Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1176 Collecting Protection Fees

On the boat, many monks could only see a big bald man with strong muscles on his upper body, smiling ferociously at them. The big man had a hideous scar on his face, and his upside-down triangular eyes scanned the boat for a week like a poisonous snake, as if scrutinized his prey.

Not to mention anything else, the crime value of 25 million on the head alone is enough to make many people feel like they are sitting on pins and needles. It is obvious that this is a ruthless person who presumably killed There are more people than they have ever seen.

Such a ferocious shape and the wooden box on his back can't help but make people think about it. Many monks on the ship have automatically associated the fierce bald man in front of him with the word murder and dismembered corpses. The box behind it should be Could it be that it is specially used to hold corpses?

"Don't be nervous. My name is Bald Qiang. I'm an upright young man with aspirations. It's what we should do when we see injustice."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

His setting of the human skin mask is rough, bloody, brutal, and not very brainy, which is in line with the image of a diabolical and reckless man. The mask will slightly change the character of the person. He is very satisfied with the effect, even The temperament has changed drastically, and it is impossible for anyone to recognize it.

"Thank you heroes for helping me out, I am so grateful!"

The leading group of young men and women also looked very cautious. They couldn't figure out the reason for the bald man's visit. They cupped their fists and clasped their hands. It was just a few of them who fought and killed the terrifying monster on the sea. Their cultivation bases were not weak. The female cultivator was cultivated in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and the rest of them were in the Earth Immortal Realm. At the moment, their clothes were disheveled and tattered, and they looked very embarrassed.

Although Li Xiaobai is a human being and not a monster, they feel more dangerous in their hearts than the sea monster just now. If this bald man suddenly makes trouble, they may not even have a chance to fight back. They will be killed if they meet each other. The bloody mace was knocked to death.

"Well, how can you be grateful if you just talk about it and don't practice fake moves?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"They are all poor people, how about a million top-grade fairy stones?"

The long-haired female cultivator opened her mouth and said, it looked like she had been on the road all year round, and it was the old rules when she opened her mouth. Hearing Li Xiaobai's words, the royal sister-type female cultivator was also relieved. For the master who wants to kill without saying a word, as long as the other party can open his mouth and make a request, it means that there is still room for negotiation. It is the best way to deal with this kind of money seeking, as long as you give some fairy stones, the big problem can be reduced. No disease and no disaster.

"Where are the beggars sent?"

"Look, our crime is worth one million top-grade immortal stones?"

Li Xiaobai's face darkened, and he pointed to a series of bloody numbers on his forehead and said leisurely.

"Then... three million?"

Hei Changzhi asked tentatively, her heart skipped a beat, what she encountered today was not a good one, and she might bleed profusely.

"I don't embarrass you either. As the saying goes, the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, especially for people like me who practice, if we receive favors from others but show no expression, there will be deep self-blame and guilt in our hearts." , This is quite detrimental to the future cultivation path, how about this, I, Bald Qiang, is willing to escort your cultivation path, and each person only needs to pay one million top-grade immortal stones."

"I have been bald and strong all my life, either doing good deeds or on the road of doing good deeds. Today, I not only eradicated the murderers of the sea clan and saved the lives of a boatload of monks, but also contributed a little bit to the future practice of all comrades, escorting them. It is really a kind deed , you don’t need to be grateful to me, this is what a high-quality young man should do.”

Li Xiaobai stuck the mace in his hand on the deck and said cheerfully.

As soon as these words came out, the ship suddenly fell into a dead silence. Everyone's eyes were straightened, looking at the mace that was full of hooks and still dripping blood, slowly feeling fear in their hearts. After killing a terrifying giant beast, there are still a lot of minced meat hanging on the barb!

The smell of blood drifted into the crowd, like a wolf mixed in with a flock of sheep, releasing an aura of malice and terror.

What did they hear?

That bald-headed man actually wants to take one million top-grade immortal stones from each of them. This is blatant robbery!

The most important thing is that this guy actually talked about stealing money in such a fresh and refined way. You are obviously trying to rape my fairy stone, but he just said that this is to clear away the demons for future practice and escort him. We paid the protection fee Do I have to thank you later?

The leader Hei Changzhi also widened his eyes in horror, staring at Li Xiaobai with a face full of disbelief, one person has one million top-grade fairy stones, ten people are ten million, one hundred people are one hundred million assets, She didn't count how many people were on this boat, but at least there must be hundreds of people. If they all paid protection fees, wouldn't this bald man earn hundreds of millions in one wave?

It's so dark!

"Ahem, senior, I don't intend to offend, but most of the monks on this ship are low-level, and they really can't come up with such a large number of top-grade fairy stones. Can you be accommodating and let me collect them together. Ten million top-grade fairy stones are still possible. .”

Hei Changzhi said with an ugly face, this bald man is a big eater, although it has only been on the boat for three minutes, but he has already seen his greedy behavior at a glance.

"Ten million?"

Li Xiaobai tilted his head, thought for a while, and raised the mace on his shoulders again, "Forget it, I think you are also going to the Blood Demon Sect?"

"Yes, to be honest, most of the people present are going to the Blood Demon Sect to participate in the trials. If I am lucky enough to become a disciple of the Blood Demon Sect in the future, I will definitely be grateful to Senior for his kindness today."

"Those who can go to the Blood Demon Sect to participate in the trial are all young talents. Seniors may wish to leave the name of the sect. I will be grateful to the sect in the future!"

Hei Chang said straightly.

"Then don't blame a certain family for not reminding you. This time I am also going to the Blood Demon Sect to participate in the trial. Maybe we will become opponents because of the selection of the sect. Don't say that I am bald and powerful. Stay alive!"

Li Xiaobai showed his sharp white teeth, and said coldly, all the young people could not help but tremble, their eyes were full of deep fear.

In their view, a master who can kill that sea monster with one move and has 25 million evil points must be at the semi-holy level no matter what. Competing with the opponent, doesn't it mean that they are too slow to die? ?

This is Hong Guoguo's threat. If he doesn't pay the protection fee at this moment, and the Blood Demon Sect will try and be selected, the other party will not be prepared to keep alive.

"How do you think about it? A certain family just said that they will escort your practice path, but it's not just talking. After handing over the fairy stone, I will naturally let you understand what escort is!"

"I...I pay!"

"One million top grade fairy stones, I will also hand in..."

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