, as long as they can take away a child, their sect will definitely reward them in every possible way when they go back, and their status will also rise accordingly. Promotions and fortunes all depend on this!


Vaguely, there was a sound of splashing water, which was the sound of sea waves.

A monk frowned slightly, and asked with some doubts, "Did you hear that? What's the sound?"

"It's the sea!"

"A monster is coming!"

"No, it's not a monster, there are people sitting on it!"

Someone with sharp eyes noticed something was wrong on the sea in an instant. At this moment, a scratch visible to the naked eye was galloping towards their position with the wind and waves dragging long waves at an extremely fast speed.

That's...a turtle!

There are still a few figures sitting on the back of the turtle!

Under the surface of the water, there was another person pushing the turtle. His speed was astonishing, and his power was overwhelming, definitely no less than that of a semi-saint.

Everyone is a little confused, what kind of operation is this?

Do the big bosses like to let the semi-holy realm push the monsters in the fairyland forward?

Wouldn't it be good for you to fly with this strength?

The speed of the tortoise shell was so fast that it changed from a small black spot in the distance to a big tortoise close at hand almost in the blink of an eye. When the huge waves came crashing down, everyone backed away again and again, unable to figure out where the other party was coming from. road.

Being able to send semi-holy realm monks to push a cart behind, this person sitting on the back of a tortoise is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Who is this person, and why did he come to the Eastern Continent?"

"Could it be that another sect wants to share a piece of the action?"

"But I remember that there seems to be no sect in that direction. They came from the depths of the sea!"

"By the way, do you feel that the young men and women on the back of the turtle look familiar, and one of them seems to be the newly promoted saintess of my Hundred Flowers Sect!"

"Hiss! Fuck, that dead fat paper belongs to my Golden Knife Sect. This old man recognizes him. He cheated me of 130,000 top-grade immortal stones as soon as he entered the sect. I haven't asked him for it yet!"

The monks whispered to each other, but when they chatted, they realized that something was wrong. This group of young people riding the wind and waves seemed to know each other!

Especially the monks of the super sect, they can often see these arrogant people in the sect. Although the sect has blocked the news, they are still very familiar with each other. At this moment, they saw their disciples coming to the Eastern Continent with a sea turtle They all couldn't help being a little confused, not understanding what happened. Didn't their disciples go to Ice Dragon Island to participate in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives?

Just after thinking for a moment, the monstrous waves have been photographed.

As if the huge turtle didn't see the crowd, it rushed into the crowd as if entering no one's land.

Apart from a group of young men and women on the back of the turtle, there are also two old men who don't know each other and can't tell the difference.

"Yun Bing, stop!"

"The elders are here, don't make mistakes!"

"Didn't you go to Ice Dragon Island? Why did you suddenly come to the Eastern Continent, but what instructions did the sect give?"

An elder he knew immediately stood up and stopped the turtle's charge with his hand.

On the back of the turtle, Su Yunbing and the others glanced at the group of monks indifferently, and there was a strange look in their eyes. These are all senior elders of various sects, and figures in the semi-holy realm. It is definitely not a good thing to squat here at the moment .

"From today onwards, I, Su Yunbing, leave Baihuamen and join the gang of villains. The actions of Baihuamen make the world ashamed, and I disdain to be with you!"

"The same goes for Ye Wushuang. From today onwards, we will leave our respective sects and hope that the elders will let us know when we return."

"Hehe, I don't think they will be able to go back. Now that we have encountered each other, should we clean them up?"

Lin Yin said sadly, now they and the super sect can be said to have new and old grudges, now that the enemies meet, how can there be any reason to let them go easily?

"What are you talking about, leave the sect!"

"Nonsense, bastard, is this a joke you can make?"

"I'll pretend I haven't heard this before, don't say it again in the future!"

The faces of the elders changed when they heard the words. There was no news from the Eastern Continent. In addition, the Ice Dragon Island incident had just happened, so they didn't know the specific situation. At this moment, they were very puzzled by the declaration of their disciples leaving the sect, and became angry.

Li Xiaobai stood up, looked at the nearest old man and asked, "Why do you all come to our Eastern Continent?"

"none of your business!"

"Come down quickly, follow me back to the sect quickly, don't play around!"

The elders looked gloomy, and they didn't take the young people in front of them seriously at all, and said coldly.

As for Yi Tilan and Yan Zuzi, they were automatically classified as semi-holy.

No one would have thought that there were holy masters standing in front of them, and there were two more.

"There seems to be a fight on the island just now, and the aura is someone from the Blood Demon Sect."

Yan Zuzi said slowly.

Li Xiaobai took a sip of Huazi, and breathed out for a while, "Anyway, they are enemies, I didn't expect you to hit the gun yourself, arrest them all!"

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